Connor’s Pretty Horny – Chapter 2.2


Latest gay adult stories: Connor’s Pretty Horny – Chapter 2.2

“Oh, I don’t know. I just really like museums and like really early American stuff.” My face reddened again as I compared this experience to movies about college life. I was sitting at a party, about to strike up a casual discussion about the lost colony of Roanaoke. Please, Henry, save me. Suddenly, I felt Alex’s hand clap down on my shoulder.

“That’s cool. That’s really cool.” I felt like one’s natural instinct in both interest and disinterest is to just say “Cool” – but something about Alex’s tone made me feel like in another setting, on another day, he might actually want to sit down and talk about what I liked in American history.

The conversation lulled for a moment, so I pulled my phone from my pocket and saw another text from David. My dick twitched when I read it out: “Wanting to get together again this weekend? My cock is hard for that mouth.” I actually did want to get together this weekend, but I reminded myself about sounding too desperate and looked back up at Alex. His eyes had clearly been on the message I just read and he smirked, guiltily having been caught in the act.

“Sorry, bad habit of looking over people’s shoulders.” He was sorry – but his tone implied that it was mostly for having been caught. He raised his eyebrows up and down and grinned, “Trying to catch some dick for the weekend?”

I’m sure I turned another, deeper shade of red but tried to roll with it. This was party talk, I guess.

“Uh, yeah, I guess, ha.” It came out awkward but like most things, a small laugh at the end left Alex laughing too.

“I know the feeling. You’re lucky – you’ve got some prospects, clearly.” He laughed but I wondered exactly what he meant by knowing the feeling. He knew the feeling of trying to find some dick for the weekend, or meant sex more broadly? Whatever he meant, I knew my brain was going too fast to enjoy the party and I slammed back another drink. Alex matched my pace and did the same and before long we were pretty deep on the road to getting sloshed.

I spotted tall-as-hell Henry in the crowd finally, he was dancing in the living room with a brunette against the wall. Dancing might be a very loose term for the word even, as he was grinding against her. My cock reacted to the sexual scene, and my brain briefly wondered about whether Henry was hard or not. I couldn’t imagine doing that without getting hard, at least.

Alex broke my reverie, “Is that guy your friend? Or should I say, more than friend?”

“Oh, no. No, just my best friend. Looks like he’s gonna get some tonight.” I snickered, shaking my head. I was starting to feel pretty dizzy but conversation with Alex was easy. We talked about majors some more, about our favorite beers and liquors, and I learned that he was 23 and a sophomore.

“Dude, I gotta take a piss.” He slurred and grabbed at my bare knee to pull himself to his feet, sending an electric signal towards my cock. He was starting to drift, but not too far gone yet and was still fairly pleasantly functional.

“Fuck, me too.” I wasn’t in any great hurry, but before I knew it, Alex had extended his hand to pull me to my feet as well.

“Let’s see if we can find a bathroom.” He grinned and pushed me through the crowd in front of him. We weaved through some noticeably drunk jocks, dodged a stumbling blonde, and seeing a completely packed hallway with girls waiting for the bathroom, decided to venture upstairs for a secondary option.

The upstairs was significantly more calm than the hectic scene downstairs. In a small stairwell sitting room, a couple of hipster looking boys were crowded around a coffee table making quiet conversation. As Alex pushed me forward down the empty hall, I noticed a guy with glasses making out with a girl against the wall and then, finally, a second open bathroom off the hallway.

Alex jokingly bowed and motioned for me to go first, a true gentleman. As I walked into the bathroom, I thought briefly about how bizarre it was that I was even at a party, let alone drunkly wandering the house with a new friend.

I gripped the counter to keep my balance in the small bathroom and rummaged through the fabric of my shorts to pull my fly down. I fished my plump cock out of my blue briefs and let loose a stream before I noticed that Alex hadn’t closed the door and was actually standing next to me, reaching for his own fly.

“Sorry, couldn’t really wait. This feels so middle school or something.” He laughed but didn’t stop pulling his cock out of his slim black underwear. I promise, I tried to keep my eyes on my own dick. I really did, but the drunkenness took over and dragged my vision over to his soft dick.

I tried to stifle a gasp, but this 80’s-looking-motherfucker kind of took my breath away. His dick hung out of his pants and was pleasantly long, probably 5″ soft alone with a nice pink head. He held it loftily between his fingers and pissed. It took every molecule of my willpower from getting instantly hard in that moment. I thought back to David earlier that day and how natural it had felt to just fall to my knees and suck his dick, and as quickly as the thought came to my mind, I ushered it out to stay soft.

