

A gay story: Abracadabra I was lying on a grassy bank fronting a disused canal deep in the English countryside. It was hot. The sun was beating down in a cloudless azure sky and even the birds were too languid to bother to sing. I was stripped to my underpants in classic sunbathing style, oblivious to the harsh realities of the world over the hills and beyond. I was enjoying an aura of near complete contentment, such a contrast to my hectic life in the city and the offices of Benjamin & Co,, where I earned my living.

My reverie was cruelly interrupted with the sound of tuneless singing. I tried to block it out, but it was getting nearer and louder. Of course, I raised my head and opened my eyes just enough to try to discover the source of the annoyance. My eyes fell upon the unlikely shape of a dwarf. He was so attired that he could have just slipped out of a stage production of Snow White. How strange was that?

The little man was swaggering along as dwarves tend to do, with red cheeks, pockmarked button of a nose, and a white flowing beard. He seemed to be oblivious of me, lying up the grassy bank, and so I settled back and closed my eyes, not wanting to appear to ogling the oddity that was passing by just below me. Apparently, In deference to me, the singing stopped as the little man continued on his way.

I was back on the edge of slumber when I suddenly jerked as I felt fingers slide into the elastic of my underpants and, before I had the wit to open my eyes, the flimsy garment was torn down my legs and and pulled right off. My eyes shot open, of course. A hot mouth was already clamped on my penis which seemed to have hardened as if by magic. I was not aware I was sporting a boner up to that point, but therefrom the most powerful of sensations tore up from my groin to completely subjugate my brain. I was totally lost to them – overwhelmed by them. Sexual “ecstasy” did not sufficiently describe the level of euphoria I was in. I thrashed about and screamed, begging the dwarf not to stop, but not really wanting him to obey.

I was brought to the edge and I couldn’t hold back. The sucking was unremitting. I wanted the feelings to go on and on and never to stop. And……

And then I woke up, my prick stiff in my hand, my body all sweaty, my hair wet with perspiration – and my bedclothes already absorbing the fountain of jism I was spraying so freely.

During the afternoon tea break at work the next day, I told Jeff about my wet dream. Jeff was my confidante and somewhat of a father figure. He was forty years of age, twice as old as I was and a real man of the world in my eyes. He had done so much with his life that far; had joined the army at sixteen, had been halfway round the world and back again, and had a wealth of stories which all helped nurture my admiration for him.

And Jeff was athletic and fit, plenty of muscle and little fat. His body benefitted from the Tanning Room. He was an obvious attraction to the many single (and not so single) women in the various departments that he and I worked for, but there was no gossip that suggested he had had an affair with any of them. His only one “disfigurement” was his little goatee beard, which somehow seemed incongruous to the rest of his appearance.

I didn’t tell Jeff about my defiling my bedclothes, but I did most else. Jeff listened intently. “Oh, well, it was probably something you ate, upset your stomach Tom. I know if I have Stilton cheese for supper I can have the most graphic of dreams afterwards.”

That was Jeff all over; a fountain of good advice so freely shared.

Our conversation moved on, left the subject of my wet dreams and resorted to football instead. In our short acquaintance we had fallen into the habit of watching live the local football team’s home games on a Saturday afternoon, and usually we enjoyed a few beers before and afterwards in The Dog & Bucket pub. “This is why I don’t have a wife,” Jeff would often repeat. “I am free to do as I want. Free as a bird.” Talking of birds, it did not seem that he had a regular girlfriend either, but I was too shy to ask.

Just three nights after the first erotic dream, I had another one. This time I was not on a grassy bank, but in bed in a hotel room, or something similar. I was lying on the aforesaid bed and awoke to find a very smart man standing at the end of the big double. Mesmerised I watched the stranger undress slowly and meticulously. By the time he was naked too, I could hardly not be unaware that the visitor had a grade A hard on. His mouth came down and hovered over my boner and I heard my own voice pleading, “suck me, please suck me.” The visitor gave me a lascivious glance and lowered his head and…

I awoke up in a real sweat with my penis in my hand, again pumping out semen in profusion.

I told Jeff about this second experience at the first opportunity. He was very attentive and listened to my every word again. I almost thought that he might be enjoying my discomfiture. No, no, that couldn’t be right. He did ask me whether I had any gay thoughts other than in my dreams. I soon put him right on that score. True, I had not been out with many girls and at nineteen I was still a virgin, but I could not admit that even to Jeff. Although I think he had guessed some time past that that might be the case.

