The Lake


A gay story: The Lake Story Info I watch two men enjoy each other in the outdoors. 1.1k words Font SizeFont SpacingFont FaceReading ThemeDetect Automatically You need to Log In or Sign Up to have your customization saved in your Literotica profile. PUBLIC BETA Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on … Read more


Lost Lake


A gay story: Lost Lake Chrissy wiped the sweat from her forehead before tucking her blond hair tied in a ponytail through the back of the ballcap and glared down both sides of the branching trail. The Gorge had dozens of hiking trails and she had hiked on most of them over the years. She … Read more


Return to Lake Manitou


A gay story: Return to Lake Manitou “I think I’ll go out on the dance floor,” I said, not waiting for an answer. As I stood, Guy’s hand fell away from my knee where we’d been leaning into stools at the bar at Davey’s Locker roadhouse on North State Route 25, north of the Fulton … Read more