As he started to piss, Alex put his arm around my shoulder either for balance or to solidify the truly boyish moment we were sharing. His jeans and underwear had fallen completely to the floor and he was bare assed in the bathroom while I shyly held up my shorts with my free hand. Alex was still giggling while I tried desperately to keep my eyes on my own junk.

“You have a nice piece man.” He whispered quietly, still joking around but with the tiniest edge of seriousness.

I laughed out, “Oh, well thanks. Back at’cha, I guess.” I ribbed him with my elbow as our streams started to die down.

“You think so? I don’t know, it’s just alright if you ask me.” Now, he took his dick in his palm and held it there for me to survey and I could have sworn I saw it swell a little bit, “I mean, you’ve seen better I’m sure.”

I gulped, still holding my own dick between my fingers, “Oh, well, I mean… I don’t know. It’s hard to tell like that.” I threw that last line in wistfully, hoping to drag out this drunken moment as long as physically possible.

“What about now?” He wrapped his fingers around his shaft and gave his cock two quick strokes and it started to lengthen. Another two strokes and his cock was hard, throbbing, and bouncing up and down with his heartbeat. It was a gorgeous cut cock, easily 7 or 8 inches with a hot bulbous head.

“Alex–” I managed to stutter out, my own cock now growing harder in my hand.

“Still trying to catch some dick for the weekend, or nah?” He turned to face me, taking his arm off my shoulder. His cock bounced in front of him, his jeans still forgotten on the floor. I looked from his cock to his face where I was met with a puppy-dog frown, as he continued to stroke his cock.

“I– I mean, yes. Yeah.” I grinned, laughed, couldn’t believe what was happening, but sank till my knees were on the fluffy bathroom rug. His cock was beating in front of me, and I swear I could have felt the warmth emanating off of it.

In a second, I was reliving my moments with David earlier that day. Unlike David though, Alex had stroked a good deal of precum to the tip of his cock and I eagerly pressed my tongue against it. He had a wild bush of brown pubes which I eagerly approached as I took his cock into my mouth. His dick was definitely longer than David’s but less thick, but Alex’s magnetic attraction of the evening made it taste all the better.

Alex groaned with approval as I took inches of his dick down my throat. My own hard cock bounced against my palm, spraying it with a mist of precum. Keeping his cock in my mouth, Alex stepped out of his jeans and discarded black boxer briefs. I withdrew my mouth before plunging back onto his cock, eagerly sucking the length of his dick and occasionally pausing to lap at the head with my tongue. He tasted so fucking good and his shivers of pleasure were translated to my own cock pulsating in my hand.

Alex took my shoulders and rotated me so that my back was pressed against the bathroom wall, and gently thrust in and out of my mouth. I was getting face fucked. On the same day that I had given my first blowjob, I had a stud fucking my mouth in the bathroom while a party raged downstairs, just beyond the door. The thrill was exhilarating, the foreignness of the situation caught in my throat and I felt like I was panting with excitement around this enormously long cock in my mouth.

“Bro, that feels so good. Your mouth is so hot.” Alex groaned out, placing his forearm against the wall above me and looking down into my eyes as he fucked into my mouth. His powerful thighs moved his dick in and out of my mouth, and I imagine if not for the fear that I felt in my stomach, this might be pretty close to what heaven was like.

There was a loud, rapping knock at the door. The kind of knock that government agents make before they raid a crack house or something like that – powerfully, thunderously announcing. In a flash, I had stumbled back to my feet and Alex and I were jumping back into our clothing.

Alex called out, “Uh, just a sec.” Just as he was putting his belt back on, the door opened and my heart jumped into my throat. It was Henry. Caught. i was so caught, slutting it up at a college party.

Alex pushed past Henry and out into the hallway again, probably not realizing that this was the guy we had talked about just an hour prior. I faked a smile, caught in the headlights of Henry’s eyes.

“Oh. Hey. I gotta piss.” Henry smirked at me, and it was like we were out on the porch again. Henry just had this grace about him, where in any situation he could play it off like it was the most natural thing in the entire world. Going to a party was perfectly natural to him, and catching his best friend hooking up in a bathroom was too.

My face reddened, but as I turned to leave the bathroom, Henry grabbed my shoulder. My cock still throbbed in my shorts and it electrified at Henry’s touch.

“I’m ready to go, if you wanna meet me outside and walk home in a minute.” Henry was drunk, but a far more functional drunk than most.

I closed the door behind me and left Henry to piss in peace. Still shellshocked, I wandered back into the midst of the party to try and find Alex and laugh it off with him before heading home.

I searched between throngs of girls and boys pairing up and heading home, in the still dancing horde of bodies in the living room, and a backyard filled with smoking college students and never found Alex that night. I hadn’t even gotten his last name. The 80’s-looking boy had disappeared back into the crazy night from whence he came.



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