Aloysius Li Washington, Ch. 03


A gay story: Aloysius Li Washington, Ch. 03 Aloysius Lionel (Li) Washington, Ch 03

Li and Evan meet again and agree to a long term trial.

Author’s Notes: This is an imaginary work of fiction. Currently three chapters have been written and edited. References to specific schools, firms, and athletic teams are coincidental to the story. The fictional law firm described in this story is the same at which Mark Eagleheart, a protagonist in “Steven and the Noble Savage”, works. (“Steven” is another story previously published on Literotica. Mark is a major character in this chapter, setting up the “Steven” story for future chapters in Washington, D.C.) As is typical in my stories, character development and description precede sexual activity–so it’s sometimes a slow burn, although intense when it finally happens. All characters engaged in sexual activities are over 18, as should be any reader where local law so requires. By the way, I have appreciated all of your comments–including those that made constructive suggestions. © 2023, all rights reserved. Brunosden

[In Ch 01, Li and Evan met; in Ch. 02 they demonstrated their athletic skills and began what promises to be a long satisfying hook, maybe more. But, Evan lives in Boston and Li is currently interning in Washington. At the end of Ch 02, there some tentative commitments were made, and Evan returned temporarily to Boston.]

Li returned to the “grind” at RansomWalker–if that is it what it could be called.

His next week was a trial. It was his litigation associate rotation. Tom Ryan called early Monday. They would have three depositions at the end of the week. Li needed to prepare for and be present at all three.

The case was “typical”–a class action against an insurance client, an RW client. They had been sued for repeatedly denying coverage to policy holders. The class action alleged a hundreds of unjustified denials of contractual benefits for which premiums had been paid. The depositions had two purposes only: intimidate the witnesses with the power of big law and break the class, by creating idiosyncratic circumstances for each of the plaintiffs. (The latter strategy argued that there was really no class; these were individual plaintiffs with unique claims who needed to hire their own counsel–a nearly impossible task in modern complex litigation.)

Li knew the drill. He studied the files. He knew the answers the deponent would give. His job was to get them on the record so they could be used in motions or for impeachment of testimony in the unlikely event they went to trial. The first witness/plaintiff was a single mother with a large family, living in subsidized DC housing. She had a full time job as an LPN at DC General, but the wages still had her below the poverty line. The hospital provided health and prescription drug insurance as part of her salary to supplement the Medicaid that she qualified for. But, she had been repeatedly denied an important drug, not because of anything she had done, but because she had a 15 year old son, still nominally living at home, with a juvenile felony indictment over his head.

DC Medicaid, crafted by Congressmen with constituents far away, had an archaic rule: no one received treatment or prescription drugs covered by DC Medicaid if they were living with a felon. Another obscure rule had determined that indicted minors were “felons” for most purposes of welfare benefits–even if never tried–the pseudo-rationale being that most minors, even if they commit felonies, typically do not go to trial and are never convicted.

Insurance companies took their cues from legislation like Medicare and Medicaid–particularly if it gave them the ability to deny coverage. The law was probably unconstitutional (disqualifying X for benefits because of an association with Y, who had been charged, but never tried or convicted), but no one had had the time and money to challenge it yet. Moreover, the claims had not been made under Medicaid–the mother had a group employer policy.

So Mama was denied a life-preserving drug, because her son, indicted three years ago for drug trafficking (when he was only 12), but never prosecuted, was a “felon”–and because she gave him a bed. She had a choice: pay the rent or buy the expensive drugs and live.

The purpose of the deposition was clear: establish the facts, legally disqualifying the mother, while calling into question the entire class. “Mama” had a unique problem. Few of the other class members had been disqualified for insurance coverage because of the Medicaid “felon minor” provision. Thre were dozens of reasons, repeated ad nauseam by claims adjusters paid by the insurer.

And Li’s presence at the depo was equally clear: a famous black man was on the side of the law, or at least the side of the pharmaceutical insurance company. Li was disgusted, but he knew what was expected. At this point in his life, he was going to play along, get along. His time with Evan began to fade into the past. He had gone from the ecstasy of bedding a hunk to the pits of unfair (but legal) use of legal procedure to destroy a poor mother.

Later in the week, the deposition took place. The woman, who reminded Li of his own, was crushed. At the end, she even wept–and pled for the drugs that would save her life–not for herself, but so she could care for her children still at home. The partner congratulated Li on his performance–he had been relegated to asking a few qualifying questions–but Li was distressed. He was pretty sure that he couldn’t do this again or for a living.

There was to be another similar deposition later that week. Li wasn’t sure he could handle it. He wanted to talk–to a peer, not a firm mentor. So he asked Pete to join him for a drink that afternoon. After work, Pete and Li went to a local pub–not the one where they would likely find other summer associates–although finding any late afternoon watering hole in DC without a majority of lawyers at the bar was nearly impossible.

Li described the deposition. Pete knew all about it. He had already done his litigation rotation and had heard about the case. “I know that working for a big firm means that usually you’re on the side of big corporate America. And I guess I’m coming to the conclusion that as a black, I’m going to be ‘token.’ And as a former pro player, I’m going to be ‘arm-candy.’ Any time a person of color is involved, they’ll call on me for validation. How can I live with myself if I do this? And how can I pay off the student loans if I don’t? I thought I could walk a middle line and live with myself, but I’m beginning to wonder whether that is ever possible. Where are you on all this, Pete?”

