Freed by Conquest


A gay story: Freed by Conquest

Ronan was in the middle of an extremely satisfying fuck with the hot mexican chick when the attack came. A frenzied bulletin came through over the car radio just as he himself was about to cum-


“Fuck!” roared the hot-blooded 23year old Irish stud “fuckin’ alien invasion!… fucked up my ride!”…

He had indeed misfired. His dick slackened. The girl shrieked, hastily dressed, and ran from the car out into the night.

Ronan pulled his jocks up tucking in his hefty schlong before turning his attention back to the radio. White noise. Nothing else.

Up until this moment it had been a great holiday for the young Irish lad in Boston. Now…who knew what lay ahead?

As it turned out, what lay ahead was equally horrifying. And liberating. For Ronan anyway.

The alien invaders wasted little time in completing their mission. Having easily overcome the technologically inferior human forces they began to exterminate all over the age of 35 and round up the others to bring back to their home planet as slaves. Throughout the world, long lines of young men and women were driven naked in coffle lines to processing centres established in the big cities.

Thus Ronan found himself naked, collared and chained trudging along with hundreds of other males, despairing and deeply embarrassed as their new masters goaded them on with what could best be described as cattle prods.

The aliens were merciless. No allowance was made for the humans need to relieve themselves. The guys around Ronan had to furtively take a leak or a dump whenever they could hold on no more. They often found themselves dragged up and subject to multiple electric shocks to their bare arses.

The aliens themselves were hidden beneath their high tech body armour, but judging by the movements of their helmet visors they seemed to pay worryingly inordinate attention to the lads manhoods, swinging away as they were forced to march. Ronan had always been proud of his chunky Irish tool. But this situation gave him more than pause to regret it’s meaty, long gaelic magnificence. Perhaps these aliens kept their own equipment in a different manner?…Or maybe they were just looking for a particularly vulnerable spot to exploit in disciplining their new thralls.

The journey to the processing centre was tough. Bare naked, forced to march through undergrowth as well as over urban pavements and roads, the boys were subject to a million little cuts and injuries. When they arrived at the processing centre, they were driven into massive shower areas and hosed down. To their collective relief, they were then passed through a strange tunnel-like device that miraculously healed all their wounds and made them feel as good as most of them hadn’t in a long time. Then, it was time for processing.

Ronan had noticed that this centre seemed to be dealing exclusively with males. From mid thirties down to late teens, men and lads of all colours were being subject to invasive inspections by strangely garbed alien operatives. Their testicles especially were being scrutinized. Some sort of metal band was fixed around their meat and veg and only then were the captives taken aboard the waiting holding decks of the vast alien spaceship which had descended.

Ronan, having thus been thoroughly poked about with by the aliens and had his tackle collared like some dumb livestock was pressed aboard the ship, the conditions were cramped. He was squeezed in, knob to arse cheek, between naked lads and dudes, all sweating and moaning as they were taken from Earth to…who knew…?

Ronan pressed up against the cute pale arse of a pretty black haired youth a couple of years younger than he. He had never previously had any remote attraction to guys. Not that he had acknowledged anyway. But the situation was having a weird effect. His tool was uncontrollably rising at the proximity to such a pretty male with a firm, smooth arse and tight, sweaty orifice, coupled with the heady whiff of musky man scent filling the air…

This was disconcerting…

Ronan, against his will it seemed, began to rhythmically thrust his dong between the pretty lads butt-cheeks.

“i know what you’re doing ” whispered the lad ” and its ok. I like you. I know you’re probably not even queer. I am. But this situation is…em…I expect there’s a lot of this kinda thing going on. Guys under pressure take it where they can get it. We’re all gonna have to look out and be good to each other. We’re just a defeated species now. Slaves. You go ahead and make yourself feel good.”

Ronan was glad. He said nothing, but gently kissed the twinks neck as he continued to thrust. He grunted as he increased the force. Sweat rolled down his abdomen and treasure trail of dark blonde fluff. His groin slapped and squelched against the boys wet cheeks as he pounded away. the boy himself squatted slightly (as far as he could) and thrust his sweet pucker back to receive the Irish lad’s vigorous exertions. On, on, on,.. then..

“Awhh!!!”- Ronan finally came.

Fuck dude…

That was good. In fact, that was the best orgasm Ronan had had in his entire red-blooded, ripping heterosexual life!

Heterosexual? Fuck that! These labels and categories weren’t going to mean much now. Not anymore. The entire population of living human males from Earth were just chattel. No more dumb racism, or homophobia or anything else. They were all in it together now. All equally slaves, naked and subordinate to the superior alien species. They had to look out for each other. That meant in every way. When they needed comfort, they would only be there for each other to give and take it. It was a new world and a new order.

And, in the depths of his own consciousness their flickered a strange thought for Ronan:

Somehow, in a way that would have been inconceivable to him just days ago, somehow Ronan felt….good?


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