Against All Odds Ch. 06


A gay story: Against All Odds Ch. 06 The clock read a quarter till six as Riley stepped out of the warm embrace of his bath. He went to the dresser where he’d carefully put away his clothes earlier. Looking through everything, he was at a loss as to what to wear. He didn’t have much and what he did have wasn’t in the best of shape. He wasn’t even sure how he was supposed to dress for Noah’s big surprise. Casual? Fancy? Not that he really owned anything fancy. In fact, he’d never even owned a suit in his life. Even at his graduation he only wore jeans and a T-shit with his favorite band depicted on the front. Luckily, his graduation gown covered his poor choice in attire.

It’s not like it mattered much anyway. He had no graduation party to attend afterward, no celebratory dinner. He had returned home and began his normal chores with no mention of the special day. He didn’t even get a “congratulations” from his foster parents who hadn’t even bothered to show up for his ceremony. He supposed he was lucky that they had even allowed him to go but still, a little recognition would have been nice. Alex, his foster brother and best friend, would have been there if he hadn’t left for college the year before. He at least had sent Riley a card. He still had that card, tucked away in his diary. It was the only card he’d ever gotten since his parents had died.

After careful consideration, Riley decided on a crisp, white, dress shirt with well-worn jeans. He brushed his auburn locks back into a neat ponytail, the strands catching the light like threads of spun copper. If he’d owned any after shave or cologne, he would have used them but he didn’t, so he would just have to rely on his deodorant alone to keep him smelling fresh and clean. The rose scented body wash and shampoo he’d found in the bathroom helped too. Thank God for Noah who had thought of all the little things that Riley himself might have over looked.

Now that he was dressed and properly groomed, Riley sat on the massive, four poster bed, as he anxiously awaited Noah’s arrival. A few moments later and a soft knock at the door echoed throughout the room. Riley’s heart quickened. Taking a deep breath, he slid off the bed and made his way to the door, stopping briefly to check his reflection in the full length mirror next to the wardrobe. Slowly, Riley opened the door and froze. A warm sense of excitement rushed through him. Noah stood, looking down at him, and the man was absolutely stunning.

Riley had only ever seen Noah in his casual wear. Even when they had chatted on cam, Noah had usually been in just a simple T-shirt and jeans. What he was wearing now put everything else he had ever worn to shame. He was dressed in a dark gray, tailored suit that seemed to accentuate every contour of his form. His suit was complimented by a pair of dark brown, leather oxfords, exquisitely polished to an eye-popping shine. Riley couldn’t help but feel a pang of inadequacy as he took in Noah’s elegance.

“Are you ready?” Noah asked, his eyes bright with anticipation.

“Yes.” Riley managed, his voice barely above a whisper. “But. I think I may be under dressed.”

“Don’t worry about that.” Noah told him. “This night is about us, not what you’re wearing, and besides, you’d look beautiful even in a burlap sack.”

Riley blushed. “I think you’re exaggerating.”

“No, I’m not. You’re beautiful, Riley. Everything about you is beautiful. Your eyes, your hair, everything. The sooner you accept that, the better.”

“Thank you.” Riley raised up on his tip toes and kissed Noah’s cheek.

“You’re more than welcome.” Noah said. He then offered his arm to Riley. “Shall we?”

Riley nodded and accepted Noah’s arm graciously, feeling a rush of warmth at the contact. Together they walked down the hall then descended the stairs, Riley’s heart fluttering like a trapped bird in his chest. Noah hadn’t said where they were going but based on the way that Noah was dressed, Riley doubted it was back to the kitchen where they’d had their lunch. They weren’t going in the direction of the family dinning room, or the formal dinning room either. It wasn’t until they turned down a familiar corridor that Riley realized where it was that Noah was taking him, the music room.

They had visited the music room briefly on the tour of the mansion and Riley had mentioned how beautiful it was, with it’s polished floors, heavy drapes, and the baby grand that was sat near a large bank of windows. Riley had remarked on how he loved the piano and had always wanted to learn to play. Next to the library, the music room was probably his second favorite room.

As they entered the music room, Riley’s breath caught in his throat. The room was bathed in the soft glow of candle light. Shadows danced across the walls. In the center of the room sat a table for two, adorned with flickering candles. A single, red, rose graced the center of the table, it’s petals unfurling in a delicate ballet.

“Oh, Noah.” Riley’s voice trailed off, overwhelmed by the beauty of what he saw before him. The room had been transformed into a scene of enchantment. Even the dulcet tones of instrumental music floated through the air, adding to the ambiance.

Riley’s heart swelled with love as Noah guided him to his seat. In true gentlemanly fashion, Noah pulled out Riley’s seat for him before taking his own. A moment later and Baxter appeared as if by magic. Tina and Maggie followed, pushing in an elegant, chrome, serving trolley that held a feast fit for royalty.

Tina placed a basket of rolls on the table then quickly went to stand next to her mother near the serving cart. Maggie stood with a huge smile on her face as she awaited her instructions. Tina, on the other hand, did not look as enthused as her mother. Again, Riley felt sorry for her. It was obvious she had a crush on Noah but her feelings for him were not reciprocated. First loves were always the hardest to get over. Riley knew that fact all to well. Watching Alex leave for college was the hardest thing Riley had ever had to do aside from saying goodbye to his parents but he barely even remembered that time of his life.

