Adventures With The Gays!

A gay story: Adventures With The Gays! I’m a regular guy working in a frenetic and high-pressure environment. Divorced with two grown children out in this world who are doing well independently. I’ve always had a charmed kind of life.

Growing up, I was the stud athlete with the looks that always got the girl with the looks. My parents did well, as did their parents, so you could say I come from money.

When I attended university, I did so on a full football scholarship, not that I needed it. Again, in college, as in high school, I had all the good-looking pussy that a person of my stature could have. I had so much pussy that my friends would hang around me just to see what I’d allow to trickle down to them.

I tried playing professional football, but that’s where my athletic career would end. I was good, but I was not that good. So, I went to work. First for my father and then on my own. I did well enough to become president of my business, but then my private life crashed and burned.

Luckily my son and daughter were already off to university and fully understood that their father was an asshole that couldn’t stay faithful to their mother. The divorce was amicable because, for me, there was no pressure.

My wife, she was relieved because she managed to put up with my shit long enough for our kids to grow up and have minds of their own before giving me the boot. Plus, we married young, and she still has the goods to go out into the world on her own and have a little fun.

So why am I here?

I think I’m gay. Not in the let me suck your dick, then you fuck me in the ass, gay. More like, you sure are pretty. I bet you’d look good in panties, and oh, by the way, suck my cock and let me fuck you, kind of gay.

Growing up, I’d always had these guys that I’d catch looking at me and then turn away, blushing. Lower-classmen or student trainers who’d taped my ankles in high school before games. Guy friends of girlfriends, guy friends of friend’s girlfriends.

The pattern continued during my university years. We’d even laugh at them because it wasn’t just me that this would happen to. There was always a teammate or two that would notice as well because it would happen to them. We’d laugh and joke, calling them sissies and whatnot but never really giving them a second thought.

Then, I got divorced and was going through this self-pity phase. How could I be so stupid? Why couldn’t I ever be satisfied with my wife? Why, why, why, why! I’m sure you get the picture. Until I said fuck it! I’m just going to concentrate on my job and my business and stop chasing skirts.

Yeah, that’s what I’m going to do. That was going to be my plan. The great pussy sabbatical! Then things kind of went awry.

Scott is this kid; I say kid because he’s a kid to me. He’s twenty-five, fresh out of school. He works in the lower levels, and the first time I saw him was when he accompanied his direct supervisor to one of our project meetings.

The meeting had ended, and I was still reviewing some of the proposed plans for the project. I was sitting at the end of the long meeting table because it was my meeting, and I was the boss, so yeah, there I was. Leaning back in the chair, turned to the side, legs stretched out, feet crossed at the ankles.

Just because I’m not chasing pussy doesn’t mean my cock doesn’t get hard. I’ve had to deal with surprise hard-ons since I started my pussy sabbatical, and unbeknownst to me, I had a nice bit of wood right at that moment. I was so enthralled in reading the document in my hand that I hadn’t noticed Scott return to the room needing me to sign off on some documents.

“Mr. Francona, I’m sorry to bother you, but Miss Andrews sent me back to get your signature on the agreed-upon proposals so she can get funding to start the process.”

I’m sitting there, legs stretched out, half a hardon, my crotch in all its pride for anyone to behold, and my mind on this fucking document in my hand; sure, why not.

“Yeah, kid, bring it here,” I blurted out. I didn’t even bother to look at him as he made his way down the path to stand beside my feet.

I don’t know how long he had stood there, but I suddenly felt him and glanced up.

Because I’d only moved my eyes, he didn’t notice, but I noticed. His eyes were in a trance, staring at my bulge. I wondered how long it would take him to look back at me. For the first time that something like this happened to me, some wanna be staring at my junk; I started to feel some arousal.

I was thinking how much power I held over this kid, that he was risking so much to stare at the crotch of the boss of his boss. He had no clue what I would do if I caught him, the damage this little event could hold for him.

So, I waited.

Then his eyes shifted, and for a split second, I thought to look away, but I didn’t. I sat there emotionless, staring right back into his eyes. His face instantly began turning red. At first, it was a pretty little pink color, then darker and darker. Hell, for a minute, I thought his face would turn purple and explode.

“The paper?” I asked in my deep, raspy voice. My panty-dropper voice.

He proceeded to fumble fuck the document, drop it, and, as I said, I’m an athlete. I pulled my feet apart quick as a cat, allowing the document to fall on the floor underneath my chair. Yes, you can imagine.

What was half a hard-on was now a raging hard-on. The look on this kid’s face was priceless because now he’d have to get on his knees, reach for the document, thus coming face-level with my cock. To make it worse, the *pussy monster* in my head was on the prowl.

What I didn’t know until that moment was that the *pussy monster* gave two fucks if the target had a vagina or not. All it wanted was a dark wet place to violate and unload all of this pent-up cum that was about to bust my balls.

Poor kid thought about it, and I offered no repose for his predicament. I just sat there showing no emotion and giving no fucks.

The kid got down on one knee between my feet before realizing he had to get closer between my legs to reach under my chair for the document. I could see the cogs of humility and consternation in his head turning.

He was in a spot where he was not prepared to be.

