Change of Plans

A gay story: Change of Plans As I walked down the road in the dark, the light of a full moon illuminated my way. Drawing closer to my secret meeting place with Wes, I felt that familiar rush of exhilaration surge through me. I’d been slipping out at least once a week to do this since I’d come home from college for the summer, but the experience still felt as exciting as ever. Maybe it was due to the risk involved, or maybe I just really, really liked sucking cock.

I’d met Wes online during winter break last year. As a freshman in college, I’d given plenty of blowjobs, and I’d received more than a few as well. When I’d returned to my quiet hometown for the holiday, I found myself a little bored, a little lonely, and very horny. And that’s how I crossed paths with Wes.

He was forty and lived in a fairly large city about an hour away from my house. He insisted he was straight and that he loved his wife, but he was frustrated because his marriage had become a sexless one. We chatted online for days before Wes was brave enough to agree to meet in person. He was super paranoid about getting caught, and it took some time for him to trust me. I had to assure him, again and again, that I wasn’t out to ruin his life or cause him any problems whatsoever; I just wanted to safely and discreetly suck some cock over the holiday.

Wes initially had reservations about me being only nineteen, but I jokingly told him I was an old soul. He was impressed that I’d made it all the way through James Joyce’s Ulysses, and I was impressed by the dick pic he finally worked up the nerve to send me.

I eventually convinced him to drive out to meet me. My house was outside of town in a rural area, and we had only a few neighbors, with the dwellings far apart. A little over a mile from my house was a narrow dirt road that led into some woods. It was private property, belonging to one of the neighbors, but the area was dark and quiet by nine o’clock, and I knew Wes could park his car just a little ways down that road so we’d have plenty of privacy. If someone happened to drive by, they’d have to be specifically looking for Wes’s vehicle in order to spot it.

Several times over winter break, and then over spring break, we’d gotten together. I would slip out of the house around ten after wishing my parents good night and pretending to turn in early. Once I was finished with Wes, I would quietly let myself back inside the house through my unlocked bedroom window. Everything went smoothly, without a hitch, and the memories of those evenings with Wes in his car always got me hard. I’d jerked off many times recalling how his cock felt between my lips. He was average in size, but I didn’t judge. I’d never met a cock I didn’t like.

Now that it was late June, crickets and cicadas made a huge racket in the woods around me, and the night held a balmy breeze. I was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, and I’d left my keys and phone back at the house. There was a freedom in simply walking outside, untethered by any belongings, and as I approached the dirt road, my pulse quickened in anticipation.

Moving at a decent stride, it didn’t take me long to reach my destination. I was surprised to find Wes waiting for me outside his car, just beyond the dirt road’s entrance, and I gave him a bemused smile. “What’s going on?” I asked.

Though the night’s shadows fell across Wes’s face, I could see his sheepish grin. “I forgot to tell you when we arranged to meet that my car’s in the shop, so I’m driving my wife’s,” he explained. “I was afraid you’d get here, see a strange vehicle, and then decide to bolt. I tried to text you earlier, but you didn’t answer.”

“I was already on my way here,” I replied while closing the distance between us. “Thanks for making sure I feel safe.” Extending a hand, I slid my palm down the front of his shirt, and then even lower. Slowly, teasingly, I inched closer to his cock, and when I finally reached it, Wes let out an eager moan. He was already semi-erect, and it wouldn’t take long at all before he was fully hard in my mouth. I loved how quickly his body responded.

Drawing nearer, I slipped an arm around his neck while stroking him through his pants. I knew it was risky, doing this right beside the main road, but taking the risk got my own cock throbbing.

Wes began breathing faster, his lips parted. While I was six feet tall, Wes was a little shorter, so I lowered my mouth until it was just inches from his. He’d always said that kissing was off limits, but I liked to tease him. The moonlight reflected off his glasses, and I noticed that his dark hair was growing a bit thin. He looked older than forty, but as he stood before me and allowed me to touch him, his nervous excitement made him seem far closer to my age.