It had taken him time to get over Alex. He was, after all, the first person who had ever really shown Riley any measure of kindness. They’d kept in touch for a while but as time dragged on, their communications became less and less and then stopped all together. Riley didn’t blame Alex. He had a life to live that just didn’t involve Riley now. Riley just hoped that wherever he was, whatever he was doing, he was happy. As for Tina, Riley knew that she would eventually move on from her crush and hopefully find someone else. She was young still and had her entire life ahead of her. Noah wouldn’t be the only crush she’d develop. Maybe, someday, she’d even fall in love.

Riley was brought out of his thoughts as Baxter stepped up to the table. “Good evening, gentlemen.” He greeted them. “If it pleases you, allow me to present tonight’s menu.”

“Yes, please do.” Noah said, giving Baxter an approving nod.

“Very good, Sir.” Baxter nodded to the two women who were acting as the servers for the evening. Each picked up a plate of food and set it before Noah and Riley as Baxter explained the dish that had been been prepared. “To begin your night.” Baxter said, beginning his presentation as if they were in an upscale and expensive restaurant instead of the music room in Noah’s mansion. Riley appreciated the level of detail that was put into creating an authentic fine dinning experience. “You will enjoy a peppery arugula salad paired with creamy burrata cheese, thinly sliced prosciutto, roasted tomatoes, drizzled with a tangy balsamic glaze and finished with just a sprinkle of toasted pine nuts.”

Riley barely understood any of the words that Baxter had used to describe the salad but looking at the dish before him made his mouth water in anticipation. When Riley thought of a salad he thought of bagged, ice burg lettuce, and few fixings. The plate before him though was a symphony of color mixed with the tangy, sweet, combination that was an explosion of flavor and refreshing to the palate. The very first mouthful had him moaning in pure bliss.

When they had finished with their salads, the women removed the empty bowls and then delivered the second course of the meal, the appetizers. Once again, Baxter gave a detailed description of the food that had been placed so elegantly upon the table.

“As an appetizer.” Baxter began, “We are serving Oysters Rockefeller, topped with a luxurious mixture of spinach, shallots, butter, and Pernod, baked to perfection. For your wine, a crisp and refreshing Chardonnay with notes of green apples, citrus, and a hint of oak wood to complement the delicate flavor of the oysters.”

Riley had never had oysters before and he wasn’t sure that he would even like them. He’d heard they were an acquired taste. Not wanting to be rude though, he decided to at least sample one. At first he noticed that it had a strong briny taste. It tasted distinctly of the ocean which Riley actually found to be quite delicious.

“What do you think?” Noah asked, watching Riley closely.

“They’re good.” Riley told him, smiling. “Better than I thought they would be, honestly. Kind of reminds me of the sea food buffet at that Chinese place on Lakeview.”

Noah laughed. “I’ve never ordered from there but now I might have to try it.”

Riley gave him a quick wink. “They’re good. Especially the egg drop soup and shrimp Lo Mein.”

“Definitely have to try it then.” Noah smiled, picking up another oyster and popping it into his mouth.

As each new course was introduced, the used dishes were removed and the wine poured and as with the other courses, Baxter described each new dish as it was being delivered to the table.

“For the main dish.” Baxter said as a new course of steaming cuisine was brought to the table, “I have prepared Beef Wellington. A tender filet Mignon coated in a rich mushroom duxellers, wrapped in a flaky puff pastry and baked to a golden brown. This dish is served with a velvety demi-glace sauce infused with hints of red wine and thyme, alongside roasted asparagus spears and truffle mashed potatoes.

In addition, we’ll be serving a succulent lobster risotto. Lobster tail meat nestled atop a creamy bed of Arborio rice and cooked in a lobster-infused broth. This dish is garnished with chives and a drizzle of truffle oil. Both dishes are served with a Cabernet Sauvignon, a full-bodied red wine with hints of blackberry, dark chocolate, and a touch of spice.

For your desert, you will enjoy a decadent chocolate lava cake with a molten center, served warm, alongside a vibrant raspberry coulis and garnished with a dusting of powdered sugar and fresh mint leaves.”

Each dish was a masterpiece, from the delicate salad to the succulent main course. The wine flowed freely, and the sweet aroma of each dish filled the air around them. Riley picked up his glass, looking at it hesitantly. “I’ve never actually had wine before.” He admitted, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Noah smiled warmly. “Just take your time and savor it.” He told him. “You might find that you like it.”

Starting with the Chardonnay, Riley took a sip and at once his taste buds awakened to the rich flavors. To Riley’s surprise, he found himself enjoying the wine’s complexity, savoring each sip as the evening unfolded. The Chardonnay was tasty, Riley couldn’t deny that, but he found that he enjoyed the taste of the Cabernet even more. The marriage of chocolate and spice created a tantalizing outpouring of flavor that bust on his tongue and overwhelmed his senses. It was unlike anything he’d ever had the pleasure of tasting before.

The best part of the meal, for Riley though, was the cake. Riley had always been a lover of chocolate but when he bit into the lava cake he suddenly thought he had died and gone to chocolate heaven. The richness of the gooey, chocolate center that oozed out with each forkful, caused an explosion of flavor in his mouth that had him moaning in a way that had Noah wishing he were the cause instead of the cake.

