Gym Buddy by AstroPal99


Gym Buddy by AstroPal99

Dive into “Gym Buddy” by AstroPal99, a steamy tale that explores passion and friendship in the most unexpected of places. Join two gym enthusiasts as they navigate their desires and discover what happens when the weights aren’t the only thing lifting their spirits. Perfect for fans of erotic fiction looking for an exhilarating read!

At 35 I hadn’t had a cigarette in over a year. While I no longer felt like I had run a 5K when I reached the top of a staircase I felt like I could definitely be in better shape. I had relied heavily on sweets as a coping mechanism and I had moved into a new role at work that was more sedentary than before, these factors combined were making me a bit soft in the middle.

In my 35th birthday I joined a small, local 24 hour gym. The appeal was that I had to pay my fees at the counter every month, so if I decided to abandon my fitness journey I didn’t have a monthly fee stacking up on my bank statement.

I would go to the gym in the wee hours of the morning before I headed to the office to start my day. Warm ups on the elliptical and then some small weights, stretch and shower and be off to work. On my first visit I found that there were no shower stalls, just one communal shower with 7 shower heads lined up. In my first few months I had never seen anybody else in the gym so I always had the locker room and shower to myself.

I took off the weight and gained muscle mass, not rippling but visible and defined, I was in the best shape I had been since I was 17. What was more is that I was enjoying this lifestyle, I would hit the gym five days a week, eventually graduating from dumbbells to bench press, nothing crazy, just toning my pecks and building my biceps. I felt good, and when I was out in the world I felt confident. I slowly replaced my wardrobe with better fitting clothing. I felt eyes on me in public and it felt great.

One early morning I came in, stowed my things in my locker and headed to the floor to find another man on my elliptical, the first other human being I had seen in the gym. It wasn’t my elliptical, I had no claim over it and there were five more, but it was the one I used every day so I felt the faintest disappointment at the minor interruption to my daily routine. We smiled and nodded as I passed by and climbed onto another machine a few spaces away from him.

He was older, salt and pepper hair with a well groomed beard, fit, his body actually seemed a lot like mine, maybe a bit more muscular. I began my workout, 5 miles on the elliptical and then off to the benches to find…

He was lifting on my bench, again no big deal, I didn’t own the thing, but it was my bench. Another smile, another nod. I fixed the weights on a different bench and got to work. When I was satisfied I wiped everything down and returned it to it proper location and headed for the locker room.

I undressed and grabbed my towel. As I strolled to the shower it dawned on me that for the first time since I had joined this gym I was not alone in it, I was naked, with another person about. I shook off the brief bashful feeling and continued my walk to the shower, we’re just some guys, nothing to get worked up about. I heard the water already running as I approached and anticipated that…

Yep, same shower head I always used. What the hell, bro? I hung my towel and went to the farthest shower head. Twisting the knob I had to fiddle with this one a bit to get the heat just right, as I did so I became aware of my flaccid penis wobbling around.

I’m a grower, so if I’m not in an excited state my penis is nothing to write home about. But when it’s in its full glory I’ve been told it’s a sight to behold.

I got the water close enough and began to wash up. Trying not to look over at the man under my shower head, but as I rotated and lathered and rinsed I couldn’t help but catch a glimpse. His back was sculpted, I wondered if mine looked like that, and his ass too, looked like it was carved from stone. I’m not gay, never had romantic, or sexual attractions toward another man, but I can recognize overt beauty, the kind of attractive features that can’t be argued or denied. This man had a beautiful body, this was a fact.

And then he turned around.

God damn! I turned quickly but casually to finish rinsing, but what I had seen was truly impressive. Again undeniable, factual. He hung flaccid halfway down his muscular thigh. Thick and smooth, in fact his whole body was smooth, I saw not one inch of hair apart from his head. I looked down at my own member as I finished washing up, bush sopping up the water from the shower making my flaccid manhood look even smaller. I’m not a hairy person really, I have hair on my body but not the thick carpets that some men have.

I shut off the water and toweled off. I got dressed and fixed my hair and headed out to the car. As I drove my mind wandered, the image of this man and his body seared into my brain. I found myself visualizing his cock.

That’s what it was, I have a penis, this guy has a cock. You don’t realize the difference until you see it in person.

I couldn’t believe this was where my mind was, I was studying in my head every inch I had seen, and it was quite a few inches. I wondered what it looked like when it was hard, does a cock like that get bigger or does it just stand up?

Purely scientific curiosity of course.

I put it out of my head as I walked into my office and logged in for the day.

From 9 to 5 I was antsy, couldn’t put my finger on why, but I was restless and maybe a little horny. I hadn’t had sex in a few weeks. I pulled out my phone and decided to text Tawny, a girl I had been seeing casually for the last three months, nothing serious, neither of us were looking for a commitment, but we enjoyed each others company and we were sexually very in sync.

“Got any big plans Friday night?” I asked before turning my attention back to the spreadsheet on my desktop.

About an hour later she responded. “Sounds like maybe I do now?”

“Dinner and drinks?” I shoot back “Pick you up around 7?”

“It’s a date.” She answered with a smiling emoji.

That was that, things were simple with Tawny, no strings. We would have a nice meal and a few drinks and head back to my place for some absolutely rocking sex.

The next two days were the same as ever, gym in the morning then off to work. It appeared that my new “gym buddy” had the same routine as me, he was now ever present and continually in my spot just a step ahead of me. In the showers I fought the urge to survey his sculpted body, but I caught glimpses. I wondered to myself what his sex life is like, how many women has he been with, how do they like that tool he’s packing?

On Friday morning as I rinsed the suds from my own package I felt a twitch as it began to come alive. Just sexual frustration, I told myself, we would handle this tonight. I was fully erect by the time a finished my shower and I turned quickly to grab my towel and get myself ready for the day. As I twisted the knob to shut off the water I caught the stranger stealing a glance, I swear I saw the faintest smile on his face as I turned to conceal my arousel, leaving the showers for my locker.


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