A Captain And “His” Yeoman”


A gay story: A Captain And “His” Yeoman” I came to Seal Beach, California not knowing what to expect. “Remember, you’re on shore duty now, so take full advantage,” I remembered Dan telling me. “One day, you’ll look back on all this and regret the time you didn’t use wisely, primarily the time you had … Read more


Publius Octavius Ch 01


A gay story: Publius Octavius Ch 01 Publius Octavius Ch 01 Vic buys Tavi his first personal slave This story is entirely fiction, although historical research has shown that many of the customs and practices described probably actually happened—at least among the upper class “provincial” Romans of the First and Second Centuries. One major notation: … Read more


Lewis and Clark


A gay story: Lewis and Clark I noticed him because we were the same age, and, well, there were few enough people in town that I pretty much had to. He was slender, on the edge of scrawny, and he stood out as one of those kids that was always just a hair off. His … Read more