Phil & Connor Pt. 03 – Fishing Trip


A gay story: Phil & Connor Pt. 03 – Fishing Trip It had been almost 7 months since their first date, that celebratory dinner right after the house closed. It had been a good year for both, of them. The baseball season had wound down and Connor had had a fantastic year. The team had clinched the wild card spot and won that series but lost in the division championship series. Everyone had played well, both throughout the regular and in the post season, there was good chemistry and high hopes for the new season, to come.

Phil, having connected with Connor, soon became the real estate agent for other celebrity clients. He arranged short and long-term rentals, as well as higher end sales. His clientele shifted and he found himself doing very well financially. He bought a new car, a BMW.

Between them things were mostly great. There was some tension, due to Connor’s closet which Connor had eased a little bit. He’d begun his coming out process. He’d told his parents and they had been completely accepting. Then he introduced Phil to them, and they had loved him and welcomed him warmly. One of his aunts, when she found out, wasn’t too pleased but she is very religious, and they hadn’t expected her to take it well. And in the biggest move, he’d told his two best friends on the team. Both were men he’d known for years, and he was very close with both of them. Connor trusted them. Both had been accepting though a bit surprised. Karl is a pitcher and Jake an infielder, who usually plays third base. The three had gone to college together and come up through triple A, though not always on the same teams, of course. They had remained close. Karl had been married for two years and his wife had just given him a daughter. Jake was engaged and his fiancé was pregnant. Despite Karl and Jake being attached, the three would vacation together, taking a fishing trip after the season each year. Just the guys. Karl’s family had a remote cabin on a lake, and they’d head up there to spend a week fishing, drinking, and detoxing after the season.

As things had become more serious with Phil, Connor had brought his two friends into his secret and introduced them to Phil as his boyfriend and not just his tenant. They liked Phil, had met him before, as he was always around Connor’s home, as his tenant and friend. The two men had had no clue that Connor was gay, and it took Jake a few days to come to terms with it, but Karl just welcomed Phil into the “family” right away. In the end, Connor felt that Jake realized that he cared for his friend and wanted him to be happy. The whole gay thing was something Jake hadn’t been comfortable with whenever the subject came up, which wasn’t often. He knew Connor was a stand-up guy and he accepted the news and Phil. The four began to hang out a lot. Mostly at Connor’s home but they’d, also, go out and play pool or have a few drinks, the ladies would join them. Connor’s wall of secrecy was now porous, any of those who knew could out him at any time. He did worry about that, specifically his unhappy aunt. The more people that knew the easier it would be for someone to slip.

Both Karl and Jake told their ladies (with Connor’s permission) and they all welcomed Phil into the family as well. When the season ended, the three men began to prep for their annual fishing trip. Karl asked Connor, as they cleared their lockers if he was bringing Phil, they were alone in the locker room. Connor said he hadn’t invited him, since they (Jake and Karl) weren’t bringing their spouses.

“But it’s a guy’s weekend, and well our spouses aren’t guys but yours is. You should invite him.”

“If you are sure, you want him to come, then I’ll invite him. I’m sure he’d be happy to join us.”

“Yes, I’ve talked it over with Jake and we both think he should come.”

“Alright, I’ll ask him tonight. He should be okay to get off work.”

He asked Phil that night and Phil jumped at the chance to go with them. Not a big fisherman or camper for that matter, still he loved the thought of being away from the public and, more or less, alone with Connor. He said he’d love to go.

A few weeks after the end of the season, they packed up the SUV and headed north. The cottage was several hours away, Karl’s parents were from the area and their family cottage was north but isolated. It was on a private lake, the only cottage on the lake. His family owned most of the land around it, so it remained private. As the SUV pulled into the parking pad, Phil looked around at what was a large house more than a cottage. Connor had told him it had five bedrooms, and he could see that there was a short dock jutting out into the lake and two small boats were tied up, one on each side. To the left of the dock was a small sandy area, a barbecue and firepit, that Connor indicated. The beach, he said, was good for swimming. The water could be cold, but it was shallow there and on sunny days would get warm.

Karl’s Jag was parked ahead of them, and Jake hadn’t arrived yet. They got out of the SUV and opened the back to grab their packs, they’d packed light. They’d be fishing and sitting around a fire most nights so both had decided they didn’t need a lot of clothing changes. Just a few shirts, shorts and jeans and a sweater (hoodie in Phil’s case), if it got cold. They wouldn’t be going out to bars or restaurants, so didn’t bring anything besides casual clothes.

