Barriers Ch. 02-1 by ThingsYouWouldBelieve


He put down the bottle and moved closer.


He didn’t flinch and crouched down in front of me.


He grabbed me and didn’t let go. “Shh…let it out…” I started bawling on his shoulder. “It’s ok Jason I’m not leaving. Just let it out.”

“Why do they not help me? Why does everyone run away? I’m fucking worthless. I’m a trainwreck. I’m nothing but a piece of shit.” I kept crying, soaking his jacket all the way down his back.

“It’s ok Jason I’m here…”

“Why? Why does nobody care?”

“I care I promise…”

He held his place for what seemed like an eternity. He didn’t want anything out of me except to vent all my pent up rage and fear. After about an hour I pulled off and made me lay down.

“You need to eat. I have some soup here, if I feed it to you do you promise not to spit in my face?”

I nodded incredibly light headed. I wasn’t in the position to fight him.

“Ok now get up so you can get some energy to take a shower and go to bed.” He fumbled through the bag of takeout he brought for the container of soup.

He lifted me up with one arm. “It won’t burn you just drink what you can.” I nodded and opened my mouth when he put the container up to my face. I managed to finish it within 30 seconds. I was clearly incredibly famished and needed the food.

“Alright now go take a shower. I won’t look at you naked but I will be around in case something goes wrong. Is that your closet over there?” I nodded again, I was too exhausted to talk after everything that happened. “Ok I’m gonna get you clothes to sleep in. Now take a quick shower so you can get some rest. It’s already eleven-thirty and we have school tomorrow.” He helped me up. “I’m gonna go into your closet while you undress in the bathroom. Just a 5 minute shower will do now hurry up.” He walked away as he said.

I stumbled into the bathroom a turned on the shower. The nice thing about my shower is I had hot water available to me no matter what. I just stood there for a couple minutes, dozing off until Jon knocked on the door. “It’s been 10 minutes Jason come on you’re probably shriveling up.” I rinsed some soap and shampoo for 5 minutes and hopped out.

“Open the door so I can give you your towel and clothes.” He handed me my silk pajama bottoms and an oversized teeshirt I won in some online contest.

I walked out to find Jon had borrowed my sweats and took off his shirt leaving him with his dark blue undershirt. “Sorry I’m not leaving you tonight so I borrowed some pants.”

I nodded.

“Alright im gonna eat and go to bed on this cot over here. If you need me i’m right here. Get some rest so you don’t look like a hungover mess tommorow.” He turned around and opened the bag to eat his late dinner.

I walked over to him. “Jon…”

“Whats wrong?”

“Can…you…sleep in my bed tonight?”

“I don’t think that’s right.” He shoveled some rice into his mouth. “You’re too weak right now to know what you want.”


“Will you go to sleep immediately if I do?” He look more annoyed than concerned at this point.


“Ok give me 5 minutes to eat then I’ll join you.”

I stumbled over to my bed and crashed on it. I was clearly still intoxicated and would pay for it in the morning. After a couple minutes of staring into blank space I felt Jon get under my covers and hold me. He felt so warm and strong, his arms holding me tight. I quickly dozed off in his embrace.

I woke up alone a few hours later hearing the shower running full blast. I looked at my phone, “6:30” I had an hour to get ready. I was contemplating getting up at all today. Last night was exhausting and I honestly didn’t remember all the details. I just wanted to lay in bed all day and feel sorry for myself some more.

“Come on get up.” Jon stood there in a towel. I’d be lying if said he didn’t look like a model. He had been working out his chest and abs recently because there was more definition since the last time I saw them. His arms looked slightly bigger too. “I’m gonna borrow more clothes then come back tonight with my own things I hope you don’t mind.


“I’m not leaving you alone for a while you’re way too unstable to do anything of the sort.”

“You’re fucking kidding right? What gives you the right?” Clearly I was no longer vulnerable and weak and the hangover was taking over.

“Holy crap Jason I’m just fucking worried about you. Once again i’m not looking to fuck you, I’m genuinely concerned about your wellbeing.”

He walked into my closet to find something to wear.

“Jenna’s staying tonight you don’t need to worry about me.”

“Yeah we’ll see about that. I heard Mark is having a party tonight, let’s see where her loyalties lie. I’m borrowing another pair of sweats, a shirt and a hoodie. That ok?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Mark is having people over his place while his parents are out of town tonight. I got the mass text last night when I was taking care of you. Fuck this shirts tight, whatever.” He threw my hoodie on as he came out of my closet. “You took a shower last night just go throw some clothes on so we can go get breakfast before school.”


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