High School All Boys School by trek4lyf

High School All Boys School by Trek4lyf – A Juicy and Scandalous Gay Sex Story

A gay adult story: High School All Boys School by trek4lyf ,

Experience of the high school gay guy and his friend who witness everything.

The bell started to ring to let us know that our break has ended and I’m heading to my biology class after devouring my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. As I was walking to my class, my classmate Manuel yelled to wait for him. He is in my biology class and he always asks me for my notes in my biology class since he doesn’t like to pay attention and I caught him one time daydreaming in our class most of the time.

This time, he looks so serious and eager to get into our class. He sat down next to me in a 2 chairs table set up classroom. He even teased me that he is ready for our biology exam today.Manuel and I are in our 10th grade in St. Francis High School Dormitory, an all-boys school run by Dominican priests and all male teachers. This is probably the right time to tell you that I am a closeted gay guy. I should be in heaven with all these testosterone boys around me but I feel it is my hell hole since getting bullied is rampant for me during my 9th grade. But again, it never bothered me since I just ignore them and I let them be.

My name is Jose Carlos Baruel, a Filipino-Japanese American, 5 feet 8 inches tall, skinny with a childish smile and feminine features. I don’t know how it all started but I friended Manuel, a latin American guy with a quarterback built, 6 feet tall with wavy hair. I really thought he was one of the guys who bullied me in my 9th grade but it seems he changed his ways and became my friend.

Mr. Ramos walked into our room and started to silence us so that we could start our class. He then waves the papers in the air to let us know that we are going to start our exam. He distributed them by table and Manuel was anxious enough to answer them. The class was so quiet and you could only hear the scribble of their pens while Mr. Ramos was walking around checking on our progress. As he passed by our table, he caught Manuel with a tiny piece of paper he failed to hide. Mr. Ramos grabbed his papers and his arm with the tiny piece of paper as he escorted him outside, probably heading to our Principal, Father Calvo. Both of them left and all of us just went back to our exams since this is not the first time Manuel was caught cheating. Mr. Ramos did come back after 30 minutes or so to collect all of our papers while Manuel rubbed his ass, walking towards our table. He got the corporal punishment this time with the long stick we boys are scared to get.

The day ended without a hitch but tons of assignments to finish for the weekend. As I was walking towards my dormitory, Father Calvo stopped me and asked if I provided Manuel some notes for our Biology class. I nod with fear since I am liable for his cheating. Instead, Father Calvo asked me to tutor Manuel on the weekends to avoid cheating in the future. I agreed without thinking just to avoid the long stick of punishment.

As Saturday came, most of us were enjoying good fun under the sun. Most of us are playing basketball, volleyball and tennis but as a nerdy gay guy, I enjoyed my Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew books during the weekends but this time, I am teaching my cheating friend, Manuel. While I was walking to Manuel’s dorm, I noticed his door was ajar so I tried to walk quietly and look around since he knows that I am coming over to tutor him. I pressed my ear by the door hinge and I heard some slurping noises. My mind went south so I walked away from his door and just sat down on the only stairway in their dormitory.

Mind you that I never have a chance to do some boy to boy action but I heard some hearsay and talks from other guys about some hand jobs, blow jobs and even some butt sex. Going to school with all of these boys and during the peak of their sexual life, it’s sound scary to me but at the same time, I’m also curious about my sexuality.

When I heard the door open, Manuel came out with our other school mate Allan. Suspiciously, Allan was in a hurry to go back to his dorm which is 3 doors away from Manuel. Then Manuel closed his door and they never even saw me sitting by the stairways so I brushed myself and walked towards Manuel’s dorm. I knocked and he opened the door with a huge smile, ushering me to come in.

As I walked in, the smell of dirty laundry and sweats were the first thing I noticed. I didn’t think of it but I told Manuel if we can use the library instead. He didn’t object so he grabbed his bag, we walked out of his dorm and locked his doors. While Manuel was locking his door, Allan was also coming out of his dorm holding a tennis racket and he gave us a “hey” while he passed us by. Manuel did not respond but I gave Allan a courtesy Miss Universe wave in which he ignored.

While we were walking to our school library, the rain started and we both started to run to cover from the summer rain. We ended up in my dorm building so we decided to go to my room instead. After I unlock and let Manuel in to my pristine dorm in which he jokingly said how gay my room is. You can see some of Cher’s ‘Heart of Stone Tour’ poster and Madonna’s ‘Who is That Girl World Tour’ poster plus the different Japanese Manga’s laid out. It looks normal to me but again I just brushed away his comments.

After I gave him some tips and how to remember some anatomy de***********ion, Manuel decided to remove his shirt and he wants me to point out where the specific anatomy I can label for him. We started from digestive system labeling from his mouth and until I pointed out his anus in which he started to show me his ass. Then we ended up in the reproductive system and this time, he just removed his shorts and underwear, waving his 7 inches flaccid dick. I didn’t pay attention to it but deep inside, I really want to touch it since I never have the chance to touch another dick other than mine. Since he saw that I wasn’t interested, he put his underwear and shorts back on while he sat down in my bed. While I was scribbling some notes on his book, he then blurted out that he knew I was outside of his door when Allan was in his room. He saw my panicked look and I froze then I started to talk but nothing was coming out of my mouth. He laughed and said, it’s ok and don’t worry about it. Allan didn’t see me so I should be ok. He didn’t tell me what happened in his room but it seems he knows what I heard.

After our little chat, he started to tell me about other’s secrets in our school. He will be glad to tell me and show me if I promise not to tell anyone, especially Father Calvo. I didn’t know what I nodded to but I accepted his terms and was ready to see the different side of our school.

After we finished our tutor, I was still astounded and felt blind on what was happening in our school. I did not know that there are some actions out there and I was not invited? Well since they probably know I’m gay and my demeanor shouts for it even if I don’t tell them.

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