Tristan by Alec13

A gay adult story: Tristan by Alec13

As the rain poured down heavily, Tristan trudged back home, feeling despondent. He had just left a fun evening with his friends, but the thought of spending the rest of the night alone did not appeal to him. As he walked past a brightly lit bar, an impulsive decision overtook him and he turned around, heading inside. The warmth and coziness of the bar was a welcome change from the chilly rain outside. Tristan made his way to the bar and ordered a mojito, striking up a conversation with the friendly barman.

All the while, he was oblivious to the tall and muscular man who had just walked in. With blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and a strong jawline, he exuded an irresistible charm. As their eyes met, the man made his way over to Tristan and took a seat next to him.

“Hey there,” he greeted with a smile.

“Hi. I thought you were heading home,” replied Tristan, turning to face him. He couldn’t help but admire the man’s chiseled features.

Zach, as he introduced himself, had been friends with Tristan for a long time and was always there to lend a helping hand or lend an ear to Tristan’s problems. But as he sat next to Tristan now, he couldn’t help but notice his friend’s impressive physique, his broad shoulders and muscular back evident even under his jacket. And as he gazed at Tristan’s innocent face, he felt a familiar stir in his pants. Despite being 26 years old, Tristan had an air of innocence about him, which only added to his appeal. Zach couldn’t resist the urge to touch him.

Note: Some changes have been made to the original text for better flow and clarity.

The barman had to walk away, there were more clients communing and he had to serve them. Good, thought Zach, having him all to myself.

“Are you waiting for someone” asked Zach

“No. Just getting drunk, all by myself. Didn’t want to go to sleep just yet” answered Tristan.

“Nice! Me too! Now you’ve got yourself a drinking-body!”

Zach and Tristan talked over different things, just making small talk while getting dossier and dossier.

“Gotta go to the loo” said Tristan, got up and started walking a bit funny towards the door at the ride side of the bar. Zach took his chance and damped a load of white powder into Tristan’s drink, that should knock out a horse in a second, he thought. When Tristan came back he drank a bit and smiled at Zach, starting talking again. Apparently Tristan was more then a horse, because it took him another 15 minutes of drinking down that cup in his hand, even though when he turned around, Zach dumped more powder into it, hopping it won’t kill him. But once he amptied his glass, he started to faint, seemingly struggling to keep himself awake.

“Whaa.. What’s.. I think there’s something wrong with me…. I don’t feel well” he said with his half shut pretty eyes, his head wobbling from side to side.He started falling and Zach caught him.

“Is everything fine?” asked the barman, seeing unconcies Tristan.

“Yeah, just had too much to drink, that’s all.” said Zach “I’m gonna get him home, I know where he lives” he added seeing barman picking up the phone to call taxi.

Zach put Ttistan’s left hand over him shoulder and started dragging him to the exit door, some people turned around, but he didn’t care, his fun night was just starting.

He walked out into the cold night, with Tristan’s body on his shoulders, he was strong so it as easy for him to carry even someone so big as Tristan’s. He could feel him breathing, he was glad he didn’t kill the pretty boy. His car was parked just at the door, he knew what he was coming for when he entered the barhe made sure to park close to the exit.

Zach dropped Tristan’s body on the back seat, still unconscious, and got in at the drivers seat. It was 15 minute long ride, for Zach it felt like eternity, he couldn’t wait to play with his new toy.

They finally arrived. Zach parked the car close to te huge metal doors. Got out and carried out Tristan’s body once again heaving him on his shoulder. When he was picking him, Zach noticed how hot Tristan’s ads looked while he was lying on his face. It was perfectly shaped and like looked huge and firm bubble ass. It took him some will strength to don’t feel it there, ‘just a little bit more, soon I’ll get to play with that’ Zach told himself while opening the metal doors and carry the body inside.

It was a dark shabby room, that had another, smaller, wooden door with the handle, opposite to the one they just came in through. Only one naked bulb was hanging at the middle of the room on a black wire attached to the ceiling, blincking time after time. There was another lamp hanging from the right wall, lighting the old working table, chair stoop a little aside. In the whole with just two weak bulbs the shaddy room was darkly lit. The floor was dirty with trash, and burned cigarettes laying around. There were also some boxes close to the exit door, and an old looking, bettered couch at the left wall, facing the table.

Zach dumped Tristan’s still unconscious, but firmly breathing body to the ground, stretching his shoulder. Zach was weak but the the guy was huge and heavy, clearly solid muscle.

Zach went to the boxes at his left, he couldn’t wait any longer! He opened one on top and pulled heavy ropes from it, threw them on the table. Then picked up Tristan again and carried him to the dirty black couch , threw him there roughly on his back. He didn’t notice it at the bar but the bitche’s jeans weren’t tight ans still he could see a huge bulge. ‘Fuck yeah!’ Zach thought to himself. He started undressing him, roughly pulling Tristan from his jacket and the shirt under it. What he saw when he finally dumped the shirt in the corner was beyond his expectation. Tristan’s body was super hard and creamy white like milk. He had huge abs and hard big, hairless chest. His shoulders were round and smoothly flowing into huge muscle arms, ‘he could put up a fight to me’ thought Zach seeing how big his hands were. Zach loved how Tristan’s neck looked muscular too. He couldn’t wait to suck on those red nipples of his. This time he couldnt hold himself so he bent down and started sucking on Tristan’s right nipple, he heard him starying to make a few sounds but they died away. Zach was sure that dose will keep him asleep for the whole night, if not longer.

Zach started pulling down Tristan’s pants, after he was done with shoes, he had nice big feet, he saw a black boxers after dumping his pants at the corner with the rest of his clothes. He couldnt wait to stop and enjoy the view, he had to task them off him.

Zach pulled the boxers with one quick rough move and got them off. He was practically paralysed, starring at the big dick Tristan had between his mmuscular legs. He was cut and delicious pink head was visible lying on the huge set of hot looking, smooth balls. He was shaved, no trace of pubic hair, like was waxed. Zach turned his body around looking for the first time at his sexy ass. Tristan was definitely working out a lot! His ass was of a perfect shape, shaved too, completely, and with firm muscle cheeks, as Zach saw when he pulled them apart to stare at the delicious pink hole completely hairless.

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