A gay story: An Ancient Tradition Part 1
A sharp looking nobleman with a short, salt and pepper beard enters the candlelit study. Another distinguished elderman, Æthelwulf, rises to greet him.
“Brax! My old friend. What brings you to my castle this time? More wheat? More wine? Need saved from barbarian raiders, again?” Æthelwulf chuckles. Æthelwulf had a slightly longer beard and robes were slightly looser than Braxatherses’, but they were both about the same age.
“Wulfie! Barely, Plentifully, and Hardly, to answer your questions; but we have more important matters to discuss.” Brax responds.
“Well, what is it? Here, this may help loosen your lips.” Wulf takes out two exquisite crystal goblets and pours them both a very expensive wine. Then they relax on either side of a very ornate wood desk, decorated with scrolls, candles, and some silver jewels.
“Although I seem to recall they’re quite loose already.” Wulf said under his breath.
Brax rolled his eyes at the jab. “Come now Wulfie, this is a serious matter. I found the perfect solution to our little spat in the hinterlands.”
“What spat?” Wulf huffed and smirked. “One season some of our villagers raid yours, the next season yours raid ours, it’s just a little game! It hardly matters. Besides, if they become too idle they turn their wrath and boredom towards us.”
“Yes but the King grows tired of it. We’ve both been passed over for higher ranks in the court because he views our little ‘spat’ as a distraction and if we can’t control our houses then he will see us both as weak.” Brax said.
Wulf slumped in his chair and sighed.
“So that brings us to Alexerses and Æthelcole.” Brax said.
“Our sons? What have they got to do with this?” Wulf quizzed.
“Well they are both about marrying age, and people are starting to whisper. And to put a stop to that, the union of our houses would bring peace to the valley. It make us both look strong to the court, and if they inherit both of our lands after we pass..” They both paused and looked grim at the thought of their own passing, but he continued, “They would surely be strong enough to rule as King and King.” Brax finished.
Wulf looked stunned, not even knowing where to begin. “My Cole hasn’t shown any such inclinations, and besides the law says..”
Brax cut him off. “My scribes have read the law thoroughly, and it only says Cópenere and Belufenere, or Lover and Beloved. It says nothing about man and woman. Besides, there are well known whispers about Cole staring longingly at the blacksmith, and perhaps the smith has pounded more than his iron if you catch my drift.”
Wulf nearly spit out his wine. “Cole would do no such thing!! Besides, one of my farmers said he saw Alex sneaking off with some of his carrots, and later found a broken pile of them next to his bed. Maybe Alex was hungry, but not in the usual end.” Wulf retorted.
Brax was starting to get defensive. “Ok Ok, we’ve both heard some rumours. So let’s not pretend that either is some sort of lass-slaying knight. So, they both satisfy their… predilections, with one another, and our lines will both rule the kingdom. So it’s really just a matter of which one will be the Cópenere.”
“Well, obviously, my Cole would be, he’s older.. And.. taller!” Wulf badgered.
“Yes, and a better horserider, so he would be a better Belufenere. And Alex is a better archer, and jouster, so clearly he is meant to be the Cópenere.” Brax argued. “And if he’s anything like his father, more… ‘equipped’ for the role.”
“Nonsense, all of these things are meaningless. There’s no telling what pleasure they seek in their chambers from these rumours. But now we have rambled on long enough and I’m growing weary, your Alex will be the Belufenere and I’ll give you 400 pounds of silver as the dowry. However if Alex fails to uphold his end of the bargain, we’ll demand 800 pounds of silver for the embarrassment.” Wulf pushed.
Brax sighed, 400 pounds of silver would double his entire wealth. “Done. But there is one more thing my scribes told me, for the union to be legal in the eyes of the court, they have to consummate an Ærung, or unaided emission, on their wedding night, to prove the Belufenere is a virgin.”
Wulf shook his head and couldn’t believe what his friend had talked him into. He had no idea how Cole would react to the news that he had been betrothed to another prince. The two men debated long into the night about their plan as the wine emptied and the candles dimmed.
Part 2
The next day, Wulf entered Cole’s chambers to tell him the news.
Cole’s chambers were high in the castle, with an open window facing outwards where he could see mountains and valleys on the horizon. He had an enormous draped bed with silk sheets. Across the smooth, lightly colored stone floor was strewn various princeling undergarments, and his ceremonial armor stood propped in the corner. In the middle was a steaming hot bath that his servants filled for him whenever he wanted, which was this morning.