Connor didn’t bother to knock. He just opened the door and hollered that he was here. Karl came around a corner, wearing only a towel. He chest smooth with small nipples. He had tight abs, not quite a six pack but hints of one. His legs and arms were furry, covered in a reddish brown coating of hair. Phil couldn’t help but stare at the man. Karl is about six foot two, with chestnut hair and greenish eyes, and you’d think he’d be hairy but as Phil had noticed his chest was completely smooth.

“Connie,” he called out to his friend and closed the distance to embrace Connor. As he wrapped his arms around his friend, the towel loosened and dropped off his ass, the front held in place by their embrace. Phil just stared as a perfect ass, a little furry but firm and round, was exposed in front of him.

Karl’s hand dropped and he grabbed the towel as he stepped back from Connor, he held the towel in place but not before Phil saw a large soft cock, surrounded by a dense bush. With one hand occupied holding the towel, he reached out his other hand to Phil to shake his hand and welcome him to the cottage. Phil shook hands but at the same time he was using his bag to cover his erection. Karl re-wrapped himself in the towel, again there was a flash of that big soft cock before he excused himself to go get dressed.

Alone, Phil turned to Connor, “Oh my god, he has a gorgeous body. Does he greet you naked, often?” he asked.

“We’re brothers, and we see each other naked all the time. Nudity isn’t a big deal with us. When we swim, we’ll likely skinny dip, nobody is too concerned with being naked.”

“Well, I’m concerned. I can’t walk around with a hard on all weekend.” He laughed.

Connor reached out and caressed Phil’s crotch and leaned in to kiss him. From deep in the house, Karl’s voice called out, “You’re in the same room you usually take. Make yourself at home.”

Connor holding Phil’s cock through his jeans, led them down a hall and around a corner to a large room with a queen-sized bed. It was more of a suite, but Phil found out that all the bedrooms were made like this. Walk-in closets, ensuite bath and a small seating area, in front of a fireplace.

Connor showed him in and closed the door behind them, then wrapped Phil in his arms and kissed him deeply. Connor’s cock began to harden as he continued to hold and caress Phil’s still hard cock. They ground their bodies together. As they kissed, Connor walked them back until Phil’s legs bumped into the bed and they both collapsed down on the mattress, still kissing. Hand’s fumbled with shirts. Connor’s polo was pulled over his head, followed closely by Phil’s tee. Pants hit the floor. Phil’s white Calvin’s showed a distinct wet spot. Connor wore a red jock that held his cock and balls in a tight bundle, the mesh pouch stretched with his hard on. Phil caressed Connor’s ass, framed in the red jock straps. His fingers finding the cavity and reaching for Connor’s hole. Connor pulled off the kiss and looked down at Phil and asked him what he wanted.

“I want to be in you. In your mouth, in your ass. I want to fuck every part of your body,” he moaned into Connor’s mouth as he tried to pull him back down into a kiss. Connor, though had other ideas. He slid down Phil’s body and cupped his cock through his white Calvins, letting his tongue flash out and trace its length ending at the wet spot, which had grown. Then he hooked his fingers through the material and gently tugged down. Phil’s six and half inches popped out and slapped against his lower belly, a little trail of precum flying up in the air. Connor reached out and took Phil’s hardon in his hand and lifted it up and towards his mouth, he flicked his tongue out to gently caress the head, tasting a pearly drop of precum, sweet and salty at the same time. Then he lowered his head and took Phil’s cock to the root into his throat. Phil’s balls brushed against the stubble on Connor’s chin, tickling them, while his cock head rested in Connor’s throat.

Connor lifted his mouth up, leaving only the tip of Phil’s cock in his mouth, before engulfing the entire thing again. He settled into a slow, rhythmic blow job, his hand tracing the shaft following his mouth up and down. Phil started moaning loudly as the pressure build and his balls contracted. Connor could tell Phil was getting close and pulled off the cock and lowered himself down to suckle each ball in turn, before going lower still and probing Phil’s ass with his tongue. Phil nearly shot when the tongue probed into him, but he held off.

After a few minutes, Connor pulled away, leaving Phil’s ass dripping with spit. But he knew what Phil needed and he grabbed some lube from his overnight bag and applied it liberally to Phil’s cock, stroking him gently. He reached around and applied some to his own ass then with Phil still laying half on and half off the bed, Connor climbed up and sat his ass down on Phil’s hard cock. Still wearing the red mesh jock, Connor let his ass open and then close around Phil’s cock, taking the man he loved into his ass.

