Freed by Conquest


A gay story: Freed by Conquest Ronan was in the middle of an extremely satisfying fuck with the hot mexican chick when the attack came. A frenzied bulletin came through over the car radio just as he himself was about to cum- “ALIEN INVASION…ALL DEFENCE DESTROYED… THEY ARE ADVANCING… ADVISE…” “Fuck!” roared the hot-blooded 23year … Read more


Memories of a Thwarted Coup


A gay story: Memories of a Thwarted Coup October 2016, but still humid and sultry, a primary reason I had remained here. The atmosphere as I sat at the counter of my gay male bar, viewing the hooking up going on around me, was as tense as it had been back in the even more … Read more


Lewis and Clark


A gay story: Lewis and Clark I noticed him because we were the same age, and, well, there were few enough people in town that I pretty much had to. He was slender, on the edge of scrawny, and he stood out as one of those kids that was always just a hair off. His … Read more