The Birth of a Size Queen Ch. 04


A gay story: The Birth of a Size Queen Ch. 04 Mr. Clark showed me his screen. In addition to my mother’s name, I saw a picture of her sucking his cock. He held it back to his ear. “I’ll pick you up about 5:30. How does that sound?” I think that I should be pissed that he had a picture of my mother like that, but it inspired me to suck harder. I wondered if I could make him cum while he was on the phone with my mother. I didn’t.

He hung up the phone and tossed it on the chaise next to me. I looked down to see if that picture was still on the screen. It was gone. Mr. Clark pulled me in for another attempt on a deep throat.

Mr. Clark said, “Your mother and I are going out tomorrow night.”

I felt his balls on my chin. He was buried a couple of inches deep in my throat and then he came. The first shot went straight down my throat, but he pulled out to shoot the rest into my mouth.

We had an agreement. When he came in my mouth, I was to hold it in my mouth and show it to him, then I was allowed to swallow it. When I did, Mr. Clark pulled me up to my feet and gave me a deep kiss.

“Thank you, Jack. That was perfect after a long day of work.” I looked over at Liam, he was stroking his 7 inch cock slowly. He raised his eyebrows and I understood that my mouth was needed elsewhere.

I walked over to his chaise and bent at the waist and took his cock into my mouth. “You’re right Tom. This kid is insatiable.” He placed his hand gently on the back of my head, not forcing me down, but not letting me up either.

Mr. Clark got down on his knees behind me and started licking my ass. I hadn’t really had a chance to clean up after Liam had fucked me, so I knew that he was tasting some of Liam’s cum. I was not surprised that that fact did not slow him down at all. And the fact that he was licking my ass meant that he wasn’t done with me.

I haven’t had many guys to compare him to (besides myself … and after all I was a horny 18 year old), but it would be a couple of years before I found someone that had a refractory period as short as Mr. Clark. By the time he had licked my ass, lubed my hole and himself, he was ready to go again.

Since I was so much shorter than him, he had to stoop down to start the process. While Mr. Clark was thicker, Liam’s cock had opened my ass up enough that Mr. Clark, with his 6 inch round cock was able to slip his entire 8 inch length in with little resistance.

After a couple of strokes, Mr. Clark stood up while he was balls deep in my ass, picking me up as he went. While I had my hands on Liam, I wasn’t prepared to support my weight and when Mr. Clark picked me up, it resulted in my head dropping down and I found Liam’s cock buried in my throat. Liam realized my predicament, and helped me back up.

After a moment of this, Mr. Clark lifted me up entirely, pulling me off of Liam’s cock. At 5’5″ and 115 pounds, I was not much of a burden for Mr. Clark to bounce me up and down on his cock. This is possibly my fondest memories of my times with Mr. Clark. He has done this to me more than once.

It took almost a half hour for Mr. Clark to cum a second time. At one point, he was laying on a chaise and I was bouncing up and down on his cock. My head was turned to the side trying to keep Liam’s cock in my mouth. I was not having much success in that, but Liam was stroking his cock and when he came, the first spray hit my face and chest before I could get his cock in my mouth to taste his load.

After Mr. Clark came in my ass, he and I got under the outdoor shower while Liam refilled our margaritas. We sat on the patio and Liam asked what I had planned for tomorrow?

My first thought was to contact Becca, but then remembered that she and her family were off on vacation. “I’ve got 5 yards lined up for tomorrow, but after that I don’t really have any plans. I may just stay at home and play some video games.” Well, that and watch some porn. I was an 18 year old guy after all, an my mother would be out with Mr. Clark.

“Well, why don’t you and I go out to dinner and then we can come back here and explore a little more.”

Liam was asking me out on a date? “Thank you. I think that I would like that. What time?”

“Tom is picking your mother up at 5:30. Once they’re gone, send me a text and I’ll come down and pick you up.”

