Sex with Married Guys Ch. 04


A gay story: Sex with Married Guys Ch. 04 My hands and knees dug into the tan comforter on the bed Larry shared each night with his wife. But this was early afternoon, my time with Larry. Sunlight streamed through the blinds on the window, casting horizontal shadows across the pillows. The only garment on … Read more


Policeman Who Enjoys Cum Facials


A gay story: Policeman Who Enjoys Cum Facials I was a policeman when I started exploring my gay side. I was married to an attractive wife who was sexy and we enjoyed sex together. We were both in good shape, attractive and enjoyed a good life. But I wanted more… I started having sexual fantasies … Read more


Legal Self-Realization


A gay story: Legal Self-Realization Steven was the youngest judge ever appointed to the Circuit Court. The job would involve travel to the five outlying counties in the circuit, and that meant he would be away from his beloved Marina for two weeks out of each month. Not optimal for their marriage, but the Circuit … Read more