“We should go to the car,” he suggested, then groaned while my skilled hand coaxed his strengthening erection to full hardness.

I was about to do as Wes said, since it wasn’t like I was going to give him a blowjob right here, anyway. Still, it was fun playing with him out in the open, all the while nudging him a little further from his comfort zone.

Just as Wes and I turned to start toward his car, a vehicle rounded the bend of the main road, its headlights catching both of us off guard while it sped in our direction. Before we could slip into the shadows unnoticed, the approaching car was almost right on us.

Wes swore, then immediately broke into a run toward his own car.

“Wait!” I cried. I figured the speeding vehicle would pass us without slowing, and then Wes and I would be alone again. No one who lived in the immediate area drove anywhere near that fast, so the driver was most likely a stranger who wouldn’t recognize us.

The car had almost reached the dirt road when it abruptly slowed, the brakes squealing in protest. It came to a sudden halt just past the road’s entrance, and my eyes grew wide with alarm. I recognized that car, and as the window lowered and the driver called to me, his voice was all too familiar.

“Clay, what’s going on here?” Brandon asked.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw that Wes was already in his car. He had backed the vehicle onto the dirt road when he first arrived, so he was now able to easily pull out and make his escape. I had to jump out of his way as he flew past me.

“Goddamn it!” I growled, running a hand through my shoulder-length hair. Trying to contain my fury, I advanced on Brandon’s car. “What the hell are you doing out here at this time of night?” I demanded.

My father’s best friend stared at me for a long moment, seemingly taken aback by my behavior. “I could ask the same of you!” he finally shot back. “I was driving down the road…”

“Like a fucking lunatic!” I practically shouted.

He went on as if I hadn’t spoken. “And I saw you near the woods with some man. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“I’m fine!” I cried. “Or I was, until you fucked up my entire night!”

“Hey.” That single word was a clear warning from Brandon. I’d never before spoken to him with such disrespect, and part of me was a little ashamed to do so now. I’d always liked Brandon, who was far more easygoing than my father. “You’re a grown-ass man now,” Brandon went on, his tone stern, “so how about you stop throwing a tantrum on the side of the road and get in this car?”

I swallowed hard, my stomach knotting with anxiety, but I didn’t dare disobey. If he told my parents he’d caught me out here, I’d never hear the end of it. Sure, I was nineteen, but Dad wouldn’t hesitate to place me under his version of house arrest for the remainder of the summer.

Skulking around to the passenger side of Brandon’s car, I opened the door and reluctantly got in. I expected him to drive me to my house, but he only backed his car onto the dirt road until it was hidden from view.

After Brandon parked the car, he cut the headlights but left the engine running. The dashboard lights cast a glow over his face as he looked at me. “You care to tell me what’s going on?” he asked quietly. “Because whatever that was, it looked shady as fuck.”

“It wasn’t!” I insisted, my voice almost pleading. “Can you just trust me when I tell you I wasn’t doing anything wrong?”

Brandon’s eyes locked with mine, and the silence that fell between us made me squirm. Though it was hard to make out the color of his eyes in the shadows, I knew they were a vivid blue. His hair was a darker blond than mine, closer to brown, and it looked as if he’d just gotten it cut. He was in his early forties, like my dad, but he could have easily been mistaken for a man in his mid-thirties.

“I’m afraid I’m going to need more of an explanation than that,” Brandon now said.

“Fuck,” I muttered, slumping back in the seat. As I stared through the windshield, my palms began to sweat while my heart started thumping in my chest. “If I tell you the truth, will you keep quiet about this to Mom and Dad?”

He was silent for so long that I was forced to look at him once more. “Sure,” he finally replied. “But I want the truth, Clay.”

Releasing a heavy sigh, I tried to think of the most tactful way to describe my meeting with Wes. Then I had to fight back a fresh surge of anger at being forced to tell Brandon anything about it. As he’d pointed out, I was a grown-ass man. If he wanted the truth, I’d give it to him without attempting to sugarcoat things.