Cole was muscular, broad shouldered, and in his late twenties. He had ear-length black hair that he kept shaggy, and usually kept a light, black scruff around his jaw. He had well defined arms and fuzzy abs from his days practicing sword fighting. Cole was sitting in the bath while he was rubbing oils over his tanned skin.
“Father! My old man. Lovely morning isn’t it? How about some pheasant hunting after breakfast, what do you say?” Cole said with a deep, resonating voice.
“No now son, you can’t just recreate every day. You’re a prince, and we have some princely duties for you. Braxatherses and I have agreed to betroth you to his son, and you two are to unite our houses and prepare for one day ruling as kings.” Wulf winced as he prepared for Cole to lash out at his entire life being decided for him.
“Oh.. Alex? Oh yeah he has a pretty juicy ass and DSL’s. Yeah, I can deal with that. Thanks dad.” Cole said.
Wulf looked like Cole was speaking a foreign language. “Juzeraze? Deasuls? What… Anyways, I guess you’re not upset, so that’s good, because the wedding is in a fortnight. And just one other thing, you have to consummate the union in the eyes of the law in something called an ærung, which means he has to emit his essence free of aid. Or so the loremasters say.”
“Oh I gotta make that bussy squirt handsfree? That shouldn’t be too hard. I’ve done that bef..” Wulf squinted his eyes. “I mean I’ve heard tales of such things from yore, it shouldn’t be too difficult to uphold your legacy, father.” Cole fixed.
“I can hardly understand the way the youth of today talks. I should have never sent you to study in Gaul.” Wulf said. “But anyways, prepare for your wedding and don’t embarrass me in front of the other noblemen.”
Part 3
After a beautiful wedding ceremony in the most exquisite cathedral in the land, and officiated by the highest clergyman in the kingdom, the two handsome princes were wed. Afterwards, the elders led them both in different directions to prepare for their consummation. Alex, the Beloved, was led away and had his crack and ring shaved to be more smoothly inseminated. Then they put him in a silk loincloth while attendants rubbed his pits and ass with wildflowers.
Cole, the Lover, was led away and put in a codpiece and blindfolded. After some time, the servants led Cole to the royal bedding chambers, where Alex was waiting in the middle with rose petals all over the sheets. The air of the bedchamber was hot and lightly smoky, as a sage was burning some ceremonial incense. A male servant was rubbing Alex’s hole with exotic scented oils to prepare for his deflowering. A council of elders, around 12 of them, were watching, to bear witness that the union was authentic and legal. They included some priests, lords, and high ranking dowagers, and their fathers, lords Wulf and Brax.
They led Cole to the foot of the bed, and removed his codpiece, and the prince’s cock flopped out, half hard. One of the old countesses made an “oooh!” expression but tried to stifle her surprise. He had very heavy nuts covered in black fuzz. They kept his blindfold on. The male servants massaged his heavy cock and balls with oils, causing Cole to groan and breath heavily.
The clergyman said, “And now, we unite the houses of Alexerses and Æthelcole in this holy union. The Groom may now enter The Groom.”
Cole’s cock was now throbbing from the oil stroking and the servants removed his blindfold. He saw Alex laying on his back with his knees pulled up to his chest, as the servants tugged away the silk loincloth covering his ass, and put the last of the oil on his hole. Alex did have a half-hard cock flopped to the side, and a light blonde treasure trail from his cock to his abs. Then he looked up and saw Alex’s blushed face propped up on a pillow, with his golden curly locks falling to his eyebrows. They had also decorated him with some fine golden necklaces which matched his golden curls very well. Alex gave Cole a vulnerable little smile.
Cole wasted no time in crawling onto the bed and kneeling with his oily cock pointed at Alex’ pink, wet hole. He placed the head on the hole and Alex whimpered, “Go slow, I’ve never known the touch of a man before.” “Uh-huh” Cole replied, unconvinced.
Apparently Cole’s and Alex’s definition of slow was different, as Cole began sliding in after only a few seconds, past the ridge of the dick head, and stretching Alex’s ring around his shaft. Alex moaned surprisedly, “Ooohhh my fucking god, oh fuck that feels so good. Of fuck that’s deep. Holy.. fuck! Oh shit. Stretch my tight little prince pussy my King!”
One dowager raised her eyebrows and whispered to someone next to her, “And they say he’s a virgin… right?” “So they say…” someone replied.
Cole enjoyed the sight of his manhood disappearing into Alex’s ass, rutting him out and making him groan gutterally. He was in total control of Alex’s pleasure. He began pulling out and sliding in a little more powerfully, and his big nuts began slapping Alex’s ass with a wet smacking sound. Sometimes Cole pulled out all the way and it took a second for Alex’s hole to close around the gap, and the elders could see his frothy, wet flower winking opened and closed. There was nothing Alex could do besides look up at Cole with wimpy, puppy dog eyes and hope he had enough strength to go where Cole took him. He also had to focus hard on trying to cum handsfree as everyone expected him.
