01 – Sincerely Yours

A gay story: 01 – Sincerely, Yours WARNING: This story contains graphic sexual content as well as BDSM. This story also contains a wide age gap. (Dominant 21, Submissive 35).!!!This story contains mourning the loss of a lover.!!!

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You were the world to me, the ground beneath my feet. You were an oasis while I was stranded in the middle of the desert. You were my first true love, the one that I had to meet. I hoped you’d be my last love, but fate never works out quite the way we want it to. I never thought I’d lose you, I never thought I’d be able to live without you, and then I never thought I’d get over losing you. I never thought I could love another the way that I love you. I never thought that, after losing you, the pieces of me that were left in pieces could be repaired.

I will never stop loving you, I’ll never stop remembering you. You hold a huge piece of my heart, you hold the parts of me that no one else can ever touch. I couldn’t keep going on, not moving on, staying trapped inside the darkness that flooded me when you died. I blamed myself every day, I couldn’t eat, sleep… I wanted to die, too.

But, you would have never wanted me to die so needlessly. You’d want me to pick up the pieces and be happy because that is the kind of person you are. Jeffrey, you’re irreplaceable, I am so sorry that I couldn’t save you. I tried to, but you already know that, don’t you? You know me better than anyone ever has… and I will always love you. I know you always loved me, even when things weren’t perfect.

I’ll miss you, forever, Master, but I’ll be okay. I don’t know where you are–I don’t know what comes afterlife, perhaps it’s better if I don’t–but, I don’t want you to spend your afterlife worrying about me. I’m okay.

Fly free.

Sincerely, Yours.

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Caspian had developed a routine during the ten years he’d been devoted to Jeffrey, and even now that he was gone he’d not strayed a single day or night from his routine. He followed every rule Jeffrey had, like he wasn’t… like he wasn’t gone forever. Caspian knew he wasn’t just away on vacation in Prague, or business in California–he was completely gone. Caspian just couldn’t wrap his mind around the loss. He wasn’t sure he’d even processed that he was gone yet and it had already been a year. He couldn’t shake the ever-deepening pit in his stomach that just gets bigger and bigger with each passing moment.

He missed Jeffrey. He missed sitting by the door, anxiously awaiting his Masters’ return. He loved the way Jeffrey’s cologne touched his senses, the way he commanded a respect from everyone he met. He missed the touch, the guidance, the love. He missed Jeffrey so much he couldn’t quite manage to move on, he saw him everywhere he looked, felt him every time he laid in their old bedroom. He couldn’t help but feel like he would never get over losing him, and he was almost okay with spending the rest of his life in solitude. He didn’t mind the silence, he didn’t mind the echoing empty house–at least until dinner rolls around, and he realizes that once again, he’d prepared the same dinners that his Master had set up the previous year for just himself, in the massive house he felt trapped inside of.

Without Jeffrey, the place he once called home felt like a prison. He could look around the house, admire its beauty, and he couldn’t bear to part with it… but he couldn’t look around the house without seeing late Sunday morning cartoons, curled together on the couch with a bottle of wine. He couldn’t look around without seeing the place Jeffrey had proposed, and where they’d hosted dinner parties with their friends. He couldn’t look around without seeing every memory of the two of them, overlapping and drowning him. A knock on his door made Caspian jump, and he sighed deeply and glanced at the clock on the wall.

He walked to the door and opened it, figuring it was probably Jeffrey’s daughter coming to check on him. She and her aunt took turns visiting, once every other week. He’d pushed away everyone from their lives, secluded himself off in his misery, and having the two of them around somehow made things temporarily seem better.

“Caspian, honey, you look wonderful. I brought pies–!” Amanda said, handing him the bag in her hand. Caspian took it and peeked into it. “My grandmother made your favorite, so she made you one too. It probably should be put into the refrigerator, so we can have a slice before I go!” She said.

“Come in, you must be quite chilly,” Caspian said, opening the door further and letting her in. Amanda walked in and smiled a little, looking around. “How are you doing?”

“I’m alright,” She said, looking over him with apprehension on her face. “How are you, for real?”

“Well, I guess I’m alright.” He said finally, looking down at his feet nervously.

“You look like shit. Have you been sleeping?” She asked, and he shrugged.

“Kind of. I mean… I don’t know.” He finally admitted, looking away from her again.

“It has been over a year, Caspian, and I know you were very close to my father, I know you loved him more than anything… but you can’t keep living like this. I know it’s hard to move on, but I’m worried if you don’t I’m going to come over one day and…” She didn’t say it, she never did. He looked away, feeling ashamed of him. He couldn’t lie and say he hadn’t thought a lot about the prospect of joining him, but they never mentioned it. “I can’t lose you, too.” He led her to the kitchen, placing the pies in the fridge and grabbing the kettle off the stove.

“What is there to lose, Mandy, I’m… not even me without him anymore…” Caspian muttered quietly, keeping his eyes trained on the floor in front of him. He grabbed two teacups and prepared tea, trying to keep his focus on not looking up… not crying.

“Darling, you’ve always been you–you’re just a little lost right now. You need to get back out there, meet someone. I know that you feel like you can’t, but it’s what dad would’ve wanted. He didn’t leave you everything necessary to live a long and happy life if he didn’t want you to live it.” She said, gently placing her hand on top of his. He jumped for a second, but relaxed quickly and smiled a little. He appreciated the thought, but it didn’t feel like the right time.

A little nagging voice in the back of his head croaked, but will it ever?

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It was about six months later, and he was at a charity event, signing a check to the charity in Jeffrey’s name. He had begged Amanda to do it because he knew that it’d be much less weird for Jeffrey’s daughter to deliver the check but she’d refused. She said that he wasn’t going to ever leave the house if she kept doing things like that for him and that it was time for him to try. And while he felt like he had been trying, she didn’t seem to believe it. Hell, at this point, could he even believe that he was trying?

After he’d given the check to the leader of the charity he’d grabbed another glass of wine and snuck off, out one of the open doors and stood on the balcony of the building, looking up at the sky and thinking about… everything. Perhaps Amanda was right, maybe he needed to do more to move on. Jeffrey was gone, and there isn’t any coming back. He couldn’t continue doing this, he was lonely.

“Would you like another drink?” He jumped, startled, and turned to face the person who’d spoken. He sucked in a deep breath, looking over his face. He was gorgeous, young but somehow… sophisticated and alluring. He had a defined jawline, smooth tan skin, deep cerulean blue eyes, messy blond hair, and the faintest ghost of a five o’clock shadow. He somehow managed to look both disheveled and professional at one time, almost as if he was intentionally looking like he’d just gotten done rolling around in a bed.

“Seven should probably be my limit, truly, but thank you,” Caspian murmured, grabbing a champagne glass and swirling it around.

“I don’t need to take your keys do I?” He teased, sitting the tray down that was currently empty, thanks to his last drink, and walking over to the rail of the balcony. He sat down on the rail and looked over me.

