The New Slave Ch. 01

A gay story: The New Slave Ch. 01 Editor’s Note; story contains nonconconsentual situations.

I would like to start by saying I am new to writing so I hope you don’t judge me too hard on my literary naivety. Nor am I experienced in Bondage or Master Slave relationships. This story is pure fantasy from my part and is about what I find erotic and stimulating. Please bear this in mind when reading the story. I hope you find it as stimulating reading as I did writing it.


I have never considered myself as straight or gay, I just don’t know. I guess I just go with the norm, you know, it’s expected of you to be with the opposite sex.

Let me start by introducing myself, my name is Daniel. I’m about five foot six inches, eighteen and very skinny and always have been. I have fairly short brown hair and some people say slightly feminine looks. I’m extremely shy around just about everyone and don’t have many friends. I’m fanatical about star wars, dungeon and dragons and Marvel comics. Yep, you guessed it, I’m a geek. You have probably also guessed (correctly) that I get bullied a lot at school, by both sex’s. I’m weak, physically and mentally. High school was hell for me. My father died when I was just 5 and my mother raised me on her own. She was very protective of me often fighting my battles for me at school, that just seemed make things worse, so I stopped telling her when I got in trouble.

It’s hot in class today. The country’s going through a freak heatwave and all the windows are open to try and keep the room cool, it isn’t working. Everybody in the class are there fanning themselves with books or what ever they can find to keep themselves cool. This lesson is media studies which I quite enjoy but the heat is getting to us all and no one seems to be that enthusiastic today.

I’m suddenly aware that my cock is fully erect. You could probably put it down to hormones or my age, or both but my cock seemed to have a mind of it’s own lately. I would pop a boner without even thinking anything sexual and today it’s decided to come to life in the middle of class! I think I must have groaned with the frustration as several heads turned round to look at me. I look away from them and kept myself close to the desk so no one can see my embarrassment.

It’s thirty minutes later and I still have the boner, it just won’t go down. I’m going to have to do something about it. Fortunately it’s lunch break after this class so I’ll head to the toilets and deal with it there.

Theres a ringing in my ears, class has ended. I hang back and wait till every one has left before I pick up my course books and cover my groin with them. Even so it’s still not easy to completely hide my arousal. This is due to me being very skinny, wearing boxers and having a nine inch cock. Put all these together and you can understand why my bulge is very prominent.

I make my way down the corridor towards the nearest toilets walking quite briskly, when suddenly as I round a corner I bump into Shane Anderson and Joe McNeil, I freeze knowing what was about to happen next.

Shane and Joe are out and out bullies, they love to torment me, stealing my books, roughing me up and generally reducing me to tears. They would actively seek me out to have some what they call fun with me, often waiting after college at the gates or somewhere along my route home. How they found out where I live I’ll never know, they must have followed me one time. Shane is tall, around six foot and sports a swimmers build, his strong arms are more than a match for my weak body. He’s handsome too, with a cropped hair and slight wispy beard. Joe on the other hand is much thinner, not as skinny as me but not far off. The ginger mop on his head looks like it has never seen a comb or brush his entire life. His face isn’t what you’d call handsome but more cute with a pointed upturned nose and freckles. He is fairly scruffy too always wearing a hoodie and trackies.

“Hey look, it’s the weed,” Shane announces.

“Hey weed, where you off to in a hurry?” he asks. I back away nervously. I know they won’t try any thing here as there are too many people around.

“I think he’s going to start crying again,” Joe says.

“Leave me alone,” I manage to squeak out.

“Not until you tell us where you’re going?” Shane booms and precedes to knock the books out of my hand. As he does so the books scatter on the floor and his hand catches my erection causing it to bounce in under the fabric of my trousers.

“What the fuck!” I hear Joe say.

I’ve had enough. I quickly pick up my books, expecting them to grab me but they seem to be frozen. I take my opportunity and run past them.

I run round a corner and into the nearest toilets, hoping they didn’t see me. God damn, my cock is still rock hard! I make my way into a cubicle and wait for the sound of the door to open. Ten minutes pass and it’s still quiet, I relax but my cock still has other ideas. I really do need to jack off now as it’s really aching from being hard so long.