“I was meeting that man out here so I could give him a blowjob,” I said, struggling to keep my voice casual.

I heard Brandon draw in a sharp breath, and then he coughed to try to cover the sound of that gasp. His eyes widened as he regarded me, and I held his stare. “So let me get this straight. That guy was paying you to…”

“No!” I cried. “Jesus Christ, Brandon, it’s not like that! I do it because I want to!” Brandon’s mouth dropped open in utter shock, but I didn’t stop. “I’ve been meeting up with him every time I’m home from school. It’s really hard to find someone safe, someone I can trust, and I had that with him. And now it’s fucking ruined!” Folding my arms over my chest, I glared out the window.

Silence again filled the car, and I knew Brandon was trying to process this new knowledge about me. “Wow, I had no idea,” he finally said in a voice just above a whisper.

Whipping my head back around to face him, I said, “No one does! You know Mom and Dad wouldn’t be exactly thrilled that their son is gay. So, to avoid all that awkwardness, I keep it a secret from them. Which means that I have to sneak out at night.” As I spoke, Brandon’s gaze softened a little. At least he wasn’t judging me. “What were you doing driving down this road like a bat out of hell, anyway?” I demanded. “You scared the shit out of us.”

Brandon sighed, and I watched as his jaw tightened. “I had a fight with Clara,” he revealed. I knew he and his wife had fairly frequent arguments; only a week ago, I’d heard Dad tell Mom that he’d be surprised if Brandon’s marriage lasted the year. “It got pretty bad,” Brandon continued, “and I just… needed to leave. I started driving, trying to clear my head, and I thought I’d swing by to see your dad, but then I realized how late it was, so I kept going. And that’s when I saw you.”

“Great timing,” I couldn’t stop myself from muttering.

“Hey, I’m sorry I interrupted your cock-sucking fest, but I wanted to make sure you were safe!” Brandon snapped. Looking over at him once more, I tried to keep a straight face, but I ended up snorting with laughter. He gave me a bewildered stare, then barked, “What’s so funny?”

I couldn’t help it; I actually began giggling. “Cock-sucking fest!” I managed to say. “That’s fucking hilarious!”

Brandon finally grinned, too. “I think that’s a pretty apt description of what you have going on here.”

My laughter faded as my foul mood returned. “What I did have going on here, you mean. I’m never going to see Wes again.”

“Why not?” Brandon wanted to know.

“Because he’s terrified that his wife will find out about me,” I responded. “It took ages for him to trust me, and now he probably thinks you and I were setting him up or something.”

“Again, I apologize for ruining your good time,” Brandon said dryly. “But Wes can just rejoin the club filled with all of us married dudes who aren’t getting our cocks sucked on a regular basis.” Now it was my turn to gasp, and Brandon clearly heard it. “Shit, I’m sorry, Clay,” he hurried on. “That was inappropriate, and I shouldn’t have said it.”

For several moments, I didn’t trust myself to speak while my gaze swept over Brandon. He was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, and even in the semi-darkness, I had a nice view of his strong, powerful thighs. There was no denying that he was hot for a guy his age, and knowing he was sexually frustrated only made him more appealing to me. “Don’t apologize,” I finally managed to tell him. Maybe it was the darkness, or the fact that we were both revealing such intimate things, but I grew bold while in the grip of sheer horniness. With a sly grin, I said, “I can deactivate your membership in that club right now, Brandon.”

His eyes widened, and he let out a nervous laugh. “Very funny.”

“I’m serious!” I told him. “I was really looking forward to sucking cock tonight.” Before he could go into the whole spiel about being straight, and being married, I hurried to add, “And that’s all it is, a blowjob to get us both off. After tonight, we’ll never mention it again.”

I braced myself for his immediate refusal, but he only stared at me, appearing at a loss as to what to say or do. “Clay, your dad’s one of my closest friends,” he finally managed. His protest, weak as it was, surprised me. There was no mention of his wife or his sexuality. He didn’t tell me that he could never let a man suck him off. No, he was using his friendship with my father as an excuse.