“I have a driver, I wouldn’t have had a single drink if I didn’t.” Caspian murmured, leaning forward a little and looking over the edge, “Aren’t you scared up there?”

“What, that I’m gonna become sidewalk pizza? Nah, the most it’d do at this height is probably break a few bones, maybe paralysis, but with a face like this even that could work out in my favor.” He teased, looking into the building.

“I could never do that,” Caspian said.

“Maybe not, but if it’s any consolation, I wouldn’t let you fall anyway. I can’t have the main benefactor of this charity event dying on my watch, my boss would hang me.” He said. Caspian blushed and looked away.

“I’m hardly a benefactor, all of this money is my late husband’s, I didn’t work for it. I’m just the face everyone wants to parade around so that they can talk about how great I’m doing since the accident.” Caspian said, downing the glass of champagne in a quick motion.

“It’s because when something tragic happens, people try to make it seem less tragic by talking about how great someone else involved is doing. It makes things seem less… hopeless.” He said, looking over Caspian with those eyes that seemed to pierce him.

“It doesn’t for me,” Caspian said, and he nodded.

“It only helps the general population feel better, not necessarily the family. I’m sorry. How longs it been, now?” He asked, and Caspian sighed deeply and glanced away.

“A year and a half, now.” He admitted, and the guy nodded his head.

“I don’t want to come across as too forward, I know it’s probably too soon for you and that’s totally fine. But, I’ve not been able to take my eyes off you since you got here… I’ve been waiting on a time that seemed right to approach you.” He said, making Caspian blush and look away from him.

“I’m so much older than you, though,” Caspian murmured, looking over the face of the very bold boy that was talking to him for a brief moment before lower his eyes.

“You don’t look it.” Caspian blushed, feeling certain it was probably just harmless flattery.

“How old are you?” Caspian ventured after a moment of silence passed between them. The boy smiled a little and scooted over a little closer to Caspian, this time close enough that he could smell his cologne, see the little freckles, one under his eye and one on his lip, could see his nose was slightly crooked, probably from a broken nose at some point in his life. He looked older than a teenager but still… young.

“I’m twenty-one,” the guy said and placed and hand on top of Caspian’s. Caspian glanced down at the hand, and back up into his eyes. He couldn’t help the gentle tingle that started from where the boy’s hand touched.

“Still so young,” Caspian murmured, torn. On one hand… He had a few drinks, he wasn’t over Jeffrey, and the boy was young but on the other… the boy was handsome, he was by law, a man and could make his own decisions, and Caspian was tired of the silence, the loneliness and he had an ache deep inside himself that he couldn’t ease anymore. He wanted it, but he was scared of giving himself to anyone else.

“Not too young, though. I know what I want, and I want you.” Caspian bit his lip as the man gently pushed his hair out of his eyes. He ran a gentle thumb down his cheek, forcing Caspian to meet his eyes. Caspian, always one to do as he was told, met his eyes, blushing brightly. Caspian wasn’t sure, at that moment, what came over him because what he did next wasn’t anything that he even expected. He leaned forward just a little, his heart racing, and pressed his lips against the man’s lips, surprised at the shock of lust that swam inside of him.

He hadn’t been touched since well before the accident, their sex life had tapered off because of Jeffrey getting older. He began having to take Cialis, but at thirty-three, the last thing Caspian really wanted was to focus only on sex. He didn’t mind the lack of sex, but after so long with nothing… he felt like a teenaged schoolboy, being touched for the first time. Excited, aroused, nervous and so, so horny.

The boy–man–had reacted immediately, pulling him forward and kissing him with a passion that he hadn’t felt in years, even before Jeffrey had died. While their love remained intact, the amount of passion had decreased, especially when Jeffrey hit about forty-five, and he’d started having intimate troubles. Jeffrey threw himself into work after that, and while Caspian didn’t mind, it had been a long time since he’d felt… sparks.

“Can we go, or do you have more work to do?” Caspian murmured once they finally pulled apart, clinging onto the man.

“I got off an hour ago, that’s why my trays empty.” He said, and Caspian nodded, standing up and taking a couple of steps.

“Do you..” Caspian hesitated for just a moment, before steadying himself. He needed this, he reminded himself. “Do you want to come back to my house? I’ve got a thousand-dollar bottle of wine at home that needs to be drank.” The man smirked a little, cocky, and nodded.

“Of course.” He said, and Caspian bit his lip and started walking towards the exit of the building. The man was following behind him, he could feel the eyes on his body, and the familiar feeling of being watched made him feel more comfortable somehow.

“Davenport, please,” Caspian said, and the valet nodded, and picked up his phone, and sent a quick message.

“Your driver has been alerted, please wait just a moment by the door.” The man said, his eyes looking over the man beside Caspian and then Caspian and back again. Caspian blushed, looked away, and trained his eyes on the ground, while the man beside him just shot the valet a smirk. It only took about thirty seconds for his car to come around to the front of the building and Caspian walked towards it. The Valet opened the door and let the two of them in and shut the door.

“Home, sir?” Bertram, the driver asked, and Caspian nodded his head.

The drive home was short and sweet, and Caspian was very ready for it to be over with when it was. On top of feeling like he was on the edge of exploding, Bertram was the driver that Jeffrey had gotten him, and riding home with him in the car with an erection for a guy he’d never really met before felt a little awkward.

“Wow, nice place,” The man said, entering behind Caspian.

“Thanks,” Caspian said, not even bothering to look around the dimly lit living room before heading straight to the kitchen for the wine, coming back out and meeting him in the living room again. “Um, where do you want…” He asked, feeling his shyness come back full force now that they were alone.

“Anywhere. We can go anywhere you want.” He said and put his hand on Caspian’s shoulder.

“How about a bath,” Caspian murmured, thinking of how he had a bubble bath that could keep both of them from being fully exposed to each other.

“That works perfect, where’s the bathroom?” He asked, and Caspian pointed towards the stairs. He grabbed two wine glasses off of the bar that separated the living room and kitchen and led the man up to his room, through into the bathroom. The bathroom had a giant garden tub made of marble, with a step up into it. Caspian turned the faucet on, feeling the water and making sure it was warm, poured some bubble bath into the water, and sat on the edge of the tub.

It didn’t take long for the two of them to strip and sit down in the tub, Caspian pressed up against the man. “I never got your name,” Caspian said, pouring them both a glass of wine. “I’m Caspian Davenport, what about you?” He asked the man shyly, embarrassed that they’d all but rubbed each other off at the charity event and he’d brought him home with him without even finding out a name.

“I’m Hayden Michaels.” Caspian felt his hand lightly trace his abdomen under the warm water, keeping him nestled close to him. Hayden took a sip of wine, and smiled a little, and wrapping a warm arm around his waist, and holding him, making Caspian blush.

Caspian had lost count of many things, in the hour that they spent in the bath, one of which was how many drinks they had. He wasn’t entirely sure how long they’d been pressed together in the bathroom, all he knew was that for the first time in a year and a half, he didn’t feel like there was an emptiness inside of his chest.