That was agreed upon. Shortly after that, I left for home. My mother wasn’t home from her part time job yet, so I headed into the house, made a sandwich and headed for my room after eating. I thought back on the picture of my mother on Mr. Clark’s cock. I suddenly realized why I wasn’t shocked or upset by what I saw. My mother’s eyes in the picture were smiling, not opened in shock by being photographed.

Mr. Clark had taken several pictures of me during our get togethers, including one where I was choking (ok, not really choking) on his cock. I also remember him showing me a picture of me with his dick buried about half way in my ass, with me holding my legs back. He had managed to catch me just as I was shooting a load of cum up my torso, one stripe of cum already showing from my shoulder to my navel and a second caught in mid air. My head was tilted back and it was obvious that I was enjoying the moment. I wondered what Mr. Clark had as my contact photo. I had him forward a couple to me in the past and I opened the private folder that I had them in and looked at them. I felt myself starting to get hard again. I took this to my room.

Thankfully, I was able to take care of business before I heard a soft knock on my door. My mother poked her head in. “Jack. I just wanted you to know that Tom and I are going to a play tomorrow night, so you’ll be on your own.”

“Thank you for letting me know. I’ll find something to keep me busy.”

Mother came over and kissed me on the forehead. We spoke a little bit about how my summer was going. My father left us when I was young, taking most of the money with him, but he did leave us with this house, which was mortgaged. While my mother was able to get a divorce and child support, the bastard moved out of the country with the floozy that he had run away with and the child support never came. Mother had to work a full and a part time job for the last 8 years in order to afford this house.

“I put in for two weeks off before you leave for college. Would you like to go somewhere? Do you remember that week on Hilton Head Island a couple of years ago. I can see if we can get a condo there.”

“I’d like that. I need to let my customers know that I would be ending my commitments to them a couple of weeks earlier than planned.”

“Let me know soon, sweetheart. I’ll check on condos.”

Mother got up to leave the room and I told her to have a good time with Mr. Clark tomorrow. She stopped at the door and looked at me with a smile on her face. “Thank you. I plan on it.”

I was mowing my fourth lawn of the day when one of my competitors pulled up to the curb, with his truck and trailer, loaded with a riding mower and string trimmers. Like me, he was a one man operation. I had 35 homes in the subdivision, and while I had seen him around, I didn’t think he had that many. He got out of his truck and waved at me.

I stopped my mower and waved back. I was wearing some headphones that helped with hearing protection, and piped music into my ears while mowing. They were hot in the middle of the summer, but I put up with it. He signaled to me that he wanted to talk.

I walked over to him and he held out his hand to shake mine. He introduced himself, Antonio Garcia. Antonio was about 6 feet tall and maybe 175 pounds. I couldn’t help myself. I glanced down for just a second, wondering what was hidden under those cargo shorts he was wearing.

I shook his hand. “Hi. I’m Jack Williams. What can I do for you?”

“Jack. I heard through the grapevine that you are going away to school in the fall. I was wondering if you had spoken with your clients about getting a new lawn service?”

“I’ve let them know that I would be gone, but I haven’t mentioned anything about getting a new service. I just assumed they would either take it over themselves or find a new lawnboy.”

“I’d like to talk with you about that. Can we meet later today, or maybe next week?”

I really wasn’t sure what there was to talk about, but I said, “Sure. I’ve got one more lawn today and should be done by 3. We can meet at 4 if you like. That will give me time to go home and shower.”

“Ok. I’m done for the day and can meet you then. Would it be ok to meet at your house?”

“Um. Sure.” I gave him the address and my phone number, in case he couldn’t make it and returned to the lawn I was working.

I didn’t get home until 3:40, so I hurried up to take my shower. At 3:50, the doorbell rang. I was just getting out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around myself and looked through the peephole. It was Antonio. I opened the door and invited him inside. “I’ll just be a moment. Sorry, but I got delayed getting home. Can I offer you a lemonade?”

“That would be nice. Thank you.”

