High School Romance Ch. 08

A gay story: High School Romance Ch. 08 I’d like to say a special thanks to pizzaboyatdoor (even though he told me not to). He is the reason this chapter was completed. **************************** The weather was a little warmer, the sky a little more blue. Green started to show up on the brown expanses. Tiny … Read more

The Summer of My 18th Birthday

A gay story: The Summer of My 18th Birthday This story is a fantasy, nothing more. It’s not real, please don’t leave feedback saying that you can’t believe that this really happened. If you don’t like gay sex or like reading about one man’s sexual fantasies, please don’t leave negative feedback because you were surprised. … Read more

Sentenced to the Church Youth Group

A gay story: Sentenced to the Church Youth Group A tale about Jimmy, a teenager in West Albany, New York circa 1977… **** After barely graduating high school in 1977, I was finally beginning to learn why paying attention in school might have been a good idea, because I had been unable to gain admittance … Read more

Teen High School Locker Room Sex by kerisable2

A gay adult story: Teen High School Locker Room Sex by kerisable2 , The true story of how I lost my virginity aged 15 to my high school boy crush in the locker room showers. This is the true story of how I as I teenager I discovered my true sexuality (bi) with my teen … Read more

High School Friend

A gay story: High School Friend After I graduated from high school, ran around for a year or so, was almost 19 when I came back home and got a job working for a company at night, little to my surprise my companion for the job was also a high school friend, so it made … Read more

SUMMER I TURNED 13: Late Summer by dudeman1893

A gay adult story: SUMMER I TURNED 13: Late Summer by dudeman1893 This is a sequel to SUMMER I TURNED 13. Matt finnishes off the summer right.SUMMER I TURNED 13: Late Summer The last part of the summer had been pretty uneventful. Jeff and I still hung out, and we were more open with each … Read more

High School: Confusion Ch. 04

A gay story: High School: Confusion Ch. 04 *7* Mr. Spectacular was one of the low points of my missions thus far. Yeah it was great having somebody else take the initiative to come to me, but it was horrifying how it literally lasted eight seconds. His lips were so plump and so tender…I can … Read more