A gay story: Washing Up Ch. 02 Author’s Note: This chapter has interracial sex and references to languages. I am a white man who only speaks a little Japanese and Chinese from when I lived there as a teacher. While some of this is part of my fantasy, I don’t want to fetishize Asian people or the language. Part of this is to add more balance. In porn, one of the things that bothers me with interracial pairings is that stereotypes are relied on. While I am sure that there are some I missed, and please feel free to call me out on it, I wanted to write a story with an Asian top. As the series and stories continue, I will try to break from the stereotypes as much as I can. This site does have some fucked up things, but I want to find the middle of the road in it all. Sorry for the rant. Please enjoy the story.
Takeshi Tanaka enjoyed many luxuries in life. He supped the finest meals and enjoyed the most expensive of alcohols. His luxuries were not limited to food and drink but the most exquisite of objects. Pieces of art, penthouses around the world, and anyone he wanted were within his reach. Being the shadow owner of companies across the globe afforded him the ability to enjoy his life without restraint.
Tanaka did not limit himself to just one person or gender. He reveled in carnal pleasures. The one thing he wanted was someone to happily take the pleasures. The problem he came across was partners who wanted Tanaka to marry them. Tanaka enjoyed many partners and was bound to no one person. He was a man who enjoyed being serviced by as many as possible. He wanted to complete his collection of toys that would make his pleasure their priority.
Blake was the first step in his plan and the first of many bois who’d ensure that his pleasure would never end. This is where our story resumes. Blake has just boarded the plane with his new Daddy and Tanaka would enjoy his newest purchase thoroughly.
Tanaka’s POV
The sound of giggles and the shaking of hips at my side made me harder than I’ve ever been in my life. Normally I would hate the idea of pre-cum stains on the front of my pants, but at this point in time, I couldn’t care less. I’ve had my share of slutty white boys who wanted to see if the stereotype is true, only to be disappointed when I didn’t want to date them after fucking them.
I’ve had my fair share of women who thought I’d be their ticket to the lifestyle of the rich and the famous. People seem to think that I owe them something because they put out. This is not the case for Blake. He’s going to be the first of many to fall in line and remember their place.
I look down the aisle to see that my seat has been prepared with a glass of scotch on the table and a mat at my feet for Blake after takeoff. The engines begin warming up as we prepare to leave the country, not that Blake is worried about that. As I sit down, I instruct Blake to take my cock out of my pants and hold it. As the plane’s engines begin priming, I want Blake’s to do the same. I want him to feel the cock that will dominate his every waking thought and dreams at night.
Blake begins to lick his lips in anticipation as he moves in on his prize.
“Ah, ah, ah,” I say, “I didn’t give you permission to lick, but you can sniff it. Let it lay across your face.”
Blake’s smile gets bigger as he gets on his knees and lays my cock on his face, my balls on his lips. The bright blue eyes that surround my cock look up in lust and adoration. Cum begins leaking down my prodigious member into his platinum and pink hair. He’s like a dog waiting for his master’s permission to eat his treat. I only have to give the order and my cock would be kept warm as long as I wanted. The idea of having a live-in cock sleeve eager only for my pleasure makes me harder.
“Excuse me, sir.” a young, caramel skinned man gets my attention from Blake in Japanese.
The look on my face must have shown my frustration as the young man slightly flinches. I don’t know who he is, but I assume that he’s a new assistant.
“What?” I ask, trying to control my frustration.
“I apologize, sir,” he says. “The pilot informed me that we are ready for takeoff. He expresses his apologies in that your toy must wear its seat belt before we can depart. We have an estimated five minutes before your toy would be able to return to its spot.”
He is a bit taller than Blake but definitely more muscled, and maybe a few years older. He seems to understand Blake’s place.
“I see,” I say slowly. “It can’t be helped. I waited fifteen hours to get here. I can wait five more minutes.”
The young man nods.
“Sit across from me,” I say motioning to the seat across from me. “I’d like to ask you some questions. Blake, get in your seat, buckle your seat belt, and continue holding my cock until I tell you otherwise.”
Having to switch back and forth between English and Japanese is annoying. I’ll have to make sure that Blake is able to understand Japanese in the future.
“Yes, Daddy”, he says in his high voice.
With my pre-cum leaking down his face, Blake sits next to me and leans over to follow my instructions. His eyes do not leave my cock, and a primal urge to fuck him rises again. I look back up to see my companion. He’s looking at me and Blake, without judgment. The message from the captain announcing that we were cleared for takeoff gets my attention for a brief moment.
“What’s your name”, I ask.