It wasn’t just the sweetness of the chocolate or even the way it melted in Riley’s mouth though the chocolate brought a moment of bliss to the tongue as sweet as the moment a rose opens for the eyes, it was also the memories it brought with it. Memories of birthdays with his dads or the ice cream from the shop down the street from his parent’s house. Memories that Riley clung onto with every ounce of strength he had lest they be forgotten with time and age. He cherished those memories. They were all that he had left.

Once they had finished eating, Baxter, Maggie and Tina quickly cleaned up and left the room. Noah pulled a small, black, remote from his pocket and after pressing a few buttons, if the night wasn’t already perfect enough, the Rose, by Bette Midler began to play throughout the room. Noah rose from his seat and extended his hand to Riley. “May I have this dance?” He asked, looking down at the omega who had captured his heart.

Riley’s heart fluttered as he stood, his hand trembling as it met Noah’s. “I…I don’t know how to dance.” He said softly, his eyes meeting Noah’s.

Noah’s smile was reassuring. “It’s Okay.” He said, “Just follow my lead.”

With a nod, Riley allowed himself to be guided to the dance floor. The gentle melody of the music filled the air as Noah’s arms encircled him, guiding him effortlessly across the floor. With each step, Riley felt himself surrendering to the music. They danced in perfect harmony as the world around them faded away until there was only the two of them, lost in the magic of the moment. Riley melted into Noah’s arms, their bodies moved and swayed to the music, pressed together in an intimate embrace. Then, as the music reached its crescendo, Noah leaned in and pressed his lips to Riley’s.

It was so right, so perfect. Riley fit against him as though he were made to exist in Noah’s arms, and he never wanted to let him go. Noah opened his mouth and he felt Riley respond in kind. Their tongues met, dancing together in the wet heat of their mouths. Noah’s body came alive, burning with desire as he heard Riley’s needful gasp. He slid his tongue deeper into the omega’s mouth, tasting him. He tasted sweet, like wine and chocolate. Noah felt himself growing hard and soon in a effort to calming his growing desire, he started to pull back, meaning to break the kiss but Riley held onto him, refusing to let go.

Riley slid his hands up Noah’s chest and around the back of his neck, pressing his body further against him. Noah moaned, reaching down and cupping Riley’s ass. He loved how close they were, how their bodies molded together as though were made for each other. Noah kissed him greedily, sucking and biting at his full, pink, lips. He trailed kisses along Riley’s jaw and then his neck. He could feel the heat from Riley’s body and smell his scent, sweet and floral, like roses.

“My rose.” Noah whispered into Riley’s ear.

“What?” Riley asked, his voice sounding quiet and disconnected as though he were lost in a trance.

“You’re my rose.” Noah repeated in equally hushed tones.

“I love roses.” Riley purred into the side of Noah’s neck, wrapping his arms tighter around the alpha.

“I know.” Noah smiled. “So do I.”


Lilian glanced at the clock. It was almost ten but she couldn’t seem to settle her nerves enough to wind down for the night. Noah had not joined her for dinner and when she discovered the reason why, she was livid. She knew that Noah had intended to invite Riley to stay in the mansion but Lilian had hoped, after their heated discussion over breakfast, that Riley would take the hint and leave. Apparently he was more determined to worm his way into Noah’s bed than she’d originally thought. No matter, Lilian was just as determined, if not more so. She planned to end Noah’s infatuation with Riley before he got in to deep.

Seated behind her mahogany desk, Lilian tapped her perfectly manicured nails impatiently as she considered her options. The air in the room was heavy with the scent of expensive perfume, the faintest aroma of stale coffee, and Lilian’s growing frustration. She needed information and she needed it fast. There was only one person that she knew could be trusted not to betray her to Noah. Picking up her smart phone, she quickly dialed a familiar number then waited, anxiously, for the call to be picked up.

After a few rings, a gravely voice answered on the other end. “Hello?”

“Lewis, it’s Lilian.” She said, her tone cool and business like.

She immediately heard a groan coming from the other end of the line. “Lilian, it’s late. What’s this about?”

“I need a favor.” She replied, lowering her voice to a soft whisper.

There was a slight pause and then a very audible sigh.”I’m all out of favors to give.” The voice on the phone said, not hiding his annoyance with the late night call.

“Don’t give me that.” Lilian hissed. “Lewis, you owe me.”

Another pause. “Fine. What do you need?”

Lilian leaned back in her chair, a calculating gleam in her eyes. “I need you to do some digging for me.”

“Business or personal?”

“Personal.” She said. “I want you to look into the background of someone named Riley Hicks. He’s…involved with my son, Noah. I need to know everything about him.”

“Riley Hicks, huh? Any particular reason?”

Lilian hesitated for a moment before answering, her voice tinged with bitterness. “I have reason to believe that he’s not what he seems. He grew up in foster care, apparently. His parents were killed in a car accident, or so he claims. I want to know the details of that accident, who his parents were, what they did and where he went after they died. I want to know if he has any living family, where he went to school, where he’s worked. And most importantly, I want to know if he’s hiding anything from Noah.”

When Lewis spoke again, there was a note of concern in his voice. “Lilian, are you sure about this? You seem…determined to find something, even if there isn’t anything there to find.”

Lilian’s jaw tightened. “I’m sure. I just need to know if this boy is genuine or, as I suspect, he’s just after Noah’s money.”