It didn’t take Hayden long to turn the man around and kiss him deeply. Caspian could taste the flavors of the wine on Hayden’s tongue, could feel his strength as he held him in his lap. Caspian had never been more aware of every flaw he’d ever counted on himself, but it helped that the two of them were underneath the water, so he didn’t have to worry about the much younger, much more attractive man finding out he wasn’t quite as ravishing as he once had been.

He wasn’t old, but he definitely had a few more wrinkles, he wasn’t as fit as he was before, while still lanky, he wasn’t all corners and edges now. He had gained around fifteen pounds, which wasn’t much but he felt like it was overly obvious now. Hayden gripped his hips, he could feel the indentions in his skin and it felt really good. He hoped the grip would be hard enough to render light, finger-sized bruises so he’d be able to remember this.

The movement of their bodies made the water splash about, leaving puddles on the floor as they ground together, slowly but deliberately. “You want to get out?” Hayden asked, panting into Caspian’s mouth. Caspian nodded, grabbed his towel, and quickly stood up.

“Come on,” Caspian couldn’t deny the fact that he was a little tipsy by the time the two stumbled into bed, but he didn’t hesitate for a moment when Hayden kissed him again, sinking into the warm embrace as Hayden began stroking a fire inside of him that he wasn’t sure how to put out, at all.

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Hayden had begun coming over quite frequently after their drunken lovemaking, and while Caspian still found himself missing Jeffrey, Hayden made him feel better. It’d been about three weeks, and Hayden had spent many nights at his house, and while it was a lot different waking up with the man beside him, it was a good difference. He didn’t feel the pang of emptiness, he didn’t see the echoes of the past every time he looked around him.

He had quickly grown used to Hayden being there, and the thought of the piece of him that was missing because of Jeffrey dying going away scared him. They’d been mainly talking and messing around in the bedroom. Hayden had the stamina to do nothing but sex for hours, and somehow, Caspian found himself very capable of keeping up with him. He couldn’t believe it, the only thing he could figure was that it’d just been so long since he’d been touched that he couldn’t help but respond to every single touch.

He had never really intended for Hayden to be a permanent part of his life, or even just a temporary part of it, either way because he planned on forgetting all about it after Hayden went home but he found himself unable to forget it. It was almost as if he was addicted to the man, and it was both infuriating and exciting.

He hadn’t intended for things to go nearly as far as they had, but he felt okay with the way they were turning out anyway. He knew that Hayden could never replace Jeffrey, but he filled the hole that Jeffrey had left behind decently well. Some parts of him would never recover from losing Jeffrey, but the parts that could recover finally felt like they may actually be repaired.

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A loud noise woke up Caspian at midnight or a little after, he’d glanced over at Hayden, who he hadn’t even noticed stir. Hayden was looking around the bedroom for something, but he found nothing in the darkness. “Caspian, stay here,” Hayden commanded, and Caspian nodded his head obediently. The only thing Hayden and Jeffrey had in common was the way that they demanded respect from everyone around them. They somehow, even though completely different from each other in every other way, had a certain I know what I’m doing aura about them that was probably the most attractive thing that Caspian had ever seen.

Caspian watched as Hayden walked out of the bedroom, grabbing a hammer they’d left lying down by the door earlier when he asked Hayden to move a picture for him. Hayden was silent, and then he burst out laughing. “You have a cat, and a room filled with sex toys.” Hayden hollered from the hallway, and Caspian immediately tensed up. He’d always kept that door locked, but he’d gone into it earlier before Hayden had gotten there and got a couple of things out of it.

Caspian stood up and walked to the doorway and leaned against it, “It’s Jeffrey’s cat. He usually stays up in the office, I’m not sure how he got down here, actually. I didn’t think he could still take the stairs.” He said, and Hayden nodded.

“And what about the fifty shades of grey bedroom you got there?” Hayden teased. “You’ve been holding out on me.”

“It’s nothing like fifty shades of grey, that movie was terrible and I designed this room myself. Jeffrey had all of the furniture custom made, and everything in this room was made to match.” Caspian said, feigning annoyance. He didn’t want Hayden to know that he was embarrassed–how silly, he groaned at himself.

“It definitely is something. I’m wagering a bet that you were not the one using most of this stuff, hmm?” Hayden asked, looking over the paddles and whips.

“I might have a bit of a pain tolerance,” Caspian admitted sheepishly, picking up his collar and moving it from the bed to the shelf in the special box that Jeffrey had made to display it.

“Oh really?” Hayden asked, walking over to Caspian and pulling him close to him. “I see it, you look like you’d be a handful.” He teased, running a hand down Caspian’s abdomen. Caspian felt himself jump to attention and he blushed.

“Definitely a handful and a half,” Caspian murmured, turning around and looking up at Hayden.

“Are you comfortable doing this with me in here?” Hayden asked, trailing and hand down Caspian’s spine, as Caspian pushed him back towards the bed. Caspian nodded his head, and glanced around for a second, looking over at a picture on the wall of Jeffrey and him.

“I just need to turn that around.” He said, and Hayden looked over to where he was looking and his eyes widened a little.

“Wow. Those pictures are… very good. You look amazing. How recent are those?” Hayden asked Caspian, and he shrugged a little.

“They all have different dates, Jeffrey was a bit of a shutterbug. He loved to develop pictures, he has a darkroom here.” Caspian explained.

“When was this one taken? You look so young here.” Hayden asked, and Caspian smiled a bit.

“I was probably twenty-three or twenty-four, I’d say. It was when we had just gotten together. It was the first picture he’d ever taken of me.” Caspian said, running his fingers over the picture thinking back to the day it’d been taken.

“You look like a teenager. Christ, I don’t know what kind of vampire you are, but how the hell have you not aged?” Hayden teased.

“I have, trust me. You just didn’t see me then.” Caspian said, blushing in embarrassment, taking the photo of him kneeling at Jeffrey’s feet off the wall and turned it towards the wall. “I’ll put it back up, or something. Just… not now.”

“So, what’s your favorite piece of this anyway?” Hayden asked, pushing Caspian back against the spanking table. He felt the edge of the table biting into his butt, and he couldn’t hold back the giggle that fell from his lips. Hayden took a moment to look shocked before he smiled a little bit and walked closer, grabbing the side of Caspian’s face and kissing him deeply. For a moment the two were lost, and then Hayden pulled back and looked down at Caspian. “I bet this is your favorite, isn’t it?” Hayden teased him a little. Caspian blushed and nodded.

“I can’t deny it’s a lot of fun. Have you ever used any of this stuff? I’d imagine not, hmm?” Caspian asked, and Hayden slyly smirked.

“I never had this kind of equipment, but I’ve definitely used paddles and stuff. Belts, too. I prefer ropes to cuffs, though.” Hayden said, motioning to the handcuffs that were connected to a latching mechanism on the table. Caspian smiled a little, and pushed him away, walked around the table, and opened the disappearing drawer grabbing the brand new rope they hadn’t even opened yet. Then he hit the button on side of the table that unhooks the handcuffs and then closed the latch back.