I motion for him to pour a drink for himself from the decanter nearby.
“Mateo,” he replies, taking me up on my offer. “Mateo Silva, sir. I was hired last week by your assistant in Japan and brought on board while you were waiting on your toy to arrive.”
“I see,” I say, sipping my drink.
I look back down at Blake as his dainty hands on my cock. His pale, white hands unable to reach around my thick golden shaft in it’s entirely.
“Mateo,” I start, “You seem unfazed by the sight of my boi.” I gesture to Blake, emphasizing boi.
“Yes, sir,” he replies. “I’ve been informed of your tastes by your secretary. They align with my own.”
I look down to see his own cock hardening. It’s good to know that I will be able to use him in the future.
“Do you have much experience?”
“Yes, sir. In Brazil, there were many that tasted my cock and begged for more. I trained more than a few toys to suit the taste of my employers. That was how I was found and brought to you.”
“So, you were hired to make sure I had the best sex?”
“Yes, sir. It seems, however, that you’ve already found that.”
“I don’t think you need to worry about that, Mateo.”
“What do you mean, sir?”
“I don’t want just one boi. I’ve never been one for monogamy.”
“I understand, sir.”
“Good,” I say. “Mateo, I want you to do something for me. I want you to begin finding prospective bois for me. Tokyo has no shortage of sluts, but I want them from around the world. You’ll begin by offering jobs to them, arrange the flights and visas, and then I’ll make the call to have them perfected. Do this well and I’ll reward you with your own as well as hefty bonus.”
If possible, his cock grew harder in his pants. Mateo gives me a nod and leaves at my dismissal. By this point, the captain has turned off the seat belt sign and my boi is vibrating from the lust coursing through his system. The cum on his face is beginning to dry. I should fix that.
“What a poor boi you are,” I tease him. “So eager for my cum, but so patient and obedient. Let’s see what Jackson has done to perfect you. Kneel.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Blake says in his high voice and got back on his knees.
The look in his eyes as he looked up in admiration and lust made my already hard cock jump even more.
“Can I please suck your yummy cock now?” Blake begged. “I’ll suck it really good.”
He began panting at the sight of my cock being so close yet so far away. Deciding that he begged enough and was patient, more patient than I was, I nod. He kisses the head of my engorged member before engulfing it.
I am no stranger to having someone worship my cock. Sluts from all over have professed to giving the blowjob of a lifetime. Most were okay, some were terrible, but only a few were genuinely good. Blake was on a whole new level. The boi met the base of my shaft without as much as a single gag. I allow him a minute to revel in the feeling of having my superior cock down his throat.
“Look your Daddy in his eyes, boi.”
Without delay, his bright blue eyes look up at me.
“Continue and don’t let go of that cock until I cum.”
“Yeth, Thaddy.” Blake said, his mouth full of my cock.
He begins to pump his head up and down while swirling his tongue around the shaft as much as he could. The sound him swallowing my pre-cum sounds like music to my ears as I sit back and take another sip of my drink.
Time goes by and the sounds of Blake slurping and sucking fill the area around me. I see Mateo tuck his hardening cock into the waistband of his pants, and I lick my lips. He is not the only one who is hard. My bodyguards stare unabashedly at the little white boi worshipping their Japanese boss’ cock. I can tell they’ll be looking for someone to fuck when they return to Japan.
I look back to Mateo. He looks fantastic already, but the boy is a complete top. I’ll have to change that later. Now, I need to focus on Blake as I feel the pressure of the drenching Blake is going to receive. I get my phone out and prepare to record his first facial from me. I motion for someone to hold secure my phone in a good angle.
“Get ready, slut.” I say panting. “I’m going to cum on your face and in your mouth, and you’re not to swallow.”
I pull my cock out until it’s in his mouth and yell as I erupt. Cum begins to inflate his cheeks as rivulets of pearly, white jizz makes its way out. I completely pull out and begin to let rope after rope of cum paint his face. His eyes and expression of lust never left their position from looking up at me.
Soon his face is covered in my cum as he looks up, mouth wide open, my cum a pool. Following my instructions, he begins to cup his face to catch the cum trying to rain down on the floor.
When I calm down, I see him waiting on my instructions to swallow. He’s such a good boi.
“Swallow, slut.”
He swallows immediately, but he still is cupping his face to stop my jizz from falling.
“Clean your face.” I instruct.
“Yes, Daddy,” Blake says happily as he makes the dirtiest sound of drinking my cum from his cupped hands.
