U-N-I Ch – Chapter 4

Latest gay erotic stories: U-N-I Ch – Chapter 4

Author: byunilive

The following story is entirely a work of fiction. The story is about fictional characters, who are celebrities in the story. The song “Yellow” in this chapter is a song by the band Coldplay. The story will be built around songs by Coldplay.

Feedback is welcome, I’d love to know what you think.


It was Friday, we were done with the exams, and again, we were performing in a pub on the next day. We wanted to have the whole performance filmed and recorded so the five of us had planned on spending the evening together to rehearse. I first went to Rachel’s to say goodbye to her as she was leaving on the next day. And I went back to Rob’s place before we had to go meet the guys.

I entered the house and saw that Charlie was there, talking with Rob and standing a bit too close to him.

They both looked at me when I came in and I felt a bit awkward, wondering if I was interrupting something.

“Hey” I said to them, studying their attitude.

“Hey” Charlie said, moving away from Rob, and fidgeting a little. I had never really paid attention to him, but as I watched him, I thought he was actually really good-looking.

He turned to Rob again and said, trying to find his words, “so… will you come over later tonight though?… for that thing I’ve got to give back to you… You can come over and pick it up around 8, is that alright?” he said, obviously lying.

“Yeah, sure” Rob smiled and nodded.

“Alright, cool!” he answered with a smile, staring at him in a flirting way as he took a few steps back.

Then, he turned around and walked toward me. “See you later, Mark.”

“See ya,” I answered, my tone of voice letting him know I was finding his behaviour weird.

Once he had shut the front door, I looked at Rob,

“Come over tonight?” I repeated, raising an eyebrow.

“He wants to have sex.” he said, as if I hadn’t understood.

“Yeah, I got that!”

He laughed. “Too bad you walked in!” he said in frustration.

I didn’t say anything. I was pretty sure he was only teasing me. As much as I wanted to play his game, I wasn’t really able to.

“Are you gonna go?” I asked, unsure.

“I might” he shrugged, playing it cool.

“Is he really that good?” I joked

He smiled, teasing me. “Are you jealous?”

I might have let it show, but I answered seductively. “No! But why would you want to have sex with him when you can sex with me?”

He shrugged again. “Why would you want to have sex with Rachel when you can have sex with me?”

Well played, I thought. “Not the same. He’s just a fuck buddy to you.”

“A very good one!” he said, thinking about him.

“And I’ve been avoiding Rachel all week. I think she’s been noticing!”

He laughed.

“You’re adorable!” he told me, giving me a peck on the lips.

“Don’t worry, I was telling him I was too busy lately. I’ll call him later and tell him I can’t go.”

I just gave him a look that said it all.

“So, how were the goodbyes? Did she cry? Told you she’d call you every day?” he said over dramatically

“No, I tried to make it quick… Let’s go?” I asked, to change the subject.


The whole month of July went by in a flash. We played gigs several times a week, attracting an even larger following, worked on our songs a lot, and met with the record company.

Rob’s father agreed to talk to them for us if it was necessary. I suppose he was our manager for now. He was a great person, just looking at him, I knew who Robbie had inherited his charisma from. He was very funny and in his free time, he did one-man shows in pubs, or small theaters.

He had discussed our situation with the label and it was decided that we would start recording our first album but also start College in October. Therefore, we enrolled in Trinity College in Dublin. But it was more to make our parents happy. They didn’t want the band to take over any academic thing. I guess they didn’t want us to be too disappointed if things didn’t go the right way. They saw the band as a hobby, and didn’t want it to monopolize too much of our time. They wanted us to go to College to have some kind of academic background in case we’d fall flat on our faces.

But from what people at BMG had told Rob’s father, they were sure to have discovered a band with great potential and they had a lot of faith in our ability to ‘make it’, as they said. They especially wanted us to perform live as much as possible because it was our strength and it was the best way to attract journalists, to get critics in music magazines and to be taken seriously. They wanted us to work and improve our best songs with professionals in the studio and they had big hopes for three songs, which they believed would work very well to start promoting the band to a targeted audience, which would be 18-30 years old male and female who listened to Rock.