Suddenly hopeful of my chances with Brandon, I leaned closer to him. “And you’d be doing Dad a favor,” I responded in a low voice. “I mean, what if I ended up meeting some psycho out here, and something happened to me? You’d never forgive yourself knowing you could have prevented that simply by letting me suck your dick.” I dared to place a hand against his inner thigh, and my surprise only grew when he didn’t resist my touch.

Leaning back against the headrest, Brandon took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Growing even braver, I inched my fingers upward, moving slowly, teasingly. “We can’t do this, Clay. It’s not right,” he murmured while staring straight ahead.

“Why not?” I gently persisted. “I just want to make you feel good with my mouth.”

His eyes briefly closed, and he let out a soft sigh. I could sense his resistance crumbling, and when I finally grazed my fingertips against his cock, I released my own pleasured sigh to feel him already growing a little hard. The idea of what I was suggesting clearly excited him. Now I just needed to convince him to give in to his need.

I continued fondling his dick through his shorts, getting off on the way his breaths quickened. Bringing my lips close to his ear, I whispered, “I’d love to see your cock, Brandon. Can I see it?”

He groaned helplessly at my words. “We can’t do this here!”

“Sure we can. I’ve done it here plenty of times,” I told him. “But we should move into the backseat where we can spread out a little.” My hand was more insistent moving between his thighs now, and I felt his erection strengthen beneath my touch.

It was then that his eyes met mine, and even in the low light, I could see the wild need descending on him. “Just this once,” he said, trying to sound firm.

I gave him a huge grin as I quickly nodded. “Absolutely.”

Brandon finally cut the engine, but he left the key in the ignition. As soon as I saw him reach to open the door, I hurried to get out of the car so I could climb into the backseat.

He wasted no time climbing in beside me. The backseat was illuminated only by moonlight, and while I wished I could have seen him more clearly, I figured it might be easier for him to relax this way. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I heard him mutter under his breath.

I worried that he was about to change his mind, and I didn’t want to give him the chance. Drawing my legs up on the seat while turning sideways to face him, I realized I was trembling with excitement. My cock was already hard and straining against my jeans, and I wished Brandon would reach between my legs so he could feel how much I wanted him.

“Fuck, I can’t wait to taste you!” I confessed in the dark, and that elicited another faint moan from his lips. Then he seemed to surrender to his desire, for he quickly moved to take his cock from his shorts. “Just pull your shorts and underwear down,” I went on quietly.

“I don’t know…” He sounded uncertain, even a little wary.

“No one’s going to see us here,” I tried to assure him. “Please do it for me, Brandon. I don’t want your clothes in the way.”

He hesitated a moment longer, then released a heavy sigh. “Fine, fine,” he said.

And then he did as I asked, lifting his ass off the seat so he could tug his clothing down below his knees. By now, my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and there was enough moonlight for me to see the outline of Brandon’s cock springing into view as he exposed more of his body to me.

Oh fuck, he was a good seven inches long and fully hard for me! It was obvious that he needed this as much as I did. Yet I wanted to build up his anticipation more, so I didn’t go right for his dick. Instead, I leaned forward and slowly lifted the hem of his t-shirt above his stomach.

“What are you doing?” he asked, and I could hear the grin in his voice.

“Just enjoying you,” I answered. Sliding my palm over his belly and upward to his chest, I let out a delighted moan. “Mmm, I love how hairy you are!”

Brandon laughed softly. “Is that right?” he said, clearly pleased by my compliment.

“Yeah, it gets me so fucking hard!” I told him, then dared to lower my mouth to his stomach, just above his navel. His hair was coarse against my lips, and I gave him a playful lick.

Finally I moved even lower until my mouth hovered just above his rock-hard cock. The shadows were deep in the car, so I was familiarizing myself with his body by touch more than sight. As soon as I ran my fingers over his full bush, I felt my dick pulse. “You’re hairy everywhere, aren’t you?” I murmured in approval.

