A gay story: A Timeless Place Ch. 05 Disclaimer: This story and all of the characters and situations are fictional. It contains gay male erotic material. If this is not your forte, please close this page and find something more suiting to your desires.
Again, I am pleased to bring my readers another chapter in this continuing saga. And I appeal to you, reminding you that your votes and comments drive every author on this site. I am not different. So, please remember to vote and comment at the end of the chapter. Thank you so very much.
For a long moment they stared at one another. Peter had been telling him of so many events that had taken place while he and Tony were locked in a spiral of undercover work. For the moment it was quiet but for the birds that had begun to chirp in the nearby trees.
The thumb that had rested on Bruce’s shoulder began to caress him lightly. His powerful need had returned, now that they were quiet and so very comfortable with each other. It seemed to Peter that the conversation had drawn him closer to this man. Now that there was none, he was completely aware of him and his close proximity.
He could smell the cologne Bruce was wearing that was driving him completely insane. By now it was mixed with the chemicals of his body, which made it all the more delightful to him. The thought of burying his face in his neck just to breathe in the scent of him, had presented itself.
It was almost a nuisance. This strong desire that he could not ignore any longer, was becoming bothersome to him. He so much wanted to just lay his hand on him and explore. That thought did startle him somewhat. But his desire was winning out.
His lips parted slightly as he laid his hand flat of the back of Bruce’s shoulder. It slowly moved up the length of it. Coming over the top it halted for a moment feeling the strength of him there. He respected him for that. Bruce is a very strong man, indeed. All that is needed is to teach him how to use it to his advantage. And he would offer to do so next time he returned to see him.
But for now, he would only enjoy the feel of that strength. His gentle touch moved up his neck cupping his jaw for a moment. He was fascinated by the handsome face he was staring into. And most pleasing in appearance this man was.
Bruce was somewhat taken with Peter’s willful touch. He struggled to sit still and allow it for Peter’s sake alone. Otherwise, he would have the man in his arms rendering to him a most passionate kiss. But Peter had never experienced such a relationship with another man, so he refrained from frightening him.
Still, he could see in his face that Peter was so very curious. It was evident he had a need and wanted to explore it. The stirring between them was gradually building with each moment Peter allowed his exploration to go on. And Bruce would not halt him in the least.
As the fingertips moved lightly over his bottom lip, he closed his eyes moaning softly to him. He hadn’t meant to allow it any voice. But it happened and he would not retract it now. He couldn’t. But when he looked again, he would see that it had inflamed the man even more.
Peter felt such a rush of tingling flow through him as Bruce made that delicious sound. He was so inundated with desire by now that he had forgotten why he was struggling with it. Leaning his head to one side, he came closer to this man. It was a slow progression that spoke of the hesitance, but also of the strange need he had.
Their eyes flickered over the other’s faces as he moved closer to Bruce. They both knew what was coming and anticipated it. Bruce was on fire with his thrumming need for this moment. But he held back waiting to allow Peter to make that decision.
He watched the man’s hair glide down over his shoulder and off it so gracefully. The vision of his lovely face began to fill his view completely. His heart thumped strongly with excitement that he might just go through with this. Coursing through his body were waves of overbearing sensation that he had longed for so much lately. Then the moment arose when their lips finally met.
Closing his eyes again, another moan slipped from his throat. He opened to Peter automatically, allowing him entry into his mouth. And he had thought he was ablaze before this kiss. Now his entire body was overtaken with this fire he felt. It burned even hotter within him threatening to force him to lose control.
Peter searched his oral recesses languidly. At first he was so unsure of himself. But as the kiss lingered and Bruce cautiously participated, he became much more comfortable with it. The taste of him was so sublime. The feel of their tongues brushing and playing against the others, felt so right to him. All of this made him relax more and enjoy the contact completely.
He wanted more. But he didn’t know how, or what to do about it. Slowly he eased away from Bruce’s lips searching his face with pleading.
“What is it, Peter?” the man whispered to him.
“I need you to teach Me.” he returned seriously.
“You’ve never had sex before, Peter?” Bruce was completely baffled by his asking.
“Not with another person, no.” he appeared ashamed of the fact. “Only on my own have I sated my needs.” he explained further.
