Visiting the in-laws Pt. 01

A gay story: Visiting the in-laws Pt. 01 Visiting the in-laws PT I We were about 2 hours into the 4-hour drive to Lisa’s childhood home. She’d been keen on making the trip to visit her parents pretty much since we first met about 6 months ago, insisting they’d love me to pieces. It was … Read more

I thought I was straight? by curious19

A gay adult story: I thought I was straight? by curious19 , First story of when i was a little younger (; For as long as I can remember I loved women. Ever since I was young I always loved being around them being with them and yes ever doing stuff with them. With everything … Read more

Snowbound Encounter by Mr. Butts

A gay adult story: Snowbound Encounter by Mr. Butts , The snow had been relentless and my situation was growing increasingly dire by the minute. This whole trip had devolved into a comedy of errors but now I was courting disaster. The snow had been relentless and my situation was growing increasingly dire by the … Read more

Cock-Sucker: Canal Street Pick-Up

A gay story: Cock-Sucker: Canal Street Pick-Up I was in a Canal Street Bookshop, crouching to read furtive passages from the Gay Erotica section in the alcove. I was barely aware of the stylish older man standing nearby, who seems to be doing the same thing, dipping in and out of the pages of the … Read more

Adam’s Gangbang Birthday Surprise by wolfiram

A gay adult story: Adam’s Gangbang Birthday Surprise by wolfiram , This story is fiction but the characters and the neighbor situation is real. Everything sexual is a fantasy. Names are Changed and age is slightly adjusted. Underage Sex is just for fantasie purposes here. I do not condone it in real life! Please note … Read more


A gay story: Abracadabra I was lying on a grassy bank fronting a disused canal deep in the English countryside. It was hot. The sun was beating down in a cloudless azure sky and even the birds were too languid to bother to sing. I was stripped to my underpants in classic sunbathing style, oblivious … Read more