Again he chuckled. “I’ve definitely been lax with the manscaping lately,” he said.

No longer able to resist, I planted a kiss on the tip of his dick, and I heard his sharp intake of breath. My god, he was already leaking pre-cum! Eagerly I licked it up, and that first taste of him made me desperate for more. His cock readily obliged my desire, and as more droplets of pre-cum emerged, I smeared them against my lips.

Brandon leaned back against the seat, letting me take my time with his gorgeous dick. But he hadn’t spoken, not even to whisper my name. Looking up at him in the darkness, I gave his cock a single upward stroke before my thumb caressed his tip. “I like men who are vocal,” I revealed to him. “Let me know that you enjoy what I’m doing, okay?”

Brandon released a groan from deep in his throat as I touched him. “I’m, ah, I’m not much of a talker during sex,” he said.

“Come on,” I urged. “Work with me a little here.” Returning my attention to his erection, I angled my head so I could lick and kiss the underside. His cock jumped in response, making me grin. Breathing in deep, I inhaled his masculine scent. I guessed he’d showered that morning, and after a long summer day, his musky aroma was far from overpowering but strong enough to make me want to bury my face in his groin.

“I’ll do my best,” Brandon finally agreed, his voice thick with arousal.

“Thank you,” I said sweetly, then showed him how grateful I was by taking that gorgeous mushroom tip in my mouth. He gasped as I began flicking my tongue against his slit, coaxing it to give me even more pre-cum. Fuck, it was like a steady stream coming from him! And it tasted incredible. A tremor of pleasure traveled through me as I kissed and licked and sucked his cockhead, groaning in delight.

“That feels incredible, Clay!” he told me.

I reveled in Brandon’s praise, craving more. My lips moved downward as I slowly took more of his cock. It was so hard and thick, filling my mouth in such a satisfying way. My tongue glided over his warm skin, and I could feel the prominent veins traversing his shaft. His dick was absolutely perfect, I decided. I could suck a thousand more cocks and never encounter another as beautiful as Brandon’s.

He dared to rest a hand on top of my head, and I moaned encouragingly at that touch. Circling my fingers around the base of his erection, I moved my lips lower still.

“Ah, yes!” Brandon said through his shallow breaths. “Take my cock!”

I’d had plenty of practice in learning to suppress my gag reflex, and when Brandon’s tip began invading my throat, I relaxed my muscles and resisted the instinctual urge to withdraw from that intrusion. Oh fuck, I had him deeper now, farther in my throat, taking more and more…

“Holy shit!” he groaned. “You’re determined to swallow my dick, aren’t you? That mouth of yours is something else, Clay!”

I held him in my throat, my eyes watering a little, and then I felt his cock pulse as if it had a life of its own. Finally I had to pull off so I could draw in a deep breath, and when I lowered my head once more, I began licking and suckling his balls. While stroking his cock, which was still wet with my saliva, I worked to draw as much of his sack into my mouth as I could. His balls were big and heavy, their weight impressive as I cradled them in my palm.

“That’s so fucking good!” Brandon whispered.

For someone who claimed to dislike talking during sex, he certainly seemed to enjoy it now. I loved hearing how excited I was making him, and I could sense his gaze on me as he strove to see everything I was doing in the darkness.

I’d just moved my mouth back to Brandon’s cock when I felt his body tense. “A car’s coming,” he warned. “I can see the lights.”

“They’ll drive past,” I said, then drew in a lungful of air before taking him deep again. No way was he going to tell me to stop while I had almost all of his dick in my mouth.

“Clay, oh fuck!” he cried as I fervently began sucking him off. His cock swelled even more between my lips while I bobbed my head up and down, driving my mouth downward until my nose was nestled in his pubic hair. My own arousal had reached such an intense level that I thought I might actually orgasm from this alone. I was salivating all over Brandon’s amazing cock, and I felt a thin layer of sweat break out on my skin from my continual effort to deep-throat his dick.