Lewis sighed. “Alright, I’ll get started right away but remember, sometimes the truth can be difficult to accept.”

Lilian rubbed at her temples, frowning. “I’m well aware that, Lewis. Just get me the information I need.”

“Alright. Give me a few days and I’ll be in touch.”

“Be quick about it.” With that, she ended the call, her mind already spinning with possibilities. One thing that really bothered her though was the name Hicks. It seemed so familiar, like she had heard it somewhere before yet, she just couldn’t place it. At any rate, something about Noah’s new friend just didn’t sit right with her. If Riley was hiding something, and she was almost certain that he was, she would find out soon enough. She was determined to expose the truth about Riley Hicks no matter what the cost.


Riley rested his head on Noah’s shoulder, feeling the steady rhythm of his heart beat against his chest. They danced another two dances, swaying together as the melody of each new song wrapped around them like a warm embrace.

Finally, as the last song came to an end, they returned to the table and Noah refilled each of their glasses. Riley took a small, tentative, sip of his wine. Already feeling the effects of the drink, he didn’t want to get too intoxicated. He had to admit though, the wine did make him feel more relaxed and also a bit giddy. He was surprised at how quickly it had affected him. This wasn’t his first time drinking alcohol though it wasn’t something he indulged in regularly, he still thought he should have been able to handle it better.

Noah, on the other hand, seemed perfectly fine. The wine obviously had not had the same effect on him as it had Riley. Of course, Noah’s size probably helped him metabolize the alcohol better. He was taller than Riley and more muscular. And, generally speaking, alphas were just plain stronger so, of course he’d be able to hold his alcohol better than Riley.

“Wow.” Riley said, setting his glass back down, feeling a bit flushed.”How strong is this?”

Noah chuckled. “You’re just not used to it.” He said. “My mother can down an entire bottle of this for breakfast and then go jogging.”

“Your mom drinks wine for breakfast?” Riley asked, his eyes growing wide with shock. “Morning, noon, and night.” Noah said, taking another small drink. “She’s what some might call a functioning alcoholic though she’ll never admit that she has a problem.”

“One of my foster fathers was a pretty bad alcoholic.” Riley said. “He wasn’t a mean drunk, thankfully, but he wasn’t very functioning. He drank mostly to elevate back pain he had from a work related accident. Mostly he slept all day. When he was awake he’d sit around and whine about how horrible his life was and how no body loved him.”

Noah shook his head in disgust. “How can authorities even allow people like that to become foster parents?”

Riley shrugged. “I don’t think he was always that way. Just in the last few years and no one ever complained or turned him in. The kids they had weren’t abused or neglected and there are so few families willing to take in omegas to begin with, I think it was just easier to turn a blind eye.”

“It’s still not right.” Noah told him. “A child deserves decent parents, omega or not.”

“I didn’t have it as bad as a lot of foster kids do. I’m grateful for that. My life could have been a lot worse than what it was.”

“It’s infuriating that you’d even have that concern.” Noah took another drink, this one larger than just a sip. “A child shouldn’t have to fear that the next family they go to might abuse them. What’s wrong with our society that children don’t feel safe in their own homes?”

“Unfortunately, a lot.” Riley said with a sigh. “Even after you age out of foster care you still carry around the stigma of being a foster child. People treat you differently. They think you’re defective or something. It’s like, our parents didn’t want us so there must be something wrong with us. They don’t stop and think about the children who don’t even have parents, or kids who were taken from their parents. It’s just so much easier to blame the kids.”

“And that is a shit thing to do. It is in no way the child’s fault.” Noah looked into Riley’s eyes and tried to imagine what life must be like for him. Not only was he an omega but also having to live with the stigma of being a foster kid. He shouldn’t be treated any differently for either of those things but that was the society that they lived in, and it sucked.

“Sometimes, it’s no one’s fault.” Riley said softly. “Sometimes, shit just happens and there’s nothing you can do except keep living, even when you want to give up, you just have to keeping moving forward.”

“I admire your strength so much.” Noah told him. “You’ve been through so much and still have this positive outlook. It’s amazing.”

Riley smiled, affectionately at Noah. “Well, it helps being able to talk to you.” He said. “You always cheer me up. I always looked forward to our chats. Especially after a hard day at work. I couldn’t wait to get on my phone so I could see your face and hear your voice. You always made me smile. It’s like you knew the right things to say to make me feel better. You’re like the one good thing I always have to look forward to.”

Noah reached out and touched Riley’s hand. “I feel the same way about you.” He said. “You’ve brightened my day on so many occasions. I knew that no matter what happened or how bad I was feeling, you’d be there, ready to give me hope and light up my world with your beautiful smile.”

Riley felt himself blush at Noah’s words. Riley’s mind was a whirlwind or emotions, his heart still racing from their dance and the lingering taste of Noah’s lips on his. Now, hearing how Noah felt about him, it brought another question to mind.

During their dance, Noah had called Riley “My Rose,” a tender nickname that seemed to hold a world of meaning beneath it’s petals. Riley had to know if it meant what he hoped it meant, or if Noah had simple spoken the words in the heat of the moment.

“Do…do you really love roses?” Riley asked, his voice soft with uncertainty.

Noah’s eyes met his and Riley saw a flicker of emotion in the depths of his eyes though what it meant he could not say. Noah smiled at him, his fingers tracing the rim of his wine glass. “I do.” He admitted. “And, I love you, Riley.”

