Co-worker's Man Ch. 03


A gay story: Co-worker's Man Ch. 03 Frank rolled off and slumped into the pillows piled against the headboard. “Whew,” he said, halfway sitting up. “That’s a good way to work up a thirst.” I noticed the glistening sheen of sweat on his skin. It made him look even sexier. “Why don’t you go grab … Read more


The Office


A gay story: The Office I walk into your office. You look up and see me standing there and I say, “Hey, how are you?”, acting casual, trying desperately to make myself more comfortable and forget why I’ve come here. You smile, refusing to let me pretend, and reply, “Never mind how I am, we … Read more


9-to-5 series: Jacob and Craig 02


A gay story: 9-to-5 series: Jacob and Craig 02 TRIGGER WARNING: There is some strong language, heavy domination and degradation. There is also a bullying scene which might also have triggers. —————————————————————————— I woke up to a sunny day. The glare was shining between the small spaces between blinds. Fuck, I thought groaning. I forgot … Read more