Meeting My Wife’s Ex


It wouldn’t have been so hot if I told you,” Jenny replied.

As I climbed into bed, I rolled over towards her. “Where did that come from, we never even discussed doing it.”

“I know. I wanted to be spontaneous. Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“I’m not upset, just never did that before.”

“And?” She looks at me with questionable expression and smile. “What did you think?”

I thought about it for a second. “It was okay. Not as bad as I thought it would be.”

Jenny giggled and gave me a kiss, “you should try the whole thing.” She rolled over and laid her head on the pillow.

“Ha, I don’t think so.” I laid down and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and Jenny was already gone from bed. I laid there thinking about last night. Why did she do that? I wondered if it had something to do with that guy. Her friend mentioned how big his dick was and she liked to suck it. I started getting hard. Was it my wife blowing this guy or his dick size? Really I should not be thinking of either.

I reached under my boxers and started rubbing on my cock. I had this image of my wife kneeling in front of this guy as he stroked his long erect cock. How big could he really be?

I grabbed my phone, pulled up a porn page, and did a search for big cocks. I searched through all sorts of videos. One caught my eye of a girl sucking this guys balls while he jerked off. His hand was wrapped around this long, thick shaft. I did not even watch the girl, just stared at his member. Fuck I’m turned on.

I was about to pull my cock out and start jerking off, when my wife walked into the room. “Hey sleepy head. I was wondering when you were going to wake up.”

“Hey, I’m up.” Was my groggy response as I hid my phone next to me and rolled over, hoping she would climb into bed next to me.

“You need to get up, we have that contractor meeting today and then we have a family birthday party.”

“How about you come back to bed?” I asked as I padded the spot next to me.

Jenny smiles at me. “You got your fill last night. Plus Bonnie from next door is downstairs. She wants to borrow some tool of yours.”

“Uggh, alright. I will get up.”

Jenny turned around and walked away. I laid there for a few seconds, giving my boner a chance to go down. What did she mean by fill? Was she talking about the cum she spit in my mouth?

I finally got up and out of bed. Changed my clothes and went downstairs. I helped the neighbor and when I was finished, Jenny was ready to go.

We had our meeting with the contractor about redoing our kitchen. Then we went to her cousins house for the party. At the end of the night, Jenny decided to stay over for a movie night. I left and made plans to meet a few friends at a bar to watch a game.

I met the guys and we sat bullshitting, watching the bar TVs. After my second beer, I stood up to use the bathroom. I walked across the bar, watching all the people drinking and having a good time. I turned the corner and there he was, the guy my wife was talking to…..her ex.

I looked at him and we made eye contact. I nodded my head and said, “Hey.” I have know idea why I said that, but he responded back with a “Hey.”

I kept walking, straight into the bathroom. I sort of laughed to myself that I said “Hey” to him, figuring he had no clue who I was. I washed my hands and exited the bathroom. I made a point not to look at him when I walked past his crew. As I turned the corner, I glanced towards him and he was looking directly at me. Fuck, why did I say something. I am not pissing for the rest of the night.

As we drank, I kept an eye on the bar crowd. I didn’t want to make eye contact with him again and thankfully never saw him. Another hour went by and all the guys had to leave. I guess it was a good time for me to go as well. My bladder was going to explode, so I made a quick trip to the bathroom. I came around the corner and the guy was no longer there. I took my piss and left the bar.

When I walked out, it was raining hard. I needed to make a run to my car, so reached in my pocket and grabbed my key fob. The bar has a long sidewalk with a wall divider on both sides. The parking lot I was parked in sat on the right. I ran out and around the wall.

‘BOOM!’ “Ahh, shit” I said as I slammed into someone. I fell backward, landing on the ground.

“Shit buddy, I am sorry.”

I looked up and the guy, my wifes ex, was standing in front of me. He reached his hand out, offering to help me out. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

“I am sorry, I was running to my car.” I said as I wiped off my backside. “I didn’t even see you as I came around the corner.”

“Yeah, same here. Shit I dropped my car key.”

As the rain poured on us, I looked towards the ground for his key, pulling out my phone for a flashlight. “Here it is.” I reached in a puddle and grabbed his drowned key fob. I handed it to him. “Sorry, it was in a puddle. hope it works.”

“Thanks.” He grabs the fob and runs the opposite direction.

I do the same, clicking my button, seeing my car lights flash. I open my door, climb in, and quickly close it. “What the fuck. I can’t believe that just happened.” I turn my car on and pull out of the parking spot.

I pull up to the main drive and can see the guy in the other lot. He is standing in front of a car, probably his own. Shit, I feel somewhat responsible that he is still in the rain. I pull into the lot and drive up to him.

I roll down the passenger side window. “Hey man, hop in.” He looks in my car, seeing who I am. He opens the door and climbs in.

“Thanks, I can’t get my car open. My key fob isn’t working.” He tries drying it out in his soaked shirt, all while pressing the unlock button to no avail.

“Geez, I am really sorry.”

He keeps trying to dry the fob out. “It’s alright, total accident. It was my fault to. I can’t get this thing dried out. Do you mind driving me up to the front? I don’t live far, I can get an Uber or call a friend.”

The rain and collission must have cloudy my head, because at that moment I forgot who was sitting in my car. “If your going to leave your car, I can give you a ride home. I really don’t mind, it is kind of my fault this happened.”

“Are you sure,” he questions.

“Yeah, it’s fine. My name is Jeff.” I reached out my hand to shake his.

He shakes my hand, “Hi Jeff, I’m Eric. I feel like we met before or know each other from somewhere.”

I hesitated and could have easily told him I had never seen him before. “Uhh…we never met but I saw you last night. You were….uhh….talking to my wife when she was shooting pool.”

“Jenny…..your wife is Jenny?” He looks at me in awe as I nodded my head. “Oh man, I can’t believe Jenny is your wife. What a small world”

“Yeah, I guess. How do you know her?” I already knew the answer but asked it anyway. I put my car in drive. “Your going to have to tell me where to turn.”

“Hang a left from the bar. Drive down to the next light and turn right.”

I make the turn out of the bar and ask my question again. “So how do you know Jenny?”

“Oh, were old friends. It was nice seeing her last night. I wish she would have introduced us.”


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