Riley’s breath caught in his throat, the words hanging heavy in the air between them. He hadn’t dared to hope that Noah felt the same way, but now, hearing the truth spoken aloud, he felt a rush of joy and relief wash over him.

“I’ve felt this way for a while now.” Noah told him. “I wasn’t sure at first if what I felt was real so I wanted to meet you in person first. I didn’t know if I’d feel the same way once we were in the same room together but after I saw you that first time, I knew. If anything, what I’ve felt for you has only grown stronger. I do love you, Riley. I love you more than I have loved anyone or anything in my life. You’re everything to me. You’re my entire world.”

Riley felt tears of happiness fill his eyes. Noah’s words resonated with him on a such a deeply emotional level that he could scarcely believe what he was hearing was real. Everything Noah had told him, how Noah felt, all of it echoed Riley’s sentiments exactly. Riley had felt a sense of belonging the first time they had met and that feeling had grown stronger with each passing moment. Riley was unsure at first if what he was feeling was real as well but after seeing Noah in person and spending time with him, it was impossible to deny. Riley had fallen in love with Noah.

The two of them, together, was the only thing that made sense to Riley now. It was as if they had always been meant to be together. Noah was the missing piece that made Riley whole. Now that they had found each other, it was like everything had just kind of fallen into place.

“Noah.” Riley said, wiping the tears from his eyes. “I feel the same about you. I was just too scared to say anything because I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way about me.”

Noah laughed gently after hearing Riley’s confession. “I guess we’re both pretty new at this whole dating thing.” He said. “We still have a lot to learn.”

“Yeah.” Riley agreed. “I mean, neither of us has ever been in a serious relationship before or have the greatest social skills. It’s bound to take some time to figure this all out.”

“Time is something we have plenty of.” Noah told him. “And, every second that I spend with you makes me realize just how wonderful you are.”

“Same here.” Riley smiled and his eyes gleamed with the love he had for Noah. “I treasure every moment with you.”

Noah stood, picking up the bottle of wine and their now empty glasses. “Let’s take this conversation someplace a bit more private.” He said.

“Alright.” Riley stood up, a flutter of excitement rushing through him. “How about my room?” He suggested.

“That sounds good.” Noah smiled back at him. “Lead the way.” Riley nodded and Noah waited for him to walk around him and toward the door before following closely behind. A moment later and they had left the music room and were headed down the hall and toward the stairs.


It was late, almost ten at night when they’d left the music room. The house was always quiet with only Noah and his mother and a handful of staff in the house but now, the quiet mixed with the gentle stillness in the air added a tranquility to the mansion that Riley hadn’t felt before. The quiet solitude of the mansion was a welcome change from the noisy motel that always seemed to be bustling with activity, even at night.

Between cars coming and going, the steady hum of the ice machine or the sounds of drunk guests laughing loudly as they passed by his room, Riley found it almost impossible to get a full nights sleep. There was also the constant fear of his room being broken into. The motel was located in a high crime area and often rented rooms to some very unsavory people. It was a favorite spot for prostitutes to bring their Johns as the rooms were cheap and could be rented by the hour.

In all honesty, Riley hated the place. He would love to just march into his managers office, turn in his smock and keys and tell the creep where he could go but he just couldn’t do that. His pride refused to allow him to be solely supported by Noah and besides, Riley liked having his own money, money that was earned and not just given to him. It felt good to contribute something, no matter how small that contribution was.

They reached the second floor and quickly made their way to the rose room. Riley loved the room and he felt content within it’s floral walls. He knew the room had been designed with Rose Reaney in mind but Riley couldn’t help but think that the room, in part, had also been meant for him. It was just so perfect, like a room straight from one of his fantasies. He felt at home in the room, like he belonged there.

Noah and Riley sat cross-legged on the floor near the bed. Noah filled their glasses and they shared a quick toast before slowly sipping the wine. The rich aroma of the wine filled the air as their heartfelt conversation filled the quiet space between them. They talked of dreams and fears, hopes and aspirations, each revelation drawing them closer together until they were sharing pieces of themselves that they had not dared to show anyone else, creating a stronger bond between them.

Riley looked down at the glass in his hand, gently swirling the liquid around, watching it hit the sides of the glass like waves crashing over rocks. “This is the first time I’ve ever sat on a carpet and drank wine.” He mused. “It seems like something teenage omegas might do at a slumber party.”

“Ever been to a slumber party?” Noah asked, showing genuine interest.

Riley shook his head, taking another slow sip of his wine. “No one had ever asked me to one. I wasn’t exactly one of the popular kids. I had a couple friends in grade school but we only really ever hung out at school. I was too ashamed to invite anyone over to any of my foster homes. In high school I was pretty much a loner. What about you? I know you never leave the mansion but did you ever have any parties here?”

“Once.” Noah sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. “I was twelve and my mother wanted to try and socialize me a bit more. I guess she thought that if I saw what I was missing, I’d be more apt to want to leave the house.”

“What happened?” Riley asked, scooting closer to Noah until their thighs were touching.

“Nothing much.” Noah admitted. “I tried to interact with the other kids but there were so many of them and it was so loud. My senses were on overload and I ended up hiding through most of the party.”

“Was your mom angry with you?”

