9-to-5 series: Jacob and Craig 02

A gay story: 9-to-5 series: Jacob and Craig 02 TRIGGER WARNING: There is some strong language, heavy domination and degradation. There is also a bullying scene which might also have triggers.


I woke up to a sunny day. The glare was shining between the small spaces between blinds.

Fuck, I thought groaning. I forgot to close them, didn’t I.

It was too late to close them and get back to bed. I rolled on my back and rubbed my eyes as I adjusted to the sun in the room. Eventually, once I lived again, I found my phone on my nightstand. It wasn’t even 7 a.m., a Saturday, awake for the day.

I was fully aware of the morning wood tenting the thin sheet of my bed. It was throbbing for my attention but left it alone and unlocked the phone.

I read through my emails and saw that there were more work emails than usual, which surprised me. All my projects were done, and the new ones only started Monday. Turns out Trevor botched a job. He made mistakes in what he did and didn’t finish on time for deadlines. The Partner messaged me personally to wonder if I could come in over the weekend to help him out and fix some things.

Damn it, I thought to myself. This is supposed to be my weekend to do nothing. Trevor better watch out cause I’m gonna get that bitch fired, especially if that Partner knows what I can do compared to Trevor.

Trevor, the idiot, was not pulling his weight in anything. He doesn’t know what he’s doing and is an absolute mess most of the time. He misses deadlines and is just overall not meant to work in an accounting firm.

I stared at my shrinking morning wood, knowing my pleasures will have to wait, and responded to the email. Better start getting ready if I want to be there within the hour, I told myself.

48 minutes later, I scanned my keycard for our office door. There were quite a few people. Trevor was here looking a bit distraught and overwhelmed. Tracy was at the coffee machine brewing something. Probably not her first day since she was buzzing full of energy. I assumed she was the senior accountant on the file since there is no other reason to be here this early on a Saturday. Bradley’s office light was on further down the office, which didn’t surprise me. He was the Partner who asked me for help.

I decided I’d let him know I’m here before diving into the work. I’d probably need to speak with Tracy first for a summary of what needs to get done, but better go talk to the person who asked for you personally first.

I waved at Tracy across the pool of cubicles, and she was able to muster a genuine smile through what I knew was deep frustration at being here on a Saturday. Trevor on the other hand ignored me completely as I made my stroll across the office towards Bradley’s door. I breached the doorframe; he was not alone in his office, so I stopped suddenly. No thinking of the added weight of my computer bag, the momentum shot me forward. The clumsy me had to take a stumbling step forward to catch all of the extra weight I carried. I thank to all of the gods for my leg day routines; it wasn’t unlike my deep lunges. To recover, I just finished the movement by continuing the momentum and finished with both feet side-by-side.

The deep chuckle made me blush, but I should have expected it. Bradley’s visitor was Craig. I hadn’t worked with him since he basically used my throat for relief over a month ago. Bradley smiled subtly but pretended nothing happened.

“Too early to think, eh?” Bradley greeted me. “Thanks for coming in, really. I wasn’t even sure you had your work email set-up on your phone, but Craig here said you’re the only junior accountant to get this done today.”

I looked at Craig quickly to see his expression. He was genuine, but turned to Bradley when he said it: “Like I said. The Orion project was very well wrapped up and I was very satisfied with his work.”

Satisfied, I blushed at the word. I really hated being a ginger with my cheeks betraying me constantly, but I caught myself.

“Oh! Well, thanks.” It was the first time I had heard about the job “satisfaction” since he had never given me feedback for it. Probably because I had swallowed his load the day before, but water was under the bridge at this point.

A notification was heard from Bradley’s computer just then and he made his signature one-finger move to tell us to give him a second. It was strange seeing Bradley in a zip-up hoody when he usually wears a full suit. Surprisingly still was the Star Wars logo on it. To be fair, I was wearing my “fancy” blue slim fit mid-thigh shorts and a black slim fit V-neck shirt myself. Maybe my disconnect was not seeing my boss as a person, but only as the boss. On weekdays, he looked like your normal 40-year-old, average built on the slimmer side, but I wasn’t really ready to see his lean chest with the 5 inches unzipped below the collarbone. He runs marathons, so he does have a trim body. He has dark blond hair with a little superman curl at the top and buzzed on the sides. His office was very well organized with family pictures on most surfaces. The latest one shows 3 children, probably between the ages of 5-11 years old. There were pictures from before the kids to one, the second and finally the third child in various places and souvenirs. He hadn’t really changed, and he was definitely a good-looking man with a good-looking family.