Phil was in heaven. He reached down to caress Connor’s hardon through the mesh, but neither man made the effort to take it out. It remained pressed into the red mesh, leaking precum and wetting the material. Phil lifted his hands and placed them on Connor’s ass, one on each cheek and began to help with the rhythmic motion of fucking that Connor had started when he sat on Phil’s hard cock. Connor rode Phil vigorously, slamming his body down onto Phil; hips, thighs and ass slapping together. After a few minutes Phil reached up, grabbed Connor, and pulled him down into a kiss. He pushed Connor off his cock and told him to flip over, head down and ass up. Connor did as he was asked and Phil approached from behind, Connor’s muscular ass framed by the red straps, Phil spread Connor’s cheeks then slid his cock back into Connor’s ass. He fucked him for about five minutes, varying his tempo, taking his time, then speeding up to power drive into Connor. He knew he couldn’t hold out much longer. And with a heavy grunt he started to cum, his load jetting into and filling Connor’s ass. He kept fucking, letting his cock drain into the man he loved. Finally collapsing across Connor’s broad back, he let his breathing ease and just rested there.

Connor stayed put for a few minutes then rolled flipping Phil onto his back, he mounted Phil’s chest, straddling it and pulled the jock pouch aside letting his hard five inches spring free and he fed that to Phil. Phil sucked and milked Connor being rewarded with a large load after about a minute in his mouth. Connor didn’t like to be fucked often but when he did, the cum shot following was always big. When he finished draining his cock into Phil’s throat, he rolled off and collapsed onto the bed. A small pearl of cum was leaking out of his ass and Phil fingered it up and licked his finger clean. He could still taste Connor’s load and now a small taste of his own was added.

They rested for a few minutes before they got up and jumped in the shower together. Half an hour later, they came back out of their room, in fresh clothes.

“Good time?” asked Karl, with a knowing look.

“Don’t you two ever give it a rest?” called Jake, who’d arrived while they were busy. Jake is about 5’11”, he has brown hair, but usually keeps his head shaved, he sometimes sports a mustache but was currently clean shaven. He had on a loose tee and baggy shorts. Phil noticed his cock flopping left to right as he came across the room to embrace Connor. That beast was soft but must have hung 5 or 6 inches even soft. Phil couldn’t help but stare, he caught himself and hoped that no one else had noticed. Jake released Connor and turned to Phil, who extended his hand expecting a handshake, but instead Jake pulled Phil into an embrace, trapping Phil’s hand between them. It rested against that soft beast, and it was all Phil could do not to shift his hand and grasp it. He wasn’t sure, but he thought he felt is stir against his hand.

Jake pulled away and Phil shifted to hide his growing erection. They all adjourned to the kitchen. Beers were opened, food in the form of cold meats, cheeses, rolls, and salads were pulled out and they all ate heartily, especially Connor and Phil, both having worked up an appetite.

It was mid-afternoon, and they decided to wait to head out fishing until the morning, instead they headed down to the beach and Karl stacked some logs and kindling in the pit. Jake had brought the cooler with beer down with him, while Connor had brought along some snacks – bags of chips, pretzels and some jerky – their nod to healthy eating. Phil helped Karl get the fire going and they sat and chatted – there was a lot of baseball talk, which Phil stayed out of, largely. He just sat quietly, holding Connor’s hand, well Connor held his, as they three baseball veterans talked sports.

The afternoon was hot, the fire not really needed and as the beers flowed, cloths came off. Soon, Jake stripped naked and jumped into the cold water to cool off, he returned to sit by the fire but didn’t bother to dress again. Connor joined him a few minutes later, stripping down and jumping in the cool water as well. He returned to the fire after a few minutes to encouraged Phil to join him, and Phil did, together they walked naked to the shore and waded into the cold water. It wasn’t that cold, as the sun had warmed the shallow surface. They splashed around together, and Phil noticed that Connor was hard, as they stood in the water, up to mid belly on Connor, Phil was able to gently stroke Connor’s cock. Neither of them wanted to take it too far, as Karl and Jake were sitting right there but they kissed and felt each other’s hard cocks. It took a few minutes for both to calm down, but they did and walked back naked to the fire, cocks no longer hard but still fluffed. Jake was still naked and his cock had grown, though he wasn’t hard. But Phil definitely noticed that it was harder. Soft he’d hung almost six inches of thick uncut meat, but he was now fluffed up to about 7.5 and appeared to still be growing. If he was aware of it, he made no effort to hide it or cover up.

Karl was still dressed but he too had noticed Jake’s hardening cock and he seemed to stare directly at it, as the men talked. Connor and Phil retook their seats, letting the fire warm and dry them, no one had brought towels down to the shore. Phil couldn’t take his eyes off of Jake’s growing member. Connor had noticed as well and his own cock responded, although at only five inches his was easier to hide, Phil also noticed it though. Karl stood up to grab another round of beer from the cooler, which sat on a table just to the left of the fire pit. Phil thought that Karl’s shorts were tented but he couldn’t be sure.

