The Bachelor Weekend Deal Pt. 02

A gay story: The Bachelor Weekend Deal Pt. 02 It had been nearly dawn when we finally parted ways to our own rooms in the beachhouse, and I fell face first on my bed after unbuckling and tossing aside that damn harness. The skin under my arms tingled as the pressure released, and the relief … Read more

An Ancient Tradition

A gay story: An Ancient Tradition Part 1 A sharp looking nobleman with a short, salt and pepper beard enters the candlelit study. Another distinguished elderman, Æthelwulf, rises to greet him. “Brax! My old friend. What brings you to my castle this time? More wheat? More wine? Need saved from barbarian raiders, again?” Æthelwulf chuckles. … Read more

Maurice Mario and Me

A gay story: Maurice, Mario and Me Maurice was lost, when he woke up the next day in the motel room. He held the rumpled and used blankets up to his nose and inhaled deeply. There was a slight scent hidden beneath the smell of sex and sweat, but he didn’t know if it was … Read more

Lust at the Lake Ch. 02

A gay sex stories: Lust at the Lake Ch. 02 The two men stepped up on the porch, and looked at Rob and I with knowing grins. He was sitting there naked after all, and I was curled up beside him in a hot pink jockstrap. One of them was really beefy, with massive arms … Read more