I did my best to acknowledge Craig, but not too much. I noticed he was wearing a casual crew-neck shirt and jeans. The thick beefy hairy arms giving off the stereotypical alpha look. Thankfully Bradley’s little distraction didn’t last very long and brought me back to the reason I’m here on a Saturday. He asked: “Now, where were we?”

“Well, I assume that Tracy is the senior. Did you want me to talk to her, or should I report directly to Craig instead?”

“Tracy is the one who asked for help, actually, so I’ll get you to sort it out with her,” Bradley said. He turned to Craig: “Unless you had some other idea of where you need him.”

I saw the subtle tension in the choice of words. I know I didn’t tell anyone of our escapade, but I don’t think Bradley was insinuating anything. I suppose I’m used to the secret encounters amongst people I’m really shouldn’t be sleeping with, but Craig really isn’t.

“Eum, no.” He struggled for a second. When he made eye contact with me and realized I wasn’t thinking anything of the comment, he continued with his usual confidence. “Tracy knows best where the issues are, but if the team needs help, I’m here until 4 today.”

“Okay, how long exactly do we think this will take?” I asked. I made sure to ask it without attitude, but I gave a hint of impatience to let them know I wasn’t happy.

Bradley sighed. “With you here, I think we’ll be out of here by 1pm, but that depends on what Tracy finds.”

I nodded my understanding. They were basically saying it depends on what Trevor pulls out. “Understood as I glanced through the office window through the office at Trevor. When I turned my attention back to the Partner, he raised an eyebrow and said: “You really don’t miss a beat, do you?”

Craig chuckled his growling laughter and waved his head. “He spots the smart ones by their ability to read through the lines.”

“Well, the lines are very transparent in this case,” I said without missing a beat, obviously showing my frustration towards my colleague.

“Very noted and it’s not just you, but right now we have a project and a deadline. Shall we get to it?” Bradley said, dismissing us the way a Partner usually does to get things moving.

Tracy was excited that I was there to help and got me sorted quickly. I got to work. Trevor and I discussed a few items, and I was surprised that he knew things, but he just couldn’t execute his projects.

By 1pm, like Bradley had guessed, we were done. Tracy was packing up her things and Trevor was already gone.

“I can’t believe it was done so fast!” Tracy said with genuine excitement. “I had plans with friends to go to the beach and thought I wouldn’t make it! First beach weather this season!”

Tracy was always the bubbly preppy type, the kind of girl I actually expected Craig to date. She’s very pretty and slim, but a hard worker, which I respect completely. She and I get along fine, but she’s a little too energetic for my taste.

I heard Bradley’s door closing and realised he was coming this way. “Great job everyone! We got it done! Enjoy the rest of the weekend! I’ll be back tomorrow to do the final review once Craig is done with it.”

Once the office door closed behind Tracy and Bradley, it dawned on me that it was just Craig and I again here. My unattended hormones were still pounding in my body, and I was excited at the thought, but I was about to leave myself, thankfully. Once, we can let it go. Twice, that’s the start of a pattern, I thought to myself.

Still, I went to his office with a coat and bag about to leave. Craig saw me coming.

“Am I the last one here?” he asked while leaning back like he usually does. His beefy arms at his side balancing on the leaning function of his office chair. I couldn’t see anything past his mid-waist since they were hidden under the desk. For the best, Jacob, I convinced myself.

I nodded. “Yah, Tracy and Bradley just left and I’m on my way.”

He smiled a soft one while leaning forward towards his desk again. “Alright. Thanks again for coming in. See you Monday.” He gave me a head nod, the kind to say “see ya” and turned to his screen again.

“Have a good one!” I responded, understanding I was dismissed.

I made my way down and outside the building. I was hungry and was thinking of a good light lunch with a drink. Sometimes, some of our colleagues go to this pub just around the corner. It’s more of a Sportsbar, but it has some good food and service. Yah, I’m in the mood for that, I told myself. And I made it towards that direction.