“No. She was disappointed but not angry. She rarely ever got angry with me. She never hosted another party after that though. Not even for any of Charles’s birthdays. I felt kind of bad about that but Mother just worried the large crowds would upset me.”

“You say large crowds upset you but, what about smaller, more intimate gatherings? Like, is there a limit to how many people you feel comfortable around at one time?” Riley didn’t want to put Noah on the sport or make him feel uncomfortable but he was genuinely interested in Noah and what he was okay with.

“I don’t typically like gatherings of any kind.” Noah said, being as honest as possible. “I can tolerate a few close friends and family, but not for long. Anytime we have more than four or five people over, I’ll usually barricade myself in my room until they all leave.”

“Is that why you keep such a small staff?”

Noah nodded. “Small and familiar. I absolutely refuse to hire outside help from an agency. It’s not that I think their work is subpar or even that I’m worried they would steal. I just can’t handle new faces coming and going all the time. It takes me a while to trust new people and constantly changing staff would make it impossible to get used to or trust any of them.”

“I can understand that.” Riley told him. “That’s basically how I felt every time I was sent to a new foster home. I didn’t know the people, or the other kids, if they had any, and I didn’t warm up to them very easily. When I did start to feel more at home in one place, I’d be shipped off someplace else. That’s why I never really connected with anyone. Most of the time I figured I wouldn’t be there long enough to get close to anyone anyway so I mostly kept to myself.”

“That sounds like you had a very lonely childhood.” Noah said.

Riley nodded, the look on his face pained. He looked lost almost. Like a single balloon floating through the air with no hope of ever landing. “It was very lonely.” He said, finally. “But I imagine your childhood was just as lonely as mine. Neither of us really had friends or got to do fun stuff like go on family vacations or parties.”

“Yeah.” Noah agreed, speaking softly, thoughtfully. “But I had my mother and Charlie and, of course, the staff. My staff are more like family as well so I was never truly alone. I couldn’t even imagine having no one but especially not having parents. It breaks my heart just thinking about it. It must have been so hard for you.”

“I did have some good experiences too though so, it wasn’t all bad.”

“Really? Like what?” Noah’s eyes lit up. The conversation had taken a more somber turn and Noah was looking forward to hearing of Riley’s more positive memories of his time in foster care.

“Oh, well.” Riley thought for a moment. Memories of a happier time in his childhood swiftly came to mind and he smiled, recalling how he felt during those moments in his life. “There was this time when I was seven, my foster mom at the time, Linda, would take me to the local YMCA every Saturday for swimming lessons. I knew she only did it to get rid of me for a while and the lessons were free but I didn’t care. I loved swimming, still do, and the instructor was so nice. At the end of the lesson they’d let us play in the pool until our parents came to pick us up. I was always the last to leave so for about ten minutes or so I had the entire pool to myself. I’d say it was probably one of the happiest times of my life.”

“Did you get the chance to swim anymore, after the lessons?”

“Yeah.” Riley smiled a huge smile, showing just how much he enjoyed his time at the pool. “The Y had a summer youth program that I joined for a few years, and one place I stayed was within walking distance to the community pool. I’ve always felt more at home in the water. It’s like whenever I entered the pool, all my worries just kind of floated away. Nothing and no one existed outside the water. It was the only time I could ever truly let go and just free my mind. It was just me and the water, nothing else.”

“You really do love the water, don’t you?” Noah asked, intrigued.

“Oh, hell yes.” Riley chuckled. “If I could grow fins and live in the water, I would.”

“Well, why don’t we make swimming a part of our schedule tomorrow. We can have breakfast in the breakfast nook, then maybe I’ll give you a tour of the grounds. We have a really beautiful lake on the property I’d like to show you and of course the horse stables. The woods are kind of barren this time of year but in the spring they’re just beautiful. After you’ve seen the grounds we can go swimming and after that I was thinking maybe an in door picnic lunch.”

“That all sounds amazing, Noah, but I don’t own a pair of swimming trunks.”

Noah could hear the disappointment in Riley’s voice and that was something he planned to remedy as soon as possible. “That’s not a problem.” He said, matter-of-factly. “I can send out for a pair tomorrow and have them delivered before we’re even back from the tour.”

“Oh no. You don’t need to do that, Noah. I can wait until I get paid in a week.” Riley protested. “It will be fine.” He didn’t sound fine. Noah picked up on that right away. The sound of his voice and the look in his eyes told Noah just how excited the idea of swimming in his Olympic sized pool made Riley and how discouraged he sounded when talking about waiting for a week to use it.

“None sense,” Noah said, shaking his head. “I want to do this for you and besides, I can’t wait a week to see that cute little ass or yours in some tight little swimming trunks.”

“Oh, my, God!” Riley practically fell over laughing. “Noah Reaney, you are too much.”

“So, we have a plan? Swimming tomorrow?” Noah gave Riley a playful wink.

Riley nodded, unable to deny Noah when he seemed so excited about the day he had planned out for them. “It sounds amazing.” Riley told him. And, it did sound amazing to Riley. Honestly, anything that allowed him to spend more time with Noah sounded like heaven. Noah wanting to swim just made the day that much more perfect. Especially since Riley had wanted to take a dip in that pool since the moment Noah had shown it to him. Yeah, tomorrow was going to be a dream come true, Riley could feel it already.