The way he had ogled my crotch just a moment earlier, I knew that it wouldn’t take much to allow his *lust bitch* off her leash and do what she wanted to do. I spread my feet further apart, and I reached down and grabbed the shaft of my cock, through my pants, giving it a gentle squeeze and timid shake. All the while looking into this poor kid’s eyes.

“Sir…,” he swallowed and stammered, getting his thoughts together. “Sir, I, I, I’ve never…”

“Never what Scott? Do you think I’ve ever allowed a man to suck my cock?” I asked with my deep, raspy voice.

“No, no! I’m not saying that, sir.” Scott, on his knees, waving his hand at me, his eyes wide.

“Then what are you saying? Are you saying that you weren’t drooling at my crotch a second ago?” Sneering at him with an evil, tempting gaze.

“No! I mean, yes. No!” He continued to fight with himself.

“Which is it, Scott? No, you’ve never sucked cock? Yes, you were thinking of sucking my cock? No, you don’t believe me that I’ve never had my cock sucked by a man?” I said with a growl. “Are you calling me a fag!”

Looking into his eyes, I should have felt pity. But I didn’t. Luckily, I wasn’t so far gone with lust that it hadn’t occurred to me that he had to cross that line, that invisible; I want-to-suck-your-cock line before I could do what I wanted.

“It’s okay, kid. It’ll be a first for both of us.” I said in a calm, soothing voice while adjusting my sitting position to offer him better what was, again, my raging hardon.

He remained frozen, and then he did it.

He inched himself closer to me, placing his hands on my belt. Slowly and methodically, he started to loosen it along with my pants. When I heard the zipper’s familiar noise, the one it makes when pulled to its end, I allowed myself to sink into the chair.

To relax.

Looking down at this young man, I saw that he seemed soft and delicate. He wasn’t like me or most of the men that work for me. It was three in the afternoon, and he didn’t even have a five o’clock shadow working.

Once he had me unbuttoned and unzipped, he pulled my pants back, giving him access to my boxers. Like a champ, he slid his hand through the opening and grabbed a hold of my cock. I jumped a little, and he looked at me as if he’d done something wrong.

“You’re fine, precious,” I said with a devilish grin.

Immediately, he started to stroke me slowly. I am blessed with a very nice cock, if I do say so myself. I have a well-defined cockhead and nice girth on my shaft, which only gets thicker the closer you go down to the root.

In college, one of the girls measured it at nine and a half in length, and that’s as far as she got before I bent her over. Scott was just staring at it as he played with it. Again, very soft feminine hands. Then he just pointed the head at his mouth and shoved it in.

He wasn’t sucking my cock he was devouring it. A couple of grazes with his teeth, and I was sold that he’d never done this before. Motherfuck me!

“Whoa, whoa there, little princess, slow down.” I had to calm him down!

Placing my hand over his head and stopping him with the head of my cock in his mouth. Allowing him to get one more good slurp before letting it go and looking up at me again.

“Scott, please tell me you’ve had a girl give you a blow job?” I asked with a hint of disgust in my tone.

“Yes sir, I have.” He replied sheepishly. Looking like a little darling, the shaft of my cock in one hand and my testicles in his other hand, and a barely visible strand of saliva attached from his bottom lip to the tip of my cock.

“Was it a good blowjob?” I asked.

“Yes sir.” He answered, causing the strand of saliva to give way yet still stroking my cock and massaging my balls gently as he looked at me tentatively, mouth pouting with admiring eyes.

“Good, now think about that blowjob, babydoll.” He closed his eyes; I had to admire his commitment.

“Now, go back to sucking my cock; only do it the way you remembered that good blowjob that you were receiving. Not this sausage-eating fest you’re trying to do to my cock! Ok?”

He opened his eyes and gave me the sweetest, most naïve look. Then, with a knowing nod, Scott went to work. This young man proceeded to suck my cock like it hadn’t been sucked since my college days.

The way he used his tongue on the head of my cock, paying close attention to the underside of it. Massaging my balls before suckling each one individually with equal attention before returning to the head of my cock. All the while stroking the shaft gently.

I lasted maybe fifteen minutes before I had to prepare my new little darling for her prize.

“Okay baby gurl, when I tell you to swallow, don’t think, just swallow. Squeeze my thigh if you understand.” He gave me a panicked squeeze, and I tilted my head back.

“Swallow!” I growled just as I blew my first load. “Swallow!” Another load; this time, I could hear Scotts panicked breathing as if he was trying to avoid choking. “Swallow!” That was it; I could hear him gurgling.

“Don’t you fucking make a mess little girl!” Instantly both his hands were doing everything possible to block cum from getting on me. I drooled out a couple of more loads for him, but they weren’t the violent ejections of the first three.

As I sat there, legs extended, head tilted back, I could hear and feel him slurping a licking the head and shaft of my cock. His flat tongue over my balls. The meeting had served afternoon snacks, and Scott jumped to his feet to grab a linen napkin and return to dry his saliva off of my cock and balls.

I looked down as he put my cock away and proceeded to zip and button me back up, then reach down and grab the document that started it all.

“Give me your card,” I said as I signed the document. Scott hurriedly dug through his wallet and found a business card, laying it on the table before me.

“When I call for you, I expect you to respond. Expeditiously.”

“Yes sir.” He responded, all the while holding his document. Scott turned to leave, leaving me with my thoughts. As I heard the door close, all I could think was…

Fuck just happened?

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