Twink from Sconset Beach

I rose out of the water. My 6″ cut cock stood out in front of me as stiff as it ever had been. The water dripped down my body. I looked down and droplets beaded on my pubic hair and shimmered in the moonlight.

I walked over to him and stood about 2 feet in front of him. “You have a wonderful cock,” he said. “Really,” I replied, “I always thought it was at best average.”

“No,” he replied, “it’s not about the size. I think the size is perfect for me but what I was really admiring was how straight it is and how it has a nice girth and a wonderful helmet. In fact,” he said, “I think I just fell in love with your cock.”

As he said this he was reaching forward and holding my balls with one hand while stroking my cock with the other.

He wrapped his hand around the meaty part of my cock and pulled me closer. He leaned in and licked around my upper thighs, all the while his hands continued to stroke my cock and play with my balls. He was still seated so my cock was about at the level of his head.

He brought my cock close to his face. There was a bead of pre-cum oozing from the slit. His tongue slowly emerged between his lips, and he licked the pre-cum off. I moaned and my knees buckled. He moaned too.

I couldn’t believe this. What had come over me, I thought, for a split second. But that thought and any others quickly disappeared as he lay my cock up over his nose and kissed the bottom side down to my balls.

His right hand brought my balls closer to his lips. He grabbed one and pushed it between his lips. He licked it and then started sucking on my right ball. The middle- and forefinger of his right hand had snaked up behind my balls and his hand was pushing my balls toward his lips as he continued to suck on the right one. He stopped and then sucked on the left one. Then he took them both in his mouth and was alternately sucking on them and licking them.

I was in heaven.

He grasped my left and right outer thighs and turned me around. I had read about rimming, of course, but had never done it nor had I ever had it done to me. I realized that this status was about to change.

He moved his hands up and grabbed me by each hip and drew me closer to his face. Instinctively, I leaned forward so that my ass would bow back into his waiting lips and tongue. We were very much in synch. He moaned again as I felt him spread my cheeks. I’m not a very hair guy. I had no idea how hairy I was down there but being a big fan of bidets (every toilet in my house had one with heated water), I knew that there was no doubt that I was as clean as a whistle.

He must of liked what he saw because his tongue darted out and licked my hole. I gasped and gasped again a second later when his tongue darted into my hole. I bent over and he then proceeded to eat my hole in a manner that would compare to the best pussy eater (my only comparison). I felt like his tongue was everywhere—in me, outside licking the walls of my cheeks, biting my cheeks, licking my cheeks, darting back in me, licking my taint, back in me and groaning loudly as his tongue dove as deeply as it could get.

My cock was pulsing. I had beaten off over the last five years but had not been touched by another person, man or woman. And my senses were on overload.

He must have realized how close I was because he suddenly stopped—withdrawing his tongue slowly. He turned me around and looked up at me. What a site. A gorgeous boy smiling up at me like he’d just hit a home run or scored a touchdown. He was beaming.

My cock was pulsing.

I whispered, “should we continue in the spa or take this up to my bedroom.”

“You’re close, aren’t you,” he asked.

“Oh, yes, yes,” I moaned.

He smiled at me and said—”I’m going to make you cum. And then we’re going to sit here for a little bit and let you recover, then we’ll take it inside.”

Before I had a chance to object—as if I would—he pulled my cock into his mouth. His tongue licked the head and bathed it in spit. He took my cock and slid it across his lips as if it were a hot dog sitting atop a role. He licked me from the hilt to the base and then reversed up to the tip. He plunged my cock into his mouth and began to bob back and forth on my cock.

My hands felt for his luxurious black hair and got lost in his mop. I found the back of his head and started to help him as he sucked in and pulled out on my cock. We were both moaning loudly. I began to face fuck him with a little, but not too much, force. His hands dropped to my calls and caressed them. I didn’t stop him so he became more aggressive, rolling them together, mashing them together, pulling on my sack, scrunching my balls and rolling and pressing them.

Within seconds I murmured “o. o. o. I’m cumming. I’m cumming.”

His response? He pulled harder on my balls as I continued to ram my cock in and out of his mouth. He licked the head. I yelled for him not to stop. I could feel the cum boiling behind my balls and felt it move up my stiff cock into his waiting mouth. I exploded with multiple spurts. He kept sucking. He continued sucking until there was seemingly nothing left. And then the weirdest thing happened, I could feel myself cumming again. I yelled, “more…more…more”!! and he somehow understood what I meant. He kept his mouth covering my now semi-flaccid cock.

I then had the most exquisite cum of my life: this one shot through my limp cock and exploded in his mouth, filling his cheeks.


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He swallowed twice and then stopped. Time stopped. My cock slipped from his lips. He looked up at me said, “Wow, I’ve never had that happen before. And the second batch was sweeter and thicker than the first.”

His right hand took mine and he guided me into the seat next to him. I sat down, dazed by what had just happened. His head fell onto my shoulder. I looked down at his thick, dark hair. I reached for his face, palmed his chin and tilted his head up toward me. He was smiling. His lips still glistened with my cum. I leaned in and kissed him, opening my mouth to let his young tongue dance its way past my teeth, toward my tonsils. We kissed off and on for about 5 minutes and then I lay back, with his head on my shoulder. I listened to the soft swishing noise of the water swirling in the spa. His right hand played idly with my soft cock and balls…and I was amazed as I once again felt a stirring deep in along my cock back to my asshole.

I sighed and asked him, “will they be missing you back at the cottage tonight?”

“No,” he murmured, “not at all.”

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