A Captain And “His” Yeoman”


A gay story: A Captain And “His” Yeoman” I came to Seal Beach, California not knowing what to expect.

“Remember, you’re on shore duty now, so take full advantage,” I remembered Dan telling me. “One day, you’ll look back on all this and regret the time you didn’t use wisely, primarily the time you had to smell the flowers, and just relax.”

I wasn’t understanding Dan (my commanding officer) at first for he came at me within the first few days of me being at the sleepy munitions unit responsible for loading ammunition to naval vessels based on the California coast.

I could recall for five years standing port sentry watches in extreme temperatures, or the countless underways to include three deployments of at least eight months each. I remember the constant drills, or just being on eggshells due to tempo even as a yeoman, an administrator within the U.S. Navy that equates to “human resources” on the civilian side of things. I was based in Norfolk in all that time, where we received four seasons: super cold, super hot, bipolar spring, and bipolar winter, yet I tried to make the best of it all for I went from E1 to E6 in that frame, being on the cusp or earning my bachelors in the process.

“You’re the only Sailor here I’ll allow to call me ‘Dan,’ when its just us,” he told me, as I was checking in and hanging in the office of not just anyone, but the commanding officer of my unit.

The burly white guy with stubbled chin, slight gut and twinkle, blue eyes stood up at six foot four, with his Bostonian accent and bravado to match. He was a guy that struck fear not just with rank, but with his intimidating demeanor as he never smiled and always looked angry. He claimed he’d heard about me from my last commanding officer, Captain Shunk, a guy he dubbed as “Greg” from a time when they worked worked together as junior officers some 20 years prior.

“Paul, you left an indelible impression on that ship,” Dan stated. “Greg spoke extremely highly of you when he gave me the heads up you were coming. I need the same energy here.”

Those words boomed off Dan’s lips and suddenly I felt the pressure as he set his expectations, then we stood up to shake hands before he signed my check in sheet so I could be on my way.

“Also, while I know of your work ethic, this is shore duty. Take advantage of your time here, shipmate,” Dan blurted out as I walked out.

I immediately hit the ground running at the command with positive changes, causing morale boost in an office of 11 when it was once perceived as “dark.”

He took notice as a few weeks later he called me into this office to reflect.

“I like the attitude you possess,” Dan told me. “There’s not a day that customers throughout the command don’t compliment your team.

I walked over to his office upon his request, but I was in the midst of a task and voiced being irked about the constant pats on the back.

“Sir, why is it you keep calling me in the office,” I playfully asked him once I entered his space.

“Can’t I talk to my YN1, and let him know how good of a fucking job he’s doing? Shut the door,” he said to me as he tinkered with a rubric’s cube. “This was a different atmosphere until you came here. Greg Shunk never lied to me, and he’s spot on yet again as this place has become night and day with you here.”

He rambled on about how it used to be, and where it was with me there after such a short period. I could admit it made me feel good to receive the accolades, and while he talked I realized that for the first time, I could actually focus more on myself for I had a team that wanted to share the load, but I also had the back of the commanding officer as from what Dan was showing at this very moment. After the conversation I took Dan’s advice about “time management,” and took to searching for schools to attend. I would get enrolled in a bachelors program two months later.

“So you’re a hard charger to be here on a Friday evening,” Dan said to me, as he came into the office in his summer whites uniform. “6 p.m., and your ass is still here? I should give you a fucking medal, kid, you just don’t stop!”

“Sir, I’m just doing homework,” I told him.

He’d just returned from attending a commissioning ceremony earlier down in San Diego, about two hours south from my command.

“I rarely wear this uniform,” he said speaking on how he hated how dirty it got just walkiing a few feet.

“I wear this uniform proudly when one of my comrades, or mentees, crosses over, whether it be promotion or retirement. You know how many times I’ve put on this uniform aside from an inspection?”

“Five,” I guessed.

