A Halloween Wish is Granted


Weaving through the Collegiate Styled Homes on the streets across from campus, they finally made their way to the Frat House holding the Halloween party. It was a large and imposing, old red brick building with vines sneaking up the side of it. It looks like a Frat House you might see in a classic movie from the 80s. There was a large crowd of college students in front of the house dressed in their Halloween best, the halloween themed music blasting out from the house into the yard. There was Jack-O-Lanterns lining the path up to the house and other Halloween themed decor adding to the festive ambiance.

Walking into the Frat House, Sam and TC were hit with the smells of Weed, Cheap Beer and Sweat all mingling together. The lights were roaring from color to color and the corny-spooky decor dominated the house. There were people dancing to corny halloween music, talking and having a good time from wall to wall. A group of girls dressed as Barbie were trying to do a co-ordinated dance to ‘Monster Mash’, but they were clearly too tipsy to pull it off! It made TC and Sam smile at the sight.

“See bro, its a good time!” TC said, smiling to Sam

Sam rolled his eyes and returned his face back to its typical scowl. It was clear to TC that Same wasn’t going to have a good time unless he forced him to. Sometimes Sam’s stubborn stuffiness got in the way of actually enjoying himself, this was going to be one of those times. TC grabbed Sam’s arm and dragged him into the kitchen to grab some beer for them. Alcohol should loosen him up! They passed a Cowboy making out with a gal in a Cruella De Ville costume and a group of people trying to get a keg stand set-up.

Walking into the Kitchen there was a few people leaning on the counter tops talking and taking a respite from the loud party. There was booze of every variety on the counters, with pizza, chips and various other snacks placed in the bowls. There was a big jar on the counter labeled ‘Party Donations’, with a whole bunch of cash stuffed in it; TC pushed a $20 bill into it. He poured an Oktoberfest Beer from a keg for himself and Sam. Handing the plastic cup to Sam he took a sip from his cup.

“Dude come on you have to at least try and enjoy yourself” TC pleaded

“And you think beer will do that?” Sam said with a quirked, sniffing the beer with disapproval

“It will make it a lot easier!” TC responded

Sam gave in and put the cup to his lips and sipped slowly on the amber colored tonic. TC, then put his hand on cup and forced it upwards, making Sam almost chug down the beer to avoid spilling any. With the cup emptied, TC pulled it away and turned to get a refill.

“What the hell TC!” Sam said in anger

“What, I was just helping you out” TC said with a shrug

“Well Geez, don’t do that again. I don’t want to get drunk!” Sam said

“You can’t get drunk off one beer, Sammy” TC said as he finished getting the refill

“Don’t call me Sammy” Sam said, grabbing the beer and following TC back into the party

As they bounced around the Frat House, it seemed like TC was friends with like half the party. His pleasant personality, lending itself well to the party atmosphere as they had conversations across the house. At one point TC tried to talk Sam into doing a Keg Stand, but Sam put his foot down on that! Despite the jovial air, Sam seemed committed to remaining a dour mood. They took pictures to get there names entered in the Halloween Costume Contest at the party and cast their votes. TC voted for Sam and visa versa.

In one of the rooms, there was someone dressed in Witch Drag, the fabulous queen set up a station to offer “Spooky Fortune reading”. She had on a classic witch costume, black hat and robes, a broomstick by her side and a ‘glowing cauldron of fate’ that she looked into. Waiting in line to get their fortune read, Sam and TC nursed their beer as they waited their turn.

After 5 minutes, they made their way up to the booth the Witch had setup.

“Hello my sweeties! Would you like to know your fate tonight?” The witch said with a cackle

She was really trying her best to add to the Halloween vibe! Next to her cauldron she had an old book with some Latin writing on the cover and a glowing jack-o’-lantern on the other side.

“Yes, please!” TC responded, while Sam remained silent in his scowling form

“Place your hand on my spell book and look deep into the cauldron of fate!” She said in a hushed tone

As TC placed a hand on the book, he noticed the book started to get hot to the touch as he looked into the Bubbling green contents of the Cauldron. The witch stirred her brew as she closed her eyes and recited a phrase several times in latin. She opened her eyes and stared into the cauldron for several moments, until looking up at TC.

“You shall find many surprises tonight that you did not know you wanted. Life will provide you a happy ending where you thought it once only brought you tedium” The Witch said in a spooky tone

“What does that mean?” TC queried with a cocked head

“I read fate, I don’t understand it. Who’s next?” The Witch said matter of factly

TC shoved Sam in front of the Witch, earning a glare from his friend.

“He’s next!” TC said smiling

“Honey, Place your hand on my spell-book and look deeply into my magical fate-telling concoction” the Witch told Sam

“This is so dumb, I should never have agreed to this” Sam said under his breath as he complied

The Witch quirked her eyes at his comment and nodded towards the cauldron

He put his hand on the spell book and stared into the Witch’s Brew. Feeling the book get warm, he thought he saw a pattern form in the caldron as the witch recited the Latin phrases again.

“You shall find your festive spirit in ways you never expected, you shall become a new boy by nights end” She said

Sam looked at the Witch quizzically and tried not to laugh at her ‘fortune’

“You mean like Pinocchio?” Sam said with a smirk

“I don’t know who this Pinocchio girl is, NEXT!” The Witch said loudly, clearly done with them

Sam and TC went back to the party, TC dancing with a group of partygoers to ‘Thriller’ while Sam sulked ion a couch with his beer. It was like he was trying to have a bad time, TC thought. TC did smile at the fact that Sam was sharing the couch with a couple full-on making out next to him, Sam looked very uncomfortable with their affections. It didn’t seem fair that he was always trying to make Sam happy and burst from his shell, but he never even seemed to appreciate the effort. Sometimes Sam could be a bad friend, TC thought.

With their hour almost up, TC sat next to Sam on the couch.

“Can we at least stay a little longer so we can find out who wins the Costume Contest, it’ll just be like 15 minutes I think” TC begged

“Fine, but we are leaving right after that” Sam conceded

“Thanks bro!” TC said with a happy tone

After about 30 minutes, TC saw the Witch stand up on top of the stairs leading to the next floor as a crowd formed around her in the House’s foyer. She was handed a microphone and the music was turned down

“Time to announce the winner of the Costume Contest!” She said raising her arms with flair


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