He scrapes the cum off his face to then pour it directly into his mouth, still looking up at me. My cock that went only slightly limp regained its vigor at the sight of someone so cum hungry they’d eat every bit they could reach. It was like Blake was starving.
Remembering that I have changes that I need to make, I snap my fingers at my bag in the seat next to where Mateo was sitting.
“Get my bag, boi.” I tell him. “There will be a blue bottle. After you take it out, you will strip me down, fold my clothes, kneel and kiss my feet. Once you do that, you will beg me to make you fully mine. You will beg me to change you so that you’ll live only to serve me and those I tell you to. Your focus will be on making me happy, even when I am not there. You will not speak until you beg me to change you.”
I feel adrenaline course through my veins as Blake crawls over to the bag, his panty-clad ass in the air as the skirt does nothing to hide anything. I see his ass leaking some kind of lubricant that I will be taking advantage of shortly. He pulls out the blue bottle and places it next to my drink. He stands to unbutton my shirt and remove it.
True to my instructions, he gently folds the shirt and pants thrown aside earlier and places them by the bag. He moves towards my socks as does the same as the other clothes. He tries to hide a quick sniff but is no good at hiding his moans. Afterwards, I allow him a brief moment to take in the image of his new god as the realization hits me, as that is what I am. I will be his new god.
Blake gets back on his knees but continues into a kneeling position. He inches forward as he was too enthralled by the glorious body of his god to properly kneel at my feet. The moment after I feel him kiss my feet, Blake looks up at me.
“Daddy,” he begins, “Change me. Make me what you want me to be. I want to suck your cock, bend over, and let you fuck me as often as you want. I, like, want to make you super happy.”
“How do you feel looking at me, boi,” I ask as I lift his chin up.
I look and see his eyes tear up. A few tears fall down and sit in his cum crusted hair. I really should consider changing his eye colors to match the pink. It suits him.
“I’m happy. I get to look at someone who is, like, way stronger and manly than me. I’m just a boi, I can’t be a man like you. Even before, you were, like, way more hunky than me. I was, like, a meanie to everyone. Now, I just want to make my Daddy happy. Even before Old Daddy changed me, I wanted someone to tell me what to do. I’m happy that I have a Daddy now that is happy with telling a slutty boi like me what he needs to do and think. I hate thinking though. The thinky-pains hurt really, really bad, but if Daddy wants me to think, I’ll think all day. I’ll think of new ways to make Daddy feel good.”
“If my cock gets any harder, boi, it’ll explode and then you’ll never taste it again.”
The look in his eyes holds nothing short of terror as the joke flies over his head. I laugh at how naïve he is.
“Don’t worry, boi. I was joking.”
Blake audibly sighs as he realizes his source of cum will remain intact.
“Now, pour bottle on my cock and begin to worship me again.”
I look down Blake pours the contents of the bottle on my cock. The moment it touched it, I feel my cock jump and inflate more than it’s ever done before. The sight of my engorged cock growing bigger than before shocks me until I feel the warm sheathe of Blake’s mouth engulf me once more. He begins to pump his head up and down until he stops on the base of the shaft. I feel his breath as he completely stops moving and his eyes are empty of all expression. Jackson told me about this part.
Once someone is changed by the pink nanites, exposure to the blue nanites interacts with them and puts them in a state where changes could be made to the nanite-warped’s mind. Now I would be able to make him perfectly suited for me.
“Blake, when you wake, everything will change for you,” I begin, “You told me that you wanted someone to tell you what to do and how to think. I will be that person. You will not be a doll. You will be able to do tasks and make small decisions, but everything you do in the future will be based on whether it will please me or not. I want you to take initiative to please me. I will spoil you, but everything you buy will be to make me happy.”
“You will address all men as ‘sir’ but will address me as ‘Master’ or ‘Daddy’. I will call you ‘Blake, boi, or slut. Every man you meet, you will seduce, but never touch unless I tell you to. You will have no reservations about pleasing me in any way I want or in any location. It doesn’t matter if your mother were to be in the room. Above all, I am the only man you may touch without permission. If another man brings a boi or toy to visit, you may play with them, but you will always be focused on bringing me pleasure while doing so.”
“We will live primarily in Japan. You will learn Japanese. Unless we are visiting another country or I am doing business with an English-speaking partner, you will only be exposed to Japanese. Soon, you will only speak English when I allow you. Otherwise, you will speak Japanese or be silent.”
I begin to feel his breath quicken.
