A New Chubby to Chase Pt. 01 by Luvthechub

“Why would I have an issue with your body? If you’re self conscious about, then you can stay in the clothes that make you feel comfortable, but you have no need to worry about judgment from me. All I know, is that swimming isn’t as fun in those clothes, so if you brought some swim trunks, feel free to change and join me. Besides, I have a fun game we can play, but it requires us being in the pool.”

“Well, we just became friends and I’m not sure I’m that comfortable around you yet.”

“Exactly, we are friends. Tell you what, let’s hang out and if you change your mind then you can go change.”

“Sounds good.”

I was a little surprised at his reticence to change into swim trunks, but this was just another sign this guy was gay. He was just too worried about his appearance, and he showed another sign of being into me by being concerned about my opinion. Well, I figured it was gonna go my way as long as I played my cards right and took it slow.

“Well, how about with start with a game that doesn’t involve the pool?”

“Okay, but if you want to get in the pool, please do. I don’t want to keep you from having fun.”

“Thank you, but I think swimming is boring unless there are others to play with. So, I have a game called Flex, where all the rules change depending on the cards we play. Sound interesting?”

“Yeah, I’ve played it before. Which version do you have?”

“I have, Batman, pirates, zombies, or regular. Your choice.”

“Pirates, sounds fun. I haven’t played that one.”

As we played, I could tell he was getting more comfortable with me and he started to relax in his chair. Eventually, he played a card that ended the game. It was a short first round, so we played again. I made a joke about the possibility of other versions of the game.

“Could you imagine if they made a version of this game called pirate booty?” I said laughing.

He laughed, “yeah, and one of the rules says you have to plunder the loser’s booty while talking like a pirate.”

I laughed so hard at his joke. It was genuine. He shocked me with that overt of a gay reference. I looked at him after wiping tears from my eyes.

“Well, you seem pretty comfortable with me now, are you ready to play the pool game or do you want to stay in those clothes?”

“I think I’m ready, but I didn’t bring my swim trunks because I didn’t think I would actually get in.”

“That’s alright, I think my friend’s dad has a pair that will fit you.”

He looked at me with hesitation and a heavy laden “um.”

“I’m just kidding, dude. That would be weird. Just go in your underwear and we will be fine.”

“But then I’ll be wearing even less than you, that doesn’t seem fair.”

Now he was starting to get flirty. I could see lust in his eyes. He wanted to see me naked, but didn’t want to go too far and scare me away. So I thought I’d push it a little further just to see what he will do.

“Hmm, I didn’t bring underwear. So, I guess I’ll just get naked?” I half asked half stated with a shrug.

“Aren’t you worried about neighbors?” Was his only concern.

In a swift motion I undid my swim trunks, slipped them off with my ass towards him and immediately jumped into the pool. I think the only thing I could have done to be more obvious, aside from saying it, about wanting sex with him, was to be wearing a butt plug and letting it peak out while bent over. He watched in astonishment at my nonchalance. I was tempting him. But, I think he was tempting me too. It had only been one round of games when he had been glancing at the pool and we were into our second round when I assumed he was making plans to get in there soon. He just wasn’t sure how soon was okay. That’s when I had decided to push things. I was eager to see his girth, in more ways than one.

I swam to the edge and said, “you coming in or what?!”

He unzipped his shorts and laid them on the chair he was sitting in, his thighs were chunky, and sexy. His legs didn’t seem too hairy, so I wasn’t surprised when he removed his shirt to reveal an almost completely bare chest. He was a smooth chub… my favorite. And his nipples, I sighed in my head, they were the size of half dollars. Perfect!! He was about to jump in when I stopped him.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! You mentioned something about fairness, why is it I’m completely naked and you’re wearing underwear. That, my good fellow, is not what I would consider fair.” I had a very satisfied grin on my face.

“Seriously? You want us both to be naked?”

“What I want isn’t relevant, Lady Justice has measured fairness and has deemed it so.”

“Fine, but no peeking.”

“Not a chance, dude. Just take those things off and get in here.” I said while laughing.

His smile was pretty big. As he removed his underwear, he playfully hid his member in a mocking gesture to decency. I laughed accordingly as he waddled over, hand over cock and arms over nipples, as if he was a lady trying to maintain some measure of propriety. At the moment he reached the edge of the pool, the farce was gone. He revealed his junk proudly, and jumped in. And, almost landed right on top of me. I quickly swam away to avoid being hit, though he was gonna miss me, if barely. He started splashing me and we swam around splashing each other and playing tag. Basically, any excuse to touch each other. He got me on my butt more than a handful of time and I aimed mainly for his chest. i wanted to feel those man boobs, and suck on them. At one point, as he was swimming in an effort to get away, he rotated to a back stroke to see how close I was. I was immediately beside him and was going for a butt slap, but got a penis instead. I shouted, “my bad, you’re it,” and continued to play as if it was no big deal.

He had been hard when I touched his shaft. I was pleasantly surprised at his girth. I thought it was a little bit fatter than mine, and probably a little longer. I was eager to find out for sure, but I wasn’t gonna do it during a game. After a little more swimming, I offered up a new game.

“Would you like to play a game I call toothpicks?” I asked

“Sure,” he replied, “how is it played?”

“One person puts the toothpick at the bottom of the deep end of the pool and swims back up and climbs out where the other is waiting to see the toothpick float back up. Then when the toothpick is visible, you jump in and grab it. If you come up for air empty handed, then you have to climb out and try again.”

“You mean I have to stand alongside the pool?”

I nodded to the affirmative.

“Completely naked for all to see and to be seen?”

“Yep” I said. “That’s how the game is played, trust me we’ll have fun.”

“Okay” he said with a shrug.

That had been too easy. He was definitely comfortable, and his caution was a facade at this point. So, I dove into the water and placed the toothpick. As I came up, there he was with a ready hand outstretched to pull me up. Our bodies touched, but we both ignored it while we waited for the toothpick to rise. I stood up and walked around him, feigning stratagem. He looked at me and followed, not wanting to give me an easy win. This guy was competitive as well as flirty. I let him get close and even let our arms touch.

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