“You’re sure though? You really don’t mind?” Riley asked, still a little nervous about Noah spending money on him unnecessarily. He could just imagine what Lilian would think. She was already convinced that Riley was there just to drain Noah’s bank account, as if that were even possible. Noah had billions. “I can pay you back for the trunks next week when I…”

Noah held up a hand to stop Riley from speaking. “I don’t mind.” He said, his voice warm with affection. “In fact, it would make me very happy to do this for you. I see how much you enjoy swimming, how happy you seem when you talk about it and, Riley, I just want to make you happy.”

“You’ve already made me happier than I’ve ever been in my whole life. Just being here, with you, makes me happy and I can’t wait until tomorrow. It’s going to be so much fun, Noah, thank you.” Riley leaned forward and softly kissed Noah. Noah kissed him back, pulling Riley into his lap. The kiss and feel of Noah’s body so close to Riley sparked something in Riley that he could no longer resist. He reached up, his arms encircling Noah’s neck as he pulled him closer in a tight embrace. Noah’s response was immediate. His arms wrapping around Riley’s waist, as they held each other close, their bodies pressed together in a tender hug.

Riley felt a surge of emotion welling up inside of him. The warmth of Noah’s touch sent shivers down Riley’s spine, igniting a fire within him that was hard to ignore. He captured Noah’s lips once more in a passionate kiss, the heat of their kiss sparking a flame of desire and longing between them. Their kisses grew deeper and more intense as they lost themselves to the moment.

Riley’s fingers tangled in Noah’s hair, his breath coming in shallow gasps as Noah’s hands roamed eagerly over his body. Each touch, each searing kiss sent a rush of heat flooding through them as they surrendered to the intoxicating pull of their desires. Noah’s tongue slipped into Riley’s mouth, gentle yet hungry. He devoured Riley with kisses and Riley suddenly felt himself melting into Noah’s arms.

Riley’s fingers gripped Noah’s hair tightly, his heart beating faster and faster, threatening to explode in his chest. With each kiss, Riley felt himself growing more aroused, his body responding to Noah’s touch with a hunger that he had never felt before.

“Noah, I love you.” Riley whispered as Noah kissed his neck and then his throat, trailing kisses along every bit of exposed flesh. “I want you so bad.” A soft growl, low in his throat, escaped Noah. His fingers grazed the nape of Riley’s neck then he kissed him again, his breath hot against his skin. Riley looked at Noah and he saw a spark in his gaze, something fierce and hungry. Riley felt it too, this burning, aching, need. In that moment Riley would have done anything for Noah, given him anything, Riley was his to command.

“I’m yours.” Riley whispered through shuttering breaths. Never had Riley ever wanted anyone the way he wanted Noah and he was prepared to give himself over to him completely.

“Mine.” Noah echoed Riley’s words. “All mine.”

“All yours.” Riley breathed, a soft moan escaping his parted lips. He clung to Noah, gripping Noah’s shirt in his hand as though Noah were the only solid thing in the room that Riley had to hold onto. Riley could feel the strength in Noah’s arms wrapped around him, holding him in place and keeping him from dissolving completely.

Gently, Noah guided Riley down, laying him on the soft, carpeted floor. Noah allowed his hands to move over Riley, exploring every inch of his body. Noah’s light and careful touch sent shivers along Riley’s nerves, causing his entire body to tremble. Riley felt breathless, his chest heaving as Noah lowered himself down, on top of him. Noah slid one knee between Riley’s legs, his hand slid up along Riley’s body, pushing his shirt up, past his nipples then he began to kiss his way along Riley’s abdomen.

Riley fisted Noah’s hair, the locks felt silky and smooth in Riley’s hand. Riley closed his eyes and leaned his head back, exposing his throat. Noah accepted the invitation without hesitation. He slid his hand over Riley’s stomach to his chest. His fingers delicately brushed over his nipples, drawing a small gasp from Riley who then arched his back in response. Noah kissed his chest, then moved to his throat, leaving soft, fluttering kisses over his exposed throat, neck and jaw.

Noah kissed along his ear, then each closed eye lid before finding his mouth once more and claiming it as his own.

“You are so beautiful, Riley.” Noah told him, between kisses. “The most beautiful person I have ever known. I love you more than anything and I never want to let you go.”

“You won’t have to.” Riley whispered in response. “I’m yours, forever.”

Hearing those words made Noah’s heart soar. Riley was his, his forever. Suddenly, nothing else in the world mattered to him, only Riley. His only purpose now was to love Riley. To care for him, provide for him and protect him. Riley meant everything to Noah. He was the one thing in Noah’s life that had been missing and now that he had finally found him, Noah vowed to do everything he could to keep him.

“I feel so alive when I’m with you.” Noah told him. “I never knew that love could feel like this. With you, I feel whole.”

“I feel the same way.” Riley purred softly. “You make my heart race every time you touch me. Being in your arms feels like home. I never want this moment to end.”

“You are home.” Noah said, nuzzling into Riley’s neck, kissing just below his ear. “And, there will be so many more moments like this in the future. I love kissing you, I want to kiss you forever. Kissing you and holding you is like a dream.”

