Not a Typical Walk Home by SalaciousScribbler

A gay adult story: Not a Typical Walk Home by SalaciousScribbler ,

It had been a pleasant evening down by the water. After you take a new way home and see something too too arousing to pass. What happens next you never could have expected, but it takes you to new sexual heights! For lovers of male gay sex, who are not gay men. Others may enjoy as well.

It had been a pleasant evening down by the water. The Görlitzer Park by the riverside had been lively and entertaining; people dancing and getting others to join, others playing instruments and inviting passersby to hum or clap along, still more groups drinking and celebrating in their gregarious yet reserved groups. The gypsy kids, instead of being ignored, were told a joke and flicked a few coins.

It seemed that people got along with the street animals even better, not only feeding them but inviting the animals into their circles. What’s more, the animals sat and sometimes laid down with the groups, relishing the attention, praise, and food.

There was an otherworldly atmosphere of openness and comfortable ease that you couldn’t help but be caught up in its spirit.Leaving the park, you still feel the warm glow of openness and ease that prevailed in the park. While taking your typical route home, you decide to take a new way, something different. You find yourself passing buildings, businesses, and streets which are unfamiliar, yet you also have a sense of excitement to discover what new sights might be out here.

This way is so much like your typical route home, but the edges seem to give it a new wonderful shade. You pass a bookstore that appears scattered and esoteric without being dirty or cluttered, the perfect place to get lost in and find the cheap next read. Just seeing the sign and storefront makes you wonder what the owner or workers would be like. About half a block down is a sprawling cafe fronted by chairs and tables which were confidently left out. The chairs are askew and some tables have been pushed together. You can almost hear the laughter of friends around the bigger tables and the soft clacking of fingers on a keyboard from one of the smaller side tables. Though currently deserted, this could be a good place.

Then there is a disturbance in the silence of the night. You hear the sound of boxes or maybe crates fall over. This sound comes just before the hushed voices and laughter of men. You slow your pace when you start to pick out some German words, “ruhig!” “vertrauen Sie mir,” and then “Du bist so hübsch.” As you arrive at the next alley, you pick out two men down about a block away. Your breath catches when you start to take in the scene.

There before you are two of the most handsome men lost in each other, kissing each other’s necks and running their hands over the other’s body. The only time they stay their hands or lift up from a kiss is to whisper something and excitedly laugh before being drawn back to each other, unable to resist the other’s magnetism. There is almost no space between the two as one pushes the other against the wall. One of the men was thick with a broad chest, arms filling out the short sleeves of his polo, cut, glistening abs just visible under his slightly pulled up shirt, and legs like steel pipes defined against his tight, dark dress pants. The other man was sleek, lithe, moving easily. His shoulder-length hair bouncing with his movements. When his muscles flexed, they stand out in toned cords, proof of his efforts. He stood a few inches shorter than his companion, but had all the confidence to match and maybe outpace him. The two are completely visible, having knocked over the crates right next to them.

Unable to look away but not wanting to be seen, you slip into the alley just behind some boxes. From your vantage point, you can see without being seen by them and, glancing back the way you came, from the street. Turning back to the unwitting actors who are on a stage for an audience of one, you can see the men fumbling with each other’s bodies, with each other’s lips. The bigger one is leaning against the wall, his lover kissing his neck and whispering into his ear. The thin one starts to lift the shirt of the man he has pressed against the wall and drop his head to the chest of the big man he is taking. The man against the wall reaches out as if trying to find a hold on the flat wall, moaning. Then a call of “Ahh Lukas! Zähne!!” But by the way he rolls his hips forward, you know he is begging for more. “Shhhhh, Mika,” Lukas scolds as he comes up to quiet his struggling lover with his lips.

But while Lukas hushes Mika, he reaches down to the buckle and button of his pinned friend’s pants, undoing the clasps, then slipping his hands inside. Mika’s change in expression is all you need to know Lukas just took ahold of his manhood.

Now looking up directly into Mika’s eyes, Lukas pulls down the dress pants to reveal the hard cock his hand has been stroking. Whispering one more thing, he starts to trail kisses, licks, and nips down his partner’s torso and stomach calling forth various smirks, groans, and moans from the big man who now has his head thrown back and is more freely letting out the sounds of his experience. This continues until the Lukas’s mouth hovers just in front of the pulsing cock in front of him. You can just make out the strong man’s cock touch then slip past Lukas’s lips. Even from a quarter block away, you could tell how hungrily Lukas licked, sucked, and adore the hard cock. Even from here you could read the pleasure written on Mika’s face.

This is hotter than any porn you have seen. These men are sexy, all about each other, alternatively smiling and getting serious, and they are standing live in front of you. This is real. This is happening. You think to yourself where are all the other hot, gay Germans? Where have they been? Have there ever been two men as hot as these two?

The scene which immediately caught your breath begins to affect you more deeply. You can feel yourself start to get wet underneath your dress. As your vagina clenches, your thighs start to flex, and your knees knock together. Fearing the noise from your knees was too noticeable, you look up to see if the men have noticed. You relax and sit on a partially hidden box when you see how busy they still are. A bomb could have gone off and they would not have noticed.

You can’t relax for too long, not while watching this happen, not without getting worked up. You squirm with desire. You haven’t felt a demanding need like this from simply watching people have sex, but then, when do you see something like this in real life? When have you watched as one man greedily sucked another from this close? When have you seen such hot men all over each other in real life? You notice your hand sliding up your thigh, under your dress, finally brushing against your panties, panties you can tell are already soaked. Catching yourself, you look around to make sure you cannot be seen from the street. Reassured, you lock your eyes back on the two writhing men as you run your fingers along the edge of your thigh and your panties.

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