“Both of us have had some extraordinary opportunities and experiences. We’ve both taken our knocks, but we nevertheless seem to have pulled through. Very few of our peers get all those chances. I have always reasoned with myself that I could handle some years as a highly paid associate, pay off my loans, marry, and put together a down-payment on a house while picking up the courtroom skills that we all need. Then, I can move to something I can feel comfortable doing. I know this is a rationale that every young lawyer optimist uses. And of course, many never stop trying for the brass ring and the pot of gold. Habits form easily–particularly habits that cost a lot of money to maintain. The system has trapped all of us.”

“Maybe we’ll get lucky and find a partner who will understand and support us when we decide to make the jump. But maybe we’ll die in a three piece suit in a corner office. I think my Patricia Anne, studying nursing at BU is potentially that partner. My own solution is to demand the opportunity to do something good–from the very beginning, even if that means that I’ve taken myself off the partner track. I probably wouldn’t want a partnership anyway, at least not in a place like this. Even if it means that I lead two lives: one at the office; another, nights and weekends. At least I’ll be able to live with myself. I can’t help anymore than that. I think you probably agree. You can handle it for awhile.”

“Now let’s change the subject. How about you and Evan? He’s a terrific guy and closer to me than anyone else in the world. You know already that he was a baseball star at Northeastern. He pledged a frat and was soon its president. He joined student government and was, senior year, its president. After graduation, he felt he needed to give some time to our country–so he became a Marine. Four years later and years in the desert, he had a chest with enough colored ribbons to brighten any room.

He’s good at marketing. But he hasn’t allowed his job to consume him. He’s really into mentoring young kids who don’t have the advantages we’ve had. He probably didn’t tell you that he spends two nights a week tutoring. He’s also a baseball coach in season on Saturdays at the Y. He loves kids–and they love him. He’s down to earth, not full of himself, and knows how to talk–and to listen. I’m guessing the weekend was pretty good. I wouldn’t expect less of Evan. I’ve known for years that he is gay, but you were a surprise. I hadn’t guessed.”

Li realized that Pete was selling, but he was ready to buy. “It was probably the best two days I’ve ever had. Your brother is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met–and one of the sexiest. So good, that I’ve invited him back in two weeks. And I’m thinking of inviting him to spend time with me back in Boston. We share a love of sports, seem to be attuned politically, and there’s no question that we are sexual magnets to each other. No one can ever be sure, but I think we may be in this for a longer run.”

“I’m happy for you–and of course for Evan. Evan is a very good man. He is exactly the kind of partner that you will need if your plans to jump from big law to public interest law can happen. Evan would support you in that decision–in fact he’d probably help you to make it. But, be prepared. You’ll be coaching basketball at the Y before Christmas. He’s very persuasive.”

“Don’t I know it. He’s the first guy I’ve ever let touch my ass. By the way, it should be obvious: we are going to keep this quiet until we’ve both had a chance to see how our relationship develops. I can’t afford to be outed until I’m sure that I have a good solid reason, a potential partner, to justify the risks.”

“My lips are sealed about you. I don’t think anyone suspects. I’m just very sensitive to Evan. I know when he’s horny–and it was so obvious to me when you were together that he was in deep. He’s always stood up for me. I love him and would do anything to see him happy. If that’s with you, I’d be really pleased for both of you.”

“By the way, I’m a little surprised that you didn’t know that my buddy, Mark Eagleheart–the other star in the game yesterday–is gay, and out. I thought many people in the firm already knew that. If you decide on RW, I don’t think being out of the closet is going to be an issue. All they demand, Mark tells me, is discretion.”

“Mark has invited me to join a bunch of RW associates in Rehoboth next weekend. I can get you an invitation if you’re interested. Our game this week is Thursday night–so the weekend is free, and if Evan is not available….”

“A beach weekend may be just what I need. And it would give me a chance, maybe, to talk with Mark about his experiences here. You aren’t trying to match-make, are you Pete? Did Evan say something to you that he didn’t to me?”

“Relax. No hidden agenda. Just an idle thought. It’s pretty obvious that you and Evan already have something going. But, we haven’t talked since last weekend. I wouldn’t dare try to derail you–or hurt my brother. We are practically twins. I love him.”


Pete later mentioned to Mark that Li might like an invitation to the beach house. Mark was thrilled. He had taken to Li immediately after the first baseball game–and last Sunday’s win and brunch had given him a chance to talk with Li. He really wanted Li to accept an offer–and if spending a weekend together at the beach was going to help, he’d make it happen. He was pretty sure he could juggle time with Steve and some serious recruiting of both Li and Pete into the weekend. After all, Steve worked for long stretches every day during a typical weekend.

The weekend was quickly confirmed. Mark’s BMW could not handle three guys–particularly when two of them were as large and tall as he and Li. So Pete was invited to join another associate who was also driving. Li and Pete would share a room since the cottage was going to be packed on this, the first weekend in August.