“I always preferred ropes,” Caspian blushed a little, and opened up the rope, and handed it to Hayden. Hayden took it, and smirked, grabbing Caspian by his thin wrists in one hand, and pulled him closer. Caspian dropped his eyes to the floor and clasped his hands together in front of him, allowing Hayden to tie the rope around his wrists. Caspian knew there were so many things that Jeffrey would’ve done before this–he’d plan it all out, down to the second–but the spontaneity made Caspian even more excited about what was happening.

Hayden pushed Caspian down onto the table, being forceful but gentle at the same time. He was surprised at the sheer force of the lust that shot through him as Hayden pulled his pajama bottoms down, exposing him to the cool air in the room. The playroom had a separate thermometer, that was used to keep the temperature a little cooler in the playroom than the rest of the house. Caspian was a fan of sensory play, and he loved the contrast of a warm hand, trailing his cooler body. His pajamas were enough to ward away the chill but once he was left bared, he immediately felt his pulse rise a tad bit in excitement.

When Hayden gently massaged his ass cheeks, the warmth of his hands imprinting on Caspian’s skin made him whimper and press back against the hands touching him. Caspian felt his cock hardening and sucked in a deep breath at the coolness of the air hitting him. He could feel the chill trying to ward away his erection but it was failing miserably. “Are you sure?” He asked, and Caspian nodded, watching as Hayden took a paddle off the hanger, a shot of adrenaline spiking through Caspian as he watched him slowly run his fingers over it.

Hayden stepped back behind him and he trained his eyes on the clock in front of him, merely out of habit. He felt every nerve in his body tingling in anticipation as he waited for Hayden to bring it down on his ass. Once he had, Caspian moaned and felt the stinging familiar pain spread through him. He felt himself aching between his legs, begging for a touch or something but he was too focused on how good it felt to be paddled again.

Hayden landed another hit with the paddle on his ass and he whimpered, beginning to rub himself against the table a little bit. The top of the table had a leather-like soft surface on the edge where you’re supposed to bend over it, and it made a great humping pillow in scenarios like this. Another hit from the paddle made a loud noise echoed in the room and he cried out, his whole body tensing up as he fought desperately to hold his orgasm back. He was clinging desperately to the thread that was holding him together, and he knew that he’d much rather orgasm when Hayden was inside him. Though he felt sure that Hayden could probably make him cum multiple times. “Please,” Caspian whimpered out, arching his back more, putting his ass up higher.

Caspian had always been a natural submissive, and he’d always strived in situations where he wasn’t in control. He knew how to be submissive above everything else, and he loved sinking into submission. He had always loved the pain, and the sexual element was something he couldn’t deny, but being out of control was the aspect of this lifestyle that’d appealed to him from the beginning.

“Please what?” Hayden asked him, teasingly running the paddle against his ass. He moaned, his words coming out a jumbled mess. “You want more, sweetheart? Hmm?” Hayden said, and Caspian moaned in response feeling the pressure of the paddle against his ass. Hayden hit him with the paddle again, and he moaned again, feeling like he was going to explode. Hayden began spanking him with the paddle in a sort of pattern, hard, soft, hard, hard, soft, and back again and it was enough to keep him right on the edge of orgasming while he could still hold on to his sanity, even though it was getting steadily harder and harder.

His whole body felt like it was going to simultaneously combust, he felt like every inch of his body was on fire. He was so hard, even the cold air was doing nothing to help him hold back, and he was leaking precum down onto the table where he was rubbing his dick. All it took was one extra hard hit to cause him to tense up. He felt like he’d taken a step off of the ledge into the abyss, and he couldn’t help but lose the tenuous grasp he had on his orgasm, feeling himself be washed away by the waves of euphoria currently pulling him under.

He was crying out Hayden’s name in the room, Hayden was still lightly spanking him, stopping for a moment or two to rub his ass cheeks a little bit. The motion of him rubbing Caspian’s ass exposed his hole to the cool air and he gasped loudly, suddenly very aware of how empty he felt.

“More,” He begged, finally turning his eyes to meet the cerulean blue eyes of Hayden. Hayden looked over him, bent over the table, cum covering his thighs, Caspian’s desperate green eyes pleading with him.

“Condoms, where are they?” Hayden turned, looking around the room.

“I never used them before, after so long it just didn’t make sense. Did you bring any with you?” Caspian whimpered, and Hayden groaned and shook his head. “I’m so… have you been tested?” Caspian asked, and Hayden nodded. “Clean?” Hayden nodded, and gripped his hips, to stop him from subconsciously moving his hips. “God, just get inside me.”

He could feel the tip of Hayden pressing against him, felt every part of his body tensing in anticipation. “Fuck it,” Hayden groaned out, gripping his dick with one hand and pushing against Caspian’s hole. It wasn’t moments later that Hayden was buried inside of him, Caspian gasping out in pleasure as his whole body vibrated with lust, hormones making his mind fog over as Hayden kept himself buried inside of his body.

Caspian could feel every jerk of Hayden’s cock inside him, feel it pulse, the warmth of his skin satisfying a need deep inside of Caspian that he hadn’t even known he had. He felt so full, so desperate for him to move but Hayden was gripping his hips and holding them together, not letting Caspian move at all.

“Please,” Caspian finally whimpered out, looking up at Hayden from over his shoulder. He was caught with how sexy Hayden looked, his jaw clenched just a little breathing deeply and slowly, his eyes tracing over Caspian’s back with a determined look.

“God, you feel fucking fantastic.” Hayden groaned out, leaning down over his back and trailing gentle but deliberate kisses down his shoulder, slowly moving his hips in and out of Caspian. Caspian whimpered, biting his lip and nodding. “You feel so good, shit, shit.” Hayden moaned, his hand balling up in Caspian’s hair, making Caspian cry out as his hair was pulled.

Caspian wasn’t sure how it was that Hayden seemed to know every single thing that put him closer and closer to the edge but he was so horny he couldn’t even think about that at the moment. He needed him, he needed Hayden. Hayden pulled out of Caspian suddenly, and pulled him up, turning him around and carrying him over to the bed, his bound hands falling on top of his abdomen. He slipped them down, covering himself but Hayden gently pulled his hands up and placed them on the bed above his head, and slipped between his legs, slowly pushing back into him.

This position was a lot easier for Hayden to get deeper, the only real limitation was how flexible Caspian was and he took pride in having kept up with his yoga and kept his flexibility up because it really paid off with Hayden. Hayden could reach places inside of him that no one else had ever reached, and it made Caspian shiver with anticipation. Hayden gripped the back of his claves and pushed them up so that he could get deeper and move faster.

And Hayden really could. Hayden was just the right kind of rough and deliberate. He wasn’t held back by anything, he could move in ways that even Caspian himself couldn’t move…

Hayden started thrusting in and out of him as fast and hard as he could, using his legs for leverage, the sound of skin slapping skin echoed in the room. He was moving in and out of him, the head of his dick abusing Caspian’s prostate. Caspian could do nothing but moan and beg, and let Hayden fuck him senseless.

