Beth the Cum Slut Ch 10 – 12 by Not a writer


Nothing much happened the rest of the week until Saturday when I went over to see Mel, Julie and Jim. I hadn’t seen them in a couple of weeks and had a lot to tell them. Mel about shit herself when I told her about me and dad. I have been so jealous of her relationship with Julie and Jim and now I had something that made her jealous. It’s funny, neither one of us ever had any sexual thoughts about our dad, but now that we know about (and I’ve seen) his monster cock, we can’t stop talking about it. I even told her how I felt about him making love to me and how I can’t do it because I would want him to breed me. When I said that, Julie said, “See Mel, that’s what I’ve been trying to explain to you about Daddy. I know you love him and want him, but when it’s your own dad, there is just something extra there. You don’t really want him to fuck you, you want to make love and make babies. I’ve been dreaming of having his babies since the first time he made love to me. Something just clicked. If you’re feeling this way now, Beth from just seeing his cock and tasting his cum, just imagine how you’d feel if he actually made love to you. You’re right not to consider doing it now. You don’t want to have to suppress those feelings for years and years. I’ve been feeling it for about a year and half and believe me, I want so badly to throw away my pills and let Daddy put a baby in me.

When I got the chance, I got Jim alone. “Jim, I just want to tell you that this stuff with my dad in no way changes the fact that I want you to be the one to take my virginity and make love to me for the first time. What I feel for each of you is very different. I admit the thought of making love with my dad is intriguing, but it’s mainly because of his incredible cock. It would hit places most others won’t. But I have no feelings towards wanting him to be my first. I think you are a wonderful man and I know you are a really good lover and will make my first time really special. I have a doctor’s appointment next week to get on birth control. I have to take it for a month before I can have unprotected sex so I’ll be ready for you in about five weeks. I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to giving myself to you and feeling you inside me. As soon as I’m good to go, believe me, I’ll be here ready for you.”

“Thanks for saying that, Beth. I wasn’t particularly worried, but even if you changed your mind, I would respect that. Nothing is locked in stone. You are free to change your mind right up to the time I start to press my cock into your vagina. I am looking forward to being with you, but it will always be your decision and that’s the way it should always be for you. Never, ever, have sex with someone just because they want it. If it’s not right for you, don’t do it. And while I’d be honored to receive your virginity you do what’s right for you. If you suddenly find a guy at school you want to be your first instead, go for it. Believe me, I’ll understand. I’ll be just as thrilled to be your second or even the third than the first. But what I’d really like right now is one of your patented blow jobs. Are you interested?”

“Interested,” I screamed? “Is the Pope Catholic? I’ve been dying for your cum for two weeks now. Get that beautiful cock out right now.” I got down on my knees before Jim while he pulled down his shorts and brought out his big, thick cock. I really had missed it. Sucking all those boys in school is all well and good and quenches my thirst for cum, but their dicks don’t compare to Jim’s thick cock. And I love to lick and suck his smooth, shaved balls. One at a time, I suck his balls into my mouth and swirl my tongue around and around them. As I do that, I gently pull down on his other ball. I swear I can feel the sperm swimming around in his balls when I suck on them. All that sperm that is waiting to fill my stomach. I sucked Jim’s cock back into my mouth and licked all around it and tried to get it good and wet with my spit so that it can slide easily down my throat. As it gets to the back of my throat I simply swallow and the head slips right down in. His cock isn’t near as long as my dad’s so it only goes into my throat and inch or so. I can’t wait to feel my dad’s cock keep going down another couple of inches.

It’s real hard to breathe with a cock in your throat, so I’m getting better at holding my breath. I can last almost a minute now before I have to ease the cock out of my throat into my mouth, take a couple of breaths and then suck that cock back down. It’s funny that I’d never realized that Jim never grabs my head or tries to actively fuck my mouth. He is just a very gentle lover. When I think of taking my dad’s cock in my mouth, though, I have this picture in my head of him grabbing the sides of my head, or my ears and moving my head so that he’s fucking my throat. I think Jim will just always be my lover, whereas I’m hoping my dad will fuck my throat. And yet, I want my dad to make love to my pussy and not fuck me there. I don’t know why my mind works like this, but it is what it is.

Jim loves my blow jobs and he lasts quite a long time. That’s fine with me. As long as I can breathe once in a while, I’d suck that cock for hours. Eventually, I did feel him start to swell and I knew he was getting close. I pulled his cock out of my throat so he could cum in my mouth and he released jet after jet of his tasty baby batter. I decided to do for him what I started doing with the boys and held as much of the cum in my mouth as possible until Jim was done. I pulled his cock out of my mouth and opened it to show Jim my tongue playing with his cum and then I swallowed it all down and opened up again to show my empty mouth. “Oh, learned something new I see,” Jim said. “That is so hot to watch. Guys always enjoy seeing a girl do that. Thanks, sweetie. That was a terrific blow job, as usual. Feeling my dick in your throat is just awesome. I’ll never get tired of that.”

I spent the afternoon naked with Jim and the girls. The girls showed me their strap on cock. They wanted to fuck me with it and I was tempted, but I told them I wanted to save my cherry for Jim. But as soon as Jim takes my virginity and makes love to me, I will be anxious for both of them to fuck the shit out of me with their big, black, strap on. Instead, I watched them fuck each other and I soothed each tasty pussy with my tongue after they were finished getting pounded. We had a really fun time together. I am so glad they started me down the bi-sexual path. I would have missed out on a lot of fun and orgasms. I think everyone should try having sex with their same sex – even guys. There’s nothing wrong with guys sucking each other cocks. I’d actually like to see that. But girls definitely need to try licking pussy and sucking on tits. They have no idea what fun they’re missing out on by thinking there’s anything wrong with it. If it feels good, do it.

This was a really good week. It started with dad cumming all over my face and tits and then the geek squad all gave me loads of cum, and then I had a terrific day with Jim, Julie and Mel. A week of cum and pussy juice. It doesn’t get any better than that!


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