The weeks after Evan left didn’t pass as quickly as Li had hoped. He and Evan talked almost every night, usually by Zoom so that they had laptop screens large enough to handle their erections. Evan turned out to be a great sex-talker. He could probably make a living if he created a blog, or sold his shtick on the internet. He was able to voice over his jacking with guttural sounds, interspersed with joking comments. And he came big time–twice even right on the lens, causing a “white out.” By the second night, Evan had found a large black dildo–the largest that Li had ever seen. Evan lubed it and inserted it, while Li drooled in envy. “I wish that plug were part of me, Evan.” Evan began to use it to stimulate himself. He pushed it in and out and moved it over his prostate repeatedly. His cock darkened and filled. Soon he was shooting without even touching his cock.”All I have to do is imagine it’s you in there.” Li immediately jacked into his fist.

“All I have to do is imagine I’m in there. But, I need a bigger lap top to watch you.”

Team RW had another game that week–on Thursday night and once again Ransom proved to be the team to beat–even without Evan. Li and Mark were the stars, again it seemed. But tomorrow was the weekend–and the promised time at the Atlantic beach.

They arrived Friday, well after dark. The traffic out of DC was a disaster, and they had even hit the Kent Island bridge just before it opened for a small flotilla of sailboats traveling to the lower Bay. They had probably left Baltimore just at dusk. Li and Pete were given a room–but would share a bath with two other guys. This was after all an old beach cottage which had been turned into six bedrooms. It was a bachelor pad–but it was university dorm rules: if your partner scores, you find another bed; no total nudity outside of the bedrooms on weekends–there might be female guests; cute little “Do Not Disturb” signs had been hung inside each door.

Li and Pete queued up for the shower. Mark had announced they were off to the Rudder for drinks at 11. He was buying. He knew the bartender–and they would get top shelf for regular prices. “It’s a short walk. We’ll be leaving a few minutes before. There are theoretically sandwich makings in the fridge if anyone is hungry. We have a full house this weekend–11 of us. I’ve got the only single. That was my deal for arranging the summer rental.”

An hour or so later, six RW lawyers entered the Rudder. All were in chinos, jeans or cargoes with knit polos. All were thirsty. They commandeered a table and Mark took the orders–no waiters or waitresses at the club; all drinks were ordered at the bar. Then we went to the end of the bar. Steve, of course, was expecting him. “It looks like you’ve got friends. Can I hug you?”

“You better. I’ve been waiting all week. PDA’s are fine with me–even when colleagues are around. Particularly during relaxing summer weekends. They’d know by Monday anyway. You’re in my bed tonight and tomorrow night.”

Steve came around from the bar and embraced Mark. Their lips touched and it was pretty obvious that they were exchanging tongues and saliva. “I have my own room again tonight. Are we on?”

“Mark, we are so on. I’ve been distracted all night. I get off at midnight tonight–or maybe really off with you a little while later–Brad had other plans and I owed him one. But, I’m off at 10 tomorrow and no lunch duty.”

“Okay, great. I’ll still be here. Now let’s get these drinks started.”

The drinks were mostly beers, although two guys had ordered bourbon/coke and of course, Steve knew Mark’s preference for single malt. Everything was quickly prepared and carried back to the table. “Next round is on the house, I’m told. You’re all free to dance. This place is mostly gay, but there are always several hetero couples and a few tables of young ladies.”

The younger guys were still staring at Mark, somewhat surprised by the greeting from Steve. “Steve is a very good friend. It’s not a secret, I’m gay. He’ll be in my room tonight.” No further comment was required. Everyone was tired from the long day and drive and within an hour several of the guys had left, saying they were returning to the house. Pete looked at Li and knew Li wanted some time to talk with Mark. So he too rose, “I’ll see you back in the room. I’m looking forward to a long beach day tomorrow–my first this summer.”

Mark looked at Li as Pete left. “Do you want another beer?”

“Yeah, please. It’ll take the edge off the evening.”

“The edge? How can there be an edge at the beach at the beginning of August? This is about as close to paradise as it gets in my book.” Mark got up and returned with two more drinks. “You’re gay aren’t you?”

“What gave you that idea?”

“I’m pretty attuned to that stuff. Of course, you know that I am. And, incidentally, don’t worry. I have no intention of hitting on you. Or outing you. That guy behind the bar is pretty special. I’m taking him home with me tonight. You’ll probably hear us. Don’t be surprised if I don’t surface until tomorrow afternoon when Steve must be back here. I intend to use this weekend to make sure he is mine. And, when he’s back in DC in September, I think we’re going to be regular dates.”

“I just had a feeling that you and Pete’s brother, the ringer at the Sunday game, were secretly signaling each other throughout the game–and the brunch.”

“His name is Evan. He’s practically Pete’s twin. I fell for him so bad that weekend that I’m almost embarrassed. I feel like a 16 year old–although I wouldn’t have touched a guy at 16! I wasn’t sure how to play this at RW. I don’t want to destroy my future. I’m absolutely not out. I can’t be–and I would deny it, if anyone accused me. At this point, I probably couldn’t afford it. But, Evan is something else, and I think we’re going to try to see if something is working. That is after we get off the physical horny-moon. I can’t get enough of him, and he apparently can’t get enough of me.”