I had three more wet dreams over the space of a fortnight. One of them featured a woman, but she turned out to be a male transvestite. I had been reading about cross-dressing that evening before I turned in for the night, so I suppose I had only myself to blame. When I told Jeff he seemed exceptionally interested for some reason.

There was a home match was that Saturday, and our team won and won well. Jeff and I stayed longer than usual in the pub afterwards and on leaving, when we met the fresh air, I began to feel a bit groggy, “Back to my place,” ordered Jeff, “some coffee and something to eat. That’ll sort you out young Tom.”

The next thing I remembered was waking up naked in Jeff’s bed – I could smell his aftershave and body lotion on the sheets. Fuzzy though I was, I managed to ask, “what am I doing here, Jeff?”

“You passed out, Tom.”

I processed that snippet of information. “Why am I naked, Jeff?”

“You pissed yourself, Tom. Don’t you remember? Your clothes are in my washing machine as I speak. You can bunk up here for the night, No problem.”

I swirled that idea in my brain. “But you have only one bed Jeff. Where will you sleep?”

“I’ll bunk up with you Tom. It’s a big bed, big enough for both of us, and we’re both men of the world. Is that alright with you?”

No, it was not alright with me. I did not think at that moment that Jeff had any sexual motives for wanting me to stay, I was too naïve for that, but I felt disorientated and to get back to my flat and things familiar to me. I struggled to sit upright and flung off the sheet covering my lower body in the act of swinging my legs over and onto the ground. But I found I was too week to complete the manoeuvre and I fell back, my head returning to the pillow.

“Oops, you’re still not right Tom,” soothed Jeff. “You’ll be just dandy in the morning, I’m sure. I’ll just go and clean my teeth. I will be back in a mo.”

I wondered what time it was. Was it really that late? Bedtime? I managed to shuffle round and and to slide open the top drawer of the bedside cabinet. Goodness knows what I was hoping to find in there. All I found were tissues, condoms and a jar of Vaseline. And still the penny did not drop. Why should it have had. They were accoutrements to Jeff’s heterosexual activities weren’t they?

Cleaning his teeth was a euphemism for having a quick shower. Jeff re-appeared wearing a dressing gown and smelling strongly of scent. His eyes were bright as he looked at me and weighed up the situation; how best to proceed and achieve his goal, I realised later. By then I should have had a good idea as to what was coming my way. It was all happening too quickly for me to process.

Jeff virtually threw his dressing gown off and stood there naked in front of me. His prick was nearly fully engorged with blood and stood out pointing in my direction and swaying gently from side to side. Did I have an urge to pounce on it and wrap my lips around it? I am not prepared to answer that question for fear of incriminating myself. Let me just say – I was not totally repulsed.

“The deal is,” said Jeff, ” give me ten minutes to persuade you, and if you are still adamant you are not gay I will give up and never try it on with you again. Deal or no deal?”

I felt my legs turn to jelly and my heart pump furiously. I almost lost my voice totally I was so taken by surprise. Ten minutes?” I faltered, and made some sort of unintelligible noise. It must have left Jeff unsure whether I was saying “yes” or saying “no”.

Any road, he did not attempt some form of clarification. Jeff literally shot forward to kneel on the bed in front of me. He brought his face close to mine, leaned into me, then kissed me tenderly on the lips. It was a sensuous, long, no pulling back type of kiss, which seemed innocent enough to have me transfixed. Soft lips to soft lips, gently touching, I did not attempt to pull away – not that I could anyway perhaps, I was still so weak. Jeff might have invested as little as twenty seconds of his precious ten minutes. but he was on the track that he wanted to be on.

Then his tongue, just a teeny bit at first, tentatively, slipped out from between his lips to find the join in mine. I allowed him that. And I allowed it to push and slither further inside. And then to mingle with my tongue and to encourage our salivas to mingle. I could feel my penis becoming aware of what was transpiring. The drug I had been administered was starting to wear off.

Jeff brought a hand up to my cheek, ever so lightly touching it at first. His tongue slipped out from my lips and then, almost before my disappointment had registered, he forced it fully back again, at the same time dropping his other hand on top of my thigh as I sprawled there on the bed. It was just fingers length away from my balls and of that I was acutely aware. This was so like one of those five wet dreams turned into reality.