“Peter, you have no reason to be ashamed of that. Waiting for the right person is priceless. I only hope I am that one.” Bruce conveyed his deepest feelings to him.
“I believe you are, Bruce. Show me before I change my mind,” the man spoke urgently.
“Are you sure this is what you want?” Bruce had to be positive.
“I am. Teach me.” the man was even firm about it.
“If I do anything that bothers you, you have to let me know, Peter. I don’t wanna scare you,” he instructed first.
“I will. Please.” the man seemed more urgent than before for his first lesson to begin.
Slowly Bruce closed the gap between them. Their lips met once more resuming the kiss again. Allowing the mounting of their desires to be affected by this kiss, Bruce waited. It only took a moment before they were both heated again. Then Bruce’s hand came up cradling his Peter’s cheek. It soon slid back becoming lost in his hair. Gently he grasped the back of his head deepening their kiss.
Now Peter moaned at the effect of Bruce’s touch. He hadn’t expected him to be so gentle and tender. As the hand slid back into his hair, it left a blazing trail of heat that felt as if it would sear his skin. Now the kiss was most impassioned. The simplicity of the man’s gentleness and the affect it was having upon him was baffling to him.
Their ardency heightened to a fervency Bruce had not known in more than a month at least. Not since the night before he had taken Jonathan on the road had he known such. And just the thought of it enflamed him more, he realized how much he missed being with Jonathan this way now. But, that could be rectified easily.
Further into the kiss they seemed to throw abandon to the wind. They both knew they wanted each other and now was when they must sate that need. Both of them knew this to be true. Bruce reached for Peter’s hand placing it in the center of his chest. With it there he could feel the pounding of his hastened heartbeat profoundly.
“Touch me, Peter. Please…” he suddenly felt he was almost whining to the man.
“Here, Bruce? Right here?” the man whispered back.
“Would you be more comfortable in the room?”
“No, there are too many there.”
“We can get another room, Peter. One to ourselves.” the man suggested then.
“Yes, that would do.”
It didn’t matter to them that it was almost four in the morning. And they both ignored the strange looks from the man behind the counter. But within fifteen minutes they were in a room of their own. It seemed that this room was even more luxurious than the one that was originally rented. This room was similar to a penthouse suite.
Now shielded from the eyes of everyone else Peter was so very comfortable. He could toss all of his inhibitions to the abandon he felt for Bruce. It would be much easier for him to allow his fascinations for this man to be discovered and revealed to him. All of the desires he had, he could explore without cause for alarm.
Bruce went to the bar pouring them both a glass of wine. Bringing it to Peter, he gazed into his eyes seriously. “Drink this, it’ll relax you more,” he explained.
With a nod Peter complied taking a few quick swallows of the chilled white wine. And it was delicious to him causing him to moan at the taste of it. Then he wondered if Bruce could taste this sweet to him. He already knew his mouth was more than delectable. But he couldn’t be sure of the rest of him until he even attempted to fulfill the need of his curiosities.
When Peter finished the glass, Bruce took it from his hand setting it on a nearby table. He then looked at Peter long wondering if he would be offended if he took him into his arms. Finally, he could only surmise that if he didn’t try, he would never know. Stepping closer, he slowly enveloped him. Cautiously, he pulled him to his body fully.
Peter sighed feeling so warm and safe now. This had been what he was waiting for all the while. The feel of Bruce’s strong arms surrounding him was so very soothing to him. His body so very close that he could feel everything about him, was more than he had thought it would be. And he responded. With a sigh that could be faintly heard, his respiring issued from him slow and long.
Encircling the man in his own arms, he leaned his head on Bruce’s shoulder. It had been so long since he had felt so very safe and secure. The last he had ever recalled it was as a child in his mother’s arms. And that had been much too long for him. He knew that. It had always been he that was consoling another, or offering his shoulder for someone else. But now, it was finally his turn. He could see his life was now coming full circle.
Bruce stood waiting, knowing some changes were taking place in Peter. He allowed him his moment to soak up whatever he needed in their embrace. His hands were light as they slowly traveled up his back to his shoulders, then back down to the small of his back. Several times he made this pass as he waited. He knew that when Peter was ready to continue, he would let him know. And he refused to push him or pressure him.