Mark laughed. “You’ve got it bad, boy. And I think I may be in the same boat. Don’t worry about me–or about RW. I have had no issues at all. I’m obviously not a flamer. So long as you are discrete–and frankly that applies to straights as well–RW is ok with it. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only gay in the firm. In fact, there may even be a partner.

“I’m very good at what I do. That helps. So RW–at least most of it–doesn’t care.”

“Well, I hope you don’t mind that I’m gonna take off. I’m guessing your Steve will be done soon. We’ve got a full day of beach tomorrow–volleyball, softball, and a barbeque. I’m captaining one of the volleyball teams–I presume you can guess why!! Thanks for the advice, Mark. You’ve made me much more comfortable about a possible future with Ransom. And, incidentally, so there is no mistake. Pete is as straight as an arrow. Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to use an insulting image.”

“Listen, Li, I get it all the time. I’ve heard that some of the partners were trying to use your color and celebrity last week. It happens to me all the time. You’ll definitely be asked to recruit–assuming you join us. You’ll need a thick skin. I’m pretty sure you’ve got the biggest dick in the room. Probably big enough to match your celebrity. Some of them may be envious. And one or two could try to put you down. But, they don’t really mean any harm. They just like to win. Most of them are closet hetero doms. They just don’t admit it.”


Steve got off duty at 12. Later, Mark and Steve walked quietly back to the house, hand in hand, stopping occasionally to kiss and grind. All was quiet–so they quickly climbed the stairs to Mark’s room. “You can shower if you want. I did before we came to the Rudder.”

“Yes, but first I want a proper greeting. It’s been two weeks. I’ve been a good boy. But, I’m about to crack.” Steve stepped into Mark’s arms and devoured his lips while his hands gripped and squeezed Mark’s ass, then he bumped his groin into Mark’s hardness. “God, I’ve missed this. Do you want to shower with me–or are you being deliberately obtuse? I’m usually not into instant gratification, but with someone like you….”

“Don’t worry your mind about future things. I know you, my philosopher theologian, are always thinking about the heavens, the divine and the future, and hidden agendas. Right now, I’m just into you–and I want to be in you right now–after making you so hot that you are begging for it. I’ve been thinking about you for the last two weeks. There is no one I’d rather be with–or in–at this moment. That in a sentence describes my philosophy.”

Steve broke it off. “I can live with a philosophy like that. But, I do need to shower. Give me a few secs.”

Mark released and started to remove his clothes, lying back on the bed. Steve went to the shower–and emerged a few minutes later, almost dry, warm and aroused. He was as anxious as Mark to continue their explorations–and their sexual adventure.

The backlight of the bath shone around him. Mark nearly burst into orgasmic flames on the spot. Here was his soul-mate, his newly found lover, highlighted in bright light, his messy hair haloed–looking for all the world like a holy-card saint, except of course that he was nude and his big thick cock was reaching for the sky. He was very human, very much a fuck buddy–and very much the big sexy man that Mark needed to take him to paradise, really needed at that moment. Did he need any further proof that Steve had been sent to him as his mate? With a guy like this, Mark was beginning to think his ancestors had something going about the beauty of nature and the creatures in it.

Steve gazed down at his dark noble savage–and his incredibly large and erect penis, inviting him to play. He too had the same ethereal experience: Mark had been sent to him as a mate. There was something special, almost heavenly about their coupling. They were meant for each other.

Steve folded himself on top of Mark. Their hungry lips touched–there was definite electricity in the contact. Steve’s tongue plunged as his fingers curled around Mark’s dark nipples. He squeezed and Mark hissed and pushed his hard cock hard up into Steve’s gut. The weeks had been too long. His hunger was too great. This was his man–and he was ready to take or be taken. They wrestled on the bed, each pulling the other into intimate closeness; each trying to devour the other; each trying to climb inside the other. They rolled, grabbed, caressed, sucked, licked. Could they get any closer or more intimate? They were already soaking wet in the heat.

“Mark, I’m gonna cum. You need to get in right now. I neeeed you!”

Quickly, Mark pushed Steve onto his back, raised his legs and positioned. Mark was as big as he had ever been and he feared injuring Steve. So after tipping the head in, he pulled back, lubed and tried again. This time, Steve would have nothing of the stalling. He wanted Mark’s dick inside–now. He reached his legs around Mark’s hard ass and began to pull him forward. Then Steve launched from the bed and impaled himself on the enormous cock. “God, I’ve been imagining this all week. Fill me up, Mark. Take me.”

Mark too was in a frenzy. Two weeks had been too long. When your dick finds a home, it wants to revel in it, not think about it, or to use a funny metaphor: to dick around about it. Steve was so sweet, so soft inside, so warm, so alive. Mark could feel the tensing and relaxing muscles, milking his essence. Mark tried to hold back, but failed. He grabbed Steve’s shoulders and held him steady as he plunged. Within seconds, he was pumping, enjoying the exquisite release, and conquering his boy. There wasn’t anything better in the world. Steve exploded with him, emitting enough to glue their chests together.