“Try that times four, as I know 20 or so people I’m near and dear to that crossed over and are happier because of it. Paul, you keep doing what you’re doing and I could see myself putting on this uniform yet again, for you,” he said.

He had me stuck when he called my first name so boldly. Paul? Who gave him permission to call me by my first name and break military bearing? I let him continue the pep talk as he amped me up to become an officer, making me feel much better than even his comrade from the ship.

“Your ambition, your smarts, even your good looks, you’ve got it down pat, Paul,” he added as he had me stuck with calling my name like that. “But, with it all, the success is bolstered if you have a woman by your side.”

We talked until the sun disappeared, and I wondered on this good Friday why he wasn’t at home with his.

“She’s home with the kids, but she knows the nature of the job, she’s been with me for 19 years,” he said. “But it’s about me and you as we talk work and life balance. Can’t have that if you don’t have someone to go home to. What’s her name?”

I couldn’t answer that for there was no “her,” as I preferred “him,” and even he wasn’t present. I was single, but not lonely as it might’ve appeared, just more in tune with where I wanted to go and didn’t need a guy throwing me off course at the time. I explained this to him without using pronouns, as I wasn’t sure how he’d take me being a guy that liked other guys.

“Direct order to wrap up whatever you got going on, and prepare to go home,” he said as he interrupted me. “Homework is to be done at home.”

He headed back to his office a few feet to his office just a few feet from mine, as I could look from where I sat to see the door cracked. I watched the tall figure walk inside and grab a gym bag, then prepare to undress as he unbuttoned his top, then pulled off his t-shirt to show off that hairy chest. Dan had a dad bod, with his pinkish nipples poking through the thick rug od salt and pepper hair which covered his slight belly, and expanded navel. He didn’t notice me checking him out as he put on another t-shirt, before undoing his belt, and letting his white trousers fall to the floor as I noticed he wasn’t wearing underwear, but rather a thong between those thick, thighs of his that needed a tan with the rest of his skin.

“Sweet Jesus,” I said under my breath as it blew my mind to the crotch part of the garment struggling to hold the package he carried, as Dan wasn’t hard, yet he had a lot of “meat and potatoes” tucked into the front of the thong.

He even pulled that off, and I began to salivate seeing soft, yet fat cock and ball set, then he slipped on some boxers, jean shorts, before he straightened up himself and folded the uniform and headed towards the door. I acted as if I wasn’t looking.

“Paul, get up! C’mon, let’s go,” he said to me as he came back into the office, flickering the lights. “You got a change in clothes?”

“I brought some workout gear,” I responded.

“Put it on, and let’s go down to this bar in Costa Mesa and hang for a bit,” he told me, as he wrote off our illegal fraternization as “mentorship.”

I cut off the computer, placed all my schoolwork in folders, then into my bookbag with my books before I changed out of my uniform in front of him.

“Damn kid, you’re pretty stacked. All that time on the ship did you some good, I see,” he told me, as he noticed my barreled chest and six pack. “Maybe you could be my personal trainer and get me right.”

My definition of “getting him right” included more than tightening up his body, as it was more about me getting my hands, or mouth on his gorgeous, portly shell. I just kept quiet and took it all as compliments, as when I finished he and I high fived, then went outside to hop in his extended red Corvette.

“Friday night in California. I betcha life aint this grand in Norfolk, is it,” he yelled as we drove south on the Pacific Coast Highway with the top down, 70’s disco music blaring as we showed off.

We pulled into the lot of the bar some 20 minutes later as there were other Corvettes and sports cars parked, then walked inside to be greeted by mostly older men like Dan, in their late 40s to early 60s. I saw a handful of women, but it felt more like a sausage fest in Palm Springs with all the testosterone in view, mostly older white or Latino men in sunshades carrying on, acting like they all had the biggest dicks. Dan and I went straight to the bar counter where he greeted the bartender, a short, twinky Asian guy, as t he directed the guy to give me whatever I wanted from an open tab. I ordered a vodka and coke, and he would have the same, with us taking it outside to the less crowded patio area. Dan broke out a cigar, and showed it was less about him being my boss, and more about two guys hanging out.