It wasn’t until Hayden let go of his legs that Caspian saw an opportunity to impress and took it. He pulled his legs up by his head, resting his feet up by the pillow. “Fuck. Fuck, you’re bendy,” Hayden murmured, leaning forward and trailing little kisses down his neck. Caspian lifted his head to bare his neck and Hayden bit down onto his neck, definitely leaving behind a mark before he reached up and wrapped his hand around Caspian’s throat. Caspian whimpered and bit his lip, pushing up into Hayden’s thrusts as much as possible.

Hayden was so deep inside of him that he could almost not bear it, and he was dripping all over his abdomen with each movement of Hayden’s hips. He couldn’t focus on anything but the earth-shattering feelings crashing through him like a wrecking ball. He was so desperate for Hayden he couldn’t process a thought properly, and he was borderline losing his mind.

Every nerve in his body was vibrating against his skin, his heart pumping rapidly, sweat clinging to his skin. There wasn’t a chill any longer, the heat from their bodies had permeated the air around them. Caspian was barely holding on once again to his orgasm, which was racing towards him like a dam releasing floodwaters. He was falling over the edge, just barely grasping onto what was holding him together.

Hayden was thrusting in and out of him, deeper and deeper, their bodies moving together like they’d been doing this for years, not just a month or two. He seemed relentless, determined to make Caspian never be able to forget him. The rough and deep thrusting was steady, he didn’t move unless it was to find a new position to batter Caspian’s prostate in, and that wasn’t something Caspian wanted to complain about. The movements of their bodies were in sync, almost in a rhythm they both knew but never spoke of.

The chemistry between them was impossible to ignore, it was like in some way they were made for each other.

Caspian couldn’t help but cry out when Hayden slammed into him a final time and groaned out a deep and guttural, “Fuck, I’m cumming.” Hayden’s arms wrapping around him and holding him close while his body shook. Caspian was whimpering and moving against Hayden from below him, his desire to cum hazing over everything else. He needed it so much and he was right there, just on the verge.

Hayden seemed to come out of his euphoria after a moment and pulled out of Caspian, getting down between his legs, and immediately took his dick into his mouth. Caspian moaned at the feeling of the warm, wet mouth enclosing around him and tried his best to lay still below Hayden as Hayden worked him over with his mouth. When Hayden came up and gently massaged the opening of Caspian’s hole with his finger before slowly and gently working his fingers in and out of him, Caspian whimpered and gripped the pillow above his head, unable to smother his cries of pleasure.

It didn’t take but a couple of moments before Caspian was crying out, telling Hayden he was cumming and that he couldn’t hold it anymore. Hayden kept playing with him, milking him through his orgasm, leaving him shaking and senseless on the bed below him.

“Holy…” Caspian started after a moment, and Hayden smiled a little. “Who’s your dad, the Rock?” Caspian asked, poking Hayden on the shoulder teasingly. Hayden laughed a little bit and leaned down and kissed him softly.

“Goddamn, you felt so fantastic… So warm and… oh god.” Hayden groaned teasingly and laid himself down on top of Caspian.

“Was that your first time without a condom?” Caspian asked shyly, and Hayden shrugged.

“I’m not really the type to do stuff like this, it’s usually just one-night stands or short flings but there’s something about you. I can’t explain it.” Hayden said.

“I understand. It’s best to be safe, anyway.” Caspian said, leaning back against the bed and slipping his eyes shut.

“God, all the beds in your house are like sleeping on air,” Hayden said, and Caspian nodded.

“I like my beds soft and plushy,” Caspian said, keeping his eyes closed as Hayden shifted to the side of him.

“All the better to fuck the shit out of you,” Hayden said, running his fingers over Caspian’s forehead, pushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes. “My bed is one of those you have to flip every six months.”

Caspian’s eyes shot open and he looked over at the handsome boy beside him, wondering deeply about him. He always seemed so carefree, but Caspian wondered if that was all just an act. Caspian couldn’t help but wonder if, perhaps, he could do something to fix Hayden having a shitty bed. Everyone deserves somewhere comfortable to sleep.

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

Time seemed to pass by at an accelerated rate, because one minute Caspian blinked and his world had fallen apart, and another blink and his world was slowly being pieced back together. Hayden had played a huge role in making Caspian feel like life was worth living, he’d given him something to look forwards to, companionship, excitement… He wasn’t Jeffrey, not in any way, but he was just right for Caspian, now.

It wasn’t long before Amanda had caught Hayden on his way to class early one morning. She’d shown up earlier than expected because her taxi came early and she had nothing else to do. Caspian had been nervous, expecting her to be angry or something, but she’d simply came inside and hugged him, and told him that she was so happy for him. It wasn’t the response that he was expecting, but it made him feel like maybe he wasn’t doing anything wrong by moving on.

He had battled with the guilt of having feelings for Hayden, a lot at first. He knew that it was okay, but for some reason because of their dynamic, moving on felt like a betrayal. But, he knew that he had to keep going and living his own life. Jeffrey was gone, and he couldn’t spend the rest of his life alone waiting on himself to die.

He’d never stop loving Jeffrey, but he needed to find something to live for. Hayden gave him that. Hayden had begun training to become a certified master, though Caspian didn’t see a reason to. He wasn’t one for the club scene, but Hayden had insisted. He said that, while he’d never be Jeffrey, he wanted to learn more about the dynamic, he wanted to know how to drive Caspian crazy with lust, and that he would only take no for an answer if Caspian had a good reason and he really didn’t.

Hayden was a natural at being dominant without even noticing it, but there’s always room for improvement so Caspian didn’t really figure becoming trained would harm anything. He didn’t much mind going to the club with him, and assisting the trainer with lessons that involved a submissive. Hayden loved to show Caspian off to the people in the club, and it made him feel a whole lot sexier than he was.

“How was class?” Caspian asked, sitting on the edge of the bed and putting his feet up on the bed. Hayden smiled and came over to the bed and got onto it, and crawled up beside Caspian, resting his head next to his on the pillow beside Caspian. Caspian smiled at Hayden and glanced down at their bodies beside each other.

“It was boring, why did I decide to major in medicine again?” Hayden asked teasingly and Caspian shrugged.

“You picked your major before you met me, didn’t you?” Caspian said, watching as Hayden laughed and pulled him close to his body, nestling them together and resting.

“Well, I know it sounds kinda lame, but my mom and dad invited you to dinner. I can make up some excuse if you don’t want to meet them, but they’ve been wanting to know where and who I’ve basically moved all my stuff in with.” Hayden said, looking over me nervously.

“Do you think they’ll approve?” Caspian wondered aloud, glancing up into Hayden’s eyes with a desperate look on his face.

“Frankly, letting you meet them is just me being respectful to them. I really couldn’t care less what they think, but I know they’d love you because I’ve already told them some about you… including the age gap because for whatever reason you think people care.” Hayden teased. “We’re gay, the age gap is probably the last thing anyone notices when looking at us.”