The place was packed! Turns out there was this game (don’t ask me for what), but it was a big deal. It took 45 minutes for my lunch to get here, and I had had already three drinks by that time. The crowd was filled with the sporty attitude, the testosterone and it was slightly intimidating and intoxicating. Times like this I could be part of something like this. Not because of the men (which is reason enough), but because of the community. I’m too small at 5’4″ and 110lbs to be a sports team athlete, and too dainty for those kinds of rugged groups. Most were between 5’11” and 6’3″. While they were mostly large built, they weren’t all fit and muscular. Some were just overweight duds.

I only had a small table in a corner, but next to me were a group of those overweight duds. They would pretend to be these sports guys, but I could tell they were rejects like me, but on the other spectrum. They were odd straight guys, and I was just this gay guy at a sports joint.

“Fuck that bitch. These feminists are the fucking problem. They’ll go for those chads over there, but we’re better than them.”

“Yah, I saw my hot coworker’s boyfriend, he fucking tweezes his eyebrows. They like faggots now?”

I had heard those comments before but being right next to them made me uneasy. What if they decide that I’m a faggot too?

I had only a few bites of my lunch, but it seems the way I ate it got their attention.

“Look at that faggot eating his wrap. It’s fucking disgusting.”

I heard it. I’m not sure if I was supposed to, but I did, and they knew I did because I froze for a second too long immediately after.

“Hey, you!” he was the most vocal one, hating on women and “chads”, whatever that was. I ignored him hoping he would give up, but I heard the chair slide on the floor and looked his way.

“Don’t ignore me faggot! Why the fuck are you even in this bar. Don’t you have some for your own kind? Stay out of ours!”

I was shocked. My eyes were wide, and I was against the wall, cornered between it and the bigot. He was easily twice my weight. He was overweight but could easily crush me.

I didn’t have to think too long. A shadow appeared out of nowhere next to the guy. The next thing I knew, the bully was against the wall opposite me in shock. The rest of the bar had grown quiet before the shadow appeared. The shadow came to and said: “Are you okay? I’ll get you out of here.” He helped me out of my chair and guided me towards the exit. I noticed when I had left my section, a group of testosterone sporty guys went to the group of bigots and told them to leave.

I didn’t even stop when I left the pub. I started walking towards my apartment, like I had planned to after finishing my lunch. It had been a good block before I felt a hand grab at my arm.

“Hey, Jacob,” the man said. I had stopped, but only registered a few seconds later that he had said my name. Confused, I turned around. It was Craig.

“Craig?” I said in a little whispered surprise. I took an involuntary step back. It came to me that he was probably the shadow. When I saw my bag in his hands, there was no mistake: he was the shadow who rescued me. I didn’t take my eyes off the bag. “Eum.”

“Jacob, I’m so sorry about those guys.” He spoke softly. His deep voice giving off a completely different vibration.

I looked up at him and put on a hard face. “Thanks, but you have nothing to apologize for. I should have left when I first heard their comments about women and Chads. I just wanted to finish my lunch.”

Craig just looked at me with concern in utter silence. He knew I was lying; he saw my face change from vulnerable to hard in an instant. Close friends have told me that they see my expression change and find it fascinating, but he wasn’t buying it. The longer we kept eye contact, the harder it was for me to keep my face on. My face was wavering and every time I felt it, his eyes showed hints of pain. I looked away and sighed.

“That was really kind of you. I’m just really small and well, you saw. I basically cowered away.”

“Do you want to go somewhere? I can get you to your place if you want.” He was genuinely concerned, and I couldn’t say no. I always forgot how big he is. He was a few feet away from me and my neck hurt just looking in his eyes. At 6’2, he’s a giant compared to me, let alone his width is monstrous compared my 110lbs. He must weigh about 250lbs, at least.

He passed me my bag and I put it over my shoulder. I continued walking in the direction of my apartment, and he followed my lead.

We walked in silence, unsure what to say. The heat was starting to get heavy.

“Are you already done with your review of the file?” I asked him to fill the silence.

“Yah, it was done. You do good work.” he responded in heavy breaths.

I looked at him and smiled, he gave me a small one in return. Beads of sweat were filling his forehead. My mind went back to that night. He was sweaty then too. I turned my glance away and ultimately, the awkward silence started again.

At five minutes away from my apartment, I felt better about the situation and the distance to the bar. Craig’s presence would have kept the other guys away and wouldn’t have followed us. I stopped and turned towards Craig, and he followed my movement.

“Look, thanks. Really, I appreciate it, but I think I can manage now.” I told him. He looked at me for a good five seconds to see if I was just putting on a front again then nodded.