It was then that I felt his fingers weave through my hair. He was breathing much faster now, and I wondered how close he was to coming. Though my jaw was aching a little, I didn’t want to bring him to orgasm just yet. No, I wanted to keep pleasuring him while he praised me.

“You just love sucking Daddy’s cock, don’t you?” Brandon suddenly said in a voice close to a growl.

My eyes widened even as a fierce jolt of arousal went through me. Did he really just say that?! No one else had ever talked like that while I was giving a blowjob, and I was more than a little surprised at how wild it made me, but I decided not to get all Freudian about it. Instead, I embraced how erotic I found Brandon using the term.

I wanted to let him know that I longed to hear him say those words again, so I let his cock slide into my throat, tolerating the intrusion well by this point.

“Ah, yes, that’s it! Take all of Daddy’s dick!” he urged.

I moaned all around him. My erection had grown painfully hard in my jeans, and I ached to free it, but I didn’t want to take my attention from Brandon’s cock for even a moment.

Still, when I finally had to withdraw in order to catch my breath, I turned my head to look up at Brandon once more. My voice was quiet, almost shy, when I asked him, “Do you want to fuck my face, Daddy?”

He released a groan filled with blatant need. “My god, Clay!” In the darkness, he slid his fingertip over my lower lip, and I began greedily sucking it. “Are you going to let me come in your mouth?” he murmured, then withdrew his finger from my lips so I could answer.

“Of course,” I immediately told him. “That’s my reward for a job well done.”

“Christ, you are a fucking dream!” he said, making me grin once more. “You’re doing such a fantastic job, I’m going to have a big reward for you.”

I made a sound like a needy whimper. “I can’t wait! So use my mouth however you want, Daddy.”

I didn’t have to tell him twice. His grip on my hair tightened a little as he guided my mouth back to his waiting cock. After taking another deep breath, I readily accepted him between my lips, and then Brandon took over.

Bucking his hips, he thrust into my mouth again and again, his cock relentless. I didn’t struggle or resist in any way as he used me so fiercely for his pleasure. Instead, I surrendered completely, making desperate gulping sounds as his big dick violated my throat.

Tears began leaking from my eyes as he continued pumping away. I’d never allowed anyone to do this to me before, but in Brandon’s grip, I felt consumed by pure ecstasy. My body shuddered as another surge of lust coursed through me, and I began to feel as if nothing else in the world existed except for his cock owning my mouth.

Finally, mercifully, he pulled me off his dick so I could gasp for breath. He was panting from his own arousal, and I could sense his abject need to come. Yet he asked, “Had enough, Clay?”

“Never!” I told him.

“Oh baby, you love giving Daddy what he wants, don’t you?” While still holding fast to my hair, he used his free hand to stroke my cheek.

“So much!” I replied.

“You’re my sexy little cocksucker,” Brandon said, his voice guttural, and I readily nodded. “Say it.”

“I’m your sexy little cocksucker, Daddy,” I practically purred.

“Yes you are, and now you’re about to show me just how sexy you are,” he said.

I opened my mouth yet again, and again he began roughly fucking my face. I couldn’t believe how long he was lasting when even I was ready to climax! More tears spilled from my eyes, and I wished I could beg him for his cum. I needed it so much now; I wanted to feel those hot spurts in the back of my tender throat.

It was as if Brandon could read my thoughts, for he gasped and let out a shuddering breath. “I’m close, baby!” he told me, his words holding an urgent note. “Ah fuck, just let me use your mouth a little longer! You’re… doing… so… fucking… good… for… Daddy!” With each word, he gave a powerful thrust between my lips.

I was completely pliant in his grip, drunk on his praise and delirious from the force of his cock. When I felt him tense up, his breathing growing uneven as his thrusts became shallower, I knew he was right on the edge. “Fuck, oh fuck, I’m gonna give you my cum!” he cried.