“Work and life balance, this is it right here,” he said.

I drank in every detail about Dan the same way I indugled in my drink: slow and steady, as I didn’t want to get too inebriated too soon on any accounts. Other guys in vicinity would chat with Dan, as I sat back and watched, and while I was succeasful in not catching a buzz of the liquor too soon, Dan had my full attention in a way where I wanted to continue to “soak him in.”

“Just taking my buddy out for a good time, he’s new to California,” he blurted out to a group of older, handsome guys.

It dawned on me that this was more than just a night out, but a true outing where the majority of the men were perhaps checking each other out. I finished my drink and became turned on, wishing for the chance to get my hands on someone after the bar, or vice versa, but Dan, sensing me being a little tipsy, would pay out the tab as he barely touched his drink.

“Waiter, let me get mine to go,” he told a guy, and the waiter returned with his drink in a Styrofoam cup.

He mentioned how he needed to get home before his wife became worried, and so we exited the establishment, and headed back north to the base.

“Are you gonna be okay to drive, son,” he asked.

“Sir, I’ll be fine,” I told him as I figured I wasn’t too bad off to go 10 miles to my place.

He cut off the engine as we parked beside my car, and he sat and talked me down until I became much more sober again. In my head while he spoke, I was thinking about how he undressed in the office, and how he looked mingling with other guys at the bar as this wasn’t my commanding officer, but a regular hunk that needed “some attention.” This very moment however he truly showed concerned, and only made me want him more.

“You say you’re good, then being ‘good’ doesn’t mean you head back into the building,” he said to me. “It means you go home and officially start your weekend!”

He knew me well, and so I agreed to leave, then we both got out of the car to and slap five like best friends. He wished me a safe weekend before he got back in the Corvette and sped off, and I would sit in my car for maybe 10 minutes, before decided I wanted to go back inside and finish my homework. I went to the front of the building and unlocked the door before cutting off the alarm, then headed directly to my office without cutting on the lights, pouring out my books and using the computer for illumination. I cut on music through my phone, listening to acts like James Brown and Marvin Gaye while I breezed through my assignments when I heard a voice speak, then singing to the music.

“Ohhhhh, what’s goooooing onnnn,” said Dan, as I looked up to see him just a few feet from me, naked from the waist down with his cock raging hard.

“I noticed you got kinda quiet when I mentioned a girl. I also noticed you checking me out as I purposely left my door open so you could see. That shit turned me on.”

He slowly walked over to my desk, then stood in front of me as reached over me to close the blinds with his cock and balls on my chin. I enjoyed his scent, as he made me hard giving me a sample with his body all over me.

“So what interests you,” he asked when he finished.

“I think you know,” I answered, as he stepped back a little.

“No Sailor, show me,” he said, as he grabbed the base of his thick cock.

Dan might’ve been carrying an eight or nine inch pole attached to his pelvis, with a thick salt and pepper bush at the base. He, too was a little tipsy and decided he needed to return to the office, all the while having the same feelings of me, as I had of him.

“I think we both like the same thing,” I told him.

“We definitely do,” he said, as he stepped to me and placed his right leg on the left arm of my chair.

I leaned forward to take that sweet pole with it’s pink head in my mouth, enjoying the air that came from his crotch as well as his full blooded stiffness. Dan was rock hard, so rigid that my lips somewhat hurt after a couple minutes of blowing him. I just loved the challenge of sucking a cock like his, and enjoyed the allure of doing my boss, with the dare of what we were doing that had stout consequences if caught.

“Greg didn’t tell me how sexy you are,” he said as he bobbed his hips back and forth gently fucking my face. “He didn’t say that at all.”