Antonio followed me out to the kitchen. I got two glasses and pulled the pitcher of lemonade out of the fridge. I’m not sure how it happened, but a corner of the towel got caught, and when I turned to go back to the glasses, the towel stayed behind. I was now standing nude in front of Antonio. I recovered the towel and wrapped it around myself again. When I looked at Antonio, it was obvious that he was trying to suppress a laugh. “Sorry about that. Let me get changed and you can pour yourself a glass. I’ll be back in a moment. Just have a seat here.”

I ran off to my bedroom and changed into gym shorts and a tee, slipping on a pair of Crocs. I returned to the kitchen and apologized again to Antonio.

This time, Antonio couldn’t suppress a laugh. “That’s ok. I was wondering though if I was on an episode of Candid Camera.”

That got me laughing. Candid Camera was a TV show from the 60s. I had run across it on YouTube and watched a couple of videos. “How do you know about that show? You’re not that old.”

“Actually, a friend of mine told me about the show and I looked it up on YouTube. I always wondered how I would’ve responded in that situation.”

Antonio got down to business. “I would like to make a deal with you, Jack. For every one of your customers that I get after you leave, I will give you a $50 commission.”

I did some quick math in my head. That would be over $1700 if he got all of them. “Why wouldn’t you just approach them and ask them?”

“I would like you to recommend me, and I would like to know how much you charge each of them. I will promise to hold the price for a year.”

“I wouldn’t feel comfortable recommending you unless I knew that you will take care of them properly. Most of these people have been my clients for several years. I feel like they are family.”

“I’ll give you a list of my customers in the subdivision, and you can call them, or drop by to check out their yards. I’ve already let them know about this. For those that are willing to speak with you, you’ll have a phone number. The few that didn’t want to provide a phone number, you’ll be able to drive by their house to check on my work from the street.”

I told him that I have 35 yards. “Can you handle that many more?”

“I’m at the point where I would like to add a second person. If I can get yards close enough together, we can work as a team with one person mowing the lawn and a second doing the trimming, etc. Do you have any lawns tomorrow?”

“I have two that I do on Saturday mornings. I leave the rest of the day open in case it rained during the week.” It hadn’t rained this week, so it would be a short day for me.

“Tomorrow afternoon, how about if you help me with a few lawns and we can talk some more?”

“Tell you what. Let me think about everything tonight, and I’ll either call or send you a text one way or the other.”

Antonio stood up and held out his hand. When he did, his crotch was at my eye level, and I again wondered what was hiding under those cargo shorts.

I stood up and shook his hand and walked him to the front door. My mother was just coming in.

“Hi Jack. Who is your friend?” My mother was actually checking out Antonio.

I introduced them and gave my mother a quick synopsis of our discussion. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and told Antonio it was a pleasure to meet him. “I would love to hear more about this, but I’ve got to get ready. Tom will be here soon.” She was off to her room.

I showed Antonio to the door and decided that I should get ready for my “date” with Liam.

Mr. Clark picked up my mother right at 5:30. She asked him to hold on just a couple of minutes. He walked up to her and grabbed her around the waist and gave her a chaste kiss. “You look pretty enough right now, but if you insist.” He released her.

I had witnessed the whole thing. Thinking of Mr. Clark and my mother together got me wondering … No. I wasn’t going there.

I asked Mr. Clark if he would like a lemonade.

“Yeah. Why don’t we go out in the kitchen.”

I saw the glasses I had used with Antonio earlier and laughed. Mr. Clark wanted to know what was so funny.

I relayed the story of how I flashed Antonio.

“Did you do that on purpose, Jack?” He was keeping his voice down.

“It was an accident. When I looked up at him, I thought he was interested, but I got covered up and ran to my room.”

“Were you interested?”

“As guys go, he’s a stud. If I were a girl, I’d fuck him.”

“I don’t have time to talk about this with you. Make sure you tell Liam the whole story. Ask for his advice.”

Mother walked into the kitchen. “What are you two whispering about?”

Mr. Clark was quick. “I was just admonishing him for calling me Mr. Clark. I’ve asked him a couple of times to call me Tom.”