I drop my trousers and underwear, sit on the toilet and begin to stroke my incredibly hard cock, I have never known it get this hard before. I’m very close now and can feel my cum building up in my groin. Suddenly I hear the toilet door open and I freeze, I listen intently but apart from a dripping tap I can’t hear a thing. I wait a while but still everything is quiet. To make sure I bend down and look under the stalls but I can’t see any feet, there’s no one in here, I breathe a sigh of relief.

I stand up and face the toilet bowl not wanting to cum over my clothes and stroke my cock. I hear a crash.


Someone’s in the next cubicle! I look up just in time to see some fingers on the top of the divider disappear, then the sound of footsteps running and the toilet door opening. Someone was watching me! My heart start’s racing and I feel panic wash over me. What if they report me? Shit, I would be in serious trouble. I quickly pull up my pants and my trousers and gingerly open the cubicle door. I look around but it’s all quiet so I walk out and look in the next cubicle, there’s no one there. As I exit the toilets I look down the corridor, everything seems normal. Other students mill around going from room to room or just chatting to friends. No body looks at me and I sort of feel a little relieved.

For the rest of that day during class I can’t help thinking about what had happened. The very Idea that someone had seen my cock aroused me getting me hard. I can’t stop thinking about it. It was obviously a boy, it happened in the boy’s toilets. What would it be like to have another boy watch me wank? What would it be like to watch another boy wank? What would it be like to wank each other? OH FUCK! Am I gay??? Stop it Daniel! Get a grip on yourself, get back to the lesson. I can’t, my imagination is running away with me and so are my hormones.

The final bell rings and all the other students head off home but I have an evening class to attend. When I arrive at the class I find my teacher has taken Ill and class has been cancelled, cursing under my breath I head home myself.

My route home takes me through some woods which are usually pretty quiet. I often fantasise about stripping all my clothes off and running through them naked but I know in reality I would never have the courage to do such a thing. I’m still troubled by my thoughts on what happened earlier. Maybe they have reported me but surely I would have been summoned to the principles office before home time. Thankfully my cock is now soft and I try to keep the thoughts of what happened out of my head.

I can hear footsteps behind me, running, coming towards me. Before I can react I’m grabbed by both my arms.

“Got ya!”

Shit it’s Shane and Joe. I struggle but their grip is too strong. I’m scared.

“Get him over here,” Shane says.

The drag me through some thicket and back me against a tree. They pull my arms around my back and tie them round the tree.

“What are you doing?” I cry.

“Shut up faggot! We want to see that big cock of yours,” Joe says.

“Why don’t we blindfold him?” I Shane suggests.

“No, please don’t,” I plead panicking.

Joe removes my school tie and wraps it round my head. I try to shake my head to stop him but his grip is too strong. I can’t see a thing. I feel my shirt being tugged out my trousers and unbuttoned. At the same time my belt buckle is undone, my trousers unzipped and soon they are around my ankles. I hope to god I don’t get a boner. Fingers are now prying under the waistband of my boxers and soon they are around my ankles. A cool breeze blows around my exposed groin causing my testicles to retract and I suddenly feel extremely exposed.

“It doesn’t look that big,” I hear Joe say.

“He’s not hard yet,” Shane replies.

I feel fingers stroke my cock and it begins to spring to life.

“Please stop,” I plead.

“Fuck man, what are you doing? Dude you’re playing with his cock” I hear Joe giggle.

“I want to see it hard,” Shane says.

I hate what is happening yet his touch is soft and sensual and soon my cock is rock hard.

“Wow that’s huge,” Shane says.

“Fuck yeah, wank him off man lets see him shoot,” Joe suggests.

I feel my cock being tugged and I groan in protest.

“Please don’t,” I keep pleading but they’re not listening.

I can’t believe how quickly my orgasm is building, I try to stifle it but it’s out of my control. My body starts to shake and every muscle in my body tenses.

“Urrrrghhhh fuck!” I cry as my cock spasms and I shoot my load.

“FUCK YEAH!” I hear Shane shout, “Oh man that’s awesome!”

I keep spurting as Shane keeps wanking me.

“Did you see how far he shot?” Joe asks.

