Nude Modeling w Hung Roommate Pt. 01 by somebody123


That night I asked Clark if he was interested in modeling. “Ha,” he replied. “I’m not a pretty boy like you, but $30 sounds great. Count me in.”

The next day I wore a nice button-up shirt and tight black jeans. Predictably, Clark showed up in sweat pants and a t-shirt. There was a small stage set up in the classroom with about ten chairs around it. Natalie and Veronica were both there with about five other females and three guys, all setting up their drawing pads and pencils.

Clark and I got up on stage and sat down awkwardly on some pillows.

“Alright,” Ms. Lin said. “Since this is our first modeling session of the semester, we’ll start you off easy. Go ahead and take off your shirts while the artists start drawing your torsos.”

Huh? I was confused. Nowhere along the way had Ms. Lin mentioned anything about taking our clothes off. I simply assumed they would draw us with our clothes on.

I looked over at Clark, who had already removed his shirt. “Hurry up, Luke,” Ms. Lin said, staring at me. “We don’t have all day.”

I unbuttoned my shirt and tossed it on the floor. I then pulled up my white undershirt, revealing my tanned and toned body. I heard a whistle from one of the girls in the crowd.

“Calm down, ladies,” Ms. Lin said. “Start drawing.”

I had put some gel in my hair that morning and must confess that I looked pretty good. Sitting just a foot away from my roommate, whose pale chest and flat muscles that weren’t much to stare at, I looked like a model for Abercrombie & Fitch.

After ten minutes of sketching, Ms. Lin said, “Artists, put down your pencils. It’s time to draw some legs and feet.”

“Gentlemen,” she said, looking at us. “Please remove your trousers.”

Because I had played sports in high school, I was used to occasionally being naked in front of others, but this was something new. Never before had I been on stage with another guy with an audience of beautiful women—including two girls I desperately wanted to fuck. But at least I was on stage with a total sloth, so hopefully seeing him would make these girls want me even more.

I pulled off my socks and shoes and pulled down my jeans, revealing a pair of black Calvin Klein trunks. I looked over at Clark, who had the same red-striped boxers that he wore playing guitar hero. They probably hadn’t been washed in weeks.

The cool breeze felt great on my legs and abs and before I knew it, Ms. Lin said, “Okay, models, please take off your underwear.”

This was the moment of truth. I looked over at Veronica and saw her licking her lips. Then I looked at Natalie, who met my eyes and then looked down at my crotch. I put my hands in my waistband and pulled down my trunks. As soon as they hit the floor, I kicked them off and looked at Clark.

My mouth dropped. His boxers were on the floor and hanging between his legs was a dick that would look huge on a porn star.

A gasp came from the audience. Veronica had dropped her pencil and was staring right at Clark’s manhood. Natalie and Ms. Lin were dead silent. Clark kind of looked at them, then at me, then at his dick, then at mine.

I had played sports my entire life and seen my share of dicks, but never one like this. I knew I was a little on the small side—three inches, soft—but I assumed that a bum like Clark would be the same, if not smaller.

But oh how I was wrong. His snake was six massive inches—twice as long as mine and twice as thick. It swayed slowly as Clark, my asshole roommate, slowly scanned the room like he was now king of the jungle.

I closed my legs just a bit—trying to hide my newfound embarrassment. Never before had I been one-on-one with a penis as big as Clark’s. My little three-incher shriveled even more.

As I looked sheepishly around the room, I couldn’t help but notice Natalie, Veronica, and Ms. Lin all licking their lips and staring silently at Clark. With a wry smile on his face, his fat cock plumped up a bit. Maybe it was seven inches now?

Fuck, I thought. Here I was naked in front of all of my classmates and my hot art teacher. I glanced down at my own penis, which had shriveled up from the cold and embarrassment. It was probably only two inches now—so much shorter than Clark’s.

As my horse-hung roommate spread his legs wide for the artists to see his dick, I turned to my side and put my hand between my legs to give my penis a few encouraging tugs. Veronica gave me a knowing smile.

After a few minutes of silence in which the artists started drawing our vastly different bodies and cocks, Ms. Lin walked onto stage. With a short skirt and a skin-tight tank, I had never seen her look hotter.

“Stand up, boys,” she said. “Or should I say men,” she added, looking down at Clark. I heard Natalie and one of the guys laughing in the audience.

I reluctantly stood up next to Clark.

“Okay, Clark,” Ms. Lin said. “Now I want you to put your arm around your roommate.”

I shivered when Clark put his arm on his shoulder. Now we were standing side by side, the comparison between our dicks obvious for all to see.

“These models give us a gorgeous look at the diversity among male figures,” Ms. Lin said. “As you can see, muscles are not always proportional to one another.” She looked at our cocks and a few of the artists laughed.

Then Ms. Lin did something that I will never forget. She grabbed me and Clark’s flaccid cocks and lifted them up.

As the woman of my dreams grabbed my dick, a jolt of energy went through my body. I barely listened to her words, “And don’t forget to draw their testicles as well. You can notice there is quite a bit of difference between their balls.”

Still focusing on Ms. Lin’s hand, I glanced over at Clark’s balls and saw they were almost twice as big as mine. I groaned as one of the sexiest moments of my life was ruined by my asshole roommate.

Ms. Lin released her hand a moment later, but her work was already done. My penis was now coming to life and totally turned on by this sexy teacher.

To my horror, I started to get a full erection in front of my teacher and all of my classmates. As Clark’s thick and massive cock continued to hang down below his balls, my penis grew harder and harder until it pointed completely upright.

Silence filled the room as my classmates stared at the sight before them. With Clark’s arm still on my shoulder, my dick was hard as a rock at its full five-and-a-half inches. I looked down at my throbbing erection and then at Clark’s manhood, which was still a soft but enormous seven inches. It was thicker and longer than my best effort, which was now leaking a small amount of pre-cum.

Fuck, I thought. I had gotten a hard on while my taller and more-hung roommate draped his arm around me. Now the hottest girls in school knew what my dick looked like at full erection—and how small it was compared to my pot-smoking, guitar-hero-playing roommate.

The room was dead quiet. Ms. Lin stood by the stage licking her lips as my classmates furiously drew on their sketchpads. My penis remained erect the entire time we were on stage, even though my face was red with shame.

After fifteen minutes, Ms. Lin asked me to sit on the pillow while Clark remained standing. From this angle, I could get a better view of his dick since it was only two feet away from my face. My little dick was still alert but started to go down. It shrunk back below three inches by the end of the session. When the clock hit 5 pm, Ms. Lin mercifully said, “Okay, boys, you can go ahead and put your clothes on.”


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