During the night and the next morning, Mark and Steve joined again–and again, taking turns at injecting that viral sperm that would infect and tie them together. If they couldn’t be inside each other, they could be bound together in one long cuddle. Between couplings, they talked. Steve learned of the lonely childhood that Mark had experienced as the “different” Native American in a nearly all-white school system. Being a science nerd didn’t help either. He had compensated with brilliant athletic performances and fantastic grades–but those had not brought him dates or even close friends. Steve was apparently his first real soul mate.

Steve’s life had been quite different. He was a child of privilege–but his early recognition that he was gay, in a non-tolerant hetero world, had turned him into the introspective philosopher that he had become. He had not come out in prep school. In a real sense, although Steve had had quite a bit of sexual experience in the last few years, no relationships had started. In fact, there were only a few all-nighters or second dates. He knew he was good in bed–as top or bottom, but his dates found his tendency to get serious, to want to talk about important things as a downer. They wanted casual, no-strings sex in a make-believe world. Just get off and get me off, as hard as possible, and as often as possible. Mark was so different. They were enjoying a deeply spiritual connection. Now, he was convinced that Mark needed to be in his future.

Mark and Steve exchanged commitments–both physically and in words. Mark had only one or two more weekends in Rehoboth–the lease on the summer house terminated before Labor Day weekend when the owner staged an annual family reunion. He knew it might be too soon, but the timing was right. Steve had mentioned that two of his roommates in the Georgetown apartment had graduated. He either had to find two substitutes in the next week or so–or give up the apartment. He had already started the process with the Georgetown residence office. He couldn’t afford it alone. And he wasn’t looking forward to breaking in two roommates–who might or might not be homophobic.

So Mark took the plunge, “Move in with me, Steve. I’ve got two bedrooms and two baths. The condo is in the ‘new’ West End–west of Dupont Circle and east of Georgetown. These last two weeks have been hell. I’ve realized that I don’t like being the loner I thought I did once. I’d really like having you around all of the time. We’ve known each other only three weeks now. You’d be crazy to give up a nice apartment so soon. But, if you want, we can treat this as a sublease–and even if we don’t work out, you’ll have a place until the end of the academic year–a separate bedroom and use of entertainment space and the kitchen. But, somehow, I don’t think that is going to happen. I think you’re going to be in my big bed every night. What do you say?”

Steve smiled. “Roll over, roomie. I’m movin’ in. You’ll receive my answer in a couple of minutes.”


When Li returned to the room, Pete was in bed, but not asleep. He was reading, one of those serial legal thrillers on his I-pad. The light from the I-pad cast his face in deep blue-grey shadows. The light sheet outlined his muscled body. He obviously had a semi. Li had either caught him jacking off, or he had just finished. Li nearly shouted in joy. Pete and Evan looked so much alike. Had Evan made it to Rehoboth to surprise him?

Pete greeted him, “Have a good talk with Mark?”

Li’s expectations plunged. Of course, he knew Evan was in LA. “Yeah. We had a very good talk. Incidentally, his conversation strongly suggested that both of us are going to get offers. Has he told you that?”

“He’s been hinting. But, I’m not sure how it’s going to play out. I spoke to Pat when I got back here. She was just getting off a student rotation at UMass-Boston Hospital. She is really excited about premi-neo-natal nursing, and she’s pretty sure they’ll take her in a flash after she graduates next June–just about the same time we do. She strongly hinted that we need to announce an engagement–and maybe marry after graduation. That would of course mean that my job hunting will be in Boston, not Washington.”

“They do employ neo-natal nurses in DC, you know.”

“Actually, she has looked into it. There are two premi-neo-natal departments in DC–but 90% of the patients–very little babies–are there because their mothers were drug-abusers–and the kids are suffering from drug withdrawal symptoms as well as early birth syndrome. She’s not sure that she can handle the daily downer that such work would entail, working with beautiful, innocent little ones who had already been dealt a bad hand. Those babies are doomed to foster care, adoption, or maybe drug-abusing families. And the fatality rate is one of the highest in the world.”

“You do realize, Pete, that that was the environment from which I came. It is possible to overcome it. Things have improved. She could be part of that process.”

“We’re going to have to discuss it. All our family is in Boston. It’s a city we know and love.”

“Somehow, I think I’m going to be taking away one of your family members to live with me–wherever I decide to live and work.”

“Couldn’t that be Boston?”

“I’ll think about it. And I think Evan and I will have lots of time to do so. He’s moving into my condo on weekends starting in September. But, I’m sure you understand my family and friends are almost all here.”

“Does he know that? Has he agreed?”

“No, not yet. I was waiting for next weekend to spring it on him. I think I’ll ask him just as I’m taking him to heaven.”

“So you’re an angel now, huh? You know I wish you and Evan every good thing. But isn’t this a little sudden? You only had a weekend. Let’s get some sleep. We need to beat the shit out of that volleyball tourney tomorrow.” With that he flipped off the I-pad, leaving Li standing naked between their beds in the darkness. Pete had been staring at his dick during the whole conversation. He couldn’t take his eyes off of it. No wonder some heteros stray with a BBC around. Li’s dick really was monumental. Evan was a lucky guy. Li stepped back and dropped into bed.

“Oh, shit. This bed is so short. My feet are going to be hanging out.”