“You will present yourself as femininely as possible. Everything you do will be feminine. When learning Japanese, you’ll use the feminine forms of the expressions when there. Your exercise and body care will be done to keep you slim, soft, and feminine. You will continue to use he and him pronouns, but everyone you meet will know what you are. You are nothing more than a soft, weak-willed, white boi who worships his Japanese master and works only to bring him pleasure.”
“You will show the world what you are by creating the only persona “Blakey”. Blakey will show the world the joys of submitting to real men and being pretty. You will help me draw in the bois who will join you in service to me. Whenever you are around the streets of Japan, if you find someone who you think will meet my standards, you will direct them to Mateo or myself. He or I will take it from there. If you do this well, you will have a brother to worship me with and make me happy.”
Blake, now Blakey, began to sputter as the oxygen he was getting was beginning not to be enough. I pull out, allow him to breathe, and plunge my cock back in. I wrap his cum-crusted hair through my fingers and continue to fuck his mouth until he regains the ability to do so.
“Lastly, there will be more commands. When I, and only I, say the phrase ‘Blakey needs a nap time’, you will enter this state and be ready to accept new commands.”
Eventually, I feel his tongue wrap around my cock and he begins to bob his head fervently up and down. I let go and watch my newest purchase fuck his mouth on my cock. I feel the pressure build up and decide to surprise him. His eyes bulge as torrents of cum flood his mouth, throat, and nose. Blakey swallows as much as he can, but the stains make their first appearance.
I look down in satisfaction to see Blakey smiling up at me. The whole time, I’ve been moving my phone around to different places to get a good recording of the first boi I mind fucked.
I hear a squelching sound as I see Blakey fucking his ass with his fingers. The boi is nearly insatiable. I picked him up from the floor and put him in my lap. Kissing him is something I didn’t think I’d be doing, not with my cum on his face, but I can’t resist. My cock rises again, and I waste no time.
I lift the boi and let him fall down on my cock. Here I realize how small he really is. Though his body is able to take my dick, I see an outline of my cockhead shift every now and then. Those nanites are truly a gift from god.
The feeling of him pumping himself up and down gets my attention. I hit the button to lay the chair down so I can enjoy the sight of my femboy fucking his own ass. I look up to see the perfect bottom bitch. His hair is a mess from all my cum, but the pearly white mixing with the platinum and pink only adds to the allure. He’s panting and whining from feeling my cock attack his prostate continuously. His chest holds a small amount of muscle but is still soft. Cute, pink nipples are hardened into pebbles. His fingers move from holding on the arm rest to playing with them. His cock, while not terribly small, flops around, flinging cum over the seat and my chest.
Deciding to take control, I take hold of Blakey’s waists to feel his voluptuous ass, turn him around, and reposition us. Blakey is now on his hands and knees turning back to look up at me. My powerful cock is ready to cum again and flood his insides. I piston in and out. The sounds of slapping and sweaty bodies colliding fill the plane. I look up with pride as I see that everyone is staring at us. Mateo and my guards are palming their cocks. A stewardess in the back is flushed with arousal. I see jealousy written on her face as Blakey cries out.
I lean down to ask him a question.
“Who’s your god now?” My voice comes out in a whisper, but it is heard by everyone in the plane.
“You are, Master!” Blakey yells.
His voice tapers into a whine as the sounds of us colliding become almost echo. Pants and screams radiate as my cock begins to swell and unleashes a deluge of cum into his ass. I scream out in pleasure as the feeling of emptying myself into this boi has topped everything I’ve ever felt.
Another scream joins mine as Blakey cums. Nearly clear fluid shoots pathetically from his dick, but his ass spasms as it continues to milk my cock for all that it’s worth.
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We stay there panting after putting on a show for everyone. Time stands still until the announcement that we will be landing in an hour breaks everyone from the trance. I move to get up and change but his ass refuses to release my cock. Everyone scrambles to prepare the jet. Mateo gets the shower running and the still flushed stewardess begins to prepare clothes for us.
“Blakey,” I say, “We need to shower. The water won’t last too long, and you need to make sure you’re presentable. Let go of my cock.”
Blakey whined as he shimmied his way off my cock. When I looked at his hole, I expected a gape, but the pink rosebud that was his asshole was closing, only one drop of cum was able to leak out.
“Yes, Master,” he submits sadly. “Can I hold your cock on the way down?”
“No,” I said with a laugh. “Otherwise, we’ll end up dirty again. Now go shower. I won’t be joining you or we’d never leave.”
Blake looks dejected but walked towards the shower naked as a newborn, cum dripping down his face and legs. The sway in his step getting the attention of everyone. I have a month left before the changes are permanent. I wonder if there is anything else I could do to top what I already have.
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