Meeting My Wife’s Ex


“What kind of friends?” I asked and looked over at him. He looked back at me, noticing a smile on my face and burst out laughing.

“Come on, man. What are you getting at?”

I slightly laughed at his reponse, “Nothing, I am just wondering. You say old friends but don’t elaborate.”

“My complex is up there on the left. Turn in and drive towards the back, I will tell you which street is mine.”

“Well, are you going to tell me?” I pried some more. “Look man, I don’t care. You obviously had some relationship, I’m just curious.”

“Alright, yeah we did. We hung out together, but never had a relationship like you have with her. You can turn right at the next street.”

I make the turn. “These places are nice, did you buy brand new? Which one is yous?”

“Right over there, number 217. Yeah, I built it a few years ago. You can park in front of the garage, I can open with the code.”

As I pull up, I look over at him. “Has Jenny ever been here?”

He gives me a blank expression, almost unsure if he wants to answer. “Thanks for the ride.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.” I said. “I know very little about her life before me. I only know what she tells me and that is very little.”

“Maybe thats a good thing,” Eric says with a grin. “Look, she was cool. I don’t need you going back saying I talked shit about her.”

“Hey man, I am not going to tell her anything.” I said as I raised my hands up. “She will probably be pissed we even talked.”

Eric stares ahead, contemplating the situation. “I don’t want to sit out here, come in for a drink. I owe you one for the drive anyway.”

My turn to contemplate. I look into the garage and the door to his condo is straight ahead. This is dumb, I am getting out of here. Just as I was about to say no, Eric opens the car door.

“Come on, lets go.” He says as he climbs out and runs into the garage.

In between the rain showers, I can see Eric standing in the garage waiting for me. Shit, I open my door and run in the garage.

“For a second there I thought you were going to take off.” He pats me on the shoulder, “follow me.” He walks to the door and I follow him in.

I walk in the door to a small entrance way. There are steps that lead up to the main floor of his condo. When I got to the top, I noticed his place was really nice. Definitely a bachelor pad, but well maintained.

Eric walks into the kitchen and says, “make yourself at home.” I can hear him opening the fridge and taking tops off beer bottles. He comes out, handing me a beer. “Here you go, hope you are okay with Bud.”

“Yeah, it’s great. Thank you,” I reply as I take the beer. “Your place is great.”

“Thanks, it’s small but perfect for me and I love the area. Do you want to sit down or are you going to stand there the whole time?”

“Haha,” I laugh. “I can sit, was just looking around. I shouldn’t stay too long.”

I walk over and sit down on his couch. Eric sits on the recliner. He looks over at me and I gaze across the room. A TV hangs in the wall across from me. There is one picture behind me, over the couch, but other than that the walls are bare. A table separates the couch and recliner.

Eric speaks first, “do you guys live far from here?”

“Not to far, opposite direction from the bar.”

“I’m surprised we never saw each other before last night,” Eric says.

“Well, we lived about an hour away. Just moved back here about 6 months ago.”

Eric smiles, “maybe I will be seeing more of you two.” He stands up and walks into his kitchen. He returns with another beer and hands it to me. “Here you go.”

I look at my bottle and notice I had finished all of it. I didn’t even realize I was drinking that quickly. I take the beer from him, “thanks.”

He sits back in his chair. “Are you nervous?”

“No, not at all.” I was nervous. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I was doing my best not to show it, probably should not have finished my beer in two minutes. “Just thinking about where I am and that I should not be here.”

Eric burst out laughing, “I understand, but you wanted to talk. I promise I won’t tell Jenny you were here.”

“I appreciate that, but I barely know you. For all I know you might try to get her back.”

“I am not trying to get her back,” Eric says. “I like her, but that time has passed. I am not a home wrecker. You were the one asking questions.”

I smile back at Eric, he is right. “Your right. So back to my original question, has Jenny been here?” He stares at me and nods his head. “Did you have sex with her here?”

He puts his head back against the chair, looking at the ceiling. “Alright,” he looks back at me. “I will be completely honest with you, but you have to promise to not get upset or get mad at her.”

“I promise,” I say to him as I hold my right hand up. “Look, she talked to you last night and I heard her girlfriends talking shit to her about your relationship. She seemed a little different when we got home.”

“Really, what did they say?” Eric asks.

“I couldn’t really hear what they were saying,” I lied. “Come on man, spill it. I want to hear about you two.”

“Okay, but no getting pissed.” Eric says as he points at me. “We met at a bar years ago. She came back here and we had sex. We kept in contact and would meet up for sex late at night. As time went on, the sex stopped. We still met up a lot, but she always wanted to blow me.”

“Really, why?” I questioned.

“Well, sex was off the table because I was sort seeing someone else. Jenny would come over just to blow me and she was good at it.”

Eric started using his hands in a stroking motion. “She would work my cock, using her hands and mouth. It was awesome. I would have huge orgasms.”

I sat there staring at him as he jerked off the air, picturing my wife sucking his dick. It was making me hard. I had to adjust my sitting position so it wouldn’t show.

“Sorry bro, am I turning you on?” Eric asks.

“N-n-no, not at all.” I stuttered out a lie.

“I got a better idea, are you sure this is okay?” he asks.

“Yea…..yea, I don’t care. It’s fine.”

He grabs his phone from the table and moves from the chair to the other side of the couch from me. As he flips through his phone, he also turns on the tv. When the screen comes on, I see a video of the room were in.

“Are you showing me a video?” I ask.

“Yeah, if you are cool with it.”

I nod my head and star at the TV. A younger Jenny emerges on the screen. She is speaking, but I can’t hear what she is saying from the music being loud on the video. She kneels in front of the camera as it pans down to a cock that she grasps hold of. Her mouth dives in, sucking and licking the shaft.

She has never aggressively sucked my cock this same way. I should be angry, but my cock is swelling in my pants. I stare intently at the screen.

As she licks up the long shaft, the camera begins to move. Assuming Eric is recording, he is now standing with Jenny kneeling in front of him. She moves forwarding, sucking his balls. Amazingly, the shaft of his cock extends passed the top of her head and covers up about half her face.

I know the answer but I ask anyway. “Is….is that you recording?”

“Yeah, I think my face is at the end. Why?”


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