“Sure, if that’s what you want,” he said. “But I am going your way anyways. I think we live in the same neighbourhood.” He nodded his head in the direction we were walking.

I don’t know why I was surprised. He always came to work on foot. It only made sense that there was a possibility we lived close to one another. “Oh! Well, okay. Sure, let’s go.” He had already taken a few steps before I started moving. For every one of his strides, I had to take two. Thankfully, he wasn’t a fast walker, or maybe he was being considerate; I’m not sure.

“Does that happen often?” Craig suddenly asked. I looked at him, curiously. He was looking at the pavement, probably unsure if he should have asked.

“Eum, no. Well, not since I moved to the city last year. My hometown is a bit small, so I’m used to the names. But my father is well-known and respected back home, so it never went past name calling. That was a bit more physical than I’m used to.”

Craig nodded. “I see. I know that my kind — I mean the sports bros — have a bad rep with your community. Rightfully so, I’m guilty of some of those in my youth. But I hope that I never gave you anything to be concerned about.”

I blushed slightly. I felt safe with him after I realized he came to my defense at the pub, but I never really expected him to talk so openly about it.

“No. No, you’re good,” I started. I thought about it for a few seconds before I explained to him what he was, to at least reassure him. “You are very masculine and confident. As someone who’s gay, that can be even more intimidating because you embody exactly what society dictates a man should be, and while those bigots at the pub were intimated by you — or people like you — they would try to compensate. Which is probably why they picked on me: I’m even farther from you than him, which makes him better than me.”

“I don’t think I’m better than you,” he said, taken aback and slightly insulted.

“I’m not explaining myself the right way,” I started. “I meant that’s what he thinks, and the fact is: you do embody what society deems a man should be. I’m not saying that you’re all macho and alpha and nothing else, but on the surface, you represent it. I can’t say the same for me and the bigot.”

I looked up to see my apartment building two blocks away.

“Macho and an alpha,” I heard in a low deep voice. It could have been a question, but I took it at him just repeating what I said. I looked at him and he was starting to form some sweat stains on his chest, back and pits. His face had the same focused look he has at work trying to wrap his head around this new information.

He stopped suddenly. “Sorry, I’m a block that way.” We were basically a block from one another. “You left your food at the pub, didn’t you?” I stared for a minute at him realizing that yes, I had only taken a few bites. Like clockwork, I felt my stomach growl. I scoffed in amusement.

“Those assholes. I totally forgot I was hungry,” I said with a little laugh. Craig gave his first usual smile since the event.

“Well, I also didn’t end up grabbing my takeout. Do you want to come to my place? I’ll whip something up for the both of us.”

I really had to think about it. I had definitely not forgotten that he used my throat a month before, but his invitation seemed innocent enough. He wasn’t giving me any of the looks he gave me while I was on my knees.

“Eum, yah, sure. Thanks,” I responded. I followed him home.

He lived in a one-bedroom apartment in a semi-new building. It wasn’t very big, but big enough for a couple, if he ever had a girlfriend. The best feature was the wall-length windows in the living area and the patio. On the 16th floor, and lucky enough that the buildings in front of his patio were not blocking any views of the downtown, it was fantastic.

“Jesus! That’s a fucking view!” It was the first thing I said when I got to his Livingroom.

“Thanks. I was lucky to get it really. I got it with my ex five years ago. When we broke up, she moved back home to be closer with family,” he shared with me.

“Was the breakup recent?” I asked. Curious now that maybe his frustration last month had anything to do with her.

“6 months ago,” he responded from the kitchen. “It’s been an adjustment, but busy season kicked in and kept me distracted. I’m good now.”

I made an approving noise, acknowledging his logic. “Good good.”

Craig is digging through the fridge. “I think I saw a wrap on the table, or was that my imagination?”

“It was a wrap, but I’m okay with anything you have. I was just going for anything light.” I responded, making sure he didn’t go out of his way to feed me something too extravagant.

“Right, well, I’m definitely going to have some rice and chicken that I cooked last night. You can have some of that, or I have pita bread that you can create something wrap-like. Feel free to use the chicken for that as well.”

I walked into the kitchen to look at the types of veggies he had. I chopped a few pieces of cucumbers and diced some cherry tomatoes and made myself a wrap with the chicken and some spinach.

