our k9 fun

Free gay sex stories: our k9 fun. Author: biguy181. This story is including True Story, Anal, Bestiality Genres. Like a lot of young married couples with kids, Sue stayed at home while I worked, the slight difference with us, was, she often met guys for sex during the day, but when I got home I … Read more

Indian – interracial and a gay threesome

Free gay 18+ stories: Indian – interracial and a gay threesome. Author: ashuanand619. The story is including True Story, Gay, Threesome. Don’t care? Don’t read. For those that care to, it is a mind blowing true story of an interracial threesome in India Free gay 18+ stories: Indian – interracial and a gay threesome Author: … Read more

Ty and Charlie

Gay sex stories: Ty and Charlie. Author: gamer19. The story is including True Story, Boy / Boy, Gay, Romance, Teen Male / Teen Male, Young Genres. This is a true story and I’m writing it mostly to wrap my head around all the thoughts going through my head. A.N. All the events are a first … Read more