Then a shout escaped his lips, and the sound of it filled the car just as the first rope of his semen filled my mouth. I moaned, my need and relief mingling at that first taste. Brandon stopped thrusting and instead guided my mouth up and down his cock at a dizzying pace. Tears and snot dampened my face, and as he strained and shuddered and moaned, I was rewarded with more of his cum. It was pungent and thick, and I worked to swallow it down, but some leaked from my lips. I thought it would never stop coming; I was practically choking on it, yet I was desperate for even more.

Finally Brandon finished emptying his balls into my eager mouth, and he released me with a pleasured sigh. I slowly sat up, wiping at my face. I was a fucking mess, and I loved it.

Brandon took one look at me, and even in the almost-darkness, what he saw made him gasp. “Shit, I’m sorry, Clay! Let me get some tissues.” With hurried movements, he yanked up his shorts and underwear, then leaned between the front seats to grab a packet of tissues from the glovebox. After he handed it to me, I did my best to clean myself up. “I got carried away…” he began, his voice apologetic.

I quickly shook my head. “I wanted it. All of it,” I told him. “I think that’s why I’ve wanted to suck cock so much. It was because I was craving what you just gave me.”

Brandon was quiet for a long moment as his breathing returned to normal. I was worried about post-nut clarity setting in and making him regret what we’d done. Instead, he reached for me in the dark, pressing a hand against my face. When he felt a stray tear on my skin, he gently wiped it away with his thumb. I nestled against him, swallowing past the rawness in my throat.

Then his hand drifted downward, over my neck and chest, and then my stomach, until it came to rest between my thighs. I whimpered as he stroked my erection through my jeans, for I was still achingly hard.

“Get out of the car,” Brandon told me quietly.

Though I was worn out from the blowjob, my pulse started racing yet again. “Why?” I asked in a meek voice.

“Because I’m going to take care of you,” he said simply, “and I can’t have you making a mess in here.”

“Of course not,” I replied with a grin, already reaching for the door.

Brandon and I got out and then met each other behind his car. I stood before him, breathing heavily and suddenly unsure of what to do. The moon overhead seemed to illuminate us like a spotlight, and now that I could see Brandon far better, I drank in the sight of him.

He glanced toward the main road and appeared satisfied that we were sufficiently hidden from view, for when he turned toward me again, a grin played at his lips. I returned his grin before I dared to stroke my cock through my jeans, making it clear just what I wanted.

Brandon closed the distance between us, then moved to stand behind me. I gasped when he took hold of my hips. We were the same height, fitting together perfectly as he pulled me back against him.

I could feel his hot breath on my neck as his hand slipped around and settled between my thighs. Closing my eyes, I released a moan.

“Take it out for me,” he whispered in my ear. His other hand traveled downward to my ass so he could give my left cheek a squeeze.

My hands were shaking from my excitement, but I had my dick out for him in seconds. For a long moment, we were both still while Brandon left me untouched and completely exposed. I let out a needy whimper, hoping to persuade him to touch me.

“You want me to jerk you off, don’t you?” he murmured, and I readily nodded. “Then tell me. I like men who are vocal.” I heard the teasing smile in his voice.

“Please, Daddy, stroke my cock!” I begged. “You’ve got me so worked up, I need to come really bad!” The words I spoke only served to heighten my lust, and they seemed to have the same effect on Brandon, for he spat into his hand, then took hold of my dick.

I groaned at that first touch, at the feel of his skin against mine. It was as if I lost all control, for I began thrusting my hips, sliding my dick through his grasp. I was already close, and I knew it wouldn’t take long at all for me to come this way.

But Brandon released my cock, making me whine in protest. His arm slipped around my waist, and he held me fast. “Patience, Clay,” he said in a low voice. My god, he was determined to control my orgasm now! I realized I wasn’t going to get to come until he decided to grant me that release.

“You want me to tell you how much I loved you sucking my cock?” he whispered in my ear.

“Oh god, yes!” I moaned.