“Yeah man, fucking awesome!” Shane replies.

“That’s made me harder than wood,” Joe says.

“Fuck! Someones coming!” I hear Shane say, “Run!”

I protest, “No don’t leave me here, wait!”

But I hear their footsteps running off into the distance. Everything goes quiet and I suddenly feel really vulnerable. I hear a twig break and footsteps move towards me, my heart begins to race.

“Hello?” I call out.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” I hear a voice say.

He sounds mature, his voice is deep, silky and smooth, I shiver.

“Hey Mr, can you help me?” I ask.

“Who did this to you?” He asked.

I didn’t want him to know I was being bullied so I say, “Some boy’s were just fooling around.”

“Well young man,” he says, “you’re just what I’ve been looking for so please forgive me for this.”

Forgive him for what? I feel an almighty thud on my head.


It’s dark, my head hurts. Ow! My head really hurts. I open my eyes but it’s still dark, I can feel something over my eyes, I feel groggy. Where am I? Got to pull this thing off my face but I can’t move my arms. What the fuck? I pull again, I hear the rattle of chains. Suddenly I’m completely awake, panic sets in. Oh my god! I’m tied up!

I begin to scream but it sounds muffled, my mouth feels full. Huh? Something is in my mouth stopping any sound from coming out. It feels round like someone has put a cricket ball there. I begin to pull frantically at the chains. my arms are above my head, I can feel something around my wrists. I explore with my fingers and can feel leather and the cold hard steel of the chains. I realise that I’m hanging by them and my arms are aching. I can feel the floor beneath my feet so I push down and soon I’m standing, my arms welcoming some relief. I try to pull at the chains harder but they stay fast. My heart’s racing, my breathing sporadic, terror races through my body. I begin to cry, then sob, uncontrollably. I’m certain my life is going to end today. I think of my mother, surely she would notice I hadn’t made it home and start looking for me, then I realise with horror that she wouldn’t be expecting me home till late as I’m supposed to be in the evening class.

The room is cool and the smell of leather enters my nostrils. I hear the sound of a metallic latch, then the creak of hinges, followed by that same metallic latch.

This is it, I’m going to die.

I begin to scream, but the gag silences me and I frantically pull at the chains, lifting my legs hoping that would cause them to break. I’m suddenly aware of a presence behind me and my panic attacks intensify.

“No please, I don’t want to die,” I try to say.

I felt a pair of arms wrap round me and then the warmth of a body against my back. The arms hold me tight and a voice speaks directly into my left ear.

“Shhh, it’s ok. Shhh,” he says in a very low whisper. I can feel his warm breath on my neck. His voice nice, soothing even and I slowly began to calm down as he keeps holding me tight.

“Nobody is going to hurt you, just enjoy it,” the voice whispers again. I’m still sobbing but his cooing in my ear and the warm embrace helps me to bring it under control. I want to ask him why I’m there, what is going to happen to me. His grip relaxes and I’m soon aware he is unbuttoning my shirt. I panic again and struggle but soon my shirt is completely open and he resumes his tight embrace.

“Shhh, Just enjoy it. You’re going to experience pleasure you never dreamt was possible,” he whispers again. There is something hypnotic in his voice that seems to calm me down. He begins lightly kissing my neck and I feel myself slowly melting. I can’t understand it. Here I am, my life in danger, feeling helpless in his arms yet warming to his embrace.

His embrace relaxes again and his fingers very gently begin to caress my chest. I gasp. His fingers begin to slowly trace a route from my chest, over my stomach and up my sides. To me it’s a touch of terror yet extremely erotic at the same time, my cock starts to stiffen.

“Please don’t, please stop,” I try to say.

