A Halloween Wish is Granted


The crowd quieted down enough for people to hear her.

“And the winner is….. TC Andino, our resident Greek God of Zeus! And ladies, is he rocking that look or what? Looks like you live in the Gym honey!” The witch said, causing TC to stand up and blush

“Get on up here and show yourself off. You got to claim your prize!” She hollered at him

TC walked up the stairs and stood next to the Witch as people whistled at him. Clearly enjoying the attention, TC blew a kiss to the crowd.

“Your prize for the night, will be one magical wish granted using my Halloween Powers!” She said

“Anything I want” TC said, going along with the joke

“Well anything that cost $0 and you don’t really think will ever happen” she snarked back

Holding out her Spell book, she closed her eyes and started chanting a few latin phrases again

“Place your hand on my magical spell book and make a Hallow’s Eve wish” She said

Placing his hand on the book, TC looked out at the crowd to still see Sam pouting and fuming on the couch. He closed his eyes and tried to land on a wish.

“I wish Sam would make me happy for once” TC wished silently

Opening his eyes up, he looked at the Witch as she recited the Latin phrase again

She turned to look at TC and said “This isn’t gonna cost me right?”

“Don’t worry, it’ll never happen” He said back

Sam withdrew his hand from the book, but then the book started get so hot that it looked like it was starting to steam! The Pages on the book started to glow a blinding white light until, all of a sudden, it seemed to explode in a puff of smoke! Pages of the book flying everywhere around them to the ground. Both the Witch and TC looked shocked, but the crowd below them cheered at the apparent trick.

“How did you get it to do that?” TC whispered to the Witch

“I have no idea what just happened! I found this book at an old book shop and thought it looked like a good prop!” The Witch said, trying to contain her shock

“Okay…” TC said, not believing that and deciding to not try and get her to explain the trick

Walking back down the stairs, TC made his way over to Sam. He looks different though, like he was lost in his own thoughts. He wasn’t scowling anymore, he looked perfectly neutral.

“Ready to go man?” TC asked

Sam snapped out of his navel gazing and looked up at TC. He looked annoyed with him. Sam, wasn’t sure why, but his friends annoyance made him think about how he acted tonight. He had been kind of awful he thought. TC had really tried to get him to have a good time and he just kept rebuffing it. He started to notice his Friend’s costume as he looked up, he really looked like a million bucks! The way his muscular biceps bulged from his arms, his shredded six pack and his toned pecs revealing themselves. TC really was a hunk, if ever there was one.

“Uh dude?” TC queried

Sam shook himself from his stupor again, stood up and following TC out the door. The air outside was nippy and the night had gone dark. Glancing at his phone, Sam saw it was 9:30 at night. Making there way back to their share dorm room, Sam kept taking clandestine glances to ogle at TC’s muscles. Feeling his regret for his behavior tonight reach a crescendo, he finally decided to put voice to it.

“Hey TC, I think I owe you an apology. I was a total jerk to you tonight and all you were trying to do was help me have a good time ” Sam said nervously

TC more out of shock than anything stopped walking and stared at his friend in awe. He had known Sam for more than 10 years and never once had something like this happened! Sam was actually admitting a fault?

“I was a shitty friend and I am really sorry” Sam said throwing his hands up and down

TC wasn’t really sure what to say to this. But benevolence was always his first instinct and he went with that.

“It’s OK man, I am just happy you at least agreed to come with me. C’mon lets get back to the dorm, its kind of cold out here” He said stretching out his arm

Sam moved inside TC’s outstretched arm and they started to walk back to their dorm again. TC moved his arm around Sam to pull him closer, resting his hand on Sam’s hip. TC was a little surprised at how toned Sam felt up against his body. He didn’t think Sam had been going to the gym, but the muscle under the shirt felt much harder than he would have expected. Sam always had a skinny, 0-muscle body.

“Have you been going to the gym, dude?” TC asked

“Uh no” Sam responded as he put his head on TC’s shoulder

TC huffed a response as the kept walking silently.

About halfway through their walk back their dorm, they ran into a couple of drunk girls outside one of the sorority houses. They were dressed as cheerleaders and were talking very loud.

“OMG you guys are such a cute couple!” Said one of the girls said as they walked by

TC smiled at them, expecting Sam to correct them with a typically snarky retort, but instead all Sam said was “Thanks”, with a smile! That was cause for concern enough, but then TC noticed he was suddenly holding a crumpled up piece of a paper in his hand. How had that got there? Opening the note, TC read the note silently:

To TC:

Your wish is granted, the transformation is complete. Your friend Sam, is a new man from his head to his feet.

Your greatest desire was for Sam to make you happy. Now he is so much more, he is your boyfriend so sweet and sappy.

We used the powers of Halloween magic, to grant this wish. We morphed his body and mind to make him your perfect dish.

His lips are full and his rump is plump.

His body his toned and is ready to be boned!

For you we have made a wholesome twink; a boy who you would never leave, we think.

To seal the deal, you must do one more thing. You must take his virginity tonight, show him you are his king.

The spell will be made permanent and Sam will be made yours. You must just show him the stars, behind closed doors.

We bid you good night, to you and him too.

— The book of spells and other assorted magical information

Well what the fuck? TC thought as reread the note. This must be some sort of joke or something. He moved his head slightly to look at Sam from behind and noticed that he suddenly had filled out the old boy scout shorts. His butt almost jiggling with every step, it almost made TC drool. Looking at Sam’s lips he noticed they were now noticeably more pink and plump like the note had stated. His face also appears to have softened somehow. He looked more at peace, dropping his almost constant scowl for a look of contentedness.

Looking back to reread the note again, TC saw it evaporate in his hand. Holy shit, this might be real TC realized. He tried to take stock of the situation in his head. His best friend and dorm mate has been turned into the boy of his dreams. Not just his dreams, like this somehow magically self-possessed book went into his mind and turned Sam into a literal wet dream for him. TC definitely had a type when it came to guys and this wholesome, innocent and mildly toned twink was it!

TC’s mind was racing, trying to figure out what to do. All he needed to do was not fuck Sam and everything should go back to normal. That shouldn’t be too hard? But then he started to think about it. Would it really be so bad if Sam stayed like this? Sam basically always seemed miserable and he was always complaining about not being able to get a girlfriend. Now he could live his life as a perfect twink. His body magically crafted to be a fantasy. TC started to come around to the idea in his head. He would be a great boyfriend for Sam too, it’s not like he didn’t think about it sometimes.


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