Caspian laughed a little, and looked away from him, rolling his eyes. “Don’t you sass me, mister, I’ll bend you over the table again,” Hayden said, and while Caspian knew that he probably should’ve just kept his mouth shut, he could help the spark of excitement at the thought of inciting Hayden’s wrath.

“What if that’s just what I wanted?” Caspian teased, trying his best to look innocent.

“That could probably be arranged. Get your sexy ass to the playroom, then.” Hayden demanded, and Caspian blushed and immediately got up and walked to the playroom and opened the door. He smiled a little as he sank down to his knees in front of the table, placed his hands on his thighs, and trained his eyes straight in front of him, patiently awaiting Hayden’s appearance.

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

Caspian had time to prepare to meet Hayden’s parents, but he didn’t feel quite ready as he and Hayden stood on his parent’s front step, whispering between each other. Caspian was doing his best to keep from showing how nervous he was, but it was failing miserably. “It’ll be fine, I’m not going to leave you alone, Cas. I promise.” Hayden said, and Caspian couldn’t help the surge of relief that washed over him.

It’d been years since he’d met the parents of a significant other, and it wasn’t his strong suit when he was younger. It’d just worked out with Jeffrey because Caspian had made flower arrangements for an event that Jeffrey’s parents were hosting and they’d fallen in love with him before their son did.

He felt nervous but excited. Hayden took his hand and opened the front door to their house and walked inside. “Mom, dad, we’re here!” Hayden called, and his dad came running around the corner of their living room.

“Is that a Rolls Royce Phantom?” Was the first thing out of his dad’s mouth when he turned the corner, and Caspian nodded his head. “That’s nearly a half a million-dollar car!”

“My late husband purchased it for me as a birthday present. It’s two years old now, still runs perfectly.” Caspian said, biting his lip.

“It’s beautiful. Where’d you get it painted? I’ve never seen such a unique paint job on one of them!” He said, and Caspian bit his lip.

“A friend works on all my cars for me, he’s always maintained and done any work on my vehicles,” Caspian said.

“How many cars do you have?” Hayden’s father questioned.

“Well I’m working on selling off the ’91 Dodge Viper GTS, I personally am not a fan of its shape.” Caspian explained. “But, in total, we had nine cars, one’s overseas in Bristol, where we have a vacation house to visit my family.”

“Oh, that’s interesting. You’re from Bristol?” Hayden’s father asked.

“Yes, I was born and raised there. I came here for college and never went back to live. I visit once a year around New Year, and spend a week with my family and come home.” Caspian explained.

“That sounds fun. It sounds like you have it pretty easy.” Hayden’s father said, and Caspian shrugged a little.

“It’s all stuff that I got when Jeffrey passed. I was married to him, and he put me as the sole beneficiary to everything he’d bought.” Caspian explained. “It doesn’t really feel like it’s mine if that makes sense.”

“I understand, I suppose. Miranda is making dinner, it’ll be ready in about fifteen minutes. My name is Adam, I’m Hayden’s father.” He said, reaching a hand out and Caspian took his hand and shook it kindly, smiling a little.

“I’m Caspian Davenport,” Caspian said.

“As in Davenport industries? That Davenport?” Adam asked, and Caspian bit his lip and nodded. “That’s pretty awesome. Davenport planes are, by statistics, much less likely to crash in severe weather, and they have backup engines for if engine failure happens, triple fuel tanks for extra protection from running out of gas, and the newest model that’s about to be released has a build-in floatation device that will inflate automatically before the plane hits water if the button is hit.”

“Yeah, Davenport has always prioritized safe and luxurious planes for everyone. It’s part of what caused the brand to blow up, I feel certain.” Caspian said, and Adam nodded.

“Oh, how much are you selling the Viper for?” Hayden asked curiously.

“Around 47 grand is what the care salesmen appraised it for, I believe. It’s the first generation, it’s also got a four thousand dollar stereo system, and is in perfect condition, not a single scrape, dent, or chip of paint. I take it to be maintained once every three months and have the parts updated and replaced as soon as anything needs to be fixed, so it’s worth a chunk. Why?” Caspian asked.

“I was going to offer to buy it, but I can’t afford that.” He laughed.

“Please, I’ve got seven cars at home. You can use any one you want. Except for my Rolls-Royce, it’s my favorite.” Caspian said. “Why would I want you to purchase a car from me, I could just gift you the car?”

“I don’t know, I just worry I’d wreck it,” Hayden said and shrugged a little.

“I taught you to drive, I highly doubt you’d wreck any car you drove.” Adam tsked, and Hayden shrugged again.

“Those cars are important to Cas, I don’t really want to risk it,” Hayden said, and Caspian sighed deeply and rolled his eyes.

“The only one I’d even get a little upset about would be my Rolls-Royce. You can drive every one of them into a lake and I’d be fine. Out over a million dollars, but fine, nonetheless. A wrecked car can be fixed, and a totaled car and be replaced.” Caspian said, looking over at Hayden with a smile. “There’s one of me and eight cars. I picked out my car. You can pick out one for you. If it makes you feel better you can get the maintenance done on it or whatever.”

“Better watch out, Hayden, your mom may just move in on your man. Giving away free cars and all.” Adam smiled and Caspian let out a relieved sigh…. at least Hayden’s dad doesn’t hate him.


“My dad may or may not be planning to kidnap you, and run away to Las Vegas and have a sham wedding.” Hayden teased, opening the door for Caspian. “My mom may or may not be conspiring.”

“You drive this time. You know the way, right?” Caspian asked, handing Hayden the keys to his Rolls-Royce.

“To your house? Yeah, I’ve only ridden there from just about every point in the city so far, but are you sure?” Hayden asked, eyeing Caspian like he’d lost his mind.

“I can drive, but yes I’m sure. I don’t think you’ll have any problems during a thirty-minute drive to my house. Are you heading back here tonight, or staying over?” Caspian asked.

“I can drive, I just didn’t think you’d ever let me drive this thing,” Hayden said. “I also told my mom and dad I was staying over.”

“I trust you,” Caspian said.

“You trust me?” Hayden asked, cocking his head to the side and smiling.

“Yes, I thought the letting you sleep in my bed, roam my house freely, letting you use the cars freely, and having unprotected sex with you made that apparent.” Caspian teased, and Hayden laughed a little and wrapped his arms around Caspian, pulling him close and resting his cheek on top of Caspian’s head.

“The unprotected sex comment really hits, Cas. Not gonna lie, that was a good one, you did it.” Hayden laughed.

“It’s true. Now drive me home, I have a bottle of aged brandy we can share.” Caspian said, and Hayden laughed and nodded.

“Alright, alright. Let’s go.” Hayden said, motioning for him to get into the car.

Caspian did, and they started home.

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

“I think I want you to move in with me.” Caspian blurted out suddenly, glancing shyly over at Hayden who choked on his bacon egg and cheese croissant. He bit his lip and poked at his bowl of oatmeal nervously. He wasn’t sure exactly what possessed him to just blurt that out over breakfast, but he had said it and he didn’t regret it.