After a few minutes, Cole switched positions and pulled out, and kneeled up to Alex’s face, and forced his prince cock into Alex’s thick lips. Cole got insanely horny to see the supple, blonde younger prince forced into choking dick like a little bitch. However Cole was still attentive to Alex’s hole and massaged two fingers into his ass while he fucked his face a bit for variety. He could feel Alex’s muffled moans vibrating his dick while Alex’s oily hole clamped up and down on his fingers.
He then swapped back and started sliding into Alex’s hole again. He inserted gently, and then fucked slowly, and then roughly again, but by now it had been quite some time. The elders that were circled around watching the spectacle were giving eachother wide-eyed and anxious looks, few had ever seen such wild fornicating in their time. Brax and Wulf were growing particularly anxious that Alex hadn’t squirted handsfree yet, solidifying the union. Cole gave Alex an incredulous look and nodded while raising his eyebrows as if to say, “Ok, hurry up, get on with it!”
Brax leaned in to whisper into Alex’s ear, which was shaking around on the pillow as Cole was still ramming him. “My son… you have to finish the ærung as is written, you have no idea how much it would ruin our house if you should fail!”
Alex whimpered, “Da..aa..aaaad..” his voice trembling with Alex’s thrusts. “I’m trying, and your pressure isn’t helping!”
Brax and Wulf started arguing heatedly with their arms flailing about wildly for emphasis. Just then they heard, “Oohh fuck.. Oh fuck.. I’m cumming.. Oh ffffffff” and stopped arguing to see Cole throw his head back and bellow into the bedchambers, as his prince cock started spurting his royal seed all over Alex’s lush, oily hole. He then inserted again, pushing some cum along with it, so the final few spurts would go inside.
Although Alex’s cock had leaked a tiny bit during his seeding, he hadn’t cum. The council of elders looked around stunned until finally one the oldest scribes with a long, pointy beard said, “So.. I guess, there is no unaided emission… that this union is not legally binding?” He almost seemed to confuse himself. This caused the other elders and lords to start arguing heatedly with one another. Furious, Brax yanked his son off Cole’s cock with a “phhloopt!” sound and dragged him into the antechamber to berate him. Cole gave a little smile and a shrug as if to say, “Welp, I tried!”
Wulf angrily demanded to see the scroll where the law was written, and the eldest scribe pulled it out of his robe and unfurled it.
After a lot of yelling and throwing things, Brax and Alex walked back out, with Alex back in his silk loincloth looking rather sheepish. Cole was standing next to the scribe and his father, with his wet but softened cock still out, shoulders back, in a confident posture with his hands on his hips, occasionally pointing at different sections of the scroll. Wulf looked up and said, “I found something that could save us from this mess. The law says the consummation has to be legal ‘In The Eyes of the King’ not ‘The Eyes of the Law’! So legally you two disappointments have one more chance to prove yourselves, we have to go to the capital and consummate in front of the King!
Part 4
The Capital
A bored looking servant announced to the throne room, “And now my liege, we have a matter of a contended royal consummation.”
“Ugh how boring. Rule in favor of the prince so I can take a nap.” King Maximillius said.
“But my liege, they are both princes.” the attendant whispered.
“Oh? Two princes! Now that is an ass of a different sass. Send them in!” the King demanded.
Brax and Wulf elbowed their sons to step forward before the throne. They meekly shuffled forward, with even Cole looking shy for once.
“Well, they both look healthy and breedable. So young princes, explain yourself, did you make out beforehand, wasn’t there any foreplay? You, did you dive on his muff and tongue his strawberry? And you..” The King pointed at Alex. “Did you slobber on his balls for a little bit? Suck on his nuts and give thanks for the seed you were about to receive? Did you tease and edge him like you should have before giving him your flower?”
How did he know I was the Beloved? Alex wondered to himself.
Cole finally worked up the courage and cleared his throat. “Well my King, I was…”
The King cut him off. “Silence! Your words mean nothing, a demonstration is in order. Bring out my royal fuck table!”
Alex and Cole looked at eachother with surprise and fear. Some male concubines, shirtless, and in skimpy silk shorts wheeled out some large wooden contraption that was draped in ornate cloth.