My mother walked over to me and stroked my cheek. Then she kissed it. “My young gentleman. Thank you, Jack. But, I think that you can give the man what he asked for sweetheart. I’m not sure what time I’ll be home, but I will be home.” Understood. I couldn’t be out late without texting her to get an approval. I was working tomorrow, so I wasn’t planning on staying out late.

I told her to have fun. Then I said, “You too, Tom.”

Mother rushed him out the door apologizing for delaying him. He let her go ahead of him. I could swear I saw him goose her.

I texted Liam and a few minutes later he was waiting for me in my driveway.

Mr. Arthur across the street saw me getting into Liam’s car. I waved at him. He was one of my customers. He waved back.

Liam backed out of the driveway and I saw that Mr. Arthur was looking at him. I told Liam about this as he drove off. “The thing is. I’m not out.”

Liam actually chuckled. “Why do you have to be out to your neighbor? It’s none of his business.”

“But I’m not out to my mother.”

“If you were, what would she do?”

“We never talked about it. We actually had a discussion about her partners. It was after I saw Tom in the restroom.”


“Yeah.” I told Liam about my run-in with Tom in my bathroom. Liam actually knew about me seeing Tom’s cock in the bathroom across the hall from my room.

He had gone there to put his clothes on because my mother had fallen asleep. I was in there peeing in the dark. I was sitting down to keep the noise down. When he closed the door and turned the light on, we were both caught with our pants down. I could see cum on his dick after he finished with my mother. And the dick was at least 6 inches long and was limp. I had sucked a couple of dicks by that time, but even hard they wouldn’t have matched the thickness of this shaft.

“The morning after, my mother apologized if she woke me up.” I never thought about what woke me up. I just knew that I was hard. I did a quick hand job, and then ran across the hall to pee and wash my hands.

Liam smiled. “Yeah. I remember that fresh fucked look. I saw it numerous times when he would walk out after fucking his date. She was either heading home, or had fallen asleep. If I were awake and in the living area, Tom knew that I was interested in cleaning him off. More than a few girls stuck around, or woke up to watch, and the night continued on for another hour or two.”

When Liam told me this, I was without a doubt gobsmocked. I don’t care if that’s not a word. It’s what I was. “That should be a porn video.”

Liam pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, turned the car over to the valet, and as we walked into the restaurant, he ruffled my hair. “I like the way you think, kid.”

It was a nice dinner. Liam kept the conversation on civilized topics. We even spoke a little politics.

I looked around the room. There were many couples at tables. We were around older couples, sitting across from each other. There were couples that were sitting adjacent, leaning in and whispering to each other. I even saw two guys doing this. I don’t think they cared if anyone thought they were gay. I think Liam realized where I was looking and asked me a question about professional football. Our local team had it’s first winning season in 5 years last year. And they looked impressive in the last games of the season. There was excitement in town.

On the drive home, Liam asked me about seeing the gay couple. “Would you be comfortable doing that Jack?”

“I guess. It would depend on the guy. I need to tell you about a guy that I met today.”

I told Liam about my encounter with Antonio. When I told him about my sensing an interest, he asked, “Was he smiling?”

“That was it. I saw a really quick smile, and then he suppressed a laugh. After all, it was embarrassing.”

Liam was laughing. “I think I saw that in a porn movie, or seven.”

Liam reached over and grabbed my thigh. “You don’t need to allow this, Jack. If a guy puts his hand on you while he’s driving, the more he is concentrating on you, the less he is concentrating on the road. Your mother doesn’t want to lose you because some guy couldn’t keep it in his pants for five minutes. If you want, tell him to find someplace to park and take care of his need. If you don’t want, no means no. Have them leave you off. If you’re here in town, call Tom. He’ll answer any time he sees you on his screen. I live out in LA. If you’re out there, contact me. Find someone you trust in your college town, or several.”

Wow. That was like a fatherly talk. If my asshole of a father hadn’t up and deserted us, I wonder if he would have given the same advice. I looked at Liam. “When we get to Tom’s place, I want you to take me to bed and fuck me until I cum, then keep fucking me until you cum.”

