Moving in with My Uncle Pt. 02

A gay story: Moving in with My Uncle Pt. 02 After we left the swimming spot that night things between my uncle and I were never the same again, as you’d probably expect. The ride home was silent, I had plenty of time to think about what had happened.. how my uncle used me and … Read more

Cross-Country with My Uncle Ch. 01

A gay story: Cross-Country with My Uncle Ch. 01 My mother married young; I was born when she was only 18. Her younger brother was only 6 when I was born. We lived only three doors away from mom’s folks, and my uncle was like a god to me. When I was 9, he was … Read more

Cross-Country with My Uncle Ch. 06

A gay sex stories: Cross-Country with My Uncle Ch. 06 The next morning, I awoke spooned with my uncle, my back and rear tight against his firm but plush chest and belly, one of his wonderful arms draped around my waist; and my head lay upon the bicep of his other, folded arm. Leaving his … Read more