I’m extremely ticklish and this guys touch is electrifying. I find myself laughing between sobs. Why the fuck am I laughing? His fingers find their way to my armpits and gently caress my soft hairs. I loose it and begin to buck wildly, laughing uncontrollably trying to get my arms down to stop him. He stays there not letting up. I’m screaming for him stop but it just comes out muffled. Eventually he lets up and his fingers slide slowly back to my stomach. I’m gasping for breath, breathing heavily through my nostrils. I’m alarmed to realise that my cock is now fully erect and throbbing and I know my state of arousal would be clearly visible through my trousers. His hands find my belt buckle and begins to undo it. My legs buckle, my arms taking all my weight and I start to sob uncontrollably again as I realise that I’m about to be stripped and possibly raped. I have no strength left to struggle and I begin to resign myself to my fate. The safety of my home, my warm bed, the loving arms of my mother seem a million miles away and I wonder if I would ever see them again. I’m terrified yet apprehensive and most definitely aroused.

Soon my trousers fall around my ankles and he’s now at my feet removing my shoes, socks and then trousers. Once they’re gone I feel him stand back up behind me and put his arms around me again. His hands then begin to caress my erection through my boxers. Oh god that feels nice.

His fingers trace the outline of my cock starting at the base and ending at the tip. His touch feels wonderful and I suddenly realise that I’m groaning with pleasure. His fingers pry open the waistband and slipping underneath they find my member. I gasp as the only hand other than mine and Shane’s gently caresses my shaft, it feels wonderful. I’m in conflict with myself, why am I enjoying this? I let out a long groan and as he strokes. Soon my boxers are being pulled down my cock with them, the waistband passes the end of my cock and it bounces back up and slaps my belly hard.

“Lovely,” he whispers. His hot breath washing over my neck, his mouth peppering my neck with soft kisses. Although I’m still sobbing it’s slowly being replaced with desire and passion. He moves back down to my feet and pulls off my boxers, then I feel some restraints being tied around my ankles. My legs are then pulled wide apart so I am no longer able to support my own weight and I hear more chains. I try to pull my legs back but I quickly realise they have been fastened in place. I am now painfully aware I’m completely naked with an erection in front of a strange man that I can’t see. I feel unbelievably vulnerable. The man stands back up behind me and moves, pushing me forward so my back is arching backward.

Then man starts to slowly stroke the full length of my cock with his teasing fingers, I groan. His hand slides up and down the full length of my nine inch cock tantalisingly slow, sometimes pausing to play with my circumcised head. His other hand starts stroking my butt, his fingers finding its way to my hole. I start to panic again, I’m terrified, I think my most private region is about to be violate. I buck my hips but his finger is relentless. As his finger touches my tight hole it’s like he had found a button that says “Press here to cum”. My body shakes violently.


I convulse as the cum races up my cock and I erupt. The orgasm is so intense, bigger than I have ever experienced before, bigger than I ever dreamt I could have.

The man behind me speaks, still softly and still in my ear, “Oh yes, you horny little slut, I’m going to enjoy making you my slave boy.”

What? Slave boy?

Suddenly I’m having visions of me being kept there against my will and never seeing my family or home ever again. I begin to cry, my emotions out of control. I have trouble breathing through my nose as I’m almost hyperventilating. I try my best plead with him, to let me go but all that comes out are muffled cries.

The man moves from behind me and I feel cool air on my back where his warmth had once been. He then undid something at the back of my head and I feel the ball gag falling from my mouth. I immediately cry out.

“Pleeeease, sob, sob, l-l-let m-m-m-me g-go, sob, I w-w-w-want to go home, sob, sob.” I began to completely loose it, “I don’t want to dieeeeee!”

Suddenly I feel his warm body press against my front and his strong arms wrap around my waist. There’s pressure on my lips and I realise I’m being kissed. I try to keep my mouth closed but my sobs are causing my lungs to scream out for air and my mouth involuntary opens to gasp for more oxygen. My mouth is forced open more and a tongue enters to explore. For the first time in my life I am being kissed, passionately and it feels good. I’m still sobbing, grabbing what breath I can from his hungry mouth but they’re subsiding. The kissing stops and he holds me tight, his head next to mine, it almost feels as though he is giving me affection.

“Ssshhh,” he whispers in my ear, “You’re not going to die and you will be able to go home soon, I promise.”

I pant heavily as he caresses my back and buttocks. I’m confused, my tormentor is showing me kindness and unbelievably I begin to feel safe in his embrace. Without realising I bury my head in his neck and he strokes my hair.

“But you are going to be my slave boy and you are going to do as you are told,” he says “But don’t worry I will look after you and keep you safe as long as you obey me. If you don’t you will be punished. Do you understand?”