“Come now, we will find out who is at fault. Beloved, little princeling, get up on here and show the audience your royal flower.” Alex was stunned at what Max said, but dared not protest. He climbed onto the table and laid on his back. His tugged up his traveling shorts up so they were on his thighs. He heard soft murmuring in the throne room which made him nervous. What? What do they see? He wondered.
The King confidently strutted up and inspected. He wet his fingers with his mouth and started massaging the prince’s ass. “OOohhhh…” Alex moaned. The king twisted and prodded expertly, causing Alex to get rock hard. His cock was pointing and throbbing straight up for all of the throne room to see.
“Yes, This princeling passed the test, he is certainly eager to take his betrothed’s seed. I find no fault with the beloved. Now we will test the lover.” King Max said.
Alex shimmied up his undershorts and got off the table. Cole started to walk up, expecting his turn. “You approach the King without prompting! You could lose your head for that prince. But maybe with that confidence you really are cut out to be the Lover here. So, prove your worth by… fucking my best Knight!” Max bellowed.
Cole looked stunned. Both Max and Cole waited for the ‘Best Knight’ to step forward but none did. Finally the King looked annoyed and rolled his eyes. “That’s you…” He pointed to a well-decorated guard, who showed no emotion but nodded and approached the royal fucking table. Dutifully, he undid his lower armor, and his leather layer underneath, and then finally opened up his lacy bottom layer, and then knelt on all fours on the table. Cole climbed up on the table, and kneeling behind the knight’s ass, took out a traveling vial of ointment. The king looked impressed that he was prepared. Cole undid his codpiece and his cock flopped out, and he drizzled some ointment over it. Finally he aimed at the knight’s hole and slowly eased in. The knight looked neither in pain nor pleasure, but as if he was doing his duty. Cole started easing in and out, occasionally his low hanging balls started tapping into the knight’s balls. Cole reached up and put his hand on the knight’s shoulder to get more leverage, and rammed a little harder. The knight started whimpering and put his hand up to put over Cole’s hand, and his face looked a little pouty and he was biting his lip. The audience was mesmerized.
“Enough!! Pull out this instant!” The King demanded.
Cole slowed his pace and had trouble responding as he was so caught up in the heat. But he eventually pulled out, leaving the knight’s hole quivering. The knight tried to hide his disappointment.
“You got even my most loyal knight to crack, so surely the fault is not with you, either, Cópenere.” he said.
“So I guess we must see the two together to solve this riddle. Princes, consummate before your King.” Max said.
The knight tugged up his undergarments and armor and Alex went back up to the table. Cole was still there, kneeling, and panting. He dabbed some more ointment on his cock head.
Alex climbed up again, and lifted his knees up to his chest and the two gave each other an awkward smile. “I know you can do it baby. I believe in you. Should we give them a good show?” Cole said to his future co-King. Alex nodded longingly.
The two started breeding again, both worked up from their previous demonstrations. The King strutted around them looking at every detail to see where the problem could lie.
Finally as the King leaned in very close to Alex’s cock, which was flopping all around in the air from Cole’s ramming, started spurting uncontrollably, and handsfree, splattering all over the King’s face and beard, while Alex’s groans filled the throne room like an animal.
The court looked at each other in stunned horror, expecting an outburst or maybe even a beheading. Instead, after a second, the King started laughing and the bellows shook the room. “ærung! æthelærung! Yes, they did it! They really are meant to be together!” The king shouted.
Everyone looked relieved, Brax and Wulf especially. Cole stopped fucking, but with his cock still inside him, leaned forward and kissed Alex on the lips. “I knew you could do it, my prince.” Cole whispered lovingly.
The King’s male concubines started dabbing and licking the cum off the King’s beard, while he reached into their silk shorts and started fingering them.
The court, seeing the King lose all sense of decorum, and quite turned on by the demonstrations, started playing amongst themselves. Brax and Wulf started discussing the future of their kingdoms while kissing occasionally, their beards bristling against one another’s. “Well, your brilliant idea paid off Brax..” Wulf said, and reached into Brax’s robes to start stroking his meat. “Oh!” Brax chirped. “This brings me back. I guess we can discuss that silver payment later.”
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Alex and Cole continued making love in the throne room. The audience learned several new fuck positions that day which quickly caught on and grew in popularity. The two did eventually rule as King and King. They abolished the tradition of cumming handsfree as a requirement of the law, which they said was barbaric and backwards. But they did found a new holiday to honor their consummation day, where new couples were encouraged to breed in public. Cumming handsfree was still considered a good omen, and getting splashed with the virgin’s cum was said to bring one year of good luck. Prominent couples sometimes fucked in front of kings, where they would either advise, or sometimes, join in.
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