They had signed us for two albums and we had started recording in the studio at the beginning of August. They were putting a lot of pressure on us. We knew we were damn lucky here. I was sure it did not happen this easily for 90% of the bands out there. Everything was happening at astonishing speed for us.

I was trying to work on new music as often as I could, and with what was happening with Rob, with everything I was feeling inside, the music just started to flow, and I felt inspired all the time.

It was mid-August. Rachel was back and I had just been with her. I felt overwhelmed with what was going on in my love life and I really needed some alone time. In my room, I started trying to put all my emotions in a song. I had a melody in mind, and once I started writing it down and trying to find lyrics that would fit the melody, the magic happened. I felt like the song just wrote itself. I mean, I knew I was there, writing it, but it felt like it just came from above and it felt amazing.

When I was done, I felt like the song was complete, like there was no need to change anything.

On the next day, while Rob and I were hanging out alone together after spending the whole day in the studio, I started playing the melody.

“I wrote a song last night” I told him.

“Did you?”

“Yeah, in two hours it was done! It sort of wrote itself really.I love it when that happens!”

“What is it about?” he asked me, sitting next to me on the floor. We were both resting our backs on the bed.

“Well… you, mainly. Just trying not to make it too obvious though” I said softly.

“Me?” he asked with a smile.

“Yeah. I’ve been writing a few songs about you lately.” I admitted, although I hadn’t played them to him because they were just ideas, tabs scribbled here and there, lyrics. And I still needed to clear my mind and put them together.

He smiled broadly. “You wanna sing it to me?” he asked, knowing very well that I might not want to do that.

“I don’t know, I don’t like doing that” I smiled coyly, a bit self-conscious. I had never been a show off type of guy.

“Come on” he begged. “Just pretend I’m not here.”

I hesitated but the pleading look in his eyes soon made me cave . “Alright” I agreed reluctantly, but added as I looked into his eyes “don’t say anything!”

“I’m not even here!” he joked.

I laughed. “Ok, here goes!” and I started playing again. The main lyrics went like this,p^)oi

Look at the stars,

Look how they shine for you,

And everything you do,

Yeah, they were all yellow.

I came along,

I wrote a song for you,

And all the things you do,

And it was called Yellow.

Your skin,

Oh yeah your skin and bones,

Turn into something beautiful,

Do you know,

You know I love you so

He remained silent when I stopped playing.

I turned my head to see his reaction.

He smiled. “This goes on the album!”

I chuckled. “No way, it’s too personal.”

“Are you kidding, it’s amazing, I love it! And it can be about anyone. You just feel it’s personal because you know what it’s about. The melody’s beautiful.” I smiled, glad that he had liked it so much.

“How do you do it?” he asked me in a serious tone.

I smiled and played it a bit, “I don’t know, it was easy. There’s nothing complicated about the chords. They’re quite simple.”

“The simplest melody are always the best ones! I don’t know how you do it” he told me, admirative. “How can you create a whole song like that? so easily.”

“You can do it too!” I reminded him.

“Not like you, no! It’s like you’re sucking something from the air. Something in you is hearing nothing, and making it into something! That’s amazing.”

“Yeah, it feels like that sometimes.”

“Why the word ‘Yellow’?” he asked, as I repeated it several times throughout the song, and it sort of acted as a key word.

“I don’t know, why not? For the stars maybe.” I smiled. “I was missing a keyword in the lyrics, it could be the title!”

I started playing chords again. He just listened. When I stopped, he asked me,

“I thought you were with Rachel last night.”

“I was” I confirmed softly, “but I didn’t stay long.”

I stayed quiet for a moment, as I thought about what had happened with her the previous night. I was still struggling emotionally but I knew that deep down, I had come to a decision.

“I’m gonna break up with her.” I finally told him, with a determined tone in my voice.

“Are you?” he asked, a bit of hope in his voice that he couldn’t quite hide.

“I can’t keep doing this,” I answered, in a whisper.

“What happened?”

“She was all over me, she wanted to have sex as soon as I got there.”

“Did you have sex with her?” he asked, knowing the answer, but probably wanting me to say no. I had been with her a few times since she was back.

“yeah … but I didn’t really want to… I could barely get hard… and when I went down on her, I fucking wanted her to have a dick between her legs” I said matter-of-factly, and he let out a laugh, before he actually broke out laughing.


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