“I also have rum and gin if you want some.” Craig offered. I noticed he was already pouring himself a glass of rum on the rocks. I approved of the drink and without skipping a beat, poured me one as well.

“So, I thinking I’m not intimidating anymore?” he said abruptly.

I laughed with a mouthful of wrap in my mouth. He moved towards the barstool of the kitchen island, and I joined him there. When I finally swallowed my bite: “Well, yes, but I’m not scared of you anymore.”

“Scared??” He yelped in surprise. “You never said scare!”

“Well, you are kinda rough and mean looking,” I responded. I looked at him and he was confused. “Not in a bad way, it’s just you look intense and you kinda look like you have a punched a few people in your life.”

He shrugged. “I’ll give you that one.” He took another bite of his chicken. “I always thought I had a hard time with women because I’m ridiculously hairy.”

“Which kind of goes with your rough and mean looking persona,” I responded immediately. “But like I said: that’s really not a bad thing.”

I didn’t say anything more, just let it sink in for him to understand. He eventually nodded and kept on eating.

I had finished my wrap and went around his apartment to get a feel of who he was. There were shelves filled with books, ranging from self-help, non-fiction, and fiction. There was a combination of older DVDs, probably pre-streaming era. There were house plants here and there and some statues that didn’t really fit with the other items. I assumed they were mementos left behind by his ex.

The 75″ TV was very much in line with my expectation. I knew he was a gamer, but he also loves sports. Next to his TV was a unit with some memorabilia for various Hockey and Baseball players and teams. I noticed an autographed baseball with a picture of a younger him with who I assumed was a pro athlete. I had guessed right. He was a ripped muscular guy in college.

“I may have gained a bit of weight since that picture,” he said with a little laugh. “I still hit the gym, it’s just the irregular eating times and habits. And I’m also not 20 anymore.”

I smiled at him. “Both weights suit you.” I didn’t wait for a response. I just made my way towards the drink I had left with my empty plate without looking at him. I didn’t want him to think I was making a move.

The bedroom door was open, and I could see that the bed was made, but there were some clothes on the floor. Overall, this was a normal living arrangement.

“I know you said that it never happened,” I saw in the corner of my eyes his air quotation marks. “But I’m a little confused.”

Curiosity got the best of me, and I looked at him. He was definitely trying to read me now. I knew what he was talking about as well.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked him. I was intrigued. Does he want to use my throat again? Trying not to get my hopes up, I let him keep control of the conversation.

“I guess, yah. Kinda?” He chuckled nervously. I didn’t break eye contact, but eventually smiled at him, encouraging him onwards. “I have never done that before.”

“You’re not the first straight guy who had dabbled,” I clarified to him. “Sometimes we just have urges and needs to just need to be met and I was the closest mouth around.”

I tried to make it sound nonchalant, but he wasn’t done. “But the way I treated you…”

“Oh.” I said, hiding a smile. “I liked that part.”

He crunched his eyebrows at me. “You liked it?” he asked in disbelief. I have some convincing to do, it seems, I told myself while biting my lips to avoid smiling like a little schoolgirl.

“Craig,” I started locking eyes with the alpha in front of me. “I have never had someone do what you did to me before, or at that level, I should say. But I had never felt satisfied like that before. Trust me, I liked it.”

“Seriously?” he asked again, still in disbelief, but with awe. I nodded to him with a smile. “Every time I tried something a bit rougher with my ex or other women, it was always a no. I just… okay… Well, at least that clears that up. But still, you didn’t get anything in return.”

“I got everything I need in return,” I told him. Again, he was confused. God, he’s such an alpha dom. He doesn’t understand the needs of a true sub. “Sexually, I’m purely submissive.”

He was still confused. Admitting this to the only man who was able to fulfil this fantasy of mine stirred something in me. The untouched morning wood started awaking and I couldn’t have stopped what I said next if I wanted to.

“Remember when I said you intimated me?” I heard a reluctant “uh-huh” before continuing. “Well, that turns me on. Your rough, mean look? The hairy body, your height and your size? All that, in such intense contrast to my own look, is the hottest thing ever. Then you taking ownership of your pleasure with my body? I ran home and fucked myself silly with my dildo thinking about it. It was the most intense orgasm I ever had.”

He was shocked at my words. I could see in him the conflict in understanding why another man would like that.