“I guess that’s better than your dick. At least I can get some sleep now. I don’t have to stare at your one-eyed monster. You really know how to hurt a guy whose girl is hundreds of miles away, don’t you? Good night, Li.”

The next day was sunny and fine. The RW team played six rounds of volleyball–in a “first loss and you’re out” laddered tournament involving about 20 teams, many of them local. Ultimately they came in second. (Secretly they were pleased. If they had won the game, there would be yet another match.) It had been a long hot day. Li and Pete were exhausted. Someone asked where Mark had been all day–but then remembering the previous night at the Rudder, they guessed. But Li came to the rescue, “He’s prepping for our barbeque tonight. He could probably use some help. I think I’m going to walk back to the house to see what I can do. The other team is forfeiting softball, thanks-be-to-God–they can’t field a team.”

When he arrived, Steve was just leaving–looking spent, like he was just finishing a shift–rather than starting a six hour waiters stint. Li guessed that Steve and Mark had had a pretty good night, morning and afternoon. Li greeted him and thanked him for the hospitality the previous night. Li went in and found Mark just starting the prep. “What can I do?”

“All the salads are being delivered in a few minutes by the local grocery. I’ve thawed the steaks. So we just have a few things. You could peel the Silver Queen corn, wrap the potatoes in foil, or setup the grill. Take your pick.”

“Or put the watermelon on ice?”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

Both guys broke into belly laughs. Mark seemed to be on top of the world.

“I guess last night went pretty well.”

“You could definitely conclude that. The sex was over the top. Steve will be back for an encore performance later tonight. I can’t get enough of that guy–and to think we only met a few weeks ago. And he’s agreed to move in to my condo in DC in September–he’s going to be a senior at Georgetown.”

“I think that’s worth a toast. Let me get us some beers. The rest of the guys should be here in about an hour. Then they’ll need another hour to shower and enjoy their first drinks. So, I’m guessing we’ve got about two hours until dinner is served. We’ve got time. Congratulations, Mark. I’m definitely envious of your good fortune.”

Dinner turned out great. With dates and friends, Mark and Li, helped occasionally by associates or dates, managed to serve about two dozen. Then, the party broke up and various couples and singles headed for the clubs. Steve was going to be off at 10, so Mark had agreed to meet him at the house. Li retired at about the same time–he wanted private Facetime with Evan who was on Pacific time, but while Pete was out clubbing.

Sunday morning was quiet–beach walks, breakfasts or brunches at various places in the little beach town, nap time on the sand. And soon it was time to return to Washington for all except four who were taking the house for the week.


By the end of the two weeks, Li had completed the litigation rotation. He realized he loved the excitement and spontaneity of a well-prepared litigation “performance.” It had all the features and unexpected turns of a game. He really did miss the rush of a well-played basketball tournament. Well, maybe, he could get some of the thrill from coaching.

And after he let the summer associate managing partner know that he loved litigation but didn’t appreciate being the token black or the token celebrity in the room, his assignments changed. Ransom was definitely aware that some summer associates (who were definitely desirable future permanent employees) had “over-worked” consciences and feelings about injustice. This was particularly true of many who had attended schools like Harvard which didn’t shy away from examining the built-in biases of the system. The law is written mostly by wealthy, propertied men and corporate lobbyists to protect their wealth and position in society, and enacted by legislatures that had been bought and paid for by the same folks. Everyone was definitely not equal before the law–it took money, luck and property. But, it could be fun and profitable to be in the game with a couple of wealthy antagonists. In a sense, it was like pro-ball where paid athletes dueled before wildly enthusiastic fan audiences.

So, all of his remaining work involved one big rich company suing or threatening another big rich company. Li could handle this. It was a game, just like a basketball tournament where strategy and tactics blended with luck and sometimes a bit of chicanery to achieve victory–with no one really getting hurt in the process–at least not someone who couldn’t afford to be in the game. Li began to think that he could handle big corporate practice on these terms–and maybe do a bit of good in his off hours (assuming he could find some off hours). There would be time for subtleties after he had the offer, the job and the degree.


Evan arrived around dinner on Friday night in the middle of August. A late afternoon thunderstorm had delayed the arrival, but it had cleared the smog and Washington was sparkling. He went immediately to Li’s apartment. Li had ordered take-out–he wanted the night alone with Evan. He hoped they would just pick up where they had recently left off. Li had showered, was barefoot and had a tee and basketball shorts on when the doorbell rang. Evan was inside and in Li’s arms within seconds. “It was a rough flight–and we circled for over an hour in the turbulence before they finally let us land. All that time, I was thinking about you–and squirming in my seat. My boxers are moist with pre-cum. Let me shower. I want time with you before we eat.”

“I couldn’t have said it better. You know where it is. I’ve just finished, but, if you want, I’d be happy to help out.” “Absolutely. I’ve been looking forward to it.” So Evan dropped his bag in the bedroom, stripped and headed for the shower where Li was already adjusting the nozzles and temperature. Evan stepped in and Li began to squirt the shampoo and body wash into his hands which he immediately transferred to Evan’s skin and curls. Evan backed confidently into Li and gave him full access. Li trailed over the pecs, squeezed the nibs, lowered to the rock hard abs, and grabbed the shaft. Evan nearly collapsed, but Li held him upright. He spun Evan, soaped and scrubbed his back and allowed his fingers to stray into Evan’s crevice, pushing into his hole.