Liam patted my thigh, and put both hands back on the wheel. We were almost back to Tom’s place anyway. “Remember that line, Jack. It can get you out of 95% of those circumstances. Although sometimes, you might tell them that you’ll fuck them.”

We arrived at Tom’s. Once inside, Liam got me to his room, and within 5 minutes, I was on his bed on all fours with Liam licking my ass. “I wanted to attack you in that restaurant, Jack. What do you think that old couple sitting next to us would’ve done? Do you think the gay couple would’ve come and joined us? Any of the straight couples? Those are great situations. There are dicks waving in the air everywhere.” Liam stuck his tongue as deep into my ass as he could. He had me get on my back and hold my legs back and spread them. Then he dove in again. “I could eat this ass all night, Jack.”

“Just fuck me, old man.” I don’t know where that came from. I wanted to apologize right away.

Liam stood up and he was laughing. He was holding his cock and it looked to be as hard as steel. There was nothing old about that cock. “Old man, eh? This old man is going to rock your world.”

For the better part of 30 minutes. Liam edged me. He would let me take a couple of strokes of my cock, then swat my hand away. We shifted positions every few minutes, but he always kept up a steady pace. And he was rock hard the entire time. He kept adding lube, at least for the first 15 minutes. “Do you think an old man could keep it up this long, Jack? And just so you know, this isn’t Viagra induced. The hardon was induced by Jack.”

He moved me around, and we were back in the missionary position. My legs were over his shoulders. He leaned forward, turning me into a pretzel and kissed me. He didn’t stop me from cumming this time. It only took a couple of strokes anyway. He was close behind me.

After Liam came, he rolled over and took a deep breath. “I may be an old man after all.”

I got up and I leaned over and kissed him. “Thanks ‘old man’, I’m going to remember that fuck for a long time.” I got up on my knees next to him. “Are there any of those margaritas mixed up? I’d like to talk to you about something.”

“It won’t take long, grab a towel out of that bathroom for you and me so that we can put them on Tom’s sofa. I’ll mix the drinks and meet you in the Great Room.”

Once seated, Liam turned on the fire (gas fireplace) and sat down next to me. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Antonio.” I gave the whole story about him offering to pay for my recommendations.

“That seems like a reasonable offer. Did you agree to it, or tell him that you were going to think about it?”

“I told him that I would think about it, and either text or call him with an answer, one way or the other. I’m seeing him tomorrow as well.”

I explained about my working with him tomorrow. “That may answer your question right there about whether he’s interested. He asked you to work with him. Correct?”


“And this happened after the incident with the towel?”

I nodded and a thought occurred to me. “Oh. Just see if he makes a move?”

“Yes. If he doesn’t, you can either make a move or wait. Tom and I can both talk with you tomorrow night about this if you like. Sometimes, patience is rewarded.”

I proceeded to fuck Liam. I would love to say that I gave as good as he did, but I truly think that Liam’s was an Olympic performance. If Liam lived in this area, I would enjoy getting together with him on a regular basis.

When we finished, Liam suggested that we take a quick shower. It was almost 10:30. He said that my mother and Tom would be getting out of the theater about now. He asked if I wanted to be home before her? I guess I did.

We showered together and as Liam was scrubbing me, he told me that Tom asked him to tell me that he would send me a text when my mother fell asleep. Tom would let me know that he’d be in the bathroom in 5 or 10 minutes, if I wanted to meet him in there.

I looked at Liam. “Would he want me to clean his cock off?”

“He’s offering his cock for you to clean off. There is a difference.”

“But it’s my mother.”

“Again. He’s offering, not expecting. It’s something for you to think about.”

“Would you do it?”

“If it were my mother, no. But my mother doesn’t look like your mother.” Liam backed me up into him. He was hard again. “And I was here that night that you saw Tom in the bathroom. I cleaned his cock that night. It tasted good. Tom told me about his run-in with you as I was cleaning his cock. He even showed me a couple of pictures of your mother while I was doing it. Not that crude picture he has when she calls him.”

Liam was right. It was something for me to think about.


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