A Tale Of Thousand Stars – Novel BoyLove – Chapter 4.3

A Tale Of Thousand Stars – Novel BoyLove – Chapter 4.3

Commander Phupha stopped in front of a house that was bigger than the other houses in this area.

“Will I use the bathroom here?” Tian asked innocently.

“No.” Phupha returned his words as usual. “..Wait here, I’ll be back soon!” After saying that, he walked up the stairs, leaving the people standing to cover the sun in the front yard.

Not long after, the young commander walked down the stairs with an elderly man with a kindly face. “Tian, this is Uncle Bianglare, he is the head of the village and also the chief here. you can call him ‘Khama’.”

Tian Wai–greet him with a polite expression. “Sawadikap, uncle!”

“Sawadikap, teacher! Did you sleep well last night?” A man with the status of a Khama, with a deep understanding, is tasked with connecting with outsiders in the common language but still intermingled with the local accent.

“That’s fine! But it seems a lot of mosquitoes.” Tian said as he rubbed his arm with the red spots.

“That’s because you didn’t spreads the mosquito net properly.” Captain Phupha said a sentence that caused no less frustration for the opponent.

“Because I don’t know! Why did you say you have a manual for me?”

The soldier remained silent for a while before replying with a serious attitude like no previous night. “…Sorry. Because I didn’t expect you to need it!”

Thin lips smiled maliciously. “The company commander doesn’t need to write the instruction manual, just takes a little time to teach me how to use it!”

“Alright! I’ll come to the hut in the evening!” Phupha agreed firmly.

In the end, the initiator was surprised at that sentence…In short, what kind of person is he? Before a more serious pairing, Bianglae ​​held up a plastic ladle to the new volunteer teacher.

“Hurry up and take a shower. It’s hot in the afternoon!” Tian accepted the plastic ladle in wonder as he saw that there was something black inside and a brown plastic bottle.

“What is this?”

“Bamboo charcoal soap and shampoo made from herbs with the pearl!”
Tian raised an eyebrow as if wondering what to give him for? While he was bringing his essential equipment here.

“Go to the ‘bathroom’ and you’ll see!” The company commander answered. If you look closely, the corners of his mouth rise slightly as if waiting for a good game.

The two bid farewell to the chieftain and continued walking. The sun near the midday seemed to burn the flesh of the guy from Bangkok. Tian wiped the sweat flowing down his neck and forehead. He stared uneasily at the solid back nestled inside the T-shirt of that tall figure, walking forward without getting tired.

“Why do people here build a bathhouse this far? When I get back, I am all wet already!”

The commander heard lamenting at the back but said nothing but pointed to one side of the clearing in the forest not far away. Tian looked in the direction of his pointing hand and opened his mouth in surprise, he ran ahead of the young commander and stood dumbfounded in the place where a waterfall was flowing down from a high cliff, forming a large lake.

The murmuring water along the cliff is very clean and clear..so clear that the layers of dry leaves can be seen on the bottom.

The young man with a disappointed face slowly turned around, looking at the company commander standing nearby.

“Where is the bathroom then?” He also knew it was the stupidest question in the world because the answer lay in front of his eyes.

“That bath is close to nature!” PhuPha pressed his voice.

“Telling me to shower naked here? Never!”

“Then there’s only one way to borrow a water can with the people’s burden and scoop water into the bucket, the bucket of water comes in and jars are placed behind the house!”

Tian stared into his piercing eyes with a nervous look that seemed to scream that ..was he kidding? And Phupha seems to understand that as well.

“I tell the truth!” He nodded as if to be more certain for his words. “People here if anyone wants to have water in the home and come here to draw water on.”

“So why not drill a well …?” Rural areas where there are no wells, right?
The soldier, who quit his administrative job, came here to take on the task of being a foster brother to help the young man with many things.

“The national budget is exhausted from the foot of the mountain.” Because of corrupt officials, trimming the budget before reaching the black people.

“I’m curious about how your camp is further away, how do you live?”

“The military has its own budget, our Phrapirun military base has a well and uses electricity from generators.”

Tian sighed dejectedly and muttered. “…not fair at all!”

“In short, what do you want now?” The young commander shouted. “I don’t have much time to look after you all day!”

The teacher volunteered his lips tightly, his hand pressed hard on the rim of the plastic spoon. This is even harder to decide than buying a Gucci glasses or a pair of TOD’s shoes!

He thought, thinking carefully before biting his teeth and said. “I can take a shower here.”

“Don’t forget to take a bath with bamboo charcoal soap and doe shampoo that I asked BiangLae to give you! The water flowing from this cliff is the natural source of water that feeds the whole village. outside chemicals mix into it. ”

Tian looked at the products made from nature placed in the water and showed a stigmatized expression. You have to use this black soap with a shampoo (*) shampoo or something?

(*) In Thai, the word “ba dao” sounds like the word “dung buffalo”.
Phupha company commander frowned unhappily.

“Don’t underestimate the wisdom of the ancients! They’ve been using these since their ancestors, don’t think it’s not as good as modern things now!”

“I Know!” The Sophaditsakul’s son waved his hand as if to end the conversation, and then he stopped his feet as if he felt something was wrong, someone should not be here. “…I am about to undress for a shower. Hopefully you won’t plan to watch over me here!”

“Yes!” Phupha answered firmly. “You haven’t been introduced by the chief yet to the people in the village so you’re a stranger here. If you go sneaking around with any girl in the village then I have..I’m dead!!”He swallowed the last sentence down his throat. But it doesn’t seem that he really cares, trying to argue back.

“Oke! Captain! Although I’m a boy, you’re not a friend or a brother to make me strip naked in front of you. Although you’re not afraid, I’m afraid to die.” go! ”

Pretend you’re trying to understand the embarrassment of the rich kids. The young captain of the Thai army showed his generosity.

“…Then I’ll turn my back. Quickly handle personal matters!”

“Thank you very much!” Tian spoke in a scowl as he watched the tall commander step up to sit under a tree not far away. He turned around and let out a long breath. The fragrant smell of clothes made Tian decide to take off the brightly colored T-shirt with the pattern printed on him and take off his tight jeans from his long slim legs.

There were only pants left on him because he did not dare to be naked to challenge the mountain demons here. The warm breeze and the searing heat of his smooth white skin made it all red. The sweat soaked on his neck made him itch. Cautiously he stepped on the stones lined up at the bottom of the water before picking up the plastic ladle to scoop the bath water.

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