My Roommate is (Way) Too Hot! Ch.07 by Thomas_Lodge

My Roommate is (Way) Too Hot! Ch.07 by Thomas_Lodge

Dive into “My Roommate is (Way) Too Hot! Ch. 07” by Thomas_Lodge, where simmering tension and irresistible attraction reach a boiling point. Join the steamy escapades of two roommates navigating their desires and emotions in a tale packed with passion and humor. Don’t miss this electrifying chapter that keeps you on the edge of your seat!

Samuel is sexy and he damn knows it, showing off his banging body on social media and in the gym any chance that he gets. Oliver knows that he should not agree to let the vacant room of his apartment to a straight horny jock, exhibitionist on top of everything else. This might only create problems and frustrations… Right? Although, how could he resist?! Sam is WAY TOO HOT!


Chapter 7: Way too hungry

After Samuel had let me jerk him off, I was starting to wonder how far we could go.

Where would a regular straight guy put the limit? Jerking-off one another? A quick blowjob? A dick in the ass?

When was it too gay?

And where did Samuel put his own limit? He was no regular straight guy after all… Although, he was definitely into girls.

Nearly a month after he had moved in, the parade of hotties and MILFs continued in the apartment, to the point where I was starting to notice some frequent visitors.

Remember that chick who was getting shamelessly fucked in our living-room? I saw her a few times after that, and even learned a handful of things about her during breakfast.

She was a great fit for Samuel as she did not seem to have the slightest inhibition within herself.

I woke up and there she was, naked in the kitchen, drinking a smoothie. She was blond, with a big natural breast, she had nice curves but she was not particularly thin. Also, she was older than Samuel and I.

I would have said above thirty, and she even may be nearing 40 but I would have never dared to ask.

“Good morning.” She said casually as I walked in on her.

I thought she would, at the very least, have tried to cover herself, but no, she did not seem to mind.

“Hi… Hello.”

“I think we’ve already met briefly but we never properly introduced ourselves. I’m Kitty.”

I had to refrain from laughing.


I assumed that this was a nickname but I did not need to know more.

“I’m Oliver. Sam’s roommate.”

“Nice to meet you, Oliver.”

She walked towards me to hug me. Just like Samuel, she was quite hands-on.

If you were wondering, I can confirm that I had never been in such close proximity with a pair of boobs.

At no point, she asked me if I minded that she was there, in the middle of my apartment, naked. It was all natural to her.

“You spent the night?” I asked.

Silly question, I know, but trust me, I had no idea what to say.

I had heard Samuel and “Kitty” fucking pretty much for the entire night. Sometimes they would stop for a couple of hours, but then, they would always go for another round.

“Yes, my husband’s out of town for a couple of days, so for once, we didn’t have to rush it and I didn’t have to run in the middle of the night.”

This time, I could not hide my surprise.

“Your husband?”

She showed me her wedding ring.

I guess that she was not totally nude after all.

Funny that she would take all of her clothes off but not her damn wedding ring to fuck with a personal trainer.

“Oh… Sorry, are you one of these fervent Christians or something? Sam told me you were gay, I thought you were cool.”

“Oh, no, I’m not a Christian! I… I mean… I don’t judge, I don’t care.”

She smiled at me and turned around to go back to her smoothy.

Even with my gay lenses, I could tell that she was very hot, especially her bubble butt. I think the confidence helped a lot as well.

“You can judge, I don’t mind. As long as you don’t rat me out!”

“I don’t mingle in other people’s private life.”

“Good. I hope we weren’t too loud with Sam last night?”

They were.

But I was a polite guy.

“That’s fine. I’m used to it…”

“What? I’m not the only woman Samuel brings home!?” She freaked out suddenly.

What an idiot!

What did I just say?! Did I ruin Samuel’s play?

“No! That’s not what I meant!” I felt awful.

Kitty laughed.

“I’m just kidding! I know Sam! It’s not like we’re exclusive or anything.” She showed me her wedding ring again.

“Good Lord… You scared me! I thought you were serious.” I chuckled. “I feel stupid now.”

“We don’t know each other yet, so you don’t have to feel stupid.”

“I guess… Well, I can confirm that Sam rarely sleeps alone.”

“He’s probably the hottest guy in Seattle, really is the full package in terms of face, body and dick. Cannot really blame others from wanting a taste.”

“Yeah, he’s… He’s good looking.”

“Want some?” She asked me.

For a few seconds, I really thought that she meant “of Sam’s dick” but thank God, I realized before answering that she meant the smoothie.

“Yes, thank you.”

She poured me a large glass.

The liquid was thick and made of a weird shade between yellow and green, but it tasted very good.

“What about you? You’re single?” She asked me.

“I am.”

“Seems like every gay guy is.”


“I get it. I love sex, as you might have heard and seen. I’ve waited for a while before getting married. I did want a family though, I changed my mind… I have a daughter, she’s four.”

This, I was not expecting.

“Wow… That’s great.”

“You think I’m a bad mom because I indulge in some recreational activities from times to times?”

“No. I’ve told you; I don’t judge. My life is way too mediocre to feel like I could give anyone else any lesson.”

“Don’t say that about yourself, Oliver. Your adult’s life’s barely started. You’re too young to be so hard on you.”

Since we were pulling everything out on the table, I thought I could be honest.

“What are you gaining with someone like Samuel, except for the fucking of course?”

“First of all, why are you saying “except for the fucking”? That’s the main point! The only point actually. That’s why it’s so cool. No pressure, no judgment, we can let ourselves go and play with our craziest fantasies. I love my daughter, and in a sense, I love my husband too. He provides me stability, but I cannot tell you how good it feels to have mindless fun, especially with a stud like Sam.”

“I see. I wasn’t expecting having this conversation when I woke up this morning but nice to meet you, Kitty.”

“Look who’s here.”

I jumped as Samuel yawned behind me.

“Hey guys.” He spoke.

Needless to say, he was naked as the day he was born, and sporting his usual morning wood. Firm and massive, like a weapon aiming at me.

“Good morning, Samuel. You seem in a great mood.” I teased him, looking at his crotch.

He gave a quick slap on Kitty’s ass and kissed her on the cheek, and as a joke, he did the same to me.

“Good morning to you too.”

The spank and the kiss already got me feeling all fuzzy inside. My only regret was that I was wearing underwear, unlike Kitty, he had not spanked me bare.

“We were getting to know each other with your roommate.” Kitty explained, a slight grin on her pretty face.

“I hope he didn’t spill too many secrets of mine.”

“Apparently, you’ve been cheating on me!” Kitty pretended to be upset again, but then, she went to kiss Samuel on the mouth.

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