He shuddered suddenly at the feel of Peter’s lips brushing his neck. It surprised him really. He hadn’t been expecting it. And when it happened he was abruptly accosted by a wave of sensation that began at the top of his head working its way to his toes. He caught his breath in this throat just as quickly. The wandering hands halted pressing Peter even closer to him.
An even bigger surprise came when the man didn’t stop there. His lips were being planted here and there along the collar of his shirt. Reaching up he pulled the medallion, loosening the tie. Slipping it over his head, he set it on the table with the wineglasses. Then he proceeded to unbutton the top few buttons of his shirt. But Peter stopped him from doing this wanting to do it himself.
The hand returned to Peter’s side as the man slowly worked the buttons through their holes. As he did, his lips paid close attention to the newly exposed flesh they rendered. He smiled as he heard Bruce snatch at air a couple times while he did this. It seemed arduous, but they were both enjoying it utterly.
Soon, the shirt was open completely. Peter sneaked a hand beneath the front feeling Bruce’s upper body for the very first time. What a delight this was for him. Touching the awesomely defined strength of Bruce was such a profound moment to him. He reveled in the feel of it. His warmth. The very cords of his musculature. Oh, how he had waited for this for so very long.
His fingers passed over a powerfully hardened nipple. When they did, Bruce suddenly gasped, moaning right after. Brazenly, he took it between his finger and thumb. Giving it a gentle tug seemed to produce another pleasurable response from the man. A light squeeze, another. Peter was delighting in the affect he was having upon Bruce now. And he continued to tease the nipple for a long moment.
Pushing the shirt over the one shoulder, his fingers continued to torment the one apex while his lips left a scorching trail of kisses over the opposite shoulder. Once he had met with the joint of his arm, he started down over his chest.
“Peter, yer drivin’ me insane.” Bruce whispered to him.
“This is good, I hope.” the man jested in return. The warmth of his breath washed over the area he was attending to causing the flesh to stipple and Bruce to shiver again. “I take that as a, ‘yes’?”
Bruce chuckled. “You lecherous man,” he moaned. Then he found enjoyment in Peter’s gentle laugh. “Let’s kick off our shoes and get comfortable.” he suggested.
Peter detached from Bruce following him to the nearby adjacent room. Bruce took his hand leading him there stopping at the foot of the bed. Pushing off his shoes, he slipped his shirt off his arms then stretched out on it getting comfortable.
Peter followed his example, removing his jacket, shirt and shoes, coming up along side of him. Bruce took him into his arms once more as the man began again. The feel of his hair brushing his skin made it all the better for his senses. It seemed to ignite them more.
As the man was teasing him relentlessly, Bruce urgently caught his head in both of his hands at one point. His fingers tilled through Peter’s hair softly. Guiding him slowly, he taught him where his most sensitive areas were along his upper body. Most of them were along his sides and lower abdomen. And those were the areas Peter lingered at longer than the rest.
But soon, Bruce was so very heightened he knew he had to cool down before he did something utterly stupid. If it was anyone else, he would roll with them and have his way with them. But he couldn’t do that with Peter just yet.
Still, he guided the man upward until he was staring into his face. “My turn,” he grinned at him mischievously. Then rolled with him slowly so as not to startle him. Peter lifted his head pulling the length of his hair out from under him. When he settled once more, Bruce leaned down kissing him fully.
He lavished upon every inch of Peter’s body a meticulously slow lovemaking with his mouth. Meeting his goal, he teased the man languidly. His tongue glided up the length of his shaft to the tip drawing a favorable moan from him. Beginning to slowly incorporate him into his mouth, he watched as Peter fully enjoyed it. And once he had him entirely in his oral cavity, he ravaged him slowly. Tormenting him leisurely.
Peter soon gripped the bedding tight in his hands arching to meet Bruce unconsciously. Time after time, he sucked in air, only to hold it for a moment before releasing it again. A moan here and there, was accentuated with a sudden inhalation through clenched teeth.
Bruce chuckled sadistically, knowing he was torturing the guy so painstakingly. He knew the moment had come when Peter suddenly grasped his head holding him steady where he was. He wanted to laugh but for the flood he was swallowing furiously.
