Twink from Sconset Beach

Josh explained that the girls originally planned to go to Nantucket alone but one of the girls’ parents suggested that maybe Josh could go with them. Apparently, they thought it would be a good idea to have a male escort. Josh then invited Nicky. The two boys were sharing a room in the basement of the cottage. They arrived the night before and they were staying for the week.

We chatted some more. The boys finished their waters and then said goodbye. I reminded them to check the tidal chart (every house has one out here or they are easily found online) and plan their beach placement accordingly.

Josh laughed at that and said, “I’d be content to just sit up here.” Nicky just nodded his head. I told them they were both welcome to come by any time.

I quickly forgot about them, figuring I would not see them again. It’s a long beach and most people tried different places every day. I went back to the house and made a salad, opened a bottle of wine and sat on a chair at a pool-side table with my laptop open as the sky darkened and the sun set.

At around 11 I was about to head in for the night. I had a nice buzz going from the bottle of wine I’d finished. I decided to jump in the spa to relax a bit before turning in. I stood up and took off my t-shirt and dropped my shorts to the ground.

A slight breeze caressed my skin. I looked up at the sky and was stretching a bit when I heard a noise. My eyes darted toward the top of the beach steps, and I could just barely make out the top of a head rising up from the stairwell.

Forgetting I was nude I stood there squinting in the darkness trying to make out what was going on. I at first thought that someone was breaking in and leaned toward the table to grab my phone. But before I could dial 911 the person emerged from the darkness. I put the phone down. It was Josh.

“Josh,” I asked in a louder-than-norm voice, “is that you?”

He replied, “yes, I’m sorry to have disturbed you.” And he walked across the lawn toward me.

I suddenly realized that I was naked and bent over to pick up my shorts.

“Please don’t get dressed on my account,” he said with a slight laugh, “I’m the one trespassing.”

So, I stood there with my shorts in one hand and my phone in another for a second but then woke up, put the phone down and slipped the shorts up over my legs and tied them at my waste.

“What’s going on,” I asked, “is everything all right?”

By then he was standing about 3 feet away from me. Again, I was taken by unexpected feelings as I took in the young man in front of me. He was wearing shorts, but he was otherwise naked. He held what I assumed was a t-shirt in his hand. I took in his naked chest. He had nicely developed pecs with quarter sized nipples. He did not have a lot of hair on his chest. He had a six-pack and at the bottom of his abs a very dense pleasure trail started and darted down to hidden treasure.

I shook my head and once again thought: “what has gotten into me.”

Josh smiled at me as if he could read my thoughts. “It looks like Nicky might get lucky with one of the girls,” he said, “I figured I’d give him a little space in our shared room and went for a walk on the beach. Then I remembered your offer and decided to take you up on it—I was going to sit on the seawall for a while.”

“All good,” I said. “You caught me getting ready to get into the hot tub,” I explained although I didn’t know why I was explaining. And then, inexplicably I asked: “care to join me?”

His smile lit up the backyard. “Sure,” he said. And within seconds he had thrown his t-shirt on the table, dropped his shorts to the grass, bent over, picked them up and threw them on the table, too. I was stunned by his speed. I was brought out of my revelry when I realized he was staring at me.

“Oh,” I muttered, as I much more slowly took my shorts off and draped them across the back of a chair.

“I love sitting in a hot tub nude,” Josh said.

“It’s really the only way to sit in one,” I replied.

I led the way and could somehow feel Josh’s eyes on my backside. As I said, I’ve stayed in pretty good shape. But let’s face it, I’m 50 and 50 years of wear and tear have an impact on anyone. So, I’m not sure what he was thinking as I felt his eyes rove over my body.

We got to the spa and each paused for a minute, looking at the other. He was a wonder. I have described his body already so I’ll focus in on his groin, which I was seeing for the first time. He had, as I said, a dark trail of hair running down from his belly button to a very dark and thick bush of pubic hair. His cock hung down about 4 inches and I could tell in the darkness that he was cut. His balls hung low behind his cock.

As I looked at him, he looked at me. I was pretty much smooth from my neck to my pubis. Above my cock was a thin patch of pubic hair. I had never had much hair and it was even thinner now. My cock did not hang down in front of my ball sack. Having a mind of its own, it was at about a quarter-staff and sticking straight out about 3.5″. I was not fully hard but I was certainly chubbing up.

We looked up at each other and smiled as we stepped into the hot water.

Josh sat on one side. I sat on the other.

We chatted a bit. I learned that he had just finished his freshman year at NYU. He liked the school but wasn’t a huge fan of the City. Nicky and he had been friends since first grade. Nicky was at Cornell, so they hadn’t seen much of each other over the last year.

He was gay, he told me, “but I guess you already figured that out, no?”

“Actually, no,” I replied. “I hadn’t even thought of your sexuality one way or another.”

“Oh, come on,” he said. “I could see and feel you checking me out. And I’m sure you could see and feel me checking you out.”

I laughed and explained to him that I certainly knew I was checking him out and noticed that he was looking at me, but in terms of “feeling” anything one way or another, I could honestly say that it was not true. “Except,” I did say, “that I was a little bit confused by my attraction to you.”

As he laughed I quickly said: “Not because you’re unattractive. You’re definitely cute. It’s just that I had been married to a woman for 20 years and during that time and since her passing 5 years ago I had never felt any kind of a twinge for any man, young or old.”

He sat and pondered that for a second. He told me he was sorry to hear about my wife. And then he said: “So, I did notice that you said ‘during that time’. Were you ever attracted to boys before you met and married your wife?”

“Your perceptive,” I said. “Yes,” when I was at school in Providence I ‘experimented,'” I said, “but it never really went far.”

I told him about the time a roommate sucked my cock one late night and in short order I felt his foot sneaking up into my crotch. He was playing with my cock and balls with his foot. I smiled at him but was still unsure what to do. He smiled at me and nodded slightly. I finally returned the favor. I felt a jolt of electricity as my toes touched his ball sack and rock-hard cock.

We stroked each other under the water for about a minute and then he said, “Stand up.”

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