“I’ve been harshly bullied, and it’s left a mark. I am sexually attracted to men like my bullies, and degradation is part of it.”

It seemed to have clicked now. “Oh. It’s the trauma of it all manifesting sexually.” He looked at me softly.

“You don’t need to feel bad for me, Craig. It’s my trauma and no one will take away the one pro of having this kind of bad childhood.”

I smiled back at me and said: “fair. And look at you now, promising career and a good head on his shoulders.”

“Woah woah,” I laughed. “I still have work to do to make sure I stay that path.”

He laughed a deep rumble, but it wasn’t genuine, just a polite reaction to my own laughter. He got quiet and I sipped my drink. Abruptly, Craig took a swig of his rum.

“It was also the most intense orgasm I had,” he confessed while looking at the ceiling. “I have this beast in me that I’ve held in check for so long. You just let it out.”

“Desire and lust kept in check,” I told him, following his lead, looking into nothing. “Society telling us to abstain from those natural feelings is not normal. Us gays have a better understanding of that than the traditional people because we already don’t fit the mold. Desire and lust can be separated from love and commitment.”

“And if I don’t want to anymore,” he said in a low deep whisper. “If I just want to take what I need.”

I turned my whole body towards him. The struggle was on the surface at this point. He was having a difficult time keeping everything buried. He was looking right at me. I knew I wasn’t taking to the usual Craig now; it was the Beast resurfacing.

I looked in those dilated eyes, the desire and hunger running rampant. I let my fear take over. I answered with the whisper of a prey giving in to his needs: “then you take it.”

Time stood still. I was holding my breath, waiting for anything to happen. Craig ‘s breathing was getting heavy. He was still holding himself back. He was holding his glass of rum in a tight grip.

“Limits?” he asked suddenly without moving.

“Blood, permanent damage, scat, unconscious,” I whispered back.

“I’m not into any of that,” he said. With resolve he took his last drink of rum.

“I’m not gay.”

“I know”

“Whatever happens…”

“It doesn’t mean anything, and it doesn’t affect work, I agree.”

Craig let out a deep groan. “Follow me”

He got up and made his way to the bedroom. I hesitated only for a few seconds and followed him there. “On your knees, back against the bed”. The mattress was high up from the floor, so my head was still against the mattress. I looked up at him, vulnerably cornered between him standing a few feet from me and the bed at my back. My dick was straining in my pants, and I could see his was bulging out of his.

Craig was looking down at me, a giant taking in his smaller prey. I kept switching focuses between his face and his dick, waiting for a command. “What are you waiting for?” he suddenly asked, not really a question, but a demand in a deep growl.

Some of his sweat stains had dried, but it was still noticeably damp. He looked like a true alpha male, and I couldn’t believe he was going to use me again. I felt miniscule looking up at him. Focused now on his bulge, I swiftly unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them. The musk hit me like a brick wall, and I gasped while inhaling his manly scent. I exhaled with a deep moan when I noticed that his boxer briefs were wet from sweat.

“You’re gonna clean off that sweaty dick, understand,” he said. For sure he saw me admiring his sweat stains and knew I loved his scent.

I admired his huge trunks of thighs, covered in thick coarse hair running underneath his wet underwear.

“Fuck,” I whispered. I looked up at him and responded: “You’re so big and masculine, sir.” I inhaled and shivered. “you’re intoxicating.”

I knew that I would let this man do anything to me, he was the complete embodiment of my fantasies, and I wouldn’t say no.

My hands reached the underwear waist band and pulled down. The wet underwear had a little more friction, but it was spectacular. His thick hairy bush appeared, and his hard uncut dick was slowly revealed as the underwear went down. I was still surprised by the sheer size of it. I didn’t hesitate and shoved my face into the bush and grabbed onto the thick shaft stroking lightly. He made a smooth growl as I inhaled the musk straight from the source. I lost all my sense in a few heartbeats. Any tension remaining from the ordeal earlier vanished and all the muscles in my body relaxed. Almost immediately, I felt Craig’s hands behind my head.

“Get a good whiff of that,” he started, pushing me deeper in his damp pubes. I stroked his dick a little harder and he groaned. “You’re asking for it, bitch.”

He grasped my head with his thick hands, forced the back of my head against the mattress and expectedly shoved his throbbing sweaty cock halfway in my mouth. “Taste it.”