Suddenly my brain disentangled itself from the physical activity and flashed “what the fuck are you doing?” I pulled my face away and stared at Jeff fully in the eyes. His hand came up off my thigh and cupped my left breast, gently rubbing and squeezing. He stared me down unashamedly, seeming to confirm, “yes, I am gay, so what?”

Jeff moved his head forward and recaptured my lips, twisting his fingers to gently tweak the nipple of the breast he was fondling. His other hand by this time had the back of my neck in a hold that made it more difficult for me to escape the more urgent French kisses my lips were being subjected to. His little beard scratched my chin as if it were some sort of player in Jeff’s team. There was no chance of my imagining for long that I was kissing a woman – Jeff’s goatee beard saw to that. And yet, it added a piquancy that I would find hard to define as our chins rubbed together gently. Jeff forced his tongue so far into my mouth the lip must have reached my tonsils.

I am not sure at what stage I forgot about the clock – the agreed ten minutes that was. But it was some time before I finally abdicated and threw myself wholeheartedly into the gay sexual experience I was being engulfed in. Jeff’s game play, I understood much later, was to get his penis inside my male cunt as quickly as possible. The niceties could come afterwards, another time, another day perhaps. Get me committed, get me seduced, get me converted – that was the priority. To achieve that goal he ultimately needed to witness his sperm dripping from my ravished anus.

Once he had secures a bridgehead Jeff’s right hand never left the vicinity of my genitals. He massaged my penis, cupped my balls, crept his fingers round to my anus, breached my sphincter and finally filled me up with lube, without one of his hands straying far from that strategic area. Of course, above all, this concentrated my mind to be where he wanted it. Left for another time were the administrations he would require of me to bestow on him.

My mind and senses thus engaged I had little opportunity to dwell on the negatives from Jeff’s point of view. And the effects of the drug I had been given were wearing off at speed. When Jeff’s slippery prick finally slipped into my anus I was virtually gagging for it and I was able to use my arms to push back as Jeff pushed forward. I had been so well prepared. I would have done anything for to be buggered in any position, in any way Jeff had wanted

I have read a profusion of porno stories since that described “first time” anal penetration as being very painful before it would become pleasurable. Not so in my deflowering. A bit nippy at first perhaps, but I was so well lubricated and in the hands of a first rate abuser. I enjoyed the physical side right enough. But it was the emotional releases from breaking the taboos of being taken, thinking of myself as a faggot surprisingly enough, and the disgrace of being fucked by another man, that triggered the most pleasurable sensations of all. I had never read that of happening in the porno magazine’s stories.

Strangely, Jeff had said to me as we were recovering, naked, in each other’s arms, that I would make a sexy woman. Apparently I had the right figure that could be moulded and adapted. I was not too tall, and my blonde hair was a cinch to be grown longer – perhaps a wig in the meantime? I laughed it off at the time as a bit of silly fantasy. Losing my virginity was enough for one occasion.

Come Monday I was not so sure at all about being a faggot and all that. I had not stayed the Saturday night with Jeff. With my anus still dripping his spunk he sorted out a taxi for me and sent me home. It was all part of his phycological grooming, I understood later. It was to give me time to brood over the loss of my anal virginity, and to come to terms with the fact that I was, if not gay, then I was bisexual for certain.

For my part I was in two minds as to whether to turn up for work on the following Monday. I was in no hurry to look Jeff in the eye, nor to carry on conversing with him about matters sexual. I could have tried to act as nothing had happened between us, but I could not trust Jeff to go along with that. How could I look at the man without blushing deep red? On the other hand, the nettle needed to be grasped – it would not likely disappear on its own accord.

I was a really mixed up kid – that was for sure. I had to face the realities. The Genie was out of the bottle and no way was it going to acquiesce to be so imprisoned once again. I could resign from my job, but where would I find another one as good as the one I had? And why should I be pushed out? I had done nothing wrong. It was not illegal to have had sex with a colleague – people were shagging each other all around. And, if push came to shove, gay sex was all around, and proudly making itself known. We have all heard of Gay Pride.

By Monday morning I was back wallowing in a sea of doubts. I started out from my flat that morning weighing up whether to apply for a transfer to one of the firm’s other facilities – at the other end of the country by preference. But of course, such an application would take weeks, more likely months, to be processed. Resigning and never going back? – not an option. I needed a job and the money that brought in. I had to face up to Jeff some time or other – but not that day. Nor the next. Nor the one after that.