Still, he loved the tormented sounds Peter made. As quiet as the man was most of the time, he wasn’t so muted at the moment. His cries could possibly be heard through out the entire hotel, Bruce was thinking. And this struck him as most humorous. But he loved every minute of it. When the man calmed again, he did laugh lightly.
They did away with the remainder of their clothing at which Peter suddenly felt so very insecure. Bruce thoughtfully came down atop him covering him completely with his body.
“You’re beautiful, Peter. You have nothing to be timid about,” he whispered into his ear.
“Thank you, Bruce. You have made this experience so profound for me.”
“And I mean to do even more, Peter. As much as you want me to do.”
“I want to see you satisfied, Bruce. You giving to me and taking nothing for yourself is not fair.”
“I’m fine, Peter. Just seeing your gratification is enough for me.”
“No, take me, Bruce. Take all of me.”
Bruce coiled at hearing this. It was the furthest thing on his mind at the moment. Oh, he had thought it would be nice, but dismissed it right away, because of the fact that he didn’t think Peter would be ready for it just yet. And to hear him demand it now, utterly took him aback.
“Do it, Bruce. I want you. And I want you to have me. All of me.” the man cut him off as soon as he began to protest.
Silently the man stared into Peter’s face for a long moment. He then got up searching for something to lubricate with before he began. Quickly, he returned to the bed with a small bottle he found in the bathroom. Slicking his member with it, he returned to Peter still unsure of this, really.
But as he moved over the man, Peter bent his knees lifting his hips a little to help accommodate him. Bruce was careful and as gentle as he could manage to be as he pushed the head past the tight ring of flesh.
Peter winced suddenly from the initial entry, as the crown finally made its way in. Bruce stopped short allowing him a moment to relax again and become used to him being there. And when he did, he slowly worked himself in and out of him until he met his body.
To his surprise, Peter did not back down in the least. Instead, he assisted Bruce in the labor of love at hand. When it was accomplished, he gathered the man to his body beginning to ride him right away.
Bruce had intended to give him a minute at least, as he settled in Peter’s arms again. But it was apparent he was more than prepared for this with him. He gazed long into his face watching him revel in the feel of it. All the worry Bruce had felt about it was now history.
So now, Bruce relaxed. Every desire he had before in effecting this was allowed to flow freely through him. And how he had wanted to feel Peter beneath him as he probed him so lovingly. He had often dreamed of the moment it would take place. Now that it had come, he felt such a sobering regard for this man. All of his affections, every bit of his longing for him, the many desires and moments of need, he now poured into him as he made love to him.
Leaning closer, he sealed their lips. His tongue probed Peter’s mouth completely. The passion he delivered to him was fervid. An unmistakable show of ardor in his emotions. With as much gentleness as he could manage for the zeal of his passions, he unleashed upon Peter the collectiveness of his heart and soul toward him.
Peter clung to Bruce feeling his hands gently, but urgently, grasp his face. One arm gathered his body to him as the other moved lightly over the side and top of his head at different intervals. The power in his arms became more than just a dream, or only something he was aware of. Now he felt it first hand while the man held him firmly to his body. Such smooth skin that was tautly stretched over perfectly defined muscles. Warmth and generosity was exuded from this man as he liberally gave of his love to him.
The heat of their bodies was a firestorm that was consuming them both utterly. Its slow spreading flames were overtaking them. The longer they continued, it seemed, the higher they burned. The hotter their passions became.
Their kisses had evolved into wild stabs of infectious desire for the other. A sheen of perspiration had formed in their labors. Audible respiring filled the room along with the pleasurable moans that would escape one or the other.
“More…” Peter groaned to Bruce, barely getting it out before the man had covered his mouth with his own again.
And the man continued his kiss thrusting into him a little harder. Still, he was cautious. He just couldn’t seem to let go, afraid he would hurt the man in his arms and frighten him beyond repair. Peter suddenly bucked against him trying to slam his body against Bruce’s. His feet planted on the bedding he shoved his hips and pelvis toward him.
“Easy, Peter…” the man stared into his face with concern.
“Stop pampering me, Bruce. I only want more.” he almost seemed to growl at him.
“Well damn, baby…” he chuckled. “That’s all you had to say.”
“I did…” Peter grumbled playfully with a grin.