Karl excused himself and went up the house. He was gone for about 20 minutes but returned, now also naked, but with a tray of steaks and some vegetables and said he’d get the barbecue going. Phil asked Connor about Karl’s nakedness and Connor just shrugged and said, maybe he felt uncomfortable being the only one dressed. Phil noticed that his cock was completely soft, though, and he wondered if he’d stroked one out before coming back with the food. Jake’s cock had gone fully soft again, as had Connor’s. Phil felt like he was odd man out, not having gotten hard (on shore anyway).

Dinner was grilled steaks, with zucchini and peppers, also grilled. Karl had a deft hand on the barbecue. The sun had set by the time they’d finished their food. The beer had continued to flow. Karl suggested that they put out the fire and head to bed as he wanted to be on the lake at dawn for fishing. The three of them gathered their long-discarded clothing while Karl cleaned up the food and plates. Everyone headed back up the house and after tidying up the kitchen area, they all headed to bed.

Connor barely waited for the door to close before he wrapped Phil in his arms and kissed the back of his neck. His already hard cock pressing into Phil’s back. As both men were already naked, Connor, simply lifted Phil up and let his cock trail across the crack of Phil’s ass. He carried Phil to the bed, and lubed them both up and slid into the Phil’s well-used ass without any hesitation. Phil lay face down as Connor rode him. Fucking him to the base of his five-inch dick on each thrust. The fucking action pumped Phil’s cock into the bed beneath him and he felt the friction cause his own load to build. He didn’t want to cum too quickly, so he pushed himself up into a kneeling position, to stop the friction on his cock. It didn’t slow Connor down. He was on fire. At one point, he moaned Jakes name, Phil didn’t miss that tidbit.

Connor was a madman, pistoning into Phil’s ass, without mercy, slamming their bodies together. He was on fire, seeing his friends, his brother’s with hardons (or in Karl’s case just the tent) left him crazy and he took that crazy out on Phil’s ass. His cock swelled and his balls contracted up into his body and he emptied his load into Phil. He let out a loud drawn-out FUCK, and as he did, he reached around to stroke Phil’s cock. He managed a few strokes, before Phil pushed his hand away. Phil’s hard cock was bouncing with its own need to cum. As soon as Connor, pulled out, Phil flipped around and pushed him to his knees then fed his hard cock into Connor’s mouth and drained it there in seconds. Connor took every drop of Phil’s load and swallowed it all.

He stood up, and kissed Phil, and they crawled into bed and lay in each other’s arms discussing the evening. Connor told him that he’d never seen either of them get hard before or even hardening when they’d been naked. He was sure that Karl had gone up to the house to jerk off. And the thought of his friends being turned on, turned him on. He told Phil that there had been rumours around the league about Jake being gay, as he lived with a man during the off season, but his recent engagement had quelled those rumours, but he still lived with the guy.

“Well, that would explain the hardness, if he’s gay he’s been hiding it all these years,” offered Phil.

Karl admitted this was new for him, seeing his friends aroused, and that he hoped that others didn’t feel awkward, after the evening. Phil told him that he didn’t think Jake was aware of his hardening, he’d had a few drinks by then and that Karl was never hard when naked, so he didn’t think either would act differently.

They drifted off to sleep wrapped around each other, smelling of cum and sweat. Morning came early and Karl pounded on their door at about 4:30 AM. He wasn’t kidding about getting out on the lake early. Phil and Conner, still naked, came out to the kitchen to grab some coffee. Jake was there already, in his baggy shorts, Karl was still naked. He poured them both a cup of coffee and suggested that the four of them split up, each pair taking a boat. He suggested a competition for the pair, losers had to make dinner that night.


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Jake asked who would the partners be? Karl suggested that they draw names and randomly get partners. In the end, Jake was partnered with Phil, and Karl with Connor.

They got dressed, the lake was private, but they still put on clothes to head out to spend the day, well morning, fishing. The sun could be strong on the water, and you wouldn’t want to burn anything.

The plan was to return by just after noon.

Alone in the boat, Jake apologized for his behaviour the night before, he was a bit drunk and felt he may have been inappropriate. Phil assured him that he wasn’t.

“I’m not sure what happened, my cock started to get hard and that’s never happened before. I mean around guys, around my friends, that is. I didn’t know what to do, I just kind of froze and sat there.”

“It happens, it’s a perfectly natural thing, guys get hard. Nothing to be ashamed about, at all.”

“I am a little embarrassed, but I’m still kind of half hard, and I’m not sure why that might be.”

He took Phil’s hand and placed it on his cock. Phil could feel it hardening under his hand.

“Jake, what are you doing?”

“You…. I hope,” replied Jake.


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