I Blame Basketball Ch. 02

A gay story: I Blame Basketball Ch. 02 Chapter 1: My girlfriend and I share a love for basketball. The newly recruited guy to our local team started exercising in the same health facility I use. I talk to him briefly and then meet him in the sauna. I am impressed by his beautiful organ … Read more

Varsity Players Ch. 03

A gay story: Varsity Players Ch. 03 Varsity Players Ch 03 A Bowl Game, Miami and a Surprise Announcement This is an entirely fictional story. It is set at UPitt, but it could be anywhere. Some of the other places are made-up. Many comments asked for a follow up, so here it is -2 of … Read more

Quarterback by howl803

A gay adult story: Quarterback by howl803 My alarm went off, as loud as ever. I jumped out of my bed, blinded by the early morning light that shined through my bedroom window; I quickly pulled the covers back over my eyes. After a couple of seconds, I slowly slid my comforter off of my … Read more