A Fall in the City Ch. 08


A gay story: A Fall in the City Ch. 08

Farmer Joe finds himself forced to live with his daughter and her boyfriend, Blake, for the entire Fall. The redneck hates being stuck in a small apartment in the city, but he has a secret. Joe and Blake have begun a relationship last Summer… Living once again in such close proximity, things could get steamy… and complicated.

This book is a sequel to A Summer at the Farm, told through Joe’s perspective. All characters featured are above 18 years-old and this story is meant to be read by adults only.


Chapter 8: The Castle

“You’re really leaving?”

“Yes, I am.”

I had packed my few bags, everything for my departure was ready in the living room, and I had just told Blake about my decision to move out from the apartment.

He did not seem too happy about the news.

He was surprised too; this was coming out of the blue for Blake.

I had been thinking about it for a while but things had taken a turn the day before.

Everything had started off well. I had spent the entire afternoon in a park outside, enjoying the warm late-September weather.

It was a Saturday and Blake and Olivia were both home so I figured that they needed their space.

I sat down on the freshly mown grass and I realized only afterwards that I was hanging in a gay area of the city.

There were a few girls (cute ones) wearing bathing suits in an attempt to prolong their Summer-tan, but aside from this group, the park was filled with gay dudes, some openly hooking-up with one another.

Two beefy dudes were even all up each other, doing something closer to fucking than making out.

I could have never witnessed that in Utah.

I thought about Bob, stuck in a loveless marriage with his wife and kids when he could have had so much more fun in here.

I decided to take off my clothes and to lie down in just my briefs.

Not that I wanted to tan myself, – I did not care about that -, but I had a kick out of knowing that the guys surrounding me were checking my beefy muscular body out.

Trust me, they definitely took a good look at all the meat I had to offer.

Showing off gave me a solid brick in my underwear and, like a vicious circle, it brought even more looks to my crotch.

What were the libs calling that again? The “male gaze” or something? I, for one, loved the male gaze when it was all over me.

Besides, the girls were watching too. Anyone could have a piece of Joe’s barely naked body.

I was providing the eye candy for free.

Hell, those city college kids must have been lacking some real men in the region, it was only fair that I stepped in.

Nobody went to speak to me though.

Even that one guy who was staring at me by himself did not make a move. That must have been tough for him to resist because he was practically drooling when I rubbed oil cream on my hairy chest.

I am not sure what I would have done if one of them, – man or woman -, would have come to hit on me.

If I were to distance myself from Blake, I would have to find another fuck-buddy.

I was not going to leave myself with blue balls or limit my sexual life to jerking off. Honestly, I was way too hot and horny for this solo bullshit.

Besides, it was not like my cock was difficult about picking a hole to fill. Pretty any of them would do!

Talking about that, my asshole was slowly recovering for the quick raw fucking I had gone through in the parking lot.

I was starting to think that I would soon be ready for another “anal training” session…

That only strengthened my hard-on in the park and I ended-up stroking myself quickly, and nutting behind a bush before leaving.

A few guys who were cruising there checked me out from afar.

They did not need to get close to realize that I was packing a huge anaconda between my legs. I am sure they were impressed. One of them cheered when the heavy cream flew out of my cockhead.

Anyway, I came back home in a good mood as the sun was setting behind me, and I was very distraught by what I found there.

My Liv was alone, sobbing on the couch.

When I got in, she pretended that it was because she was watching a sad movie, but a dumb talk-show was on.

She could not fool her own father.

“What’s going on, Liv?”

“Nothing, dad… Ignore this. I was just… That’s nothing.”

I sat down next to her and wrapped my hands around her skinny shoulders.

“Tell me, what’s wrong?”

“Dad, I promise, I’m fine.”

My little princess was crying her eyes out and it broke my heart.

I had not seen her cry since her mother had died…

“Olivia! Just tell me. Where is Blake?”

“He’s gone out with Eric and Zaid… I don’t think he wanted to spend the evening with me.”

“Is this why you’re so…”

“Stop it, dad!” She pushed me away. “I… I’m telling you that I’m fine!”

With anybody else, I would have lost my cool, but not with Olivia.

Instead, I was even softer in my approach.

“You don’t have to be so strong all the time, you know. Your mother was exactly the same, even when she got sick, she couldn’t let her guard down. That’s not good. You need to let your frustration out sometimes.”

“I miss mom.”

“I miss her too, very much.”


“You have no idea of how much you look like her. She’d be so proud of you.”

I caressed her wet cheek.

Olivia looked at me, I saw so much sadness in her eyes that it almost made myself cry.

“Things are not the same since I came back from London.” Olivia ended-up confessing.

“How so?”

“With Blake. When I left, we were doing very well, talking about the future and everything. I knew it was a risk going away for three months but on my side, being by myself for an entire Summer only confirmed things, and I thought it was the same thing for Blake. It’s not, though. He’s distant, we argue for stupid shit…”

My stomach ached.

I hated everything second of this, it was exactly what I feared.

Because of me, my daughter was hurting.

I searched for my words carefully.

“But Liv, the context’s been difficult. When you came back, there was the fire at the farm, we had to stay at the hospital… Blake only recently got rid of his cast, and I’m here all the damn time. This is not ideal for a relationship.”

“I don’t know… Dad, do you think that he loves me?”

I gulped.

“Yeah… I… I think so. Of course. Who wouldn’t love you, honey?”

I held her in my arms and this time around, she let me.

My decision was made though, right in that instant.

It was one thing to imagine how my actions could have made my daughter suffer, it was another to witness it with my own eyes, to feel her sobbing against my chest, to sense her heartbreak in my bones.

She told me that she needed to be alone and she went to her bedroom.

I told her that I would give her space and I went to the jazz club that evening.

I made sure not to come back until very late in the night so maybe she would have a chance to talk to Blake, although, I was afraid of what Blake might tell her.

This idiot could spill the beans about us and then, my actual nightmare would come to life.

All and all, it was a pretty depressing night.

Olivia was definitely not okay, and I finally come to terms with the fact that I needed to end things — permanently — with Blake.


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