I felt him thrust fiercely against me then, and I released a plaintive cry at that simulated fucking. Then he began stroking me once more. “I loved every second of it,” he confessed to me. “And I loved the way you offered up your mouth, letting me drive my dick into your throat again and again. Never thought I’d want a man to suck me off, but I couldn’t get enough of you, Clay.”

His words, as much as his relentless stroking, brought me right to the edge. My knees began shaking a little, and Brandon clearly felt me trembling, for he laughed at my helpless state. “You’re ready to come hard for Daddy, aren’t you?” he demanded.

“Yes!” I cried. “Yes, I’ll do whatever you want, just let me come, Daddy, please!” My voice was too loud, but I no longer cared.

While still furiously jerking my cock, Brandon cupped a hand over my mouth. “Shh.” His lips were close to my ear. “I’ll let you come, but you have to promise to be quiet.”

I hurriedly nodded as his hand pumped away at my dick. His breathing quickened as well, and I understood how much he enjoyed controlling me. Unable to speak while his hand covered my mouth, I moaned and shook, sweating in the warm night air. At that moment, my entire world consisted of the need to orgasm.

“Come for Daddy!” Brandon finally urged.

Almost immediately my body obeyed his order, for my muscles grew taut and my hips bucked wildly. I was unable to suppress my moans, but they were muffled by Brandon’s palm, and when the first spurt of cum shot out several feet in front of me, his moan mingled with mine.

Still he continued stroking, determined to drain me dry. I writhed in his embrace, coming hard while more of my semen spattered against the ground. “That’s perfect, Clay!” Brandon praised me. “You really did need to come, didn’t you?”

I could only nod and groan, for he still hadn’t released my cock. If I’d been jerking myself off, I would have stopped then as the sensation became overpowering and my dick grew too sensitive. But Brandon kept going, seeming to know that I had more to give him.

And I did. Oh fuck, another spasm tightened my entire body! As I continued coming, I had to reach behind me and cling to Brandon, not trusting my legs to keep me upright.

Finally I was completely spent, and Brandon released my cock. Then he brought his hand to my lips. “You got a little cum on Daddy,” he murmured. “Lick me clean, baby.” I didn’t hesitate to do as he said, sliding my tongue over his skin so I could lap up my semen. “Very good,” he praised me. I felt him stroke my hair with his other hand, his touch surprisingly gentle. “You okay?”

“I am fucking fantastic!” I responded, still breathing hard. We both laughed quietly, and as I moved to put away my cock, I felt so relaxed that my eyelids grew heavy.

“I’ll drive you home,” Brandon said.

I looked at him in surprise. “It’s just a mile to my house,” I told him. “I can walk.”

“I’m not letting you walk around out here in the dark,” he replied, his tone leaving no room for argument. “Now let’s go.”

I immediately obeyed, for Brandon now had that kind of power over me. Soon after we left the dirt road, he reached my house but stopped a short distance from my driveway. My parents were usually in bed by this time, but if one of them happened to still be up, we didn’t want them looking out the window and wondering what the hell I was doing in Brandon’s car.

Turning toward Brandon, I struggled with my fierce desire to touch him. “Thanks for tonight,” I said in a low voice. There was so much more I wanted to say, yet I resisted the urge to confess that I was already wild for him, and that I would be thinking of nothing but his cock. Instead, I added halfheartedly, “I hope you and Clara work things out soon.”

As Brandon gazed at me, his expression was tender. “No more meeting up with strangers, Clay,” he said softly. “If you, uh, get the urge to do this again while you’re home, then just… let me know.”

I couldn’t hide my pleased grin. “I appreciate you wanting to keep me safe,” I said. “I know that must be the only reason you’re offering up that gorgeous cock for me to suck again.”

Brandon laughed low and soft. “That’s definitely not the only reason. Every time I see you from now on, I’m going to be reminded that you gave me the best blowjob of my life.”

Leaning toward him, I brushed my lips against his neck, then dared to suckle his earlobe before I whispered, “There’s plenty more where that came from… Daddy.”

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