Riley felt tears of joy fill his eyes and just as quickly, Noah kissed them away. Riley wrapped his arms around Noah and pulled him down until their bodies were pressed against each other. Noah claimed his mouth again with urgent need and Riley opened his mouth to the kiss. Their tongues met in a sultry dance of heat and passion. Noah nipped at Riley’s lip and Riley cooed his approval. Noah evened out his weight on top of Riley as to not crush him. The combined heat of their bodies created a furnace between them. Their clothes clung to their wet skin, a barrier that Riley was ready to be free of.

He wanted to feel Noah, all of him, free of the confines of their clothing. He wanted to smell him, lick him, and taste him. Riley inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of Noah’s after shave, body wash, and the subtle aroma of wine that still lingered on his lips. Again Riley inhaled, breathing him in, that alluring scent that was all Noah. Riley could feel the slightest hint of stubble as it rubbed against his soft skin but it only made his aching need that much stronger.

His hands trailed down Noah’s body, finding the hem of his shirt and he began to pull it free of Noah’s pants. To his surprise though, Noah stopped him. Riley’s eyes fluttered open and he looked at Noah, questioningly. Noah hesitated, the wait agonizing and then he spoke.

“Riley.” He whispered, his voice husky with emotion. “I want you. More than anything I want to make love to you but, I still think we should wait.”

Confusion and disappointment clouded Riley’s eyes as he looked up at Noah, searching for answers to the myriad of questions rushing through his mind. Had he done something wrong? Said something that had upset Noah? Everything had been so perfect. Or so Riley had thought. So, why now was Noah refusing him?

Seeing the hurt look in Riley’s eyes, Noah brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead, his touch tender and reassuring. He sat up, pulling Riley along with him. Noah smiled. The love that he felt for Riley shone through the depths of his gaze.

“I want our first time to mean something. I’ve always imagined my first time to be in a room lit by candles. A bottle of champagne chilling next to the bed and my true love, laid naked against silk sheets and a bank of pillows, eagerly waiting for me.”

Riley’s breath caught in his throat. He was on the verge of tears. Was he what was wrong? After all that talk of Noah loving him, was he not the person that Noah had envisioned as his true love? “Am…am I not the one you imagined in your bed?” He asked, almost fearing the answer.

“What?” Noah realized with a pang of guilt how what he had just said must have sounded to Riley. He could have kicked himself for not being clearer with him. “Riley, you are the one that I imagined, you’re my true love. You’re the only one that I will ever want in my bed. What I meant was that the timing just isn’t right. I want to romance you and sweep you off your feet.”

Riley relaxed as relief washed over him. He chuckled softly. “You’ve certainly done all that, Noah. But, I understand what you mean. You want our first time together to be more romantic and sensual. You want your fantasy.”

“Yes, in part.” Noah took a deep breath, turning his head away from Riley nervously as he was about to confess something that he had dreaded bringing up though it was something that Riley needed to know before they went any further.

“It’s not just our first time together.” He said, his eyes focused on the carpet as he tried to figured out how to tell Riley the truth, and worried how Riley would react to it. “It’s my first time, ever. I’ve never been…intimate with anyone. I guess, I’m just a little scared. This is all so new to me and I really have no clue what I’m doing. I know this probably sounds a little strange. Me being a twenty-five year old alpha and still a virgin. It’s just…well, like you said. Neither of us has ever been in any serious relationships before. Honestly, you’re the only person I’ve ever actually dated. People I’ve met in chat I spoke to maybe once or twice and that was it. I never spoke to them again. Not until I met you. I hope you don’t think less of me, but I wanted to be honest with you. I felt it was important.”

Riley sat silently, just staring at Noah for a moment and then he suddenly burst out in a fit of laughter. Noah turned to look at him, wondering what on earth Riley could have found so funny. His heart dropped as he realized what Riley must have thought of him now. A weak alpha that had never had the balls to even sleep with someone. Noah suddenly felt two inches tall. He thought any minute now, Riley was going to stand up and march out of the room and right out of Noah’s life, but he didn’t. To Noah’s utter amazement, Riley just shook his head and then threw his arms around Noah and kissed him.

“That’s what you were worried about?” Riley asked, still giggling. “That I’d think less of you for being a virgin? News flash baby, you’re not the only one. I’m a virgin too. And, no I do not think less of you. Actually, I kinda like the idea that I’ll be your first. I understand about you being scared. I’m scared too. I think that’s only natural when it comes to something so important. Neither of us want to mess this up. So, if you’re not ready, I’m cool with that. We can wait as long as you need too because I know that when the time is right, and we do finally make love, it’s going to be extraordinary.”

Noah was speechless. Tears welled up in his eyes and rolled down his cheek as Riley’s words played over again and again in his mind. No one could begin to comprehend the extent of the love he felt for Riley in that moment. It was more than he had ever hoped for. Riley accepted him. He understood and accepted Noah in all his eccentricities. There was no ridicule, no snide comments, and no judgments. Riley was a dream come true. And, Noah had to admit, knowing that Riley was a virgin too did make things seem a little less scary. Instead of worrying about messing up, he can Riley could take their time and learn together.

Not knowing what to say in that moment, all Noah could do was scoop Riley up in his arms and smother him with kisses. Riley giggled as he kissed Noah back. “I love you.” Noah finally said through happy tears. “And thank you for being so understanding.”

“Of course.” Riley smiled. “There’s no need to rush into anything, right? We have plenty of time to let our relationship blossom.”

“Exactly.” Noah said, holding Riley against him. “We have all the time in the world.”


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