Evan reached up and looped his hands around Li’s neck. “Go ahead. Do me, now. I’m already gone. Li placed his hands on Evan’s cheeks and lifted. Evan’s legs clasped tight behind as Li lowered him onto the enormous pole. It felt wonderful. He was full of his partner–and feeling complete. He pumped only twice and Evan exploded. Li followed almost immediately.

“I’m not sure what got into me. I’ve never been like this. Just thinking about you gets me hard. Just being touched by you brings me off. I’ve never been so sensuous–no, that’s not the right word, trigger-happy–in my entire life. You’re like kryptonite. I’m weak-kneed when you are in the room–or on the phone–or on Facetime or Zoom. I think you’ve cast a spell. Funny how it works: weak-knees and steel hard dick! But I’m not complaining. You, Li, are the total package. I can’t believe you aren’t already taken. Lucky me.”

They left the shower and toweled off. “Let’s have some food and a beer. Then I’m taking you to bed for the night. You don’t need any clothes. No one can see into these windows. And I’m seeing everything I want to see right now.”

Beer and take-out Thai were quickly consumed. Conversation was minimal. Both were very anxious for round two. Cartons were trashed and two more bottles were extracted. “Let’s take these to my room.” Both guys were quickly on the bed, facing each other, hard dickheads touching, hands stroking pecs and pinching nibs. The temperature was already steaming even though the fan whirred above them and the AC was on max. “Now that we taken the top off, I’m going to make you beg for the next time.” So Li rolled on top of Evan, cocooned him with his long muscled legs, while he rose on his arms, dropping down repeatedly to take Evan’s lips. On the third descent, Evan reached around Li’s neck and pulled him in for a long hard kiss. Evan’s tongue darted out and began to duel with Li’s. Li rolled pulling Evan on top which freed his hands to caress and massage Evan’s butt, long fingers reaching into the bud. Li reached over and grabbed the tube. Soon he was lubing. He rolled again, this time landing on his knees between Evan’s legs. He pushed them up and Evan caught them behind the knees. Li easily rolled him up and began to invade with his long pink tongue. When he thought Evan was ready–primarily because Evan kept pleading for Li to fuck him deep and hard, he aimed his cock and began to penetrate. He knocked a few times, and the gateway opened to receive him.

Evan’s week-long practice with the dildo had worked. He was still tight, but he opened nicely and without pain. Li reached the love button and punched it a few times. Evan felt the tingle all the way up his spine. Li continued to deepen his thrusts with each rock, finally bottoming. His balls slapped Evan’s ass with a loud slap. Li moved down and stretching out his arms replaced Evan’s hands. Evan was jackknifed and almost helpless, except that his fingers could now reach Li’s hole. Li stiffened into push up position and began to bob. Evan’s fingers penetrated. Both guys were at the very edge. Li could see in Evan’s eyes that he was only seconds away from a massive orgasm. And Evan was about to push him over with strokes on his prostate. Suddenly, Li froze. Evan looked puzzled.

“Now that I have you where I want you, I’ve got a proposal.”

“Can’t this wait a few minutes? I’m fucking dying here.” Evan pushed his fingers deep inside and started to scrape the prostate trying to push Li over the top. And Li responded by trapping him inside with his steel hard ass muscles. Evan was at the edge, panting and overheating. His legs were trapped under Li’s massive shoulders. His hole was impaled and full, feeling the throb of a deep pulse. And his fingers were trapped inside Li. Never before had he felt so helpless and dependent.

“No. I want you totally submissive when I ask this. Will you move into my apartment in Boston in September–at least for weekends?”

“What if I say, no?”

“Then, I’m getting up and pulling out right now.”

“You fuckin’ bastard! You didn’t need to get me at my most vulnerable before asking. Of course, I will. Now, get me off, now–or I may decide to change my mind. I can’t live with a cock-tease.” Both began laughing. Li dropped out of the stiff position and started pumping hard into Evan. That was enough. Evan began to shoot, and shoot, and shoot. And each time he did, his ass muscles automatically massaged Li’s cock. It was over. Li started to fill Evan with his hot spunk. Evan’s legs came up and around to hold Li inside for as long as possible. Once again, Li stayed hard and inside. Evan could not believe Li’s stamina–and his ability to have two orgasms, giant orgasms, within seconds of each other.

Li started pumping again. His eyes rolled back with the heightened sensitivity of his naked cockhead which had just jacked. It took less than a minute and a dozen strokes. Li blasted again, hotter even that the first time. Then he rolled off and lay beside Evan. Both were totally spent. Evan was so full that he began to leak onto the bed. He looked over. Li’s giant black cock was glistening with cum–and still hard! Where did this guy come from? Surely, he wasn’t a mere mortal man. Very few species on earth, like panthers for example, could ejaculate multiple times in rapid succession. Maybe one of his ancestors had mated with a panther!

“So when did you decide you wanted me on weekends in Boston?”

“About a week into our forced celibacy. I mentioned it to Pete. He wasn’t surprised. Then I told him I would only ask when I had you completely at my mercy so you had no choice. He wasn’t too happy about my plan, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. Incidentally, we don’t need to limit ourselves to weekends. I just assumed you’d want to keep your place until we know each other better.”