“You want me to move in with you?” Hayden asked, and Caspian nodded.

“You stay here most of the time anyway. Most of your stuff is here. I’ve been packing up Jeffrey’s things. If you want a place here, you have one.” Caspian said, forcing himself to sound nonchalant. He really wasn’t nonchalant, he was nervous.

“No, I’ll move in. I just didn’t realize you were ready.” Hayden said, and Caspian let out a relieved sigh and nodded.

“I didn’t think I was, but… when I look around and see your stuff here, it feels right. And, I managed to get through most of Jeffrey’s things. There’s space… and…” Caspian trailed off and looked away from Hayden, embarrassed.

“And?” Hayden asked.

“I want you here, I like having you here. You…” He trailed off again and sighed deeply. “Jeffrey is gone, and I know that. I know that you’re not him, and I know that you worry that I’m trying to fill the hole that he left but I’m not.” Caspian said. “I didn’t think after losing him I’d ever find something that made me feel similar to him. I didn’t think there was anything left to live for. I was stuck, and only kept going because I felt like I had to.” Caspian paused for a moment. “I was barely hanging onto life, and since meeting you I’ve actually felt alive for the first time since the accident. You’re everything Jeffrey wasn’t, and I think–no, I know–that for the person I am now that’s what I need. Losing him changed me, but so did meeting you and everything that’s happened since. When you’re not here, I miss you. I sleep better with you here. I feel safe with you here.”

“I guess you do know me better than I thought. And you’re not just saying all of that?” Hayden asked cautiously.

“Hayden…” Caspian hesitated, looking over the man in front of him that he simply couldn’t think of doing without anymore. He only hesitated, not because he wasn’t sure, but because he’d not even uttered the words inside his mind yet. He knew, but he didn’t say it. “I love you. I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Cas. I will move in, but don’t put up his stuff just because I’m here.” Hayden said. “Take your time and grieve. Rushing won’t do anything but halt it.”

“I put up his stuff because I was ready. I started a few weeks ago. Had the cleaning lady take the boxes up to his office early Tuesday morning.” Caspian said, and Hayden nodded.

“Then pack it up, baby,” Hayden said and smiled. “I’m going to be missing at least my first three classes today,” Hayden said, and Caspian raised an eyebrow.

“Why’s that?” Caspian asked.

“I’m gonna completely ravish you once I finish this really fucking good croissant,” Hayden said, his deep eyes like pools of the depths of the ocean as they peered at Caspian. Caspian immediately broke out into a blush and squealed, standing and smirking.

“You’ll have to find me first…!” Caspian hollered playfully as he started running up the stairs towards his bathroom. He knew that he’d be found there, but he didn’t want Hayden to not be able to find him.

“Fuck, don’t–NO!!” Hayden yelled, standing up and chasing after him. Caspian giggled, running a little faster. With Hayden hot on his trails behind him, he swung a left at the top of the hallway and ran into one of the guest rooms and then into the bathroom and crawled into the walk-in shower. He smiled a little and stripped off his clothes, tossing them in a line from the shut door, making a trail to the bathroom. He turned on the warm water and let it heat up a moment before he hopped in and let the water run over his skin.

It wasn’t thirty seconds later that the door to the walk-in shower was pulled open and Hayden was rushing into the shower, pushing Caspian back against the wall and pinning him there. “I found you. What’s my prize?” Hayden murmured teasingly, trailing his nose along the length of Caspian’s neck, making him shiver. Every inch of their bodies was touching, and warm water was cascading down over them.

Caspian dropped down to the floor, still trapped against the wall, and wrapped his hand around Hayden’s already hard dick. Caspian didn’t waste a moment, he wrapped his lips around the head of Hayden’s cock, and Hayden moaned. Caspian began bobbing his head, breathing through his nose so that he didn’t have to stop sucking Hayden off.

Caspian took his time, slowly working his erection all the way down his throat, expertly breathing around it without gagging and cupping Hayden’s balls gently in his hand. He gently massaged Hayden’s balls, taking special care to do it just as he remembered Hayden had liked him to do it before. He made sure to cup the bottom of Hayden’s dick with his tongue and bobbed his head, pausing momentarily to trail kisses up the side of it. Hayden, obviously having enough with not being in control, pushed Caspian’s head back so it was resting against the wall. He then slowly began thrusting in and out of Caspian’s mouth, freeing up one of his hands to reach down between his legs and Caspian began rubbing himself.

Hayden began fucking his mouth a little harder once he realized that Caspian could take it–and loved it–leaving Caspian a horny, desperate mess. He relaxed his throat and focused on steadying his breathing to keep from gagging, while he stroked his own leaking cock in time with the thrusts that Hayden was making inside of his mouth. He couldn’t help but let out little whimpers and whines around Hayden’s cock, his own arousal causing his mind to run away from him. He blushed brightly and looked up into Hayden’s eyes.

Once their eyes met it was like a spark went off in Hayden, and he immediately pulled Caspian up and pushed his body back against the wall, grabbing one of his legs and hiking it up onto his shoulder. Hayden pressed the head of his cock against Caspian and slipped in. He groaned deeply and rested his head against the wall beside Caspian’s head.

“I cannot get over how fucking amazing you feel around me,” Hayden said, and Caspian whimpered and blushed.

“I can’t get over your fucking dick.” Caspian gasped out, feeling his whole body reacting to being filled by Hayden. They’d just done this mere hours ago and Caspian was still a little sore, but Hayden didn’t need to be told that because he began rocking them together at a slower pace than he’d normally start. Hayden paused at the sound of Caspian cursing, and Caspian blushed immediately.

“I didn’t think you cursed. Something about you makes even cursing sound classy and that’s really fucking hot.” Hayden said and began slowly moving a little faster, the water from the shower cascading over their bodies. Each movement caused them to moan and their lips locked and they clutched each other closer, Caspian’s nails digging into the skin of Hayden’s shoulders.

They were moving together in time, a delicate dance that they’d perfected together. Caspian was slowly but surely getting to the point of no return, where he couldn’t help but cling onto Hayden and ride out the euphoria until he erupted.

Caspian gasped in frustration when Hayden pulled out of him and turned him around, gripping his hips and pushing back into him. Caspian moaned when he was buried back inside of him where he felt like he belonged at this point. He whimpered as Hayden slowly began fucking him again. He was being so careful but still hitting so many places inside of him and he was shaking with each thrust. Hayden’s hands came up and gripped Caspian’s hands that were holding himself up away from the wall as they moved against each other.

Hayden was easily able to pin him to the wall and he made sure to show Caspian just how much stronger he was. Caspian loved that–loved knowing that he was powerless against his lover. Hayden had picked up the pace a little more and Caspian cried out, gripping at the wall, feeling more than a little unsteady on his feet as the man touched every part of him.

“Please, harder, please…” He whimpered out, pushing back against the man with desperation. Hayden smirked and started rocking his hips faster and harder than he was before, making Caspian moan in excitement and start wiggling his hips to get closer to him. The change in the angle made Hayden ram his cock into Caspian’s prostate and it made Caspian moan loudly and cum all over the wall at the sudden impact.

