Gay Beginnings Part 1 by Randygay


08 Gay Beginnings Part 1 by RandyGay – An Intimate and Intriguing Gay Sex Story

A gay adult story: 08] Gay Beginnings Part 1. by Randygay ,

Readers… is with some hesitation that I am posting this story. It took much soul searching to decide to allow complete strangers to have a peek into my life. But this is who I am and what I was…..If you are offended by gay sexand youthfull explorations please dont read it. If you do read it please leave your comments and thoughts for me.Certain facts have been altered to comply with legal requirements. Gay Beginnings

Many of you have read my other stories about some of the exceptional boys who were a part of my life. But now I think it is time for me to recount how I was introduced to gay sex in the first place. I grew up in a small town in rural Maharashtra, and was about 19 years old at the time. I was a tall and well built boy for my age and though I looked quite mature I was actually an innocent who knew little or nothing about sex or sexuality and had never been exposed to any form of gay sex or homosexual pleasure till then.

My practical experience and knowledge was limited to two encounters with an older neighbour, a girl of about 22. Once she had kissed me on the mouth and put her hands on the front of my pants near my cock, bringing about an immediate erection followed by an even quicker ejaculation, which wet the front of my pants and sent me running home with a red face, feeling shocked and ashamed.

The second time her hands succeeded in reaching into my shorts and actually touching my bare cock and that had the same effect as the earlier occasion. From those experiences I learned that my cock could get hard and could ejaculate. In theory I knew about copulation. I knew that sexual intercourse was how babies were produced. But I knew nothing about masturbation, knew nothing about the terms homosexual or even heterosexual or what these terms implied, and knew nothing about the mechanics of sex or of sexuality. There was always a vague feeling of shame associated with anything remotely sexual, but there was also a sense of something inviting and exciting about it as well

School and sports, cycle rides, fishing in the river or swimming, the occasional movie, these were the simple pleasures that drove most youngsters in those days. Thinking back, I would say that most of my friends and acquaintances were much in the same boat. Though we went to a co-educational school there was never any question of girlfriend or boyfriend. Sex was never thought about let alone talked about. Sex was something for married people, for those in college or working, not something school kids had time to think or worry about.

That year, just before the Dewali holidays and during the quarterly examinations, our neighbours had to go out of station to attend to some important function. Their son, Bunty was about 18 years old and could not miss his exams. This put his parents in a quandary, till my mother offered to look after him for the time they would be away. He was to come and stay in our house for the period. I knew him in only a casual way as he studied in a different school from me. We had played some games together a few times. He had joined our group sometimes when we went swimming, or for a movie. But we were not really friends.

Bunty was also tall for his age though slightly shorter than I was, fairish and slender, with unusual light coloured eyes, a long slim nose and thin lips. There was no sign of any hair on his face, not even down, where his moustache and beard would eventually grow. His hair, which his parents allowed him to keep slightly longish, was always falling across his face, and he would flip it back with a toss of his head. We lived in a big old fashioned house with plenty of spare rooms, but it had been decided that Bunty would share my room as he was not used to sleeping alone in a separate room.

His parents were to leave on a Sunday night so on Sunday afternoon my mom got a spare bed set up in my room and asked me to make place at my study table for him to put his books. He came to our house at about 6 pm and his parents left for the station to catch their train shortly after that.
After settling him in and showing him where he could keep his books and clothes etc, we joined my other friends for a quick game of football. After the game we came home and had a wash before sitting down for dinner. Bunty seemed to be a bit nervous, was very quiet and did not eat much. As usual after eating I helped to clear the dishes from the table and helped my mom to wash and dry them. Bunty was amazed at this and said that in his home it was only his mom who did that sort of work.

After we went to my room I explained to him that though he was a guest in our home we would expect him to help with some of the chores and to keep the house tidy and clean. I took a book and started to read, Bunty also picked up a comic but did not seem to be able to settle down and was fidgeting about, shifting from bed to chair and back to bed again. I asked him if anything was wrong and he told me he had never been away from his parents before and was missing them. Soon it was time to sleep. When I turned off the lights in the room Bunty was surprised that I had no nightlight. He said that in his home there was always a light burning. I asked him to try to sleep without one for that night and that I would fix a light the next day.

Next morning when I woke him up his eyes seemed to be a bit red and it appeared that he had been crying in the night. I told him not to worry and not to feel sad that his parents were not there. We soon left for our individual schools. When I returned home that evening I found Bunty had reached before me. My mom told me that he had come home early and that he had already had his evening snack. What was surprising was that he had helped to wash up the plates without being asked. He seemed to be feeling better and not missing his parents as much. After dinner he told my mom to relax as now there were two people to do the dishes and without any fuss helped me to complete the task. As I had promised him I had already fixed a nightlight in the room.

I had positioned it in such a way that his bed was illuminated and mine was in shadow, as I was unused to having a light in the room. He was happier and soon settled down to sleep. At one point during the night I was woken by some sound and looking around saw Bunty was making some sort of movements. I had no idea what those movements indicated and though that he was crying again. In the morning I noticed a small damp spot on his sheets, about the level of his hips, and wondered if he had begun to wet the bed during the night.

On the third night we shared the room, and soon after I had turned off the lights I heard what I thought were a few stifled sobs coming from Bunty. I asked him if he was all right or if there was something wrong. Getting up from his bed he came and sat on the edge of my bed and very shyly and hesitantly asked if he could sleep next to me as he was feeling frightened by the size of the room, being in an unfamiliar place, and missing his parents, was unable to sleep. My bed was big enough to accommodate two people with ease, so moving over I made room for him. Having someone share my bed was totally unfamiliar to me but at that age nothing could keep me awake long and soon I was soundly asleep.


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