“So I guess you and Pete have been discussing me?”

“Yeah, we have. He loves you Evan and was acting like the hillbilly daddy with a shotgun and a daughter who has been captivated by a suitor. I promised I’d make an honest man of you.”

Evan rose and bent over Li. He just had to taste that cum on the cockhead. With one hand he pulled the hood down and swallowed the peeled fruit. The nectar was delicious. With the other, he reached under Li and started stroking the nut. Almost immediately, Li began to leak the prostatic fluid which he produced in such quantity. Evan swallowed it all, reveling in the salty sweetness. Meanwhile, Li was getting ready to shoot again.

“Speaking of making an honest man out of me. Roll on your gut, Li. I want to play with that ass. I owe you at least one after that performance.”

“Yes, sir.”

Li’s dick was so hard and so big that resting on his belly was uncomfortable. So Evan pulled him to the end of the bed. Li’s knees went to the floor as his chest bent onto the mattress. Evan batted the thighs apart and stepped between them. Li’s ass was perfectly positioned to be taken. His shiny cheeks poked out in invitation. Evan lubed himself and Li and plunged without warning. Li’s arms stretched up in total surrender. He knew that Evan needed to take him hard–and he needed Evan to do it. Evan needed to be the man. Evan was relentless. He had cum twice in a little over an hour. So he thrust over and over, then stopped, reached under and filled his palm with Li’s precum and brought it to mouth; Evan began again, bottoming repeatedly, milking the prostate with each pass. His nostrils flared with the pheromones rising from Li, bent in total submission before him. Evan was the top–and he was taking pleasure from one of the sexiest human beings he had ever seen. He was completely on top of and inside his submissive partner. Li was his.

Ultimately Evan could take no more. He bent over and touched Li’s back with his chest and reached under to hold Li’s steaming ball sacs. He could feel the turmoil. Three more thrusts and he let loose. Li felt the heat and he too pumped into the abyss–and into Evan’s waiting fists. Evan rose, released Li and brought his fists up to taste his lover’s essence.

At first, Li had been convinced he was a total top. But in just a few days of play, Evan had convinced him that he could handle both sides of the equation. Perhaps he enjoyed being taken a little more–if the Evan was the pitcher. But who was keeping score?

The rest of the weekend followed the pattern of the first few hours together. On Saturday, they once again joined Pete for dinner. And on Sunday morning there was the last softball game of the summer. RW was in first place in the summer legal league, but a loss to Sunday’s rival would mean a tie–and the necessity for a play-off game. (There are no final ties in the legal community.)

After the Sunday morning game–and a victory lunch hosted by Mark at Red Sage, Li and Evan returned to the apartment for at least one more round. It was long, hot and memorable–but it would have to last both for two more weeks. Then they relaxed with beers and talked. Li learned a great deal more about Evan’s job. His company had created system-wide security in the cloud for multinationals with operations in multiple locations and countries. The technology was cutting edge–but like everything else in the tech world, what is cutting edge today is a dull blade tomorrow. So marketers like Evan concentrated on client relations. He would be ready with the successor products when they were invented–and he would be partnered with another high tech nerd at that time. He wasn’t sure what the future might hold, but his first and real love was mentoring and coaching. He did both regularly. Perhaps someday his love and his job might merge, but not at the present.

Li described his recent litigation experience. He complained about being a token, but quickly added that the firm had corrected the situation–at least for the summer, or until he accepted a full time position. He also told Evan that Mark had hinted that an offer would be coming at the end of the summer. Unspoken was the question: would Evan consider moving to Washington if the year in Boston worked out? Evan quickly understood the question–but Evan was much more of a play-it-by-ear kind of guy. He’d wait and see what developed rather than discussing possibilities. “I’m not going to claim this is comparable, but I do understand. High tech companies, at least successful ones, are very astute–they know that creators and inventors are lousy marketers. They are too excited about their products–and they’re always selling the next product they intend to create–rather than the one they’ve got in hand. Those companies need people like me–young, attractive, well-spoken guys who connect with clients, “translate” tech-ese to American English–and sprinkle the pitch with sports anecdotes. So, in a sense, I’m a token too. I couldn’t create the stuff I sell. But, the creators know they need me to sell what they create. If we’re going to live in this modern commercial world, we need to understand what we offer, but not let it own us.”

“All of this leads me to my pretty obvious conclusion: enjoying a happy life is all about understanding your gifts and your liabilities, then using them. And, if you can’t find someone to share with, life can be pretty grim. Li, I think I’ve found that guy. You didn’t need to make me vulnerable before you asked. When you fall for someone, you are vulnerable–whatever they may do. I’m really looking forward to getting to know you better. Let’s take this a little at a time. I’m certainly very pleased to be learning about you while were both on the job. You are without any question the most exciting person that I’ve ever met. Never in my life did I expect to be dating my idol.”

Then he smiled, sat up and gripped Li’s ever-hard cock. “But, I think we need a few more weeks of hard sex before we start thinking with anything but the little brains below our belts.” “Bring it on, Evan. I couldn’t have said it better.” BD


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