Successive nights eventually found me lying in bed entertaining thoughts of that Saturday’s frolics I tried half-heartedly to push the episode from the front page, as it were, but my thoughts soon looped back. Most persistent were Jeff’s words “you’d look good as a woman”. Why should they have such resonance? Why did they give me a small electric charge in my groin.

I managed to avoid Jeff at work for the best part of ten days. Nor did he make any effort, as far as I could perceive, to contact me. Saturday’s football game, however, was a home match and a local derby. He used that as an excuse to ring me.

“Let’s put out differences to one side, Tom,” he said in a very business-like manner. Shall we go to the match together as if it were like old times?”

I should have listened to my head and declined. I knew that we could never revive old times as they once were. For a start, how could I ever forget the fact that I was talking to the man that took my anal virginity. And part of me was aching for him to do just that again. There – I admitted it. How big a part of me? That remained to be seen.

We met up in the pub as we usually did and downed a couple of pints. Then we walked to the ground and took up our usual position on the terraces, When our side scored we jumped up and down and embraced, but that was far from usual. Just touching Jeff, albeit through our heavy winter overcoats sent prickles down my spine.

For the last twenty minutes of play I watched, but hardly saw. I wanted to go back with Jeff to his flat and take up were we had left off the previous week. We were through the Exit Gate and about to part company. No suggestion of another post-match pints in the pub. I capitulated. “Can I come back to you place Jeff?”

“What for,” Jeff retorted feigning innocence. He knew exactly what I was after. “Oh, I know,” he said, sarcasm to the fore, “you want me to fuck you again? Am I right?”

“Yes,” I agreed in the smallest of voice.

“Then, say after me, will you please, please fuck my arse again Jeff.”

What else could I do other than comply. I did so sheepishly.

“And will you dress for me?”

“You what?” His question had caught me by surprise.

“Dress for me,” he repeated, looking me straight in the eye. “In panties and girly clothes. It turns me on big time.”

Cross dressing had never been particularly one of my turn-ons and so, agreeing to Jeff’s request (or was it a condition?) did not add any flames to the sexual desire I was feeling towards Jeff. I wanted to feel his naked body against mine at virtually any price at that particular moment. “Why the need for clothes, Jeff?”

“As my sissy you will be liberated, take my word for it Tom. You will enjoy so much more the sexual adventures I have planned for you. The range of pleasures for yourself, and those you will give others will be limitless. Trust me Tom?

“Yes.” I agreed uncertainly.

“Then come on,” said Jeff cheerily, “what are we waiting for?” He put his arm through mine and quickened the pace and led me to a taxi rank. Hardly a word passed between us as he bundled me into the back of the leading black cab. I really did not have much chance to have any reservations to what I was agreeing to. Not that I though I would anyway. I was just about fully committed.

I knew virtually at once that we were not heading to the property which I saw as “Jeff’s flat”, the place where he had buggered me. “Where are we going Jeff?”

“The other flat is where I stay for work. I have use of a posher pad nearer Town. It’s not far. Just sit back and relax.”

We were soon in a very smart neighbourhood where apartments, to rent or to buy, were at astrological prices. Especially so the penthouse suite at the top of a six story apartment block which was where I found myself gawping.

“In a previous life I had good fortune and earned a lot of money,” offered Jeff by way of a quick explanation. It is not what you think though. I share this flat. It’s not all mine. It’s ours for the weekend.” He directed me to a sumptuous shower room and watched as I obeyed his instructions to undress. Thus naked, and somewhat embarrassed to be so, he scooped up my clothes and pointed to a large shower cubicle in which I was glad to seek refuge. “Wash your anus well,” was his instruction.


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He joined me soon afterwards. He was bollock naked too of course. I found myself knocking against him accidently on purpose. My penis became rock hard in no time and I was gratified to see my attentions were having a similar effect on Jeff. Mine was fatter and longer than his whereas it could be argued that his was more stylish.

I could not stand the anticipation any longer. I felt an over whelming desire to capture his prick in my mouth and suck it greedily, and with that intention I started to sink to my knees.

“No you don’t pansy,” he barked at me. “You don’t make the moves. You’re here to do what you are told to do. O.K. Got that?”

I looked at him in surprise tinged with anguish. “Just what had I gotten myself into?”


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