Nude Modeling w Hung Roommate Pt. 01 by somebody123


Nude Modeling w Hung Roommate Pt. 01 by somebody123

Explore the sizzling dynamics of friendship and desire in “Nude Modeling w Hung Roommate Pt. 01″ by somebody123. Join the exhilarating journey of self-discovery and steamy encounters that push boundaries and ignite passion. Dive in and experience the thrill today!

I went to college at a small liberal arts college in New England. In high school I was a cross between a jock and an art geek. About 5’11” with sandy blond hair, I played on the soccer and Frisbee teams while spending the rest of my time painting and drawing.

Going to a small college let me pursue all of my passions. I signed up for the frisbee and soccer teams and two art classes my first semester: Intro to Painting and Drawing the Human Figure.

I met my roommate Clark on move-in day. At 6’1″, he was a little taller than me and had dark brown hair. From the very beginning, he seemed like a pot head. Our first night together he played guitar hero in his boxers and smoked weed for two hours. He was pretty thin and didn’t have muscle definition, unlike me. When I changed to go to the shower, he glanced over at my six pack and solid biceps and went back to his video game. I smiled and thanked soccer and frisbee that I was hotter than my roommate.

My first week of classes was great. In addition to the two art classes, I took Intro to Psychology and European History.

I hadn’t dated much in high school and was eager to start in college. I had one girlfriend in high school my junior and senior year. We lost our virginity together after prom, but it was kind of awkward and short-lived. We hooked up a few times after that, but our sex was nothing like the long, hot, and sweaty fuck sessions that I watched on the internet every night before bed.

I was hoping that all this would change during college. Because this was a small school (only 1,600 students), I had to be somewhat careful because rumors could spread quickly. But I already had my eye on a few girls in my art classes.

Lisa Lin was our 26-year-old “professor” for Intro to Painting and Drawing the Human Figure. At a larger university she would have been a teaching assistant; but here she was the main art professor. Young enough to look like a student, she loved to wear tight pants and small tanks, which showed off a sizable rack on her petite Asian figure. When her tanks rose up, I could see her tight abs and felt my cock jump a bit. She also layered her hair and flicked it back a lot, so that she always looked ready for sex.

I couldn’t get too distracted by Ms. Lin because there were two other babes in my class: Veronica and Natalie. Veronica was from Puerto Rico and she wanted to be an artist since she was 11. She was on the volleyball team and was six-feet-tall with an enormous chest (even bigger than Ms. Lin’s). Even though Veronica was one of the hottest girls I had ever seen and I was a new freshman stud on the soccer team, I probably would never have the guts to ask her out. Girls who are taller than me and as gorgeous as Veronica are usually out of my league.

Natalie was more my style. With short blonde hair at 5’8″, she was petite but very, very pretty. Luckily, she was also in all four of my classes.

I sat by Natalie on our first day of Psychology and struck up a conversation. We said hi in a few of our classes that week and when Friday came around, I asked her what she was doing this weekend.

“Aren’t you going to the opening party this weekend?” she asked.

Because our college only had seven fraternities, they always hosted a joint party for the freshmen on the first week of school. It was basically an excuse for all of us to get shit-faced and hook up for the first time.

“Of course,” I said to Natalie. “Do you want to go together?”

Stupid, stupid me. “Umm,” she said. “I’m actually planning on going with my roommates, but I’ll see you there?”

“Ok, that sounds great.”

“Here’s my number,” she said, grabbing my phone and putting it in. Oh, I thought. I guess I didn’t screw this up as much as I thought.

That night I asked my roommate Clark if he wanted to go to the party. He was still smoking weed and playing guitar hero in his boxers. “I’ve heard that party sucks ass,” he replied. “But let me know if you find any hoes you can bring back for us.”

This guy is a real winner, I thought. He must never get laid. I decided to be a jerk.

“Well,” I said, “I might need the room later for this girl in all of my classes.”

“Oh yeah?” he said. “What’s her name?”


“I don’t know her. Do you have a picture?”

I really didn’t care about my roommate but kinda wanted to rub this one in his face, so I pulled up Natalie’s profile and showed Clark a few photos.

“Damn!” he said. “She’s hot.” Natalie was the kind of babe who had plenty of bikini photos on her Facebook, so her profile left little to the imagination.

“If you have trouble with her, please send her my way,” Clark said. “I’d be happy to fuck her senseless.”

“Right,” I said, laughing as I headed out. I couldn’t imagine Natalie falling for a lazy bum like my roommate.

When I met up with Natalie and her friends, they were already completely shitfaced. We started playing drinking games together and a couple hours later, I had caught up. We made it to the frat house, where I was grabbed by a couple of frat guys who gave me more shots. Ten minutes later, I was puking outside in the bushes and my friend Jared offered to walk me home. “Natalie, Natalie,” I tried to tell him, but he wouldn’t listen. I had blown it. I was too drunk to find Natalie and she was probably off hooking up with someone else.

It took me the rest of the weekend to recover, but the next week of classes were great. I talked to Natalie and told her I was too shitfaced to find her at the party. She told me she did the same and she didn’t even know where she was when she woke up the next morning.


That Tuesday, Ms. Lin told us that we would be starting to draw the human body at the end of the week. “This will be a great chance for you all to master your skills and a chance for some of you to make a lot of money.”

Because I was on financial aid and didn’t have a lot of spending money, I was especially curious about the last part.

“To master the human form, we will need some students who are willing to model for the rest of the class. All you have to do is sit and let us draw you and we’ll pay you $30 an hour.”

Wow, I thought. This sounds great. $30 would go a long way toward alcohol on the weekends and this will be a really easy job.

After class, I walked up to Ms. Lin and told her I was willing to sign up to model. “Wonderful!” she said. “I was going to ask you if you’d be willing to help—you’re so handsome you already look like a model.”

I blushed as Ms. Lin checked me out from head to toe.

“I just have one question. Since you’re the only male who volunteered, do you know any other guys who might be willing to help us out?”

I hadn’t made many guy friends yet, but I told her I would ask my roommate. “Great,” she replied. “Just show up here tomorrow at 4 pm and we’ll get started.”


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