I lost all illusion of control. I couldn’t move my head and knew I was at Craig’s mercy. I did what I was ordered and rolled my tongue around his uncut shaft. It was intoxicatingly salty, and I licked that dick clean.

“Good slut” I heard. I looked up at Craig, loving the praise. I wanted nothing but to please him and I wanted to show him that. “You should see yourself, a true whore for straight dick.”

His cock in my mouth, we kept eye contact. I was feeding my arousal with his desires and made sure to let him know I can take more. With my pleading eyes, his expression hardened, and he started to move against me. My throat opened up to let his thick meat through. I inhaled quickly, getting high on his musk, wanting to relax. I let myself blink and tiny tears started running down my face, but I kept eye contact. His uncut dick had the perfect downward curve to slide down my throat. I kept looking up until my face was buried in the thick bush. I put my hands on his thighs, worshipping the masculine hairy thickness of them, then brought them towards his balls. It had the same reaction as last time. The grunt was loud, and Craig’s dick flexed in my throat. I gagged in surprise.

“Jesus Christ!” Craig yelled. I felt my throat empty as he thrusted out, my spit left with him, strings of it still connected his dick and my mouth. I looked at his swollen shaft, it was hard as a rock. I went to grab it, but before I reached it, I felt a strong slap across my cheeks. Surprised, I looked up with a fearful expression. I held my cheek; it stung where he hit me.

“I didn’t tell you to touch it.” he told me. The anger in his face almost looked genuine. I was scared, which turned me on even more. I bit my lip, waiting for instructions. “That’s good, bitch. You’re gonna learn to obey.”

Craig grabbed at my hair and tilted it to the left. “Look at yourself”, he said ferociously. There was a mirror on the wall. I was a miniscule thing next to this beast. One side of my face was a little red from the slap, but I was in heat. I not only felt like a sub, I looked it too. His hard dick was dangling next to my face, which looked about as thick as a wine bottle. The arm whose hands were grabbing my hair was flexed and covered in that animalistic fur. This was basically a scene from my dreams. I started leaking precum in my underwear. My breathing was getting heavy and let go of my hair. I felt his other hand grabbing my cheeks to hold my position. He bent down to get closer to my face, and slowly met his gaze.

“What do you see?” he asked me in a deep whisper.

“A slut, sir” I responded between breaths

“That’s right. You’re nothing but a rag” he added. I nodded to it, pleading to be just that.

He spat in my face. I gasped in shock and took his dick down my throat.

I don’t remember how long it lasted. All I knew was tears were rolling down my face and mixed with the drooling saliva dripping from my chin. Again, I was timing my breathing with his thrusts, but unlike last time, I didn’t hold on to him. He was the alpha and I was resolved to my fate. I kept eye contact as my as I can. Sometimes that was hard when my face to thrust deep in his pubes. When he let me breath every so often, I’d still make sure my lips were around his dick, but I looked up at him.

When I looked up searching for his eyes, he linked them. They showed only pure lust and desire. I would rub my bulge as he breathed in-and-out, sometimes making deep groans when my tongue twirled around his cockhead and foreskin.

“I’m gonna cum,” he growled. I slowly slid the rest of his shaft in my mouth, stretching my throat. Down it went but controlled. I was able to keep eye contact, but they teared up. “You’ll do anything for me won’t you?”

I responded with a slight flick of tongue around his shaft and made my eyes acknowledge.

“Faggo…..” the word was lost to grunts and groans as ropes of cum shot down my throat. It was already so deep; I didn’t have to swallow. His dick pulsated and constricted me which brought more tears into my eyes. My hands furiously rubbed my throbbing bulge. I came just after he was done, his cock still in my mouth, but slowly deflating. My underwear was filled with hot cum. My eyes were closed and rolling behind my head.

I woke from the post-orgasm glow when I felt Craig back away, sliding his cock out of my mouth. I opened them up and he just looked at me. He still towered over as I was still sitting on the floor.

“You came, didn’t you?”

I nodded a yes and took my forearms to wipe the sloppy drool and tears from my face.

“Well, I need a drink,” he responded. He turned from me with a little smile. “Join me.” It was not a request.

I looked into the mirror on my left. My hair was a mess, my eyes were bloodshot from the abuse my throat just went through, my shirt was wet from drool, and my crotch was soaked from cum seeping through my underwear.

Before he told me twice, I got up and crossed the threshold, wondering how this was going to play out…

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