I feel hypnotised by his deep smooth voice and amazingly I do feel safe in his embrace. I nod.

“Good,” he says, “and from now on you are to call me Master or Sir. Do you understand?”

I nod again.

“Say it.”

I hesitate.

“Say it!”

His tone more threatening now, I don’t like it, it shocks me.

“Y-y-y-yes,” I reply.

“Yes what.”

“Y-y-y-yes Sir.”

He lifts my chin and kisses me again.

“Good boy,” he says, “lets continue.”

He pulls away, I suddenly feel vulnerable again and I let out a whimper. Soon my arms are being lowered and I feel the blood rushing back into them, I didn’t realise how much they was aching until then. He removes the cuffs so he could remove my shirt.

I’m then pushed to my knees and made to bend forwards, my head touches the floor. He turns my head and I can feel the cold floor against my cheek. My hands are then pulled back beneath me the cuffs put back on and then chained to my feet. My arse is now in the air exposing my virgin hole and my genitals and it suddenly dawns on me what was going to happen. I start to cry again.

“Oh, god no, please don’t, please I don’t want this,” I sob but my cries are ignored.

His hands explore my ass cheeks, his touch soft and gentle. His fingers brush over my hole and I gasp at the sensation, it’s electrifying and my cock is immediately rock hard again. His hands explore my bare virgin ass for what seems like ages, exploring all over my rear end from my genitals up to my lower back. The sensation is like nothing I have ever experienced before and I’m shocked to find I’m groaning with pleasure between my cries of protest. Here I am with my most intimate parts only ever uncovered in the privacy of my bedroom or bathroom now fully exposed and at the mercy of a complete stranger. I feel some liquid being poured over my anus then his hands rubbing it in all around my rear. This seems to intensify the sensation. He rubs the lotion all round my tight balls and the whole length of my rock hard cock. This is another new sensation as his fingers slips easily over my member almost causing me to blow another load there and then. He stops before I do.

His hands soon stopped exploring and suddenly I feel something wet touch my tight hole.

“Oh!” I gasp loudly. It’s a tongue! It dances and flicks up and down from the base of my tight sack to my puckered anus. I’m now groaning loudly and panting with desire, I’m no longer protesting, this is AMAZING!

“Do you like that slave boy?” the man says briefly pausing, his voice still smooth and deep.

“Oh God yes! Urrghh! I love it!” I hear myself say.

My cock is now hurting it’s that hard and it twitches every time the tongue flicks over my hole. I want so badly to cum now and I’m so pleased when his hand starts to stroke it. His tongue now concentrating more on my anus when suddenly he pushes deep into my hole. I let out a cry.

“Arrghh, I’m going to cum!” I announce.

Quickly the hand stroking me stops and grabs my cock tight at it’s base. The wave of euphoria you experience when cumming washes over me but my orgasm doesn’t happen. I’m panting heavily wanting so badly to shoot.

“You are not to cum without permission, do you understand?” he asks.

I answer yes but not really understanding why. Any fear I have at being fucked has completely gone and I am quite alarmed when I realise I want that tongue back in my hole. He had stopped jacking me too and I’m starting to feel a little frustrated. His tongue is replaced by his finger, it probes my hole and slowly bit by bit it works it’s way inside. The first knuckle passes my sphincter and I groan. The second knuckle passes and I groan louder. I had no idea that something entering my anus could give so much pleasure. Soon he’s finger fucking me, his finger inserting fully then completely withdrawing before being push in again. Suddenly he stops completely removing his finger and I feel empty. I wanted it back badly.

I groan, “please”.

“please what?” the man asks his tone hard again.

“Please sir”

“What do you want slave boy?” he asks.

“I want it back sir” I reply.

“What do you want back slave boy?”

“Your finger sir.”

“Where do you want my finger?”

“In my ass sir.”

“I want you to say ‘Please sir, please my I have you finger back in my boy cunt.'”

My heart thumps hard. I knew saying that would make me feel degraded, humiliated but I can’t help it. I need that finger back in my hole.

“Please sir, please may I have your finger back in my boy cunt,” I pant.

