A Night To Forget by shyboy3991


A gay adult story: A Night To Forget by shyboy3991 ,
First story. Based on True events !!
First story. Based on True events !!A Night To Forget

im 15 years old , short brown hair, slim build about 5ft 5 and a nice 3 inch cock at full erection. ive always had a fasination for dressing as a girl. it just makes me so horny. ive been meeting this 43 year old guy for about 3 months now not a relationship just meeting 2 times every 2 weeks for a quick round of sex. i always go on the bottom i like being used by another man the thought just makes me so horny. anyway this perticular night we decided to meet at 2:30am in the morning. i would wait for my mum and dad to go to bed and then sneek out the kitchen window before sneeking back in about 1 hour later.

It was about 10:30pm and i had just got out the bath all clean and shaved nice smooth skin. i ran up to my room in excitement and set my clock for 1 am. i slept rite through till the alarm rang all fresh and naked in my bed. i was nervous but overpowered by excitement. i pulled my bed draw out and pulled out the clothes i had decided on wearing. black knee high stockings, a black lace thong and a matching bra, to go along with a white mini skirt and white tank top. and to give the finishing touches my brown long hair wig.

Along with my make up on and high heels i could say for myself looking in the mirror not only did i look like a slut i looked like a genuine 15 year old girl.it got to 2 am and i got a text saying 15min away wait on the corner. i got so excited opening my door slightly to check if my mum and dads door was shut, green light it was shut i tip toed out my room and down the stairs. my high heels making a consistent tap as the heel met the floor. i jumped up onto the kitchen worktop and delicately opened the window. slowly but surely i jumped out the window and closed it slightly so i can get back in. i made my way down my garden path and jumped over the fence into the alley way at the back of my house. i fixed my skirt and carried on walking. i felt the bitter breeze brush between my legs and tickle my balls. i such a good sensation from it. i started running in anticipation till i got to the end of the alley. i turned left to get to gillispe road and poked my head round the corner. silence, no cars no one around. it was like a ghost town in london at 2:30am. it had been 20min still my match nowhere to be seen. i texted him in worry, i quickly got a text back saying “sorry car broke down on the m25 waiting for the RAC i will be about 2 hours.. i think we should leave till another day”

Grrrrr. i was so furious i made such an effort and to be turned down by text. i made my way back up the alley way.

but then the unthinkable. i hear voices. sounded like there wer 2 of them.

” Ello sweetheart” one said

“I like your skirt darling” said the other

i froze. my heart was beating 10x faster than usual. i panicked and started to run.

“oi you slut come here”

they started running after me i ran as fast as i could down the stone filled alleyway. running so fast my heel snapped. i stumbled to the ground cutting my knee.

i heard there heavy footsteps not far away and before i knew it i had 4 men surrounding me. i gulped in panic. ” nearly got away there didnt you” sed the odvious head of the group ” ye youre quite a fast runner for a slag” sed one of the followers.i didnt say anything. the men started talking amongst themselves. a few moments later which felt like an eternity ithe head of the group said ok lads ill see you tommorrow im having this one to myself. i was so scared but in a way arroused as to what was going to happen next. he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me round the corner and shoved me in a bush. i was breathing heavily nearly hyper ventilating. he started feeling me up touching my smooth tanned legs. “mmmm im goon enjoy this sweety” his hand moved up my skirt and stopped at one spot. he fiddled and looked confused. i started to go red. “you fucking slut, youre a …. youre a boy “!!

BAmmmm he slapped me round the face. i developed tears in my eyes ready to cry a river. ” you tricked me and your gonna pay for that” i was in a state of shock my head shaken by his big strong hands. he whipped his cock out and moved toward my face with no time to think he shoved his cock in my mouth all ready erect his 9″ cock poked the back of my throat. with no control he thrusted his cock into my face thrust after thrust his cock eventually went down my throat and stayed there for what seemed an eternity. i started to gag. ” oh no you dont” he said. “if you puke on my cock ill fucking kill you, you little whore”. i started to cry. i no i like being used but not like this.

minute after minute passed by and he was still throat fucking me violently finally he relleased my head and his cock ejected from my throat. i gasped for air and fell to the floor. i felt like being sick but knew i couldnt for the sake of my life i had to keep myself under control. he once again picked my up and turned me around so i was facing him. ” look down u fucking slut” i did so with no hesitation. ” if you see my face its good night for you nancy”. he told me to strip but leave my stockings on. i did as i was told feeling humiliated and bare my cock came to a full erection. i blushed. ” hahaha” he let out a laugh, so your enjoying this are we” why was my body betraying me i was far from having fun let alone having sexual pleasure. once i was stripped down he instructed me to get down on my hands and knees. i felt his war flem splatter across my tight asshole. this is the part i was dreading. i was so tight and dry surley his flem wont be enough. the tip of his cock teased my male pussy. until

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah” i let out a scream of utter agony. he thrusted full power into me after just 3 thrusts his whole 9″ rod was violating my insides.

“shut up” BAM he struck me
“fucking shut up you slag”

i cryed uncontrolably inside biting my bottom lip. he was fucking my ass so hard over and over agin until my anal juices lubricated his cock so well he was slipping in and out with ease. “oh my god your so good” he said to me ” squeeze my cock with your anal muscles” i did so only making his enjoyment more pleasurable. until after about 15 min he let out a moan

“aaaaaah” i felt his cock throbbing. throb after throb. he shot about 10 strings of cum into my asshole before coming out. he pushed me to the floor, pulled his trousers up and made a run for it. i was so ashamed, i felt his cum starting to seep out of my ass.i got up and started walking . slowly i got to my house. i started crying. what am i going to do i thought. his taken my clothes i cant just jump through the window with just my stockings on. i ran back out of my garden and into the highstreet. thankfully it was still deserted. i ran to the phonebox grabbing a few coins i saw on the floor i inserted them into the phone booth, i dialled the number of the man i was meant to be meeting, i told him everything. i asked him if he could pick me up and take me to his place at least that way i could say i went to my mates house or sumin in the morning. he said ok the RAC had just left and he was still on the m25. ill be there in about 10min he said. i sighed in relief and took cover from passer bys in a near by bush. i sat there with a violated ass and mouth and a cum covered leg from where the all the cum had eventually seeped out. blank thoughts ran through my mind, was he worth it, i mean i was out to meet him. im just a slag i thought to myself a nobody.

the next day i reunited with my family and life went on. After about a month life was back to normal i jus got back from school. “honey im popping out for the evening i left the chicken in the oven for you and the pasta in the pan” said my mum.
“ok bye love you”
“oh and by the way you got a letter from someone i left it on the table in the living room ok gotta go bye”
i was home alone, sitting infront of the tv eating my pasta and chicken. I saw the letter and decided to open it. my mouth dropped and my heart beated. it was a picture of my in my stockings on my hands and knees from when that man raped me. with a note it said ” haha it took some time but hey now i know where you live see you soon slag”

The End


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