Caspian was shaking, riding out his orgasm as Hayden kept going, trying to find his own release. Caspian whimpered and wriggled himself back and clenched around Hayden which led Hayden to lean forward and rest his chest against the Caspian’s back. Caspian could feel him pulsing deep within him, could feel how hard Hayden was, and it was enough to make him want to do anything he could to make the man cum.

Hayden picked up Caspian and turned him around, slowly entering him again, before he started moving in and out of him again. Caspian wrapped his arms around Hayden’s neck and started murmuring about how good he felt buried to the hilt, and how big he was. Caspian began wriggling his hips and tightened his legs around Hayden’s waist, helping him go deeper. The change in position seemed to be all that Hayden really needed, though, because it wasn’t but a couple more thrusts before he was burying himself as deep as he could go and groaning out Caspian’s name as he came.

Caspian whimpered quietly and rested his body against Hayden’s, slouching over him tiredly. He wasn’t usually one to laze about in bed all day, but all he could really think about was resting his body. He felt deliciously sore and ache-y, and utterly exhausted.

“I need a nap.” Hayden groaned and rubbed his face, standing directly under the stream of water.

“Then let’s go take a nap,” Caspian said, rolling his eyes.

“Yeah, I’m probably gonna miss more than three classes. I’m skipping today.” Hayden murmured. “The thought of you curled up here all day in bed would just distract me anyway. Plus, how often does Caspian Davenport take a damn nap?” Hayden said, running his fingers through his hair. “Can’t miss my only chance to spend a Wednesday afternoon curled in bed with a cute little piece of ass, now can I?”

Caspian blushed, looking away from him. He stepped closer to Hayden and let the water run down over him too, washing off the remnants of their play. Once the two got dressed, they fled back to the silence of Caspian’s room. They got into bed and cuddled up to each other, resting their tired bodies onto the bed and switching on the television with a tired sigh.

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

Caspian smiled and glanced over at Hayden, meeting his eyes. Hayden looked gorgeous, his deep blue eyes looking around the back patio of my house in Bristol. It was mid-summer, warm outside. Hayden was lounging back against the lawn-chair by the pool, looking out over the secluded backyard, trees hiding them from the closest neighbor entirely. Caspian had picked out this house, nearly nine years earlier, because of how beautiful and secluded the place was. He loved the way the sun bounced off of Hayden’s beautiful skin, how his blond hair seemed somehow lighter in it.

“What?” Hayden asked, smirking at Caspian. Caspian blushed and pushed up his sunglasses so that they completely covered his eyes and he couldn’t peek over the rim of them. He took a slow sip of wine as he observed Hayden’s dark blue eyes peer at him in curiosity.

“Nothing just saw a bird over at the trees.” Caspian fibbed, smiling teasingly at Hayden. Hayden cocked his head to the side and grabbed Caspian by the arm, pulling him forward and onto his lap. Caspian straddled him immediately, giggling a little and shaking his head. “Be careful! Don’t spill my wine!” He cried out, trying to keep from spilling his wine all over the towels, but failing miserably. He couldn’t help but laugh and wrap his arms around Hayden’s neck.

Hayden gripped his hip in one hand and his cheek in the other, pulling his face down so that their lips met. Caspian smiled against his lips, letting him lead them in a slow and teasing kiss. Hayden had two modes, sexually speaking, it was somewhere between a romance movie and a porno. Caspian never minded, the spontaneity was a huge turn-on for him. Caspian whimpered and parted his lips as Hayden slowly ran his tongue over his bottom lip. Hayden slipped his tongue into Caspian’s mouth, slowly and deliberately searching every corner of his mouth, seemingly memorizing it.

Caspian smiled and blushed a little when Hayden pulled away from him and grabbed his sunglasses by the sides and gently pulled them off of his face. Caspian bit his lip and lowered his eyes a little, feeling embarrassed at how bare he suddenly felt in Hayden’s arms. They were so close now, he could smell the shampoo that Hayden used. He could see the tiny little imperfections he’d come to love. The little razor-thin scar on Hayden’s forehead, barely visible just at his hairline, the crooked nose that somehow fit perfectly there, a few littered acne scars… Caspian had fallen in love with each of his little imperfections. Hayden pulled Caspian back down and kissed him again.

“Marry me,” Hayden murmured, looking into Caspian’s eyes. His eyes were scanning, watching Caspian closely.

“What?” Caspian asked, his eyes widening and tears springing to his eyes. Hayden just pressed another gentle kiss on his lips and smiled a little.

“Marry me,” Hayden murmured again, his lips brushing against Caspian’s as he said it. Caspian leaned forward and kissed him for a second. “I love you Cas. Marry me.” Caspian sucked in a deep breath, and he nodded, a simple little movement that caused Hayden to smile really big and lean up a little bit, kissing him again. “I want to hear you say it.” Hayden’s lips began trailing down Caspian’s neck, making him whimper. His mind fogged over a little bit, his heart racing in his chest.

“Say what?” Caspian whimpered as Hayden trailed kisses down his chest and settled over his nipple, sucking a little bit. Caspian moaned, his dick jumping to attention.

“Say you’ll marry me,” Hayden murmured after a moment, his warm breath ghosting over Caspian’s hard, slightly wet nipple, making Caspian whimper again. Caspian nodded again.

“I’ll marry you, asshat. But only if you can find me!” Caspian teased a little, standing up and running towards the door. Hayden paused for a moment, taken aback before he smirked wickedly and stood up.

“Game on,” Hayden hollered, chasing after Caspian. Caspian had the advantage because he’d visited the house plenty of times, but the fun was in the chase, not winning. Despite having been able to hide in the countless compartments that could’ve probably hidden him for hours, he ran straight towards the farthest bedroom, Hayden right on his heels. Caspian had already made it halfway up the stairs when he felt Hayden’s hand graze him. He smirked a little. He purposefully sped up a little, acting like he was going towards the bedroom.

At the last moment, he turned and took the first door around the corner, slipping it silently shut behind him, and giggled. He knew he’d eventually be found, could even hear Hayden’s footsteps right outside the door, before they seemed to disappear. He turned his back and looked around the room. The sound of the door opening and hitting the wall carelessly made him jump, but he didn’t have time to react or run because within half a second of the sound of the door flying open, he found himself flying through the air towards the bed, landing with a quiet bounce looking up at Hayden.

Hayden got down on top of him and smirked, pushing the hair out of his eyes and cradling the side of his face. “I got you.” Hayden teased, tweaking one of his nipples and leaning down to kiss him.

“Mhmm!” Caspian hummed, pleasure thrumming through his body at the touch. Their lips were moving together slowly, Caspian noticed finally that his dick was achingly hard. “I let you get me, so… what’s my prize?” Hayden smiled mischievously and looked down over Caspian with a heated, lustful gaze. Hayden didn’t really have to say anything, Caspian knew just what his prize was.


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