The finger is back, it goes in deep but instead of finger fucking me it is exploring. It touches something inside and I jump, I suddenly have an extreme desire to either cum or piss.

“OOOOHHHH!” I groan. The finger starts fucking again but this time it brushes that spot each time.

“AARRGGHH! FUCK!” I scream as my body shakes, like an earthquake is passing through it and I erupt again delivering another load onto the floor.

“I didn’t give you permission to cum,” he says. He doesn’t sound pleased.

“I c-c-couldn’t h-h-help it” I pant.

“I’m going to have to punish you now for cumming and not calling me sir.”


“SHUT UP!” he shouts, “or I’ll put the gag back in your mouth. The belt I think”

I cry again, fear fills my body.

“Five for cumming with out permission and five for not calling me sir”

Something lightly touches my ass, I jerk violently and shout.

“Please sir” I beg.


I scream, the pain is searing.

“I’m going to have to gag you,” he says.

“No! Please sir, don’t” I plead. Suddenly the gag is back in my mouth and being tied up at the back of my head.


I scream again but little sound comes out. Again and again the whip ravages my soft cheeks the pain searing. By now the blindfold is drenched with my tears.

Eventually the whipping stops and I flinch when his hand rubs the welts on my ass. It feels cool though and I realise cream is being rubbed in. My gag is removed as I continue to sob my heart out. The man is at my ear.

“Shhh, there there,” he says, his tone soft and smooth again. He strokes my hair as he speaks. “As long as you do as you’re told that won’t happen again. If you want to cum you must ask for permission. Do you understand?”

“Y-y-y-yes s-s-sir,” I sob.

He unties my hands and pulls me up, I’m now kneeling. I feel his warmth in front of me and his arms wrap around me. One hand strokes my hair and the other strokes my back and buttocks. He rocks me gently as I sob. My arms now free I find that I’m hugging him, my chin on his shoulder. We stay like this for a while..

“Do you feel better?” he whispers in my ear.

“Yes sir, thank you sir”

I thanked him? The man who kidnapped me and just thrashed my ass and I’m grateful? My head is spinning, damn this is really fucking me up.

He pulls away and lifts me up so I’m standing again, legs still wide apart. My arms are chained up again above my head. Then he releases my feet and lifts them up and chains to the same fixing as my wrists. I am now hanging and the stress of being strung up causes me to start sobbing again.

I gasp as I feel his tongue back at my anus and soon I am overcome with desire to have my hole filled. It doesn’t last long before his fingers are back and he is finger fucking me again but this time with two fingers. I groan, it feels so good, I don’t want it to stop. Then he adds a third finger, he is stretching my hole. He strokes my cock with his other hand, the oil on it makes it feels so sensual.

Soon his fingers are replaced by something else. It feels blunt and is pushing hard at my opening. I thought I am about to get fucked when it begins to vibrate.

“Ohhhh,” I exult at the sensation pressing against my hole. Slowly my ring piece stretches until suddenly it breaks through and the pain hits me.

“Arrrghhh! Stop! Please sir take it out, it hurts, please,” I beg starting to cry again.

“It’s ok, the pain will pass, just try and relax,” he says in his soft silky voice.

I whimper it feels like my arse is being ripped open. The idea of something bigger than a finger entering my ass had gotten me quite aroused but I wasn’t ready for pain like this. However Sir is right and soon the pain subsides and I am aware of the full sensation in my anus.

“Is that better?” he asks.

“Yes sir” I reply.

The pressure is reapplied and as it slides in, I can feel my insides slowly being filled. It feels wonderful. It pushes past my prostrate and I whimper as my cock twitches in anticipation of cumming again. Soon it is completely in and I can feel the slow vibrations against my sweet spot. The vibrations suddenly intensify and I let out a high pitched groan as it massages my prostrate. Before long I am ready to shoot again.

“Please sir, may I cum? I’m close,” I ask panting.

“No not yet,” he replies and the dildo is removed. I groan in frustration and I suddenly feel very empty. He waits, for what seem like ages before resuming but soon I am being fucked with the dildo again. Each time I come close and ask him for permission to cum I am denied and he stops. He keeps this up for ages and I want to cum so bad now I am pleading.