Gradually, Bruce added more power to his thrust until Peter let him know it was just right. He could feel him pressed against his body so tight. The distinct hardness of his need was more than prevalent. The sounds of his breathing were short of a wheeze that was consistent.
He waited for him to mount again. This time they both would collide with that wall of unruly passions, especially if he had anything to do with it. And he did. He pushed Peter further toward the edge. His every move forced him there even as gentle as he was with him.
At the moment the man surrendered to his will, he tried to wait. Wanting to revel in his strong release, he attempted to force his body to wait only a little longer. But the influence was much more than he could withstand. It pummeled him indiscriminately. Together their voices resounded in the room. Moans mingled with quick snatches of air filled the space between the four walls.
As it all calmed, they kissed lightly. Peter struggled to remain awake. He knew he had a plane to catch and would miss it if he did fall asleep. But then, it occurred to him that he really didn’t want to leave. His heart begged him to remain with Bruce.
“Peter, stay with me.” the man beckoned softly but urgently.
“Yes, I agree. I do not desire to leave you. I will stay. And what must be done to affect this, we must do.” he affirmed.
With a smile, Bruce lowered his head on the man’s shoulder. Completely sated, he dozed into a euphoric state of satisfaction. Peter was staying with him and that meant everything to him at the moment.
Peter knew the moment Bruce was asleep. Sighing long, he could only hope his government would not disagree with his decision, although, at this point, he wasn’t all that concerned with what they thought. He only wanted to be with Bruce. That was all he desired.
Struggling to keep his eyes open he felt he had so much to think about now. But the needs of his body were so very overwhelming. It needed rest, to sleep. And to not succumb to it may cause him some other, more serious, problems. With another sigh, this one of frustration, he closed his eyes allowing sleep to claim him.
Bruce was the first to rise later that morning. He went into the bathroom to do the necessary and clean his mouth and hands. Getting into the shower he splashed water happily on his face. He scrubbed his eyes with his fists to clean them of the sleep that was still there. Applying a little soft soap, he rubbed it all over his face and body before standing beneath the showerhead to rinse it off. Grabbing the face towel, he patted it dry, hanging it up again, right back where and how it was. Then he yanked the body towel off the rung doing a quick number in patting dry his body. Hanging up the towel again, he rushed into the adjacent room.
Ah… Peter was still asleep. He hadn’t missed a thing. And his angelic body was so peaceful and serene. Bruce slipped into his pants putting on a small pot of coffee for them. As it was making he sat to watch the man sleep.
At the moment he was posed with one arm bent gracefully over his head. The other rested beside his body the hand resting comfortably on his abs. His head was turned to the right all of that hair was massed around his head and the one arm. But some of it had drifted down in his sleep. It was invading the area of his left shoulder and chest.
Bruce became concerned knowing how Peter normally slept with his hair braided neatly to keep it from tangling. He could only hope they hadn’t made too big a mess of it. Tangles can be painful depending on the tenderness of the head the hair is attached to.
Peter stirred only a little. He rolled onto his side muttering to himself about something. After he settled he continued this conversation with himself but Bruce couldn’t make out but a word here or there. Something about a channel, then there was a word that sounded like he was saying ‘explosive’. Bruce coiled at the thought of it. What if he was mixed up with some really wicked shit? He is a Russian.
Oh, stop it, Bruce. He’s human just like you and the rest of us. Damn the fuckin’ bias. He thought to himself.
“Tony…” he now heard the man moan. Bruce stood going to the bed coming up next to him to listen to his dream state conversations. He knew the man worked for the Russian government, but did they know Peter talked in his sleep? And what did Tony have to do with any of this? Or was he just dreaming about the days when they worked together in Bowman’s ring. Unless the two of them had secrets that none of them were aware of.
That thought seemed to frighten Bruce just a little. It settled in the very pit of his stomach where it churned a little. What if Tony has had some other dealings with Peter other than with Bowman? Maybe Peter introduced him to his higher ups and they were impressed with him. He is an exceptional man. Very well trained from what Bruce had been told. And it was Peter that had said that too.
Even so, Bruce knew that Peter would tell him, if he could. Some of it, he probably didn’t want to know about, for the safety of the family. So, for now, he would be content with whatever news Peter gave him as time went by. Other than that, he would keep his nose out of it.