His big balls slapped my chin, and the hairs around his base tickled my nose as that cock plugged my throat. I kept my breath as not to gag, and thought about what he said about my last commanding officer while doing him. Did the two of them talk about me like this? Was “Greg” an “undercover” like Dan? I became even more motivated to take Dan’s “babies” at this moment as he basically admitted he had his eye on me from day one.

“I’m gonna make this your weekly duty to me,” Dan said, as right then he reached in my shirt to squeeze both of my nipples, getting me even hotter.

“That’s right Sailor, eat up that cock,” he whispered as he stopped moving, and I swirled my head around, applying pressure through my lips and tongue to pull that salty precum out of him.

“Dude, if you get me to cum, I’m gonna do you, too,” said Dan.

He started rocking his hips back and forth again, and I slipped out my tongue to tap his balls each time he rammed my throat.

“Oh shit, here it comes, babe,” he growled. “Fuck Paul!”

He yelled while blasting off at the back of my tongue, giving that sticky, salty semen to swallow. I put my hands around his thick hips as his were pulled the back of my head into his pelvis as he wanted me to catch every drop. I was happy to get that “commissioned cum,” as he had to pry me off of him when he finished.

“Now it’s my turn,” he told me.

We left my office and headed down the hall to the conference room, as he cut on the lights and closed the blinds, then directed me to strip naked and lay back on the conference table.

“Let’s see who nuts the hardest,” he said to me with hunger in his eyes, as now I was completely nude.

I sat back at the edge of the table, stretched out like a roasted pig while he sat in a chair, then rolled to me. He first looked at me smiling as I noticed his hair all disheveled, then he dipped his head to start licking my balls, taking his thick mustache against my sack as he brushed it left and right. That made me spread my legs wide, and he would spend a considerable amount of time there while the precum oozed out of me and fell on my stomach.

“You’re a dripper,” he said right as he maneuvered his tongue from my balls, down to my right thigh, to my leg, and to my feet as he began sucking my toes.

I lost my breath due to me being ticklish, and couldn’t keep still, then he began stroking my cock to counteract my fidgets, and giving double pleasure.

“Cum for me, YN1,” he said in a deep tone. “Shoot it all over my face.”

He wrapped his lips around my big, right toe, then rubbed my member even harder as he had me on the brink. I moaned, winced, damn near cried from the intense pleasure as no one did me like this. Dan had complete control, as I opened my eyes to see his with a sparkle, a sparkle that aligned with getting into my soul as this guy had me hooked on him

“Don’t hold back. Give me that nut,” he said as he started licking the ball of my right foot.

I’ll admit I was trying my best to hold back, but once he licked the ball of my foot, then pulled harder on my cock I couldn’t do anything to stop the furious flow of my sperm, as it shot out of me like a rocket into the sky.

“Got damnit Paul,” Dan yelled as he witnessed me gushing the way I did, shooting my seed a foot into the air, as it rained all over. “You fucker, why didn’t you warn me?”

He’d lick me clean as the nut spread all over my stomach, tickling me as I was super sensitive at this point.

“Kiss me,” he said after.

“Hell no,” I told him as I didn’t believe in tasting my own cum.

He reached up to me and stuck his tongue out anyway, and so I allowed him to give me back my own spunk, before we had a passionate smooch.

“Looks like we’ll have to sanitize the entire building now. It smells like us,” he joked afterwards.

He helped me off the table and we entered the cleaning closet down the hall to retrieve supplies to wipe the table, the chairs, then go into my office as I ended up wiping down surfaces, all while still barefoot and butt naked.

“I gotta go. I wanna do this once a week, but next time at a hotel,” he said to me before he dashed out the door. “One more thing: You’re the first black cock I’ve ever experienced.”

I got dressed, cleared my desk of school items before setting the alarm and darting for my car. I drove to my place high as the sky, hyped from knowing I had the captain wrapped around my finger, and more important: realizing that life in California, wouldn’t be the same as it was in Virginia.


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