Austin Pt. 07

“I want to do that again,” She said, running her fingers through his hair.

The first time Cyndi and Thomas spoke on the phone, he told her about Devon and how much they were in love. “Devon is the private part of my life,” he told her. “What people see are the cunning businessman – whom people call a bastard under their breath. I use men for my pleasure, but I don’t abuse anyone.”

Thomas never lied to Cyndi. He told her that he and Devon adore her, but they would never feel what they felt for each other for her, and Cyndi was fine with that. They didn’t make empty promises, but they didn’t tell her that as soon as the web series was over, they would fix the miserable life she told them she had in Montana.

“Oh, sweetie, we will, trust me, we will.” Reaching up, he tweaked her nipples. “We heard Austin yelling at you. It woke us up. We couldn’t hear what he was saying.”

Cyndi spread her legs further, “Put your cock back in my ass.” She demanded. Thomas loved it when she bossed him around. He responded immediately, burying himself back in her happy place.

“Austin overheard our conversation the morning after the first live,” Cyndi said when he was stroking a comfortable rhythm in and out of her ass.

“Don’t worry about it. We are leaving for Phoenix tomorrow. By the time we return, he’ll have calmed down, and we will have a firm plan in place.”

“He’s talking about pulling the plug.” If Cyndi was worried, she wasn’t showing it.

“Not going to happen. The second Owen signed the contract; we took total control over Austin. He’s a puppy dog when it comes to Owen. Your hubby will do anything Owen tells him to do.

“Owen is a smart man. He knows that the person who controls the purse strings is the person he needs to be loyal to. Owen told me point blankly that sex is purely physical for him. He doesn’t have emotional attachments to people. He had one hand on the pen to sign the contract and the other on my cock.”

“Did you do him?”

“Sadly, no. We didn’t have the time or the opportunity.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I am. Trust me. Play nice with Austin. Tell him you love him and need to work things out. I don’t think he’s ready to give up on you yet.”

Devon’s eyes opened, his hand went to his cock, and in less than a minute, he was hard. Talked ceased when he got up and pinned Thomas in the middle, sliding his cock into Thomas’s waiting ass.

“Don’t cum in his ass,” Cyndi cried out, “I want you to shoot your load over Thomas and me, and we’ll clean each other up and start over again.”

Been there, seen it, didn’t care to relive it again. I clicked the camera off, put on my coveralls, and headed to the barn.

Was Thomas right? Was Owen a part of this thing, too? Would I do anything to be with Owen? Did I love Cyndi enough to forgive her? And more importantly, Was Cyndi truthful when she said she was playing up to Thomas to keep the web series on track? There were too many questions and not enough answers.

Late in the afternoon, she came back to the house alone. She sat on the sofa and looked at me. She had a half-dollar size hickey on her neck, almost in the same spot as mine. Was she trying to tell me something?

“Thomas and Devon want us to go to Tucson with them. They are leaving first thing in the morning.” Her voice was soft and friendly.

She spread her legs and slipped her hand between them to stroke her clit, her way of letting me know she would want sex soon.

“Tomorrow? There is no way I can go. I have too much work to do.” I kept my voice on an even keel, keeping my emotions to myself.

“Austin, earlier you told me I didn’t include you, yet now I am. You also told me I needed to get back on board. They want us to be there to introduce the series. I’m doing what Thomas feels we must do to make our series successful.”

I shook my head like I was agreeing with her. “So let me see. You want me to come with you in the RV and watch you fuck Devon and Thomas the whole way? Yeah, I don’t think so. But, if you want to prove to me that you want me to come with you, get Thomas right now, and let’s go in the playroom together. I want to suck his cock and maybe even fuck his needy little ass while you watch.”

“No,” she said emphatically. Her patience with me was growing thin.

I smiled. For once, I called her bluff.

“Did Thomas invite Owen?” I asked a moment later. I was still confused about what Thomas had said earlier about Owen. I couldn’t believe that Owen was a part of this. Or was he? Cyndi never bothered to ask me how things with Owen went. Perhaps the whole thing was a setup. No. I was sure that Owen wasn’t part of their plan.

“No. They just invited you and me.” Somehow, I imagine Cyndi inveigled the invite and told Thomas it would be good business. Especially given that Thomas told me the night before that he and Devon were going to Arizona, which would give Cyndi and me much-needed time alone.

She also knew I wouldn’t go.

“Do you even care to know how things went with Owen?”

She shrugged. “Thomas said it went great.”

“But do you care?” I asked.

She considered my question: “Austin, honey, if Owen makes you happy, then I’m happy. I don’t want you to be miserable for the next three to four months.”

“I would have thought you would want to try him out before the web series started.” Cyndi attempted to maintain a cool, relaxed attitude, but my questions bothered her.

She shrugged like it was nothing. “We’ll be back a week before the series starts. He should be here by then. I can have him eating out of my hand before we go live. So, are you going to come to Tucson with us?” She asked again. Her patience with me was waning.

“I told you I can’t. And I don’t think you should go either. I need you here to help me. We need to accomplish a lot before the series begins.”

“That’s not an option. I am going. It’s that simple.” She said, disregarding my words.

“No, it’s not that simple, and you know it.” I had to find a way to express to Cyndi how serious this was.

Cyndi wasn’t going to budge an inch. “You aren’t listening to me,” she stood. “I’m going to spend the night in the RV. We are leaving quite early in the morning.”

I finally put on my big-boy pants. “Cyndi, I’ve never said ‘no’ to you before…until now. I have asked you nicely, which didn’t work, so speaking as your husband, I forbid you to go!”

My words even shocked me. Cyndi leered at me with an anger I’d never seen before.

Before my eyes, Cyndi morphed into a person I didn’t know. Her face turned beet red, and she gave me a death look that gave me the chills. I had never seen this side of her before. “DON’T EVER TELL ME WHAT TO DO AGAIN!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.

She bolted from the couch and ran to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Forty minutes later, a small commotion outside drew my attention. I ran to the front door, a door I’d never used before, and caught the taillights of the RV driving up our long driveway. One of the lingering crew members approached me and said Thomas decided to leave early. The rest of the crew was going in the morning. I returned to the house and found the bedroom empty. Cyndi had slipped out the bedroom window like a teenager running away from home.

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