“Please sir, let me cum, I really need to cum,”

“Soon boy, soon,” he replies.

I could feel the dildo back at my hole but this time it isn’t vibrating.

“Are you ready boy? Are you ready to give up your cherry to me?” he asks.

My heart is now racing, I know what giving up your cherry means. I am about to lose my virginity to a complete stranger, someone I can’t even see yet I want it so bad.

“Yes sir, yes I’m ready,” I reply panting heavily.

“Tell me what you want me to do?” he asks.

“I want you to take my cherry sir, please, I want you to fuck me.” I’m desperate for it now, I am begging for his cock to enter me.

I feel pressure and suddenly the head of his cock pushes past my tight ring of muscle.

“Oh you are so tight boy, I’m going to enjoy fucking your tight virgin ass,” he says.

I’m lost in the moment, It feels wonderful having him inside me, I need him inside me.

“Yes sir, fuck me sir, fuck my tight virgin ass,” I shout.

He pushes again and I can feel him fill my bowels. His cock is bigger than the dildo, I feel much fuller. Soon he is deep inside me as his groin touched my ass cheeks. I groan in ecstasy. He fucks me slowly taking long strokes pulling almost completely out before pushing back all the way in. His large cock pressing hard on my prostrate. Here I am, kidnapped, strung up being raped and I’m enjoying it, is it really rape if I’m enjoying it? He is pumping hard now and fast and I can hear his breathing is erratic. I groan and grunt with each thrust and I feel my orgasm boiling up.

“Arrrghh! Please sir, I’m going to cum, please may I cum?” I beg.

“Yes boy, shoot that load, shoot it all up me,” he says stroking my cock against his belly.

My whole body starts shaking and I deliver my fourth lot of cum that day.

“Oh fuck yeah!” I hear sir say and as I am still pumping out cum he rams his cock deep inside me and I feel it pulse as he blasts his load deep inside my bowels. Sir then slowly slides his cock from my ass and I suddenly feel empty.

He unties my feet and they touch the floor but as he unbinds my hands my legs are week and I collapse on the floor. I’m exhausted. He quickly lifts me up and guides me somewhere. I hear the latch on the door and soon we are walking up some stairs. We walk in to a room and it sound’s echoey, I realise it must be a bathroom. He ties my hands behind my back and walks me into what I’m guessing is a shower booth.

“Let’s get you cleaned up,” he says.

I’m suddenly getting wet, the water is warm and comforting, I stand there letting it cascade over my body. I can hear him getting undressed, I’m wondering what he looks like. Soon he has joined me and is soaping my body, his touch erotic. He soaps me everywhere and when he reaches my anus gently uses his finger to clean and probe it. My cock is rock hard again and he notices.

“We need to do something about that before I let you go,” he says.

He’s going to let me go? Suddenly a wave of emotion washes over me and I start sobbing again but this time with relief. My ordeal is about to end, I’m going to see my family again. He kisses me tenderly while stroking my cock and it calms me down. His finger is back at my anus and is soon inside me caressing my sweet spot. He strokes my hard cock and I’m amazed how quickly my orgasm is building again and very soon I blast another load up his shower wall.

“I love how much you cum,” he says.

Soon I am being dried off, I feel like a little boy that has just been bathed by my mother. He then leads me out of the shower room and lowers me. I feel a mattress under me and realise he is lying me on a bed. Comfort at last. Suddenly his hand is over my mouth, I panic as a sweet sickly smell enters my nostrils.


Headache, major headache.

I slowly open my eyes, where am I? I can hear birds singing, trees rustling. I look around, I am back in the woods. Everything suddenly comes all flooding back to me, the abduction, the whipping, being fucked. I sit there for a while dazed and confused, relieved to be still alive, glad that I would still get to see my family, sleep in my own bed. But then suddenly ashamed, for enjoying it, for begging to be fucked.

Why did I enjoy it? Why did I enjoy being abused?

I feel a hatred build inside me for this man that took advantage of me. I’m weak, always have been, he took advantage of that. I hate being such a weakling. I begin to cry again, the trauma of what happened catching up with me.

Why the fuck am I crying? I should be happy that it’s over.

I look up and see that it’s starting to get dark, I’d better get home. I dry my eyes on my shirt sleeve and stand up.

Ow! What the fuck!

There is something on my cock. I feel my cock through my pants, it’s hard but I’m not erect. I undo my trousers looking round to make sure no-one is around and lower my pants. My cock is inside a clear plastic device. It loops around my balls with a small padlock at the top. A tube runs down from the padlock where my cock is inside. At the bottom is a hole.

What the fuck is this?

I try to pull it off but it is tight and it seems if I pull too hard my balls would be pulled off too. I decided I would take a closer look when I got home.

I got home around seven pm.

“High dear how was evening class?” my mother asks not looking up from the TV.

Oh god, It was cancelled! Of course she thought I was at evening class. I look at her wondering if I should tell her. If I do, the police would get involved. Do I want that?

“Oh it was fine,” I lie.

“Dinner is on the side,” She adds.

I go into the kitchen and see the pasta dish. I don’t feel hungry. I run upstairs to my bedroom and throw my books down on the bed and that’s when I see it. It’s in the pages of one of my text books, the DVD is just poking out. I pick it up, there is writing on it.

“Before you call the police watch this first.”

I put it in my PC. To begin with the screen is black, then suddenly it shows a scene of a boy, arms above his head tied to the ceiling of what appears to be a cellar. The cellar is decked out with various contraptions. I can see a large cross in the corner, a cage next to it and above that on the wall various whips and toys all of which are unclear. He is blindfolded and is slumped, head hanging down. He looks at lot like… My heart sinks. It’s me!. He video’d the whole thing!

My head is saying throw it way, call the police but my curiosity says watch it and winning. I want to see my assailant. I want to put a face to that soft smooth silky voice.

As I watch I see the terror on my face as I wake up. When the kidnapper walks in my heart sinks again as he is wearing a balaclava and is fully clothed. He is slim, tall and seems to be quite fit. He is wearing tight jeans and a tight T-shirt. He is slow and deliberate in his movements and exudes confidence.

I watch as I loose control and sir comforts me. I watch as I am slowly stripped. I watch as sir wanks me and I shoot the biggest load I have ever seen, much bigger than any I have ever had by my own hand. I watch as I break down when sir calls me his slave, tears fill my eyes when I see this, I feel so pathetic. I watch as I am lowered and tied to the floor where sir plays with my ass. I watch as he licks out my ass. My cock starts to stiffen.

Ow! I’m rudely reminded of the device on my cock, this thing hurts when I get hard.

I watch as he fingers my hole. I watch as I beg for the finger back in my ass. I watch as I blow another load on the floor. I watch as I am whipped for cumming, more tears fill my eyes. I watch as I am put on my knees and he gives me some affection. I watch as I am strung up and my anus is stretched by him. I watch as a large black vibrator is push in my ass, my cock stiffens further.

Jesus! Fuck!

I have got to get this thing off!

I watch as he brings me close to orgasm and then denies me. I watch as I beg for him to fuck me. I watch as he enters me and the look of joy on my face. I watch as I blow another load up his chest and over his balaclava. I watch as sir blows his load in my ass. I watch as I am lowered and I collapsed. I watch as am showered and how I enjoy the attention. I watch as he makes me blow another load in the shower. I watch as sir stands looking at the camera and speaks.

“Daniel, now that you have watched this video you can see that you was willing in a lot of the things that was happening. If you decide to go to the police we will send a copy of this video to everyone in your college including teachers and your parents, the choice is yours.

You will also notice that I have put a chastity device on your cock. I hold the only key and you will only be allowed to cum in my presence. If you try to remove it you will do yourself permanent damage. Don’t worry you can still go to the toilet as normal, you just can’t masturbate.

I will be in touch shortly with further instructions.”

My heart sinks further and I begin to blubber.

What am I going to do? How am I going to get out of this?

My mobile phone vibrates. I pull it out from my trousers. It’s a message, from Sir! Fuck he’s put his number in my phone!

“Get some rest. Your training will begin tomorrow. You will get further instructions then”

I fling myself on the bed and bawl. This isn’t over by a long way.

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