I Became a Cock Sucking Fag Pt. 02

I’ll be the first to tell you, I am surely bold enough to walk into any adult video/toy store in the world and pick out any porn video, get some lube, and smile as I’m being wrung up. But it was absolutely unimaginable for me to walk into that same store and buy a dildo. Or gay porn for that matter. So, I had a dilemma. One that would eventually have to be overcome. However, at that time, and over that year and a half, until I did, I found other ways to fulfill my needs, experiment anally and learn more about my lusts, my wants, my needs, and my passions, which led to even more wild discoveries.

I’ll tell you about it in chapter 3. I’ll let you know ahead of time; it involves my fingers, a brush handle, and a small wooden dowel, I found at my parent’s house and a newfound viewing